Sermons – 2022
1/5/2022 PM
The Sovereignty of God (4)
Sovereignty is God's right to do as He pleases with all creatures. Many Christians do not know this God. They think man has rights that God must honor. The truth is God has rights that man should honor. The truth has many benefits for us.
1/9/2022 AM
The Day the Universe Shook (2 sermons)
Jesus' death is the greatest event in human history. Even atheists count time from it. Heaven, earth, and hell were affected by it. Results, legal, practical, and political, were incredible. Do you love, worship, and remember His death rightly?
1/23/2022 AM
Fabulous Facts of Forgiveness (7 sermons)
The holy, just, vengeful God of the Bible gloriously forgave sinners. If He did not, we are doomed. It is one of the great facets of salvation. You should celebrate it and then also show it to others. Here are 72 facts to teach, remind, bless you.
2/20/2022 AM
Sacred Heralds – God’s Preachers
The LORD gave the word: great was the company of preachers. If not for preachers, you would not know Christ, truth, or wisdom and would follow current insanity. God sent preachers to save you. Thank God; esteem them; pray for them.
2/20/2022 PM
Protecting the Church of God
Rebaptism and reordination to keep Baptist authority and lineage from Jesus and the apostles. The Legion of false churches proves the necessity for Bible rules to reject false baptisms, ordinations, men, and churches. Only a few will care.
3/13/2022 AM
Glory to God Forever 1
Paul ended the first three chapters of Ephesians with a doxology. This followed his prayer for greater fellowship with God by Holy Spirit power working in them. You exist for God's glory, and it should be the focal point for every church.
3/13/2022 PM
Glory to God Forever 2
Paul ended the first three chapters of Ephesians with a doxology. This followed his prayer for greater fellowship with God by Holy Spirit power working in them. You exist for God's glory, and it should be the focal point for every church.
3/20/2022 AM
Gospel Means (1)
Do we get eternal life by believing the gospel ... or by God's sovereign grace and power without it? The key distinction is to see God's work to elect, justify, regenerate, and glorify us and then to see our work to believe and obey the gospel.
3/20/2022 PM
Gospel Means (2)
Do we get eternal life by believing the gospel ... or by God's sovereign grace and power without it? The key distinction is to see God's work to elect, justify, regenerate, and glorify us and then to see our work to believe and obey the gospel.
3/27/2022 AM
Gospel Means (3)
Do we get eternal life by believing the gospel ... or by God's sovereign grace and power without it? The key distinction is to see God's work to elect, justify, regenerate, and glorify us and then to see our work to believe and obey the gospel.
3/27/2022 PM
Gospel Means (4)
Do we get eternal life by believing the gospel ... or by God's sovereign grace and power without it? The key distinction is to see God's work to elect, justify, regenerate, and glorify us and then to see our work to believe and obey the gospel.
4/3/2022 AM
The Faith of God’s Elect (2 sermons)
Titus 1:1-4 is Paul's opening words to Titus of pastoral care for the churches in Crete. He summarized precious aspects of the gospel. To faith he added truth and godliness and hope, all of which are declared in proper preaching to God's elect.
4/10/2022 AM
First John – An Introduction (2 sermons)
Expository preaching has benefits. Many aspects to such preaching and this epistle should be reviewed before starting. An overview to find John's main lessons is helpful to understand the whole and its parts. See the color-coded version.
4/24/2022 AM
First John – Chapter 1 (#1) … Verse 1
Sermon 1 - 1:1 mostly about That, the first word, a glorious pronoun for the Word of Life, Jesus Christ. Do you know That? He is the glorious King and lover of His people in Psalm 45. He wants to have fellowship with you for your complete joy.
4/24/2022 PM
First John Chapter 1 (#2) … Verse 1
1:1 about the apostles and their unique role to be earwitnesses, eyewitnesses, and hand-witnesses of Jesus Christ. The Word of Life became flesh, an incredible event witnessed by many, who wrote it down to prove the truth of Jesus.
