All Sermons: Practical Life
Maximize life! God knows best how to live it. Here are answers to everything from cremation to financial success, from tattoos to virginity, from swearing to marital sex, from job promotions to charity, and much more. As a Christian, God created you and bought you, so you are twice His. You owe Him everything. He jealously demands your affection and resents any flirting with the world. Most today love pleasure more than holiness, but the Bible teaches holiness that brings lasting pleasures of all kinds, both here and in heaven.
3/19/2025 PMTruth Rules of Jesus Slides
How do you hear preaching? Jesus warned you better be careful, for God will bless the obedient with more truth, and He will take away whatever the slothful think they have. Truth is not a right; it is a privilege. And if you take truth lightly, it will be taken from you. Here are some serious warnings.
3/16/2025 PMPath of Truth #2
Intro #2 (Prov 21:16): Our God of truth left a path of truth for man, but he chose Satan’s lies to corrupt the race, unless changed by grace and corrected by teachers. Each soul must choose truth or lies, in the perpetual, violent war of wicked against righteous, lovers of lies against lovers of truth.
3/16/2025 AMPath of Truth #1
Intro #1 (Prov 21:16): Our God of truth left a path of truth for man, but he chose Satan’s lies to corrupt the race, unless changed by grace and corrected by teachers. Each soul must choose truth or lies, in the perpetual, violent war of wicked against righteous, lovers of lies against lovers of truth.
3/9/2025 AMLengthen Your Tranquility
Daniel 4 and Nebuchadnezzar - a quiet, peaceful, prosperous life is a great blessing. Such a life requires righteous living and showing mercy . Daniel warned the king his tranquility would end unless he changed his lifestyle. He did not; God turned him into an animal; he repented to recover tranquility.
2/5/2025 PMLife and Reign of King Asa Slides
King Asa, the fourth from David, began his reign well with a powerful revival. God then gave him victory over the largest army in the Bible, and he then furthered his revival even more. But he then failed two tests at the end of his life, which is a warning to us to finish our lives better.
1/19/2025 PMSins to Hate from N.T. (5)
Most use the Great Commission for initial preaching of the gospel before baptism. But Jesus charged His apostles after baptism to teach those converts all He had commanded them. We find these inspired orders from Jesus for our lives in the apostles' epistles. Let us find them, list them, and obey them.
1/12/2025 PMSins to Hate from N.T. (4)
Most use the Great Commission for initial preaching of the gospel before baptism. But Jesus charged His apostles after baptism to teach those converts all He had commanded them. We find these inspired orders from Jesus for our lives in the apostles' epistles. Let us find them, list them, and obey them.
12/29/2024 PMLive Life One Day at a Time (2)
God created the 24-hour day for you. Value each one (Ps 90:12). He also put the night before the day. Flush yesterday; if sins are confessed, they are gone. Ignore tomorrow, for only God knows it, and He wants you to trust Him. Live one day at a time with the night as preparation, not merely recovery.
12/29/2024 AMLive Life One Day at a Time (1)
God created the 24-hour day for you. Value each one (Ps 90:12). He also put the night before the day. Flush yesterday; if sins are confessed, they are gone. Ignore tomorrow, for only God knows it, and He wants you to trust Him. Live one day at a time with the night as preparation, not merely recovery.
12/22/2024 PMSins to Hate from N.T. (3)
Most use the Great Commission for initial preaching of the gospel before baptism. But Jesus charged His apostles after baptism to teach those converts all He had commanded them. We find these inspired orders from Jesus for our lives in the apostles' epistles. Let us find them, list them, and obey them.
12/15/2024 PMOccupy! and Report Card
Jesus charged His disciples to work hard for His kingdom before He returns from heaven. This is the parable of the pounds, much like the talents, both money and returns. God has invested His grace. What is your return? We quickly review the parable, and then use a simple report card for self-examination.
12/8/2024 PMSins to Hate from N.T. (2)
Most use the Great Commission for initial preaching of the gospel before baptism. But Jesus charged His apostles after baptism to teach those converts all He had commanded them. We find these inspired orders from Jesus for our lives in the apostles' epistles. Let us find them, list them, and obey them.
12/4/2024 PMARS for Youth and Adults Slides
A simple acronym is a tool to remind youth and adults of three important parts of life - authority, relationships, sex. The world and the flesh fights against God and godliness in these areas. The sons of God must be different. Use the acronym to remind you to carefulness in each of the three areas.
11/10/2024 PMSins to Hate from N.T. (1)
Reading the N.T. epistles helps us see what the apostles feared in the early churches. If the apostolic churches had temptations to sin that justified warnings in their inspired writings, then we should pay those sins special attention, for our risk must be greater due to the greater power they had.
10/27/2024 PMGreat Church Members Slides
A local church will only be as great as its members, for a church is but a group of believers committed together. Most Christians merely attend services. In addition to what makes a great church (preached previously), learn the duties of great church members to excel at them.
10/6/2024 AMPrayer of Colossians 1:9-17 Slides
Paul's inspired prayer is nine verses in one sentence, which is easily divided into three sections - petitions, thanksgiving, glory of Jesus Christ. This prayer is much higher than most Christians pray, and it is a good measure of your spiritual health. Learn to pray better and think higher by this sermon.
10/2/2024 PMThe Sin of Listening Slides
Your ears can lead you into sin like your eyes (lust) or mouth (evil speaking). Never before has there been a constant supply of audio inputs to corrupt Christians by what they hear. You are responsible before God to guard your ears, reject anything not true, and correct those speaking errors.
9/18/2024 PMThink on These Things Slides
How are Christians supposed to think?
9/4/2024 AMGreatness… By a Great Cause Slides
A Great Cause. How could a young man run to meet a giant and win? By a desire to defend his God and stand for truth against those close to him no matter the cost. The story of David and Goliath gives us a great example of how someone can be exceptional when they are motivated by a great cause. Jesus Christ is the greatest cause and deserves our greatest efforts.
9/1/2024 PMHow to Defeat Worry
David had many afflictions, but God saved him from them all. While hiding from Saul among the Philistines early in his life, he was sorely tried by terrible circumstances. Even his friends wanted to stone him. But David encouraged himself in the Lord his God. Learn how to overcome fear and worry.
9/1/2024 AMBeware: Perilous Times
What is the greatest danger for Christians and churches? Is this the most important prophecy for them? Paul warned of a time when Christians and churches would be carnal, compromising, effeminate, and worldly. Do you know this warning? Do you see the danger? The Bible is your safety.
8/25/2024 AMRemembered for Good
Nehemiah greatly desired Jerusalem and the temple to be rebuilt after the Jews returned from Babylon. In chapter 13, he fixed five problems of these wayward people. As he turned them from their sins back to God, he prayed, Remember me, O my God, for good. Will God remember you for serving Him?
8/19/2024 AMVoting Wisely – Outline
With America's election of a president in 2008 as the example, here are various ways to consider a political situation wisely and to vote prudently. Since Christians are bound to godly character and conduct themselves, they think they must vote the same way, but that will backfire in a two-party system.
8/18/2024 PMChristian and Politics #10
Continuation of an extensive survey of the Bible's teaching of how the children of God should relate to civil government. The Bible says and shows a great deal of doctrine and duties relating to rulers. This study collects around 100 such rules for knowing God's will in this important part of modern life.
8/18/2024 AMChristian and Politics #9
Continuation of an extensive survey of the Bible's teaching of how the children of God should relate to civil government. The Bible says and shows a great deal of doctrine and duties relating to rulers. This study collects around 100 such rules for knowing God's will in this important part of modern life.
8/11/2024 PMChristian and Politics #8
Continuation of an extensive survey of the Bible's teaching of how the children of God should relate to civil government. The Bible says and shows a great deal of doctrine and duties relating to rulers. This study collects around 100 such rules for knowing God's will in this important part of modern life.
8/11/2024 AMChristian and Politics #7
Continuation of an extensive survey of the Bible's teaching of how the children of God should relate to civil government. The Bible says and shows a great deal of doctrine and duties relating to rulers. This study collects around 100 such rules for knowing God's will in this important part of modern life.
8/4/2024 PMChristian and Politics #6
Continuation of an extensive survey of the Bible's teaching of how the children of God should relate to civil government. The Bible says and shows a great deal of doctrine and duties relating to rulers. This study collects around 100 such rules for knowing God's will in this important part of modern life.
