Recent Sermons

1/5/2025 PM
Behold the Lamb of God

John the Baptist named Jesus the Lamb of God. The apostle John recorded it and then used the name 28 times in Revelation. Many millions of lambs were killed for sacrifices, especially Israel's Passover. But Jesus is the Lamb of God, and let your soul be thrilled to consider what the Bible says about Him.

1/5/2025 AM
Facets of Salvation (4)

Eternal salvation may be viewed different ways - usually for doctrinal definitions or defense. But to see salvation's beauty for greater praise and joy, God used a variety of words from different parts of life like facets on a diamond. Delight in each one. Here are acceptation, atonement, mediation. Glory!

12/29/2024 PM
Live Life One Day at a Time (2)

God created the 24-hour day for you. Value each one (Ps 90:12). He also put the night before the day. Flush yesterday; if sins are confessed, they are gone. Ignore tomorrow, for only God knows it, and He wants you to trust Him. Live one day at a time with the night as preparation, not merely recovery.

12/29/2024 AM
Live Life One Day at a Time (1)

God created the 24-hour day for you. Value each one (Ps 90:12). He also put the night before the day. Flush yesterday; if sins are confessed, they are gone. Ignore tomorrow, for only God knows it, and He wants you to trust Him. Live one day at a time with the night as preparation, not merely recovery.

12/22/2024 PM
Sins to Hate from N.T. (3)

Most use the Great Commission for initial preaching of the gospel before baptism. But Jesus charged His apostles after baptism to teach those converts all He had commanded them. We find these inspired orders from Jesus for our lives in the apostles' epistles. Let us find them, list them, and obey them.

12/22/2024 AM
Facets of Our Salvation (3)

Eternal salvation may be viewed different ways - usually for doctrinal definitions or defense. But to see salvation's beauty for greater praise and joy, God used a variety of words from different parts of life like facets on a diamond. Delight in each one. Here are justification and redemption. God God glory!

12/15/2024 PM
Occupy! and Report Card

Jesus charged His disciples to work hard for His kingdom before He returns from heaven. This is the parable of the pounds, much like the talents, both money and returns. God has invested His grace. What is your return? We quickly review the parable, and then use a simple report card for self-examination.

12/15/2024 AM
Facets of Our Salvation (2)

Eternal salvation may be viewed different ways - usually for doctrinal definitions or defense. But to see salvation's beauty for greater praise and joy, God used a variety of words from different parts of life like facets on a diamond. Delight in each one. Here for your pleasure are pardon and ransom.

12/8/2024 PM
Sins to Hate from N.T. (2)

Most use the Great Commission for initial preaching of the gospel before baptism. But Jesus charged His apostles after baptism to teach those converts all He had commanded them. We find these inspired orders from Jesus for our lives in the apostles' epistles. Let us find them, list them, and obey them.

12/8/2024 AM
Facets of Our Salvation (1)

Our unspeakable gift of eternal life may be viewed different ways - usually for doctrinal definitions or defense. But for a broad view of salvation's beauty and for our greater joy, God used a variety of words from different parts of life like the varied facets on a well-cut diamond. Delight in each of the facets.

12/4/2024 PM
ARS for Youth and Adults Slides

A simple acronym is a tool to remind youth and adults of three important parts of life - authority, relationships, sex. The world and the flesh fights against God and godliness in these areas. The sons of God must be different. Use the acronym to remind you to carefulness in each of the three areas.

12/1/2024 PM
Bare Our Sins on the Tree

Jews were persecuted by civil rulers and by bosses on the job, but Peter exhorted them to quiet submission, and He used Jesus as the great example for them. He by Himself bore our sins on the cross. His sacrificial death not only saved them and us, but it teaches them and us a powerful lesson.

12/1/2024 AM
Free Gift of Eternal Life (3)

After a brief review of the first two sermons, this sermon looks at the offers associated with salvation, with Jesus offering Himself to God, not to man, as the greatest offer. It then looks at aspects of acceptance, with emphasis on God accepting Jesus Christ and then accepting us in Him for eternal life.

11/24/2024 PM
Free Gift of Eternal Life (2)

Man has corrupted the gift of eternal life and made it an offer requiring acceptance. But no sinner dead in sins can or will accept such an offer. And it makes man his own savior and steals the glory from God. The only offer is Jesus offered Himself to God, and God accepted Him and the elect in Him.

11/24/2024 AM
Free Gift of Eternal Life (1)

God gives eternal life as a free gift; it is not an offer to men, as most of the Christian world presents it. No one gets to heaven by faith, baptism, or any good works. Heaven is a result of three gifts in Jn 17:2. Imputation, God's legal accounting by first Adam and then by Jesus, show it is strictly a free gift.

11/17/2024 PM
Hebrews 9 (#2)

Hebrews proves that Jesus' N.T. religion was far superior to the O.T. religion of Moses. By six lessons in this chapter, Paul taught the failure of temple worship, animal sacrifices, and O.T. priests in comparison to Jesus offering His blood to God in the heavenly places for our eternal salvation from sins.