5/1/2022 AM
First John Chapter 1 (#3) … Verses 2-4
1:2-4 for two fabulous facts of the gospel - the Word of Life became a man and visited earth for the apostles to hear, see, and touch Him. They were inspired to write us that God wants intimate friendship with us and to fill us with all joy.
5/1/2022 PM
As Moses Lifted Up the Serpent
Jesus shocked Nicodemus several ways, but one was to describe the death of Messiah by being lifted up - death by crucifixion. He used Moses' brass serpent to illustrate the mode of death. Never forget that Jesus died for you and how.
5/1/2022 PM
As Moses Lifted Up the Serpent
Jesus shocked Nicodemus several ways, but one was to describe the death of Messiah by being lifted up - death by crucifixion. He used Moses' brass serpent to illustrate the mode of death. Never forget that Jesus died for you and how.
5/4/2022 AM
Every man and woman is born with it and to varying degrees their intensity or lack of it will determine their output.Desire is what sparks the will and ignites into action. Desire has both passion and purpose, with the energy and effort to evoke change in every area of our lives.
5/8/2022 AM
The Sweetest Doctrine – Adoption
It must be true that adoption is the most glorious and precious facet of salvation. For God's own pleasure, He made a huge difference among men. If you compare and contrast His adoption of us to man's ideas of it, the sweetness is clearly seen.
5/8/2022 PM
The Son of GOD
The true identity of Jesus as Son of God is crucial to truth, fellowship, and joy. But Satan and men have attacked His Sonship by corrupting it with philosophy and foolish lies. See all three phases or views of the Son of God and worship thy God.
5/15/2022 AM
Four Attributes of God (1)
The infinite Creator God revealed Himself to all men but especially to His children by His Spirit and word. Collin C. taught the attributes of God's knowability and observation. Austin H. taught how God is both omniscient and dependable.
5/15/2022 PM
Four Attributes of God (2)
The infinite Creator God revealed Himself to all men but especially to His children by His Spirit and word. Adam E. taught God is independent and encouraging. Jonah U. taught how God is initiating and doting.
5/22/2022 AM
Priorities of Fearful Pastors (1)
I Cor 3-4 is mainly for pastors, as Paul corrected preacher factions at Corinth and warned them of their duties and coming judgment for pastors. God's churches are holy, and wood, hay, and stubble additions to Christ are to be hated.
5/22/2022 PM
Priorities of Fearful Pastors (2)
I Cor 3-4 is mainly for pastors, as Paul corrected preacher factions at Corinth and warned them of their duties and coming judgment for pastors. God's churches are holy, and wood, hay, and stubble additions to Christ are to be hated.
5/29/2022 AM
Real Insider Information (1)
I Cor 1-2 glorifies God's grace in salvation and in conveying truth to His children. God designed the gospel to offend the wicked and to comfort His elect. Christians are a secret society in the world with perfect knowledge of all things.
6/1/2022 PM
Resurrection Power
The world has no clue about death. They do all they can to avoid it, but life expectancy is the same Moses wrote. We know everything about life, death, and eternal life. Our God and Father taught us, and He can give, take, or restore life easily.
6/5/2022 AM
Real Insider Information (2)
I Cor 1-2 glorifies God's grace in salvation and in conveying truth to His children. God designed the gospel to offend the wicked and to comfort His elect. Christians are a secret society in the world with perfect knowledge of all things.
6/5/2022 PM
War at Calvary
Jesus spoiled the devil's kingdom, made an open show of him, and triumphed over him on the cross. There was war at Calvary. Consider Him defeating that diabolical fiend by redeeming us from God's claim of death against us due to Satan.
6/12/2022 AM
First John Chapter 1 (#4) … Verse 5
1:5 for three crucial words - God is light. He is impeccably holy and pure without any allowance for sin at all. He demands our character and conduct match His, so we must be holy. We should test every action. We must confess every sin.
6/15/2022 PM
The Song of Moses
Moses and Miriam led Israel to celebrate one of God's greatest deliverances, one that He took great delight in, to save His church from Pharaoh and Egypt in the Red Sea. He got Himself great glory destroying them the way He did. You face no trials or trouble that He cannot save you from.