8/4/2024 AMChristian and Politics #5
Continuation of an extensive survey of the Bible's teaching of how the children of God should relate to civil government. The Bible says and shows a great deal of doctrine and duties relating to rulers. This study collects around 100 such rules for knowing God's will in this important part of modern life.
7/28/2024 PMChristian & Politics #4
Continuation of an extensive survey of the Bible's teaching of how the children of God should relate to civil government. The Bible says and shows a great deal of doctrine and duties relating to rulers. This study collects around 100 such rules for knowing God's will in this important part of modern life.
7/28/2024 AMChristian & Politics #3
Continuation of an extensive survey of the Bible's teaching of how the children of God should relate to civil government. The Bible says and shows a great deal of doctrine and duties relating to rulers. This study collects around 100 such rules for knowing God's will in this important part of modern life.
7/21/2024 PMChristian & Politics #2
Continuation of an extensive survey of the Bible's teaching of how the children of God should relate to civil government. The Bible says and shows a great deal of doctrine and duties relating to rulers. This study collects around 100 such rules for knowing God's will in this important part of modern life.
7/21/2024 AMChristian & Politics #1
Introduction to an extensive survey of the Bible's teaching of how the children of God should relate to civil government. The Bible says and shows a great deal of doctrine and duties relating to rulers. This study collects around 100 such rules for knowing God's will in this important part of modern life.
4/17/2024 PMSeven Short Lessons Slides
Only 23 minutes in total, but seven short Bible lessons ... best verses against Christmas ... "He is Lord of all" ... God overruled Nebuchadnezzar's witchcraft to direct his army ... what is "holy flesh"? ... "bruit" = news report ... reins = kidneys ... What is a Christian? and are you one?
3/3/2024 PMGlory Only in the Cross
Galatians 6:14 is a precious and special verse summarizing our faith. Very different than Jewish legalists Paul opposed, his glory was only in Jesus Christ's death. There are three crucifixions in the verse, and all three are important. If you are not crucified to the world, Jesus' death must not mean much.
2/28/2024 PMJosiah The King Slides
An overview of the life of Josiah for traits to motivate men to greatness. This king started young to get the attention of young men, and God declared him the greatest revivalist of any king recorded in the Bible.
2/18/2024 PMChoices Two (2)
God's choices are all perfect for your good - if you respond properly. He deserves your greatest praise, thanksgiving, and trust. He managed the choices of others pertaining to you. Thank others for good choices; forgive them their poor choices. Your choices will bring reward or punishment. Learn wisdom.
2/18/2024 AMDogmatic Simplicity (2)
Absolute truth exists, no matter denials. God wrote absolute truth in the Bible. We do not fear being wrong - we pray for further light to gladly acccept redirection. We hate error; we name names. We keep truth simple like the Bible does. Intelligence and education are handicaps to truth, not helpers to it.
2/11/2024 PMChoices Two (1)
What you are today is the result of infinite choices made by God, others, and you. Can you trust the God of choices and learn to make choices that please Him? He uses our choices in many ways, and you can rejoice in what He done with others' choices and your own choices. Trust Him. Praise Him.
2/11/2024 AMDogmatic Simplicity (1)
Dogma = Doctrine, and Dogmatic = intense conviction about truth that will not tolerate differences. Though man chose lies in Eden, God revealed truth in the Bible. He expects us to hold it loyally and never compromise with anyone for any variation. Absolute truth is real and to be vigorously defended.
1/22/2024 AMShould Christians Tithe?
Is tithing a Christian duty? Indeed it is, and more so; current dissenting opinions about tithing lack biblical foundation. Although the New Testament does not explicitly mandate tithing, it does enjoin believers to give. Furthermore, like other practices, the details can be found within the Old Testament.
1/21/2024 AMQualifications to Understand the Bible
In order to rightly understand the Bible, we must first meet certain spiritual conditions that ensure we receive God's blessing and favor. The Bible is a spiritual book and must be spiritually understood; do not attempt to apply Bible rules of interpretation without first meeting these spiritual qualifications.
1/14/2024 AMGlory to Glory (4)
In 2024 our goal is to be more like Jesus Christ as Paul told Corinth - to advance by increments from glory to glory to be living epistles of Jesus and His Spirit read by all men (II Cor 3:1-3,18). Not exhaustive at all, here are the next six of 44 traits to give you things to work on during the new year.
1/7/2024 AMGlory to Glory (3)
In 2024 our goal is to be more like Jesus Christ as Paul told Corinth - to advance by increments from glory to glory to be living epistles of Jesus and His Spirit read by all men (II Cor 3:1-3,18). Not exhaustive at all, here are the next seven of 44 traits to give you things to work on during the new year.
12/24/2023 PMGlory to Glory (2)
In 2024 our goal is to be more like Jesus Christ as Paul told Corinth - to advance by increments from glory to glory to be living epistles of Jesus and His Spirit read by all men (II Cor 3:1-3,18). Not exhaustive at all, here are the next eleven of 44 traits to give you things to work on during the new year.
12/24/2023 AMGlory to Glory (1)
In 2024 our goal is to be more like Jesus Christ as Paul told Corinth - to advance by increments from glory to glory to be living epistles of Jesus and His Spirit read by all men (II Cor 3:1-3,18). Not exhaustive at all, here are the first six of 44 traits to give you something to work on during the new year.
12/17/2023 PMMarital Compromise: Good and Bad (4)
God commands wives to submit to their husbands in every thing, which requires very much compromise - sacrifice and surrender of her will to the will of her husband. And God commands husbands to live with their wives by knowledge, which requires honor for her weakness and equal spiritual status.
12/17/2023 AMMarital Compromise: Good and Bad (3)
God commands wives to submit to their husbands in every thing, which requires very much compromise - sacrifice and surrender of her will to the will of her husband. And God commands husbands to live with their wives by knowledge, which requires honor for her weakness and equal spiritual status.
12/10/2023 PMMarital Compromise: Good and Bad (2)
God commands wives to submit to their husbands in every thing, which requires very much compromise - sacrifice and surrender of her will to the will of her husband. And God commands husbands to live with their wives by knowledge, which requires honor for her weakness and equal spiritual status.
12/10/2023 AMMarital Compromise: Good and Bad (1)
Though not a Bible word, compromise is shown and taught there. God compromises with us by His longsuffering, mercy, etc. He teaches it by precept and example. We all compromise daily for society to function, but we want to get much better at it, especially in marriage for ultimate peace and pleasure.
11/19/2023 PMAngelic Ladders for Thanksgiving Slides
Jacob's dream explained and applied for the comfort of God's children. Angels are greatly misunderstood by many, but their many roles are great in God's government of the universe. For Thanksgiving week in America, you should consider the ladder you have had and the help and strength God has sent.
9/20/2023 AMChristians on the Job Slides
A Bible study of how God calls us to work on the job and how wrong labor unions are in their seditious strikes against owners.
9/17/2023 AMSermon on the Mount Lessons (11)
Matthew 7:6 is a lesson from most ignore, for they reject Jesus' criticism of fools and scorners, which He called dogs and pigs. Such men do not deserve truth, and Jesus taught us to protect the truth from them and to protect ourselves from their violent tendencies against anyone correcting them.
8/13/2023 AMSermon on the Mount Lessons (8)
Memorize the five parts of prayer. Forgive everyone; flush all offences. Fast modestly - not like Catholics, who make a public show during Lent to defy Jesus. Make investments in heaven, not on earth. Do everything as to the Lord. Set your heart on Him. You will never be disappointed. You will be thrilled.
8/6/2023 AMSermon on the Mount Lessons (6)
God loved Israel by speaking to them by the prophets, but He has spoken to us by His Son. The Sermon on the Mount is written proof. Modest giving and praying is crucial to please God by the rules of Jesus. Lessons include rules for rewards, God seeing all good deeds, and Jesus' extreme wording.
7/30/2023 PMSermon on the Mount Lessons (5)
Are you careful with your speech to avoid foolish or filthy expletives or euphemisms? Listen and learn how corrupt and depraved speech can be. Hate revenge. Let small offences slide. God will take care of you. Love enemies to be perfect like God and to prove your adoption as a son of God.
7/30/2023 AMSermon on the Mount Lessons (4)
Being a light in the world includes kindness to adorn and beautify duty and godliness. After our relationships, Jesus warned about fantasies and sexual temptations; then He taught to limit swearing, which the Jews abused often. His lessons keep coming to lead us to abundant living and eternal life.
7/26/2023 PMDavid’s Mighty Men Slides
The divine library (Bible) has it all, even unmatched special forces that fought for David. These elite men and their ranks are recorded. Even Philistines loved David. God called men to be soldiers against several enemies, and the Bible details are encouraging for boys and men to consider.
7/23/2023 PMSermon on the Mount Lessons (3)
The width and depth of this Sermon has no peer. God gave our Lord great wisdom to declare God's will for us (5:14-28). A few verses at a time, Jesus taught lessons of righteousness we should crave to learn and apply each day. This is the straight gate and narrow way that leads to life for only a few.
7/23/2023 AMSermon on the Mount Lessons (2)
Here is a review of the Sermon in general, a review of the first seven beatitudes, and then the application of the other beatitudes and the Lord's lessons through 5:13. If you want greater fellowship with God and His Son, then learn and live these lessons, for they will bless you now and save you later.
7/16/2023 AMSermon on the Mount Lessons (1)
God sent His Son to earth, and He preached the greatest sermon recorded in the Bible. This is a very simple application of Jesus doctrine that we should follow for proof of eternal life and to please God now. There are 21 lessons in our Lord's Sermon, but many mini-lessons within the large one.
7/9/2023 PMVictorious Christian Living (23)
There are ten rules of winners to close out this sermon series. Great Christians, similar to world-class athletes, have certain traits that give them an advantage over others. It is your wisdom to consider these rules, embrace them as being valuable, and then apply them in your daily approach to life.
7/9/2023 AMVictorious Christian Living (22)
How can we lose VCL? Allow funks or moods to destroy fruitbearing. Allow bitterness that gives Satan leverage in your life. Talk folly to yourself instead of talking faith. Allow anxiety, which is opposite of faith, peace, and joy. Accept religious routine and lose passionate first love of being hot for Christ.
6/25/2023 PMVictorious Christian Living (21)
God has not only told us what to do but also how to do it - He wants cheerful givers and happy, joyful Christians. Kings required it of servants; we should be constantly thrilled to serve Him. You cannot neglect nutrition - Bible reading, prayer, preaching, and godly music and friends to grow and bear fruit.
6/25/2023 AMVictorious Christian Living (20)
VCL is by faith, not feelings, so emotions are ruled to follow faith, not lead or control your life. Entertainment today of television, movies, Internet, social media, magazines, etc., must be carefully limited. At all times Jesus Christ must be constantly the main goal, for character without Him is nothing.
6/18/2023 AMVictorious Christian Living (19)
VCL is to be accepted by God now and to hear, Well done, thou good and faithful servant, when we meet him. You can lose VCL by distracting ambitions, indulging in spiritual vacations, aim at nothing, poorly manage time, procrastinate conviction, and lose your first love of God and Jesus Christ.
6/11/2023 PMVictorious Christian Living (18)
We reviewed eight ways VCL can be lost - these were covered in sermons #13-#16. Your life ambition(s) are crucial to success or not - for ambition in other areas, no matter how noble, distract from the war. Paul even warned about marriage, which should cause fear of other distractions.
6/11/2023 AMVictorious Christian Living (17)
Review is necessary after a break of several weeks. Hearing truth is not enough, but hearing, retaining, and obeying. God has promised great blessings to overcomers. The key is daily focus and intentional living to obey and glorify God in everything you do, rather than let life happen and control you.
5/28/2023 PMTwelve Facts for Christians (6)
The world explodes with information, but they are no closer to truth. Beware of the distraction of inputs by electronics in your life. Do not tempt God by questioning Him, provoking Him by presumptuous sins, or taking foolish risks. Prayer changes things and should be a main part of your life.
5/28/2023 AMTwelve Facts for Christians (5)
Because God created you and saved you by a great price, you are not your own - you are His in every part of your life. He demands all your love and then for you to love others He puts in your life. You should never surmise about what God is doing in another's life, for you do not know His infinite will or them.
5/21/2023 PMTwelve Facts for Christians (4)
Safety in life brings everything back to the Bible - all thoughts, ideas, choices, plans, events, etc. It should be taught daily to children. Your ideas can never be better. Period. Success in life before God and men is by fruit, not results, feelings, or words. Fruit is identified in the Bible. Abound in it.
5/21/2023 AMTwelve Facts for Christians (3)
The sin Adam chose in Eden and we choose daily pervades all parts of life, and it should be identified to avoid misjudging things, persons, relationships. God is greater than man and can do what He wants with your life, like He did Job. We should never blame, complain, or even question Him. He is God.
5/14/2023 PMTwelve Facts for Christians (2)
With the golden parachute of guaranteed eternal life, we can manage and profit by the trials and tribulations of uncertain life in this world. Not only has God saved us for eternity, His choices rule our lives here and now with incredible blessings, if we take the time to consider His loving providence.
5/3/2023 PMRighteous Relationships Slides
The second command is to love others. The Bible teaches how all life relationships are to be treated. Here is a chart of the many relationships with God's rules for each. Growing in favor with God and men, the highest goal of life, requires learning and doing the duties of each relationship.
4/19/2023 PMAbove and Beyond Slides
Great lovers of God did more than bare duty worshiping and serving Him. Why would you stop at what is expected or minimum? He did far more than reasonable to adopt us. Let us look for extra ways we can delight in Him and glorify Him like David did planning and paying for Solomon's temple.
4/16/2023 PMVictorious Christian Living (16)
Music is the powerful language of the soul. David played the harp to heal Saul's devil-afflicted soul. You do not have the right to any music. You must glorify God and use music that will lift your spirit toward heaven. Measure all music by its fruit in producers, performers, listeners, and churches using it.
4/16/2023 AMVictorious Christian Living (15)
Recall seven reasons why God left us here. Average Christian is not VCL; most churches are not. How can you lose VCL? You can choose carnal, foolish, worldly friends. Or you can become too dependent on any relationship, so that you will compromise knowingly or not to keep the relationship.
3/26/2023 PMVictorious Christian Living (14)
You lose VCL by choking on circumstances. God arranged each part of your life. Accept it and live above it, not under it. Guard use of alcohol, lest it hurts your efforts and reputation for Christ. Do not let past failures defeat you. The best of men fall, but they rise up to engage again. Triumph today!
3/26/2023 AMVictorious Christian Living (13)
Why did God give the ministry? To help you live victoriously. What is VCL? It is God's best for your life. How can you lose it? Choose to be a loner and lose the necessary benefit of your local church. Or you can rest on your laurels, when you should be running the rest of your race even better and faster.
3/19/2023 PMVictorious Christian Living (12)
Keep going. Let nothing stop or slow you. Perseverance is faithfulness. Reject every weight that might slow you down, even if it is not sin. Moderation balances all aspects of life to maximize fruitfulness. Get zealous, for intensity helps. Habits can help by daily duty. If you fall, repent and get back up.
3/19/2023 AMVictorious Christian Living (11)
VCL requires strategic effort to pray like Hezekiah and Nehemiah - Remember me. It is an earthly engagement, so reject monastic desire for heaven. It is not legal righteousness; it is your personal righteousness by obedience to secure God's approval. Evil will come, but rise above it.
3/12/2023 PMVictorious Christian Living (10)
VCL is more than bare faith - it is delight in God with great fervency and zeal. The world pursues its goals, like sports, with great zeal, and we should have similar zeal for Him and His kingdom. Life is often too busy and chaotic for intentional VCL, so you must slow down and simplify your life to succeed.
3/12/2023 AMVictorious Christian Living (9)
Paul knew he had fought, finished, and kept the faith. So were Job, David, Timothy and several women. Paul taught regeneration provided the power for you to do so. VCL is not ordinary - it is exceptional. It is living with the kingdom as your priority and it is measured by the heart and souls helped.
2/26/2023 AMVictorious Christian Living (7)
To be an overcomer, you should look to the reward like Jesus did. You must guard your inputs vigilantly, you should be the most thankful person, you should pray for it, and you should look to the effect. Remember that your defeated Christian life or a joyful, winning one will affect all those around you.
2/19/2023 PMVictorious Christian Living (6)
To be victorious you must believe that God forgives easily, quickly, and fully. Any ideas to the contrary are sinfully wrong and will defeat and discourage you. Look to Jesus as your example going before, see difficulties as opportunities like Job and Paul did, and get competitive to be the best in God's sight.
2/19/2023 AMVictorious Christian Living (5)
A victorious Christian life is confident living, kingdom building, and intentional living. It is necessary to view each night and day, in that order, with the clear goal to obey Christ fully. Your greatest enemy is yourself, and you must force all feelings to follow faith, no matter how powerful they may seem to be.