6/19/2022 AM
First John Chapter 1 (#5) … Verses 5-10
1:5-10 for keeping intimate friendship and love with God by walking in the light by a holy life. The blood of Christ will cover the sin principle still in us and any sins of ignorance. But we must confess any sins we know to be forgiven and cleansed for a restoration of intimate friendship and love.
6/19/2022 PM
First John Chapter 2 (#1) … Verses 1-6
2:1-6 for our Advocate and Propitiation, Jesus Christ the Righteous, Who takes care of our sins before God. We then must prove our salvation and relationship with God and His Son by obedience to their commands. It is a heresy and travesty for anyone to think they are saved by a mere decision for Jesus.
6/26/2022 AM
First John Chapter 2 (#2) … Verses 7-8
2:7-8 began a five-verse lesson about loving the brethren. Two introductory parts of the lesson are special. First, the command to love one another is old as coming from Christ and new as emphasized by Christ. Second, John appealed to brotherly love on the basis of the new era of Christianity.
6/26/2022 PM
First John Chapter 2 (#3) … Verse 8
2:8 used the N.T. era as a key reason to love one another. The darkness of hateful and violent living under Satan's universal rule had been broken, as the apostles took the loving religion of Jesus to the nations. A new world order arrived 2000 years ago. Will you walk in gospel light or pagan darkness?
7/6/2022 AM
Lose Your Life to Find It
Your best life requires you to give up selfish interests for Christ. If you do, you will enjoy life to its fullest as God intended. If you will not, you will lose offered joy and prosperity. Jesus repays followers 10,000% in this world and eternal life in the world to come. Follow and obey Him at any cost! It is win-win!
7/10/2022 AM
First John Chapter 2 (#4) … Verses 8-9
2:8-9 used the N.T. era as a reason to love one another. The darkness of hateful and violent living under Satan's universal rule had been broken, as the apostles took the loving religion of Jesus to the nations. A new world order arrived 2000 years ago. Will you walk in gospel light or pagan darkness?
7/10/2022 PM
First John Chapter 2 (#5) … Verses 9-11
2:9-11 teach love or hatred toward a brother has serious consequences on the soul. Love will give internal light by the Spirit to avoid errors in life, but hatred blinds and deceives men to make errors without knowing why. Hatred is damning and leads to other sins. Love is enlightening and helpful to the soul.
7/17/2022 AM
First John Chapter 2 (#6) … Verses 12-14
2:12-14 identifies three levels of spiritual maturity, not biological age. After warning about false professors, John comforted and assured new converts, strong Christians, and old saints by their virtues. The context on both sides are two crucial commands - love of brother and love of God over world.
7/17/2022 PM
First John Chapter 2 (#7) … Verses 15
2:15 begins a three-verse list of rules for an evil world. The world is God's enemy, and Christians must hate it from several angles, but especially its evil passions that find a friend in our depraved old man. Everything in life should be assessed constantly as to whether our affection detracts from God.
7/19/2022 AM
Love Not the World – Pyramid
This simple graphic is a little tool to see all that is in the world we must not love. It is too easy to hate the bottom tier and forget our own lives at the top, which Jesus also said for us to hate. The tiers in between are the other things we must keep in their proper place to love God as He expects. The 3-minute video might help you further understand the graphic.
7/20/2022 PM
Use It … But Don’t Abuse It
God put us in this world, and we have to be part of it until He gets us out of here. He allows and encourages His children to use the world, as long as we do not get caught up in its distractions or lies. The Bible has many examples of great men using the world in many different ways for their profit.
7/24/2022 AM
First John Chapter 2 (#8) … verse 16
This world is the enemy of God, and He has called us to hate it, if we truly love Him. All Christians must face the fact we live in a place that hates God and promotes sin to us every day that God hates. We show our love of Him by denying the worldly lusts that they love. Ye that love the LORD, hate evil.
7/24/2022 PM
First John Chapter 2 (#9) … verse 16
John by the Holy Spirit reduced all sins that tempt Christians down to three buckets - lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life. These things are not of the Father but are of the world. This sermon uses Bible examples and a long list of things you face daily your own body wants. Rule your body.
7/27/2022 PM
Proverbs Is God’s Gift to His Sons #1
Every Christian young man should know God his Father loves him and desires his success more than anyone else. He chose a son of David, gifted him with supernatural wisdom, and inspired him to write the book of Proverbs as a manual for perfect living to prosper in blessed favor with God and men.
7/31/2022 AM
First John Chapter 2 (#10) … Verse 16
The lusts of the eyes is the second bucket of sins John warned against. The world pushes visual things at us constantly, so they enter our hearts and minds by our eyes. We must commit, promise, and pray against sins by our eyes. We must be willing to sacrifice temptations like plucking out our right eye.
7/31/2022 PM
First John Chapter 2 (#11) … Verse 16
The pride of life is the third bucket of sins John warned against. Lust of the flesh requires a body need or desire. Lust of the eyes requires your eyes to see something. But pride is with you 24/7 and infects every thought, word, and deed. It is the greatest sin (self-righteousness), and God hates it.
8/3/2022 PM
The Maccabees
Between Malachi and Matthew there were things happening. A king of a segment of the Greek Empire violently abused the Jews and tried to overthrow the worship of Jehovah. God raised up some men that feared Him and used them to drive this enemy out of Jerusalem and to rededicate His temple.
8/7/2022 AM
First John Chapter 2 (#12) … Verses 17-19
2:17-19 ends John's warning against the world, for it is opposite God, and He will soon destroy it; the obedient live forever. His readers knew about the pope antichrist, but he warned of heretic seducers already at work. Many believers would leave even churches started by the apostles for heresy.
8/14/2022 AM
First John Chapter 2 (#13) … Verse 20
2:20 can be misunderstood and misapplied, as if believers can know all things without teachers. Such a view contradicts the rest of the Bible, proving it a false view. The first word of the verse, But, limits the extent of the verse and passage to the limited threat of Jesus-denying antichrists in context!
8/14/2022 PM
First John Chapter 2 (#14) … Verse 20-27
2:20-27 is to be understood as John's kind encouragement to his readers against the antichrist and seducing liars corrupting the doctrine of Christ in those times. They knew the truth and needed no help to identify and expose the heretics that had gone out from them but had never truly been of them.
8/17/2022 PM
Sound Bite Cemetery
Many take short phrases from the Bible to use for false doctrine. These short phrases are sound bites. Remember this crucial rule - a text without its context is a pretext. This Bible study refutes a few popular sound bites and puts them to rest in a cemetery! Learn to spot them and refute them.
8/21/2022 AM
First John Chapter 2 (#15) … Verses 20-22
2:20-22 reviewed the context that limits the verses to basic facts and truth about Jesus. Early believers in apostolic churches knew the basics about Jesus well enough to identify and reject antichrist liars and their lies, which at this point in the epistle is denial of Jesus as the Christ, God's Messiah.
8/21/2022 PM
First John Chapter 2 (#16) … Verses 23-29
2:23-29 continued John's argument that the believers had heard enough and had it confirmed by the Spirit to know the lies of the seducers. God had promised eternal life to the faithful, who could be confident at Christ's coming by abiding in faith about Himt and also copying His righteousness.
8/24/2022 PM
Proverbs Is God’s Gift to His Sons #2
Every Christian young man should know God his Father loves him and desires his success more than anyone else. He chose a son of David, gifted him with supernatural wisdom, and inspired him to write the book of Proverbs as a manual for perfect living to prosper in blessed favor with God and men.
8/28/2022 AM
First John Chapter 3 (#1) … Verse 1
3:1 for the glorious doctrine of adoption, a gift by God's love to the elect - they are made the sons of God. Behold! What manner of love! The five phases of adoption are very helpful. Just as the world did not know Jesus, but killed Him, so the world does not know children of God living here.