2/12/2023 PMVictorious Christian Living (4)
A victorious Christian is a growing one with fruit rather than funks. One of our greatest enemies is bad thinking. Your thoughts are not helpful to serve God better. Too many of them are foolish and sinful. You must hate any funks and not try to excuse them by ruling your thoughts to choose godliness.
2/12/2023 AMVictorious Christian Living (3)
Key facts to remember for victorious living are why God left us here with a sinful flesh in a sinful world. There are seven broad reasons He did so, and they are quite helpful to live intentional lives for God's glory and His approval and rewards. His reasons are also our goals for living right.
2/5/2023 AMVictorious Christian Living (2)
Further identifying marks of a victorious Christian, who grows in grace, knowledge, service, and zeal in Christ's kingdom. They do not allow the sissy fits or funks of many today that are destroyed for hours or days at a time. They quickly repent and resume their duties with God's healing power.
1/29/2023 AMVictorious Christian Living (1)
Introduction with hope and suggestions to run the Christian race like Jesus and Paul. God has done everything needed for our victory, including incredible prizes. But the real reason is to repay the debt of love we owe and realize the life He intended for His children by saving them in the first place.
1/18/2023 PMThreefold Cords Slides
Wisdom from Solomon explaining the value of friendships and the synergy that can be maximized in a group.
12/25/2022 PMKiss the Son (3) Slides
Psalm 2:12 gives the phrase, Kiss the Son, as God by His prophet David warned rulers to humbly submit to Him lest He destroy them. Luke 7:36-50 describes a sinful woman kissing Jesus' feet affectionately. Judas also kissed Him hypocritically. Here are reasons to kiss the Son and how to do it.
12/25/2022 AMKiss the Son (2) Slides
Psalm 2:12 gives the phrase, Kiss the Son, as God by His prophet David warned rulers to humbly submit to Him lest He destroy them. Luke 7:36-50 describes a sinful woman kissing Jesus' feet affectionately. Judas also kissed Him hypocritically. Here are reasons to kiss the Son and how to do it.
12/21/2022 AMKiss the Son (1) Slides
Psalm 2:12 gives the phrase, Kiss the Son, as God by His prophet David warned rulers to humbly submit to Him lest He destroy them. Luke 7:36-50 describes a sinful woman kissing Jesus' feet affectionately. Judas also kissed Him hypocritically. Here are reasons to kiss the Son and how to do it.
12/7/2022 PMWise Decisions Slides
Learn the five F's of making decisions. Only one way works. The other four are terrible. Here is a practical study for your many life choices. Fathers should lead their families to learn the five ways decisions are made. A useful handout is explained and applied and should be retained for future reference.
11/20/2022 PMHonor the King (2) Slides
Sons of God on earth are to obey, pay, pray, and honor civil rulers. Since a well-known pastor wrote his governor an open letter criticizing him, we used the event to review why we do not do such things. We appear strange in rebellious times (2022), because we follow the Bible to reverence the gods.
11/16/2022 PMHonor the King (1) Slides
Sons of God on earth are to obey, pay, pray, and honor civil rulers. Since a well-known pastor wrote his governor an open letter criticizing him, we used the event to review why we do not do such things. We appear strange in rebellious times (2022), because we follow the Bible to reverence the gods.
11/2/2022 PMLove Is the Greatest (#2) Slides
How important is love to God and the Bible? It is the greatest command, first to God and then to neighbors or brothers in Christ. But it is far more than just a duty. Loving one another in Christ's churches is the greatest fruit and trait of Christians in many different ways. Choose to love today as He loved us!
10/26/2022 PMTraits of David – Slides
David the King was the man after God’s own heart. Here is a review of 80 character traits that made him special for us as men to copy and promote.
10/26/2022 AMTraits of David – Table
A table containing 80 Character Traits of David the King
10/19/2022 PMLove is the Greatest #1 Slides
How important is love to God and the Bible? It is the greatest command, first to God and then to neighbors or brothers in Christ. But it is far more than just a duty. Loving one another in Christ's churches is the greatest fruit and trait of Christians in many different ways. Choose to love today as He loved us!
10/5/2022 AMAssurance of Eternal Life #2 Slides
God has never doubted the salvation of any, for He purposed and predestinated each one from eternity. He wants His children to know they have eternal life. He does not want them fearful or worried. Here is the evidence if you are elect and saved or not. Here are answers to fearful Bible verses.
10/2/2022 AMAll Things Are of God
II Cor 5:1-8 confidently details the certainty of immorality and a new glorified body for believers. II Cor 5:18-21 describes how that immortality and glorified body were secured for rebel, sinful enemies by God's gracious imputation and Christ's death on the cross. Be ecstatic, not miserable. God is at peace.
9/28/2022 AMMighty Men of Valor Slides
A men's meeting to challenge men to be mighty men of valor like in the Bible. God expects the sons of God on earth to be highly disciplined and fighting soldiers for the cause and kingdom of His Son Jesus. The lesson builds on an obscure record of king David's huge army coming together.
9/21/2022 PMAssurance of Eternal Life Slides
God has never doubted the salvation of any, for He purposed and predestinated each one from eternity. He wants His children to know they have eternal life. He does not want them fearful or worried. Here is the evidence if you are elect and saved or not. Here are answers to fearful Bible verses.
8/24/2022 PMProverbs Is God’s Gift to His Sons #2 Slides
Every Christian young man should know God his Father loves him and desires his success more than anyone else. He chose a son of David, gifted him with supernatural wisdom, and inspired him to write the book of Proverbs as a manual for perfect living to prosper in blessed favor with God and men.
8/3/2022 PMThe Maccabees Slides
Between Malachi and Matthew there were things happening. A king of a segment of the Greek Empire violently abused the Jews and tried to overthrow the worship of Jehovah. God raised up some men that feared Him and used them to drive this enemy out of Jerusalem and to rededicate His temple.
7/27/2022 PMProverbs Is God’s Gift to His Sons #1 Slides
Every Christian young man should know God his Father loves him and desires his success more than anyone else. He chose a son of David, gifted him with supernatural wisdom, and inspired him to write the book of Proverbs as a manual for perfect living to prosper in blessed favor with God and men.
7/20/2022 PMUse It … But Don’t Abuse It Slides
God put us in this world, and we have to be part of it until He gets us out of here. He allows and encourages His children to use the world, as long as we do not get caught up in its distractions or lies. The Bible has many examples of great men using the world in many different ways for their profit.
7/19/2022 AMLove Not the World – Pyramid Slides
This simple graphic is a little tool to see all that is in the world we must not love. It is too easy to hate the bottom tier and forget our own lives at the top, which Jesus also said for us to hate. The tiers in between are the other things we must keep in their proper place to love God as He expects. The 3-minute video might help you further understand the graphic.
7/6/2022 AMLose Your Life to Find It Slides
Your best life requires you to give up selfish interests for Christ. If you do, you will enjoy life to its fullest as God intended. If you will not, you will lose offered joy and prosperity. Jesus repays followers 10,000% in this world and eternal life in the world to come. Follow and obey Him at any cost! It is win-win!
6/1/2022 PMResurrection Power Slides
The world has no clue about death. They do all they can to avoid it, but life expectancy is the same Moses wrote. We know everything about life, death, and eternal life. Our God and Father taught us, and He can give, take, or restore life easily.
5/22/2022 PMPriorities of Fearful Pastors (2) Slides
I Cor 3-4 is mainly for pastors, as Paul corrected preacher factions at Corinth and warned them of their duties and coming judgment for pastors. God's churches are holy, and wood, hay, and stubble additions to Christ are to be hated.
5/22/2022 AMPriorities of Fearful Pastors (1) Slides
I Cor 3-4 is mainly for pastors, as Paul corrected preacher factions at Corinth and warned them of their duties and coming judgment for pastors. God's churches are holy, and wood, hay, and stubble additions to Christ are to be hated.
5/4/2022 AMDesire Slides
Every man and woman is born with it and to varying degrees their intensity or lack of it will determine their output.Desire is what sparks the will and ignites into action. Desire has both passion and purpose, with the energy and effort to evoke change in every area of our lives.
3/13/2022 AMGlory to God Forever 1 Slides
Paul ended the first three chapters of Ephesians with a doxology. This followed his prayer for greater fellowship with God by Holy Spirit power working in them. You exist for God's glory, and it should be the focal point for every church.