8/28/2022 PM
First John Chapter 3 (#2) … Verses 2-3
3:2-3 adds glorification to adoption, when we shall receive new bodies that have never been seen before. When Jesus returns, He will make our bodies to be just like His body, which will then be able to comprehend His. Adoption, glorification, and His return must be remembered for peace in this world.
9/4/2022 AM
First John Chapter 3 (#3) … Verses 4-7
3:4-7 is John's instructions and warnings of how Christians should live in light of being adopted and glorified. A lifestyle of sin proves a person is not saved, for such a life is contrary to Jesus Christ. A e Christian will not continue in sin. He is born again, and the new man in him will not allow a life of sin.
9/4/2022 PM
The Great Gulf Spanned
Luke 16:19-31 is our Lord's lesson about hell and heaven, when He taught that hell was filled with torments and there was no comfort or escape. God has fixed a great gulf between hell and heaven, but Jesus died on the cross to span that gulf to save His elect. The song, At Calvary, was used.
9/7/2022 PM
The Breath of His Lips
The prophecies of Jesus the Messiah told He would have great wisdom and speech. The N.T. record shows His ability to slay the wicked with His wisdom and words. This glorious aspect of God's Son is wickedly thought too harsh and severe by most. Our Lord could also comfort and encourage any.
9/11/2022 AM
First John Chapter 3 (#4)
Here begins John's significant emphasis on brotherly love, which is the greatest duty and evidence of grace in a Christian's life. If churches stressed it more, they would grow in grace by the Holy Spirit faster and better. Brotherly love trumps emphasis on other less important aspect of Christ's gospel.
9/11/2022 PM
First John Chapter 3 (#5)
In contrast to brotherly love is the horrible example of a hateful brother - Cain. Think! Why did the Holy Spirit bring up this devilish murderer in this lesson about love? Because the old man inside every Christian is like Cain. Holding bitterness, envy, grudges, or strife can to lead to murder in God's eyes.
9/18/2022 AM
First John Chapter 3 (#6) … Verses 13-15
3:13-15 for brotherly love proving a huge difference from nature and the world and proof of everlasting life. Lack of brotherly love is hatred and the same as murder, which proves no eternal life. The standard here and the severe and strict description are God's, so beware. The danger is real.
9/18/2022 PM
First John Chapter 3 (#7) … Verses 16-17
3:16-17 for God and Christ's wonderful love for us by laying down His life for us on the cruel cross of Calvary. The call from heaven is for us to lay our lives down in a similar manner for our brethren. Such love is a choice involving bowels. If a person does not do so, how can he possibly be saved?
9/21/2022 PM
Assurance of Eternal Life
God has never doubted the salvation of any, for He purposed and predestinated each one from eternity. He wants His children to know they have eternal life. He does not want them fearful or worried. Here is the evidence if you are elect and saved or not. Here are answers to fearful Bible verses.
9/25/2022 AM
First John Chapter 3 (#8) … Verses 18-21
3:18-21 for loving action, not just words. Only love that costs and works counts to God. A Bible-trained conscience can assure your heart to be confident before God by loving action. If you do not have deeds of love, then worse things are coming, for a holy God knows your lack of love perfectly.
9/25/2022 PM
First John Chapter 3 (#9) … Verses 22-24
3:22-24 for powerful prayer and intimate fellowship with God by faith in the name of Jesus the Son of God and love of brethren. God and His Son have intimate fellowship with such Christians through the Holy Spirit, which we know we have by our faith and love, proving we are changed and saved.
9/28/2022 AM
Mighty Men of Valor
A men's meeting to challenge men to be mighty men of valor like in the Bible. God expects the sons of God on earth to be highly disciplined and fighting soldiers for the cause and kingdom of His Son Jesus. The lesson builds on an obscure record of king David's huge army coming together.
10/2/2022 AM
All Things Are of God
II Cor 5:1-8 confidently details the certainty of immorality and a new glorified body for believers. II Cor 5:18-21 describes how that immortality and glorified body were secured for rebel, sinful enemies by God's gracious imputation and Christ's death on the cross. Be ecstatic, not miserable. God is at peace.