1/23/2022 AMFabulous Facts of Forgiveness (7 sermons)
The holy, just, vengeful God of the Bible gloriously forgave sinners. If He did not, we are doomed. It is one of the great facets of salvation. You should celebrate it and then also show it to others. Here are 72 facts to teach, remind, bless you.
12/15/2021 PMThe Sovereignty of God (3) Slides
Sovereignty is God's right to do as He pleases with all creatures. Many Christians do not know this God. They think man has rights that God must honor. The truth is God has rights that man should honor. The truth has many benefits for us.
11/21/2021 AMElihu Exalts God (13 sermons)
The book of Job is God's sovereign choices for Job's life. Most do not know the wisest man in it - Elihu. Do not ever blame or question God. He is Creator and Potter. You are creature and clay. He is always perfectly just, right, and good.
11/14/2021 PMHelpers to Faith Slides
A short reminder of how to build faith. The Bible has three sources - its inspired accounts, your own life experiences, and experiences of others. So a church should include public praise and testimonies (Ps 34:2; I Cor 14:16; Heb 13:15).
10/27/2021 AMPatriarchs & Patriarchy Slides
Boys and men met to learn the word and concept of patriarchy. As more Christians compromise, men are neutered as God promised in Isaiah 3. The Bible teaches strong men throughout but never justifies abuse of those under their rule.
10/24/2021 PMA Reprobate Mind
Man's perversity is accelerating, but Christians can have peace and praise about it. God Himself has sent it to judge men for choices against Him. His creativity in their perversities is perfect judgment for their pride and unthankfulness.
10/17/2021 AMSoul Revival (5 sermons)
We fight daily against our flesh, the world, and Satan to love God and His Son. God expects total love and devotion to Him, and He knows if we slip. Therefore, we need revival often, so we must seek it diligently, and He will powerfully reward it.
9/12/2021 PMThings Your Wife Deserves (3 sermons)
God made Eve for Adam, but He gave rules for men to care for and love wives. Concubines deserved essentials, but how much more Christian wives. Your wife deserves these things because God said so and for many other wise reasons.
8/18/2021 AMWhen Pain Ends (Rom 8:17-25) Slides
Life and the universe are filled with pain, trouble, death. But Jesus died to lift the sin curse, so the creation will be changed back to its original perfection. It will occur when Jesus returns and God formally declares us His children to the universe!
8/4/2021 PMConfidence & Excitement in Prayer Slides
The living and true God, Jehovah of the Bible, is our God and Father. He responds gloriously to our prayers. The 14 attributes of God for prayer build confidence and excitement to pray more. He does far more than hear and answer. You will shout!
7/18/2021 PMCharacter without Christ (4) Slides
What should we do to change our habits and increase our love of Christ? We must repent for past lack of love and commit our full devotion to Him. There are some practical things that can be done daily to keep our hearts with Him.
7/18/2021 AMCharacter without Christ (3) Slides
Paul was taught by Jesus Christ, and knew about Him better than any man, but he sought to know Him better in personal ways. In contrast, he warned about enemies of Christ that worshipped their bellies by minding earthly things.
7/11/2021 PMCharacter without Christ (2) Slides
Character or conduct valued by men is not enough, even if Biblical. We must love Jesus the Son of God or we can expect His judgment like Israel received in 70 A.D. What can you do with your family to know and love Jesus most of all?
7/11/2021 AMCharacter without Christ (1) Slides
We shall soon be at the judgment seat of Christ to account for our lives. Have we loved Jesus Christ and served Him passionately, or have we measured ourselves by worldly standards? Earthly honors will not mean a thing in that day.
6/20/2021 AMWar for Your Soul #9 Slides
The devil will devour lazy souls like he did Lot, Samson, and Solomon. The result are terrible. His main tactics are the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life. He used these three on Eve and Jesus. You must hate the world and all in it.
6/13/2021 PMWar for Your Soul #8 Slides
The devil's sin was pride, and he uses the pride of life to destroy. Esteem others and lower yourself. He was and is a liar, so you must love gospel truth, practice personal honesty, and hate even hearing distracting inputs of the world.
6/13/2021 AMWar for Your Soul #7 Slides
Chief tools of the devil are anger, bitterness, and not forgiving others, especially spouses. God wants his children happy, healthy, and confident to meet Him in the Day of Judgment, but the BAD devil will destroy all three blessings.
6/6/2021 PMWar for Your Soul #6 Slides
The devil wants you BAD ... bitter, arrogant, deceitful. By bitterness, God and the Bible mean any thought, word, or deed tending in the direction of murder, for Satan has been a murderer from the start. Hate this B sin in your heart.
6/6/2021 AMWar for Your Soul #5 Slides
Keep in mind when studying the devil's wiles - Jesus has and will yet defeat Him. He cannot do anything God did not plan and direct. He wants you to be BAD, which is bitter, arrogant, and deceitful. These are three of his chief wiles.
5/30/2021 PMWar for Your Soul #4 Slides
Paul taught two actions for you after putting on the whole armor of God. First, you must stand like Greek wrestlers did and not be taken down at all. Second, you must rightly pray in the intense and thorough way Paul described.
5/30/2021 AMWar for Your Soul #3 Slides
The devil looks for weaknesses to tempt you. He knew Jesus was hungry from long fasting. What habits do you have that leave you exposed to the devil? This is the first line of resisting him - discipline in all parts of life to send him away.
5/23/2021 PMWar for Your Soul #2 Slides
The devil is like a roaring lion - a terrible danger - trying to devour you. He is a destroyer. Think Lot, Samson, Solomon. The Bible records him troubling believers from the start. We will skip the national or sensational to stress the personal.
5/23/2021 AMWar for Your Soul #1 Slides
A diabolical fiend wants to destroy you by keeping you from being a fruitful Christian. He has been defeated legally and vitally by Jesus Christ, and he will soon be cast into the lake of fire. But he can mess up your life unless you rightly resist.
4/25/2021 PMPriorities for Good Choices (2) Slides
Our heavenly Father has compared and ranked things in the Bible and told us what is better and best. The verses in this study show priority of one choice over another. God's best for your life is learning to exalt some things and demote others.
4/18/2021 PMPriorities for Good Choices (1) Slides
Our heavenly Father has compared and ranked things in the Bible and told us what is better and best. The verses in this study show priority of one choice over another. God's best for your life is learning to exalt some things and demote others.
4/11/2021 PMConveying the Truth to Children Slides
God has blessed us with truth, and it must be taught to children, or it will be lost to future generations. Moses ordered fathers to teach, and so did Paul. A handout here shows ways to teach children and sources for what to teach them.
3/28/2021 PMDestructive Decision Making
Men differ greatly in the prosperity or success they achieve. A major factor affecting them is how they make decisions. Hasty and ignorant decision making must end, for it truly hurts progress, though fools can hardly learn to do otherwise.
3/28/2021 AMPaul’s Doctrine of Marriage (2 sermons)
Corinth was a lascivious city of the Roman world, and the church there asked Paul about marriage, sex, divorce, etc. His inspired answers for their situation have much wisdom for all Christians that want to know God's will about marriage.
3/21/2021 PMWar for Truth
There has always been violent opposition between the wicked and the righteous, Satan and God. The devil and world seek to rid earth of God's truth, so we must learn, defend, and promote it, especially in church and families.
2/3/2021 PMDavid and Goliath Slides
Things new and old can be learned from reviewing this favorite Bible story. Studing the Davidic covenant justifies this review. After the facts and fun of I Samuel 17, there are lessons of David's character and conduct that can profit anyone.
1/24/2021 PMLet Not Your Heart Be Troubled
Angst has gripped Christians due to President Trump's defeat. Much of it is due to conservative news sites, which intend angst and addiction. But Christians keep the Bible's rules for politics and trust God and Jesus cheerfully for total world victory.
1/17/2021 PMDon’t Sacrifice Your Future on the Alter of the Present
Life can be summarized as a series of decisions. Each decision has consequences for your future. We must be intentional about life and every choice we make with a circumspect view of the ramifications.
1/17/2021 AMLessons From The Rejection Of Saul
Saul, Israel's first king, was rebellious and stubborn so the LORD took everything from him and gave the kingdom to David, a man after His own heart. This semon explores Saul's wicked character when the LORD rejected him in 1 Samuel 15 and highlights lessons we can learn from this terrible event.
1/17/2021 AMOur Command to Rejoice
The word rejoice is a verb denoting action. Did you know that we are commanded to rejoice? The Bible is filled with joyful information for believers. Read it and take action today!