10/5/2022 AM
Assurance of Eternal Life #2
God has never doubted the salvation of any, for He purposed and predestinated each one from eternity. He wants His children to know they have eternal life. He does not want them fearful or worried. Here is the evidence if you are elect and saved or not. Here are answers to fearful Bible verses.
10/9/2022 AM
First John Chapter 4 (#1) … Verses 1-3
4:1-3 is God's rule for early Christians to test and prove all teachers, no matter what claims or evidence they had of spirits or the Spirit, by basic facts about Jesus Christ. In this case it was His real flesh body. Greek and Gentile heretics denied it by devilish lies to corrupt His death and resurrection.
10/9/2022 PM
First John Chapter 4 (#2) … Verses 4-6
4:4-6 for another test to prove if teachers were of God or not. This test was approval or agreement with the world, which was and always is the enemy of God. John comforted the early believers by the Holy Spirit presence they had inside, which was greater than Satan's power in the seducers.
10/16/2022 AM
First John Chapter 4 (#3) … Verses 1-6 Reviewed
4:1-6 was reviewed in light of John 4:20-24 of our Lord's rejection of Samaritan religion and the Jews' worship in Jerusalem and the warning of perilous times of the last days when many would turn from truth to fables. A few truth reminders were used and exhortation made to hold to apostolic truth.
10/19/2022 PM
Love is the Greatest #1
How important is love to God and the Bible? It is the greatest command, first to God and then to neighbors or brothers in Christ. But it is far more than just a duty. Loving one another in Christ's churches is the greatest fruit and trait of Christians in many different ways. Choose to love today as He loved us!
10/23/2022 AM
First John Chapter 4 (#4) … Verses 7-8
4:7-8 is the first of three lessons for love of the brethren - the nature of God. Love is of God, and God is love. We prove we are born again by loving the brethren, for it shows the character and nature of God. If a man does not love the brethren, he does not know God, for God is love. Terrible indeed.
10/23/2022 PM
First John Chapter 4 (#5) … Verses 9:13
4:9-13 are lessons two and three for love of the brethren - the example of God and the Spirit of God. God sending His Son for us to live is the great example we should copy toward others. He has given us the Spirit for the conviction and power to love. The three lessons make love obvious and easy.
10/26/2022 AM
Traits of David – Table
A table containing 80 Character Traits of David the King
10/26/2022 PM
Traits of David – Slides
David the King was the man after God’s own heart. Here is a review of 80 character traits that made him special for us as men to copy and promote.
10/30/2022 AM
First John Chapter 4 (#6) … Verses 14-16
4:14-16 for the proof of eternal life by faith and love. The apostles saw and testified of the divine transaction of the Father sending His Son to this earth to save us. Believing and confessing that news and then loving the brethren prove one's eternal life. The great fact of faith - Jesus is the Son of God.
10/30/2022 PM
First John Chapter 4 (#7) … Verses 17-18
4:17-18 for boldness on Judgment Day by perfect love, which is being fully immersed in God's love for us, ours for Him, and ours for one another. Dwelling in love this way is perfect love and proves God's presence. Fear is a terrible emotion, but basking in all angles of love will end fear for confidence.
11/2/2022 PM
Love Is the Greatest (#2)
How important is love to God and the Bible? It is the greatest command, first to God and then to neighbors or brothers in Christ. But it is far more than just a duty. Loving one another in Christ's churches is the greatest fruit and trait of Christians in many different ways. Choose to love today as He loved us!
11/6/2022 AM
First John Chapter 4 (#8) … Verses 17-21
4:17-21 for perfect love that casts out all fear and gets rid of its torment before God. Fear means you cheat somewhere. The three parts of love are all important - God's love of us, ours of Him, and ours of others. We cannot have one without the other for logical reasons and His commandment.
11/6/2022 PM
Know God or Known of God
Galatians 4:8-11 corrects over emphasis on knowing God rather than Him knowing you. Paul knew this and put God higher. God and His Son have known and foreknown the elect from eternity, far different from the reprobates that will be cast into hellfire by these terrifying words: I never knew you.