1/10/2021 PMJosiah’s Example
As one of the 4 great kings of Israel, Josiah is an example of the character we should have as we serve the Lord in these last days.
1/10/2021 AMWhat Do You Glory In?
The LORD tells us not to glory in might, wisdom, or riches but that we know and understand Him. How much do you glory in His Word? Do things of God truly delight your soul?
1/10/2021 AMThe Most Influential Member
Your tongue is far more powerful than you think! Men rise and fall in the sight of Jehovah, by their careful and diligent management of it. Godly men know the Christian walk is successfully navigated by directing their speech, rather than their feet. Have you mastered this unruly evil?
12/2/2020 AMIsms Creeping Into The Church (3) Slides
Satan's lies are old, but he is smart enough to market them creatively. Ancient heresies with euphemistic names and definitions corrupt evangelical churches today, and the danger is great enough for this simple warning to know the errors.
11/8/2020 AMTwo Kings and Their Laws
Sin and death reign over men since Adam as unalterable laws. Bildad called death King of Terrors. Now righteousness and life reign by the Prince of Life for believers. Learn the terrible plight of sinners and our grand redemption in Christ.
10/25/2020 PMTrust the God of Politics
Rather than look at the Bible's precepts for submission to civil government, it is helpful to recall the persons involved and how God reversed many political situations for the benefit of His children, just as He has for us and will for us.
10/25/2020 AMCleave Unto the Lord
Persecution drove the gospel north to Antioch of Syria. Barnabas came to see the Gentile converts and exhort them to cleave to Christ. He knew the threats to their zeal, which are similar to our own. Let us run to Christ and never let go.
9/27/2020 PMPoetic Books of the Bible
The Bible is a library covering every part of your life. God gave us all we need to know for ultimate pleasure and profit in life. In the middle of the Bible are five special books, Job - Song of Solomon. Do you fully value them? Do you read them?
9/27/2020 AMIn a Crooked and Perverse Nation
America is a mess in 2020. It is crooked and perverse like Philippi was when Paul wrote them. What should a Christian do? Paul gave us clear marching orders from the Lord Jesus Christ. They are found in Philippians 2:1-18. Rejoice in truth!
9/20/2020 PMFroward Spouses
Human relations involve sinners, so they will frustrate or hurt at times. Marriage has two sinners closer for longer than any other. Your spouse will upset you. What will you do then? It is only in this situation you can truly please God.
9/20/2020 AMAre You Saved?
Judgment Day is fast approaching, when you will be judged and sent to hell or allowed into heaven. Any other fear of man like Covid-19 is nothing in comparison. Do you have Bible evidence to be sure of heaven? It is crucially important!
9/6/2020 PMWhat Drives & Sustains You?
You do what you do by influences and goals you allow or choose. To please God and live victoriously, you must reset the factors for your priorities. Listen for the three reasons that should rule your life for God's glory and your success.
9/6/2020 AMRomans 1:18-25
God's wrath is coming from heaven against the wicked. As Paul wrote, He gave all men opportunities to know Him, glorify Him, thank Him, and obey Him. They did not and instead invented lies, so He blinded and rewired them to sexual folly.
7/26/2020 PMJesus the Friend of Sinners
Pharisees despised Jesus for loving repentant sinners. He came to save such sinners. Learn to hate the vile spirit of Pharisaism in yourself or in others. Jesus will never cast out a sinner coming to Him. He loves big sinners, knowing they love more.
7/19/2020 PMA Teachable Spirit
A teachable spirit is a key trait for success with God and men. David and Solomon emphasized it. We arrive in life ignorant, so we must be taught everything. Growth requires change, and change requires criticism and reformation.
7/5/2020 AMEbenezer: Stone of Help
Samuel led a great revival in Israel and beat the Philistines with God's help. This sermon is background and context. Samuel burned a sucking lamb to secure God's help and honored Him with a memorial - Hitherto hath the LORD helped us.
5/3/2020 PMNations: Blessed or Cursed
What makes a nation great? Why is America a great nation? God blesses or curses nations as they protect or promote His gospel and church. Christians must know the divine and spiritual facts, rules, and forces in play in world politics.
3/29/2020 PMThe Master of Disease Slides
The coronavirus pandemic has the world terrified, but Jesus rules all disease. Ten axioms tell the cause, reasons, and cure for disease. Take comfort that Jesus is in full control of COVID-19 as much as He was the Sea of Galilee with His apostles.
12/18/2019 PMReasoning with God in Prayer Slides
Mighty men with God learn how to bring arguments in prayer to win His favor.
12/1/2019 AMFolly, Truth, and Glory of Baptism
Baptism according to the Bible is a wonderful event full of meaning and value, but it has been terribly corrupted by many heresies. The true followers of Jesus Christ keep God’s commandments just as given – they will not alter baptism at all from the example and instruction of the New Testament. We are Baptists because we believe the Bible, and we will exalt and defend it. Get excited about Bible baptism!
7/21/2019 PMA Vision of God – 2019
Every Christian needs a vision of God to convict him and to move him to serve.
7/7/2019 PMIsaiah – Chapter 3 (Slides) Slides
God judged Judah by taking men, exalting children and women, and exposing women
4/14/2019 AMThe Only Right Worldview
The perfect worldview starts with existence of God and giving us truth in the Bible. We know God exists and gave us detailed truth in the Bible to govern our lives . Our worldview affects our thoughts, words, actions, or interaction with the total world. A worldview includes the Day of Judgment, the decay of man, nature, and wisdom. It should include history, economics, society, angels, and nature. The combination of varied axioms creates parameters to guide all aspects of life. A complete worldview provides a full world perspective but also has individual duties.
3/17/2019 AMThe End of the Universe
God has promised to save some from the coming destruction of the whole universe.
2/10/2019 PMThe Sordid Story of Lot
Genesis 19 lessons for life by Lot ruining his entire family by compromise with sin.
12/5/2018 PMGreat Woman of Shunem Slides
Study of a fabulous woman to encourage our girls and women to also be great.
8/15/2018 PMRightly Dividing the Bible 1 Slides
We want the sense or meaning of words, not just the sound or spelling. The difference is crucial - between truth and error. God may use a word different ways, but He gave a rule in II Timothy 2:15 to identify different meanings to arrive at the truth of a passage and the whole Bible.
8/1/2018 PMSamson Slides
PPT slide presentation with emphasis on the lessons to be learned by his faults/failures.
4/29/2018 PMMarital Speech
Oral lovemaking is a very important skill to learn to have a great, romantic marriage.
4/18/2018 PMGiving Thanks for Rulers Slides
The Bible exalts civil rulers and expects the children of God to give thanks for them.
3/21/2018 PMCommunication 102 Slides
We want to grow in favor with both God and Man. Communication is a large part of doing that. How well do you communicate to others? Do you know how to convey information in an efficient way? Knowing how to communicate is important for sharing truth from God's Word to those around you (part 2).
3/7/2018 AMCommunication 101 Slides
We want to grow in favor with both God and Man. Communication is a large part of doing that. How well do you communicate to others? Do you know how to convey information in an efficient way? Knowing how to communicate is important for sharing truth from God's Word to those around you.
12/6/2017 PMHealth, Sickness, and Death 2 Slides
The Bible has rules for the children of God to deal with the three cases properly.
11/15/2017 PMHealth, Sickness, and Death -1 Slides
Sin brought sickness and death into a perfect world. Unbelievers have no hope beyond this life, so they exalt their bodies over their spirits and time over eternity. The Bible has rules for us to have the right perspective in these crucial things.
11/1/2017 PMThe Gunpowder Plot (Guy Fawkes) Slides
Catholic conspirators in 1605 tried to blow up Parliament and kill King James & family.
8/16/2017 PMTwo-Step Bible Study #1 Slides
PowerPoint slides for a very simple review of proving what a text does not mean.
3/15/2017 PMChange! Slides
God saved you to change you, and your growth and progress should be obvious.
2/15/2017 PMJoseph the Prince Slides
PowerPoint sermon about the character of Joseph mainly for young men to copy.
2/1/2017 PMPast, Present, and Future Slides
Bible study to rightly use your three time zones to maximize your life before God.
1/18/2017 AMReversal of Fortune Slides
Faith has three good helpers to trust God for great deliverances when in trouble.
12/7/2016 PMPearl Harbor Day Slides
Presentation honoring the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor.
10/19/2016 PMReviving Romance by the Spirit Slides
God is love and those truly saved will show it to others - starting with their spouse.