11/13/2022 AM
First John Chapter 5 (#1) … Verses 1-5
Jesus Christ is the Son of God. If you believe on Him, it proves you were already born again, and you should love the other sons of God born of Him. Loving God and others is easy, and it is win-win. Faith to believe that Jesus is the Son of God is God's gift and overcomes this world by every measure.
11/27/2022 AM
First John Chapter 5 (#2) … Verses 6-8
In 5:6-8, God gave nine witnesses that Jesus is the Son of God. These are glorious verses! Water and blood in 5:6 are His baptism and crucifixion, where His sonship was declared. Water and blood in 5:8 are baptism and communion, when we declare His Sonship. Our faith and religion are most reasonable.
11/27/2022 PM
First John Chapter 5 (#3) … Verses 9-13
In 5:9-13, God appeals to us to believe His witness, for it is greater than the witness of men you accept every day. After proving the Person of Jesus, God declared the Purpose of Jesus, which is eternal life in Him. How can you know you are saved? Believe on Jesus Christ and increase your faith in Him.
12/4/2022 AM
First John Chapter 5 (#4) … Verses 14-15
By 5:14-15, you should have confident faith God will hear and answer your prayers. The will of God is not difficult, for it is conveyed in the Bible and by the Spirit, and the Spirit helps us by only praying God's will. Rather than fear the sin unto death that is next, make sure you pray confidently and often.
12/4/2022 PM
First John Chapter 5 (#5) … Verses 16-17
By 5:16-17, there is a sin unto death that does not deserve prayer. It is total apostasy against Jesus Christ like the antichrists in context and the believing Jews returning to temple worship. Rather than fear this death, make sure you pray for each brother and especially those that you see slip in sin.
12/7/2022 PM
Wise Decisions
Learn the five F's of making decisions. Only one way works. The other four are terrible. Here is a practical study for your many life choices. Fathers should lead their families to learn the five ways decisions are made. A useful handout is explained and applied and should be retained for future reference.
12/11/2022 AM
Sin Swallowed Up, O Love, By Thee
Our sins in Eden and since have condemned all men to three horrible deaths. But God set His love on His elect in eternity - a glorious doctrine known by few - and He will always love them and save them from all their sins. Not only has He saved them, but He has also adopted them and promoted them to glory.
12/18/2022 AM
First John Chapter 5 (#6) … Verses 18-19
In 5:18-19, true Christians are separated from other men, for regeneration by being born again changed them to not continue in sin. By Jesus' victory, Christians can resist the devil and cause him to flee. Both also make them very different from the world that is altogether wicked and under Satan.
12/18/2022 PM
First John Chapter 5 (#7) … Verses 20-21
In 5:20-21, we are told that Jesus died for us that we might know God the Father and Jesus His Son. In a world full of lies and darkness, God sent His Son to reveal the greatest knowledge - the true God, His Son, and eternal life.We understand! All idolatry is insanity in comparison to this revelation.
12/21/2022 AM
Kiss the Son (1)
Psalm 2:12 gives the phrase, Kiss the Son, as God by His prophet David warned rulers to humbly submit to Him lest He destroy them. Luke 7:36-50 describes a sinful woman kissing Jesus' feet affectionately. Judas also kissed Him hypocritically. Here are reasons to kiss the Son and how to do it.
12/25/2022 AM
Kiss the Son (2)
Psalm 2:12 gives the phrase, Kiss the Son, as God by His prophet David warned rulers to humbly submit to Him lest He destroy them. Luke 7:36-50 describes a sinful woman kissing Jesus' feet affectionately. Judas also kissed Him hypocritically. Here are reasons to kiss the Son and how to do it.
12/25/2022 PM
Kiss the Son (3)
Psalm 2:12 gives the phrase, Kiss the Son, as God by His prophet David warned rulers to humbly submit to Him lest He destroy them. Luke 7:36-50 describes a sinful woman kissing Jesus' feet affectionately. Judas also kissed Him hypocritically. Here are reasons to kiss the Son and how to do it.