9/21/2016 PMDifferences in Men Slides
Successes or failures - all men are different and will be exposed now and/or later.
9/7/2016 PMIncremental Compromise Slides
Playing with sin, even a little at a time, will eventually destroy you and all yours.
8/3/2016 PMLoose Your Bowels! Slides
Bible bowels are your affection & sympathy for others to be loosed for kindness.
6/1/2016 PMA Lying Spirit from God Slides
God sent a lying spirit into the 400 prophets of Baal to deceive the wicked king Ahab.
5/18/2016 AMThree Basic Rules Slides
Paul gave us three comprehensive goals for every Christian life for us to follow.
1/20/2016 PM75 Bible References on Drinking Slides
A pamphlet by a teetotaling Baptist preacher trying to condemn alcohol.
11/18/2015 PMZeal Slides
What is the definition, defense, and demonstration of proper Bible zeal.
11/4/2015 PMThe Worst Sin Slides
Self-righteousness is the worst sin, since it is so hard to identify and hard to correct.
10/7/2015 PMThe R Factor Slides
Any sinner can start over at anytime for any sin by true Biblical repentance.
8/19/2015 PMPower of Prayer – II Slides
Then the earth shook! God hears and answers prayer - powerfully - like for David (Ps 18:6-7). He can and will answer prayers powerfully for you as well. David did great things with God's help. Let Bible examples increase your faith to prayer more powerfully.
8/5/2015 PMPsalm 101 Slides
Embrace these slides showing the details of David's promises to God in order to please God for perfect fellowship. If you are not realizing God's best for your life, then you should hear this exposition and find where you are not like David.
5/20/2015 AMPraying from Psalm 119 Slides
The inspired words of David in Psalm 119 can help you with spiritual prayer.
4/15/2015 AMThe Problem of Evil Slides
Natural man blames and questions God for the evil he witnesses throughout the world.
4/1/2015 PMSin Lies Slides
Lust and sin deceive men with all sorts of lies to get them trapped in death.
3/4/2015 PMThree Choices for Living Slides
Your life is the result of choices you make out of only three options.
12/17/2014 PMHow to Read the Bible Slides
Make 2015 your best year of Bible reading ever by these helpful reading suggestions.
11/5/2014 AMDeath of a Nation Slides
Isaiah 3 for God judging sinful nations by removing men and exposing women.
10/15/2014 PMRulers and the Rich Slides
God condemns cursing either rulers or the rich and commands honor.
10/1/2014 PMWhat Is a Great Church? Slides
A list of 45 features that make churches great to please God and Jesus Christ.
9/17/2014 AMRight Side Up! Slides
Are you right side up in a world turning everything of God and truth upside down?
9/3/2014 AMInputs – Slides Slides
Godly Christians must rule a variety of inputs that corrupt heart and mind.
8/20/2014 AMTrigger Verses – Nathan Slides
Your choices trigger either blessing or cursing from God.
7/16/2014 AMPatience Is Necessary for Perfection Slides
Shortest Bible study ever with a few verses teaching key role of tribulations.
4/16/2014 PMMining for Treasure Slides
Miners invest wealth, effort, planning, patience to look underground for precious metals and gemstones. They endure hardship, setbacks, and risks searching for stones. But they cannot find wisdom and understanding. Only God knows where it is
2/19/2014 PMSermon on the Mount – Overview Slides
Matthew 5-7 is pure gold from the mouth of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is preaching at its best by authority and content. If you want to know if you are going to heaven, see how you stand against this criteria. If you want to measure your religion and faith, here is the standard.
12/4/2013 PMAbaddon & Apollyon Slides
Jesus destroyed the works of the Devil legally on the cross and vitally by regeneration. But a very real personal and practical war continues. He is a murderous liar. He is a roaring lion seeking to devour you. He will lie about sin, hiding from you the horrible end results.
11/20/2013 PMA Time for Mirth Slides
Moses severely warned Israel about their need to be joyful with glad hearts for the abundance of all things (Deut 28:47). If they did not, He would judge them very harshly. We are blessed far beyond those Israelites by every measure. How joyful and glad are you?
10/16/2013 PMAre Ghosts Real? Slides
Ghost = spirit. The fear, especially in children, of this word is unjustified. Ghost = spirit. Every person has a ghost/spirit that goes to God at death. The angels are spirits, or ghosts, both good and bad. God Himself is the Holy Ghost, and we want Him speaking to our ghosts.
9/18/2013 AMGiving Thanks for Government Slides
Christians submit to civil rulers because they are ordained by God and are for our civil good (Rom 13:1-7). But Christians are also to give thanks and pray for their rulers (I Tim 2:1-3; Jer 29:4-7). Paul even gave thanks for Nero - a lesson for us to give thanks for even ungodly rulers.
8/21/2013 PMTechno Sins Slides
Witty inventions are a blessing (Pr 8:12). But 100 years of inventions have brought Sodom into every house. If you love your children, and if you know evil communications corrupt, you must be vigilant for yourself and them. Get scared to become a technology protector!
5/1/2013 PMGambling Slides
The Bible is plain enough to condemn this popular worldly activity.
4/3/2013 PMMusical Instruments In The Church Slides
The Best! PowerPoint arguments both against and for instruments.
3/20/2013 PMEvangelism – Small Pill Slides
PowerPoint presentation of simple suggestions for sharing the truth.
3/6/2013 PMFamily Planning & Birth Control Slides
PowerPoint presentation defending birth control as Christian liberty.
2/27/2013 AMChristian Ethics – Case Studies Slides
Thirty case studies for practice at applying principles of Christian ethics.
12/5/2012 AMBefore It Is Too Late Slides
Bible study of importance of time urgency for obeying the Lord.
12/5/2012 AMConnecticut School Murders Slides
Here is the Biblical response to tragedies like the murder of children.
11/11/2012 PMLiving Under Obama 2 Slides
A simple review of the 1960's and the ridiculous forecasts made then should comfort the fearful. God has preserved His people in the past, and He will preserve us now. The duties of saints are far different than what "patriots" practice.
11/11/2012 AMLiving Under Obama 1 Slides
God ordained submission to rulers, contradicting Christian "patriots." Paul and Peter taught obedience to Nero. Our fathers lived under other persecuting powers. We can easily live well under President Obama without fear for four more years.
8/15/2012 PMGod Distortions Slides
Some make God too loving. Some make God too hateful. Only the Bible tells the truth about God. This sermon is to save the fearful, save those with false humility, and save those who forfeit a happy and victorious Christian life. Satan and man’s ideas about God’s character and salvation form two false ditches, and the road of truth is right between them. Rejoice about Jesus’ finished work and your acceptance!
3/21/2012 PMWhen Your Husband’s a Fool
How should a wife respond to a husband pressing her to sin?
3/18/2012 AMWhen Your Husband Is A Fool
How should a wife respond to a husband pressing her to sin?
9/19/2010 AMSalvation By Works
Bible evidence of eternal life is much more than a decision
10/15/2006 PMThe Rules of Child Training
Be exemplary - your actions will teach better than your words.
1/18/2006 PMThou God Seest Me Revisited
The Lord's tender care of the rejected slave Hagar builds faith.
3/20/2005 AMSermon on the Mount #2
Verse-by-verse exposition of 5:13-16 of shining your light
12/26/2004 PMPut on Jesus Christ
Romans 13:14 and context for godly living in godless generation.
11/14/2004 PMTenderhearted
God's calls His saints to have tender hearts in their relationships.
8/29/2004 AMLife of Faith
Faith must be understood and practiced to be great for God.
8/22/2004 AMWhat Is a Christian?
Discipleship taught by comparing professors and true disciples.
8/8/2004 PMGreat Women and Men
Proverbs 11:16 opened and applied for great Christian saints.
7/11/2004 PMWhat Is a Domestique?
Saints are to serve one another like riders in Le Tour de France.
6/13/2004 PMBible Economics Review
Fast review of 11-sermon series on Bible Economics from 1986.
6/13/2004 AMHot, Cold, Or Lukewarm
Jesus Christ exhorts the church of Laodicea to get hot for Him.
6/6/2004 AMWhen Things Seem Hopeless
Bible condemnation and remedies for worry and fear.
5/9/2004 PMWhat If You Die Tomorrow?
Living in view of coming death is wise and pleasing to God.
3/14/2004 PMDivorce
Scripture has simple answers for this controversial subject.
3/7/2004 PMPride Again
Practical review of this horrible sin - its symptoms and its cures.
3/7/2004 AMFirst Corinthians 7
Duties of sex, marital choice, and permanence of marriage
2/1/2004 PMRemember Lot’s Wife!
Reminder for saints to leave worldliness without looking back.
1/18/2004 PMBrotherly Love
Review and exhortation to love one another without contentions.
12/28/2003 PMInstant Preaching
God's Charge for preaching style, especially for the last days.
12/28/2003 AMRude Preachers
God's preachers defended against modern effeminate pastors.
12/17/2003 PMGideon, or Jerubbaal
Lessons to be learned from the events of Gideon's life from the book of Judges chapters 6-8.
12/14/2003 AMGod’s Will or Free Will ? (2 sermons)
Is God's or man's will sovereign? Does man have free will?
11/16/2003 PMLiving One Day At A Time
The 24-hour day is God's wise design for successful living.
8/31/2003 AMSuffering
A message about dealing with trials and tribulations in a God honoring manner so that in the end these things turn to our profit.
6/15/2003 PMThe Lessons of Agag
God gave king Saul an assignment. He compromised due to fear of the people and did not obey. Samuel confronted him for his error and killed Agag himself. What Agags might be in your life that you need to kill? Be convicted by this lesson.
6/15/2003 AMHolding The Line
The lines of righteous living are collapsing all around us, someone has to hold the line and say no more. We will not allow the slide to continue in our church or our lives.
5/25/2003 PMFew There Be that Find It
Jesus condemned comfortable and popular religion to hell.
5/11/2003 PMColossians 4
God's rules for masters to be just and fair with their servants Paul's inspired rules for prayer, conduct, and speech. Sundry salutations and commendations explained and applied.
4/13/2003 PMDefinition of Love
Phrase by phrase exposition of I Corinthians 13:4-7
3/30/2003 PMMusical Instruments
Bible proof against musical instruments in N.T. worship
3/9/2003 PMLights In The World
Our conduct says more for Christ and truth than do words.
2/23/2003 PMComplaining
God hates complaining and murmuring (Numbers 11)
2/23/2003 AMTruth Is Fallen in the Street
Perilous times require appreciation and seeking of truth
2/16/2003 AMYour Body Is the Lord’s
Doctrine and implications of Christ's lordship of bodies
2/9/2003 PMIf We Confess Our Sins
Fellowship with God through faithful confession of sin
1/12/2003 AMPower of Darkness
Review of Satan to glorify Christ and resist his devices.
1/5/2003 AMChristian Speech
An exhortation by brother Newell Eastland to Godly speech
12/29/2002 PMConsequences
Sin brings painful results, including family dysfunction
12/15/2002 AMGrowing Up In Christ
Definition, goals, and means of Christian maturity.
12/8/2002 PMRuling Your Spirit
Your spirit can sustain your infirmities or destroy you.
11/3/2002 AMBear Your Own Burden
Study of Galatians 6:1-10 teaching individual responsibility.
10/13/2002 AMBacksliding
A sober warning and exhortation about this constant threat.
8/18/2002 PMHappy Families
Encouragement to read Proverbs and an exposition of 17:1
7/28/2002 AMDependent on the Lord
Ps 127:1; Zech 4:6; and John 15:5 applied to trusting God
7/21/2002 AMRunning Scared
The danger and warnings of God's judgment on the careless. The promises and comfort for those running faithfully
7/7/2002 AMJudgment Seat Of Christ
II Corinthians 5:10-11 warning us of coming judgment
6/30/2002 AMLove Of Christ Constraineth Us
II Corinthians 5:12-17 teaching zeal from Christ's death.
6/23/2002 PMTruth, Lies, And Compromise
Jehoshaphat's error of unity with the wicked from I Kings 22
6/9/2002 AMThe New Bible Economics
Luke 16:1-15 is applied to spiritual preparation for eternity.
6/2/2002 AMBeatitudes
Jesus Christ describes and blesses the citizens of Zion
5/19/2002 PMAm I My Brother’s Keeper?
Review of the duties of church members toward one another
5/12/2002 PMBlood Is Thicker than Blood
The saints' unity in Christ's blood and the Spirit beats family.
3/3/2002 PMForgotten Sins
These sins are not just another list of burdens. These are sins, because they offend God and destroy lives. It is our life, righteousness, wisdom, and happiness to learn, love, and keep these commandments.
2/24/2002 AMPrepared to Answer
Brother Newell Eastland preaches from Proverbs 22:15-21
2/24/2002 AMPrepared to Answer
Brother Newell Eastland preaches from Proverbs 22:15-21
2/17/2002 PMLoving Life – Seeing Good Days
“For he that will love life, and see good days.” I Peter 3:10
2/3/2002 PMEnduring Affliction
Luke 21:19 applied to maintaining faith during tribulations
1/27/2002 PMGluttony
“And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.” Luke 21:34
1/13/2002 AMA Pure Heart
Detailed study of the nature and importance of heart religion
12/23/2001 AMIs Anything Too Hard For The Lord? (2 sermons)
Genesis 18:14 and Jerimiah 32:27 applied to trusting God always
1/28/2001 AMTo Live Is Christ
For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21
1/14/2001 PMMarriage Essentials
Marriage should emphasize the spiritual companionship of a man and a woman on their pilgrimage to heaven as seen in I Cor 9:5.
7/30/2000 AMContemporary Christianity
Against inventions and innovations of todays churches.
10/18/1998 AMThe Death of the Righteous – Till Death Do Us Part
Jesus Christ is everything to true believers, and death should be rightly understood by them lest they be discouraged or fearful. This sermon was also titled, The Death of the Righteous, and it was expanded and preached at the funeral of Eva Marie Crosby on July 24, 2011.
12/8/1996 PMWhat’s So Funny?
Life is serious. Eternity is even more serious. Yet the world laughs itself to hell with sitcoms and constant amusement, foolishness, fun, and jesting. This message from the Lord goes directly against our culture, but we must wake up and sober up to live our best in light of a coming reckoning with our King and our God.
6/4/1992 AMCan A Christian Drink Wine?
Wine was never an issue until the Temperance Movement and Prohibition in America. The children of God drank wine in both testaments before and after the Law of Moses. Emotions tend to be high on this subject, but it is excellent for learning how to study the Bible and to flush your own opinions.
4/26/1992 PMIncremental Compromise
Backsliding into sin usually occurs a little at a time to total destruction.
6/16/1991 AMThe Bible and Depression (8 sermons)
What does the Bible have to say about depression?
3/17/1991 PMOrdinance of Authority (11 sermons)
Authority is from God and important; here is its definition and source.
10/15/1989 PMElements of a Bible Wedding (3 sermons)
Bible weddings were different than today, and the differences reflect sound doctrine.
8/6/1989 PMThou God Seest Me
The Lord's tender care of the rejected slave Hagar builds faith.
11/13/1988 AMMaximizing Your Marriage (10 sermons)
Marriage suffers even in so-called Christian America. The Bible roles for spouses once maintained widely are mocked. Here is a detailed call to God's plan for marriage, the clear roles of each spouse, practical ideas for marital success, refutation of marriage myths, and how to restore first love.
9/13/1987 AMEffectual Prayer (8 sermons)
Detailed and thorough study of all aspects of scriptural prayer.
3/1/1987 PMAssumptions of Faith
Are you like a wild ass? By what assumption do you live? Do you assume the God of the Bible exists and live like it? Or do you deny the God of the Bible and live like it? Or do you profess the God of the Bible but live for the world?
10/5/1986 PMBible Economics (2)
Gods financial wisdom for economic and professional success
10/5/1986 AMBible Economics (1)
Money matters! Solomon said it answers all things. God loves His children, so the Bible is full of advice for financial success. Forget money-begging televangelists that want to harvest your seed money for their mansions. This study explores God's word to help your family and prosper. Many have profited from it. Will you be the next?
4/20/1986 PMThe Christian and Alcohol
Bible position for moderation presented against heresy of teetotalism.
12/9/1984 PMDisappointments of Evangelism
Efforts to share Bible truth and wisdom will often face obstacles and resistance. Do not be discouraged. Jesus Himself had very few followers after His years of perfect ministry. Do your reasonable best and trust God for the rest, as He must grant repentance for any to escape the devil and believe.
11/25/1984 PMThe Life of Faith
The Bible has a Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11, where men and women heroes and their exploits are listed. Faith believes God exists and that He rewards diligent obedience (Heb 11:6). Faith believes God’s promises over any other influence. Faith does not choose by feelings but by confidence in God.