Kingdom Priorities




“But cursed be the deceiver, which hath in his flock a male, and voweth, and sacrificeth unto the Lord a corrupt thing: for I am a great King, saith the LORD of hosts, and my name is dreadful among the heathen.”

Malachi 1:14


“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Matthew 6:33


“Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: For our God is a consuming fire.”

Hebrews 12:28-29


Preparatory Reading: Malachi 1; Hebrews 12:22-29; Revelation 1:9-20; Matt 21:33-46; 22:1-14; 6:24-34; Mark 12:28-34; Luke 19:11-27; 18:18-30; 10:1-12; Psalms 29; 47; 48; 95; 98; 99; 145; 149; Ephesians 6; II Timothy 3:1 – 4:4; Revelation 12.


  1. We are not a church for doing a Sunday religious thing to look or feel better personally or socially.
  2. God chose us to be citizens of His Son’s kingdom in an awesome drama of conflict and total victory.
  3. Last Lord’s Day we considered the Stronger Man and His kingdom (Luke 11:21-22; Rev 12:5-17).
  4. Six weeks ago I addressed the men of this church regarding their duties as keepers of His kingdom.
  5. The appeal I made to them to consider themselves as David’s Gittites still applies today to this study.
  6. You are strangers and pilgrims in America, for citizenship in Jesus Christ’s kingdom is far greater.
  7. The President of the United States might be a powerful earthly leader, but he is only Christ’s pawn.
  8. We Gentiles, the heathen of the Bible, are incredibly blessed to have the kingdom of Jesus Christ.
  9. The world does not know the incredible importance of our assemblies just as it did not know Him.
  10. Our religion becomes a vain sham to the degree we allow any earthly matter to compromise worship.


  1. Our God is King over all (I Chr 29:10-13; II Chr 20:5-6; Psalm 47:2; 83:18; 103:19).
  2. Our God is King forever (Psalm 10:16; 29:10; 145:13; 146:10; Jer 10:10; I Tim 1:17).
  3. Nebuchadnezzar, a king of kings himself, learned both facts about God (Dan 4:34-35).
  4. God has made the man Jesus Christ King over all (Rom 9:5; I Cor 15:25; Eph 1:22).
  5. God made the man Jesus Christ King forever (Ps 45:6; Is 9:6-7; Lu 1:33; Heb 1:8-12).
  6. God is King deserving the best. Anyone giving less than the best is cursed (Mal 1:14).
  7. God has crowned the Lord Jesus Christ with glory and honor as our King (Heb 2:8-9).
  8. We ultimately worship God through Jesus Christ His appointed King (Heb 12:28-29).
  9. He is King of kings, Lord of lords, and Prince of kings of the earth (Rev 1:5; 19:16).


  1. The Bible has several kingdoms, which we will list but not allow them to distract us.
    1. God reigns over a universal kingdom of all things, as proven above (I Chr 29:11).
    2. Israel was a kingdom synonymous with the O.T. church (I Sam 15:28; II Chr 2:1).
    3. God translates us at regeneration into Christ’s vital kingdom (Col 1:13; Eph 2:1-5).
    4. There is a heavenly kingdom: we know it as heaven (II Timothy 4:18; II Pet 1:11).
    5. There are heretical kingdoms e.g. premillennial and postmillennial kinds we reject.
    6. The kingdom halls of JW’s are lunatic asylums of the followers of Charles Russell.
  2. There is a spiritual kingdom of Jesus Christ that is closely related to His true churches.
    1. It is closely related to the Old Testament kingdom of Israel, though more spiritual.
    2. Daniel prophesied the God of heaven would set it up while Rome ruled (Da 2:44).
    3. The kingdom of God and heaven are identical; Scofield erred (Matthew 19:23-24).
    4. This is the kingdom John, Jesus, and Paul announced as present with men entering.
    5. Before there was any local church, baptism was the way to enter this kingdom.
    6. It is not identical to churches, for believers between churches are in His kingdom.
    7. Kingdom is never used in the plural, while any two churches are certainly plural.
    8. The churches of Jesus Christ are the organizational, visible aspect of this kingdom.
    9. Our church, considered individually, is the body of Christ itself (I Cor 12:12-27).
    10. Our church is an outpost of Christ’s kingdom in an enemy world, much like David established to protect his kingdom and collect tribute (II Sam 8:1-15; Acts 15:16).


  1. Not in the future, when the Jewish fable of a premillennial kingdom is to occur, as God fully kept His promises to that earthly, forsaken nation (Neh 9:7-8; Luke 21:24).
  2. Not in the future, when the fable of a postmillennial kingdom arrives, as Presbyterians seek public offices to supposedly take the world for God (II Ti 3:13; Re 12:12; 20:3).
  3. John, Jesus, and Paul repeatedly taught that God’s kingdom was a present reality, for men were entering it in the days of John and the gospel is the message concerning it.
  4. Christ’s kingdom and its duties should be a priority right now (Matt 3:2; Rev 12:10).


  1. A full study of Christ’s kingdom is beyond these sermons. We defer, but you may read links below, especially here.
  2. John the Baptist, the Dipper or Immersionist, announced it as at hand (Matthew 3:2).
  3. Jesus preached the same news as John, the kingdom was at hand (Matt 4:17,23; 10:7).
  4. Greatness in His kingdom requires doing and teaching least commands (Mat 5:19-20).
  5. Talking the talk is vain, as the King will judge your actions (Matt 7:21-23; 21:28-32).
  6. It was entered violently by those rightly appreciating it (Matt 11:12 cp Luke 16:16).
  7. The prophesied kingdom was there by Christ’s power over the devil (Matthew 12:28).
  8. The devil sends tares in the kingdom to remove sooner or later (Matt 13:24-30,36-43).
  9. This kingdom is not to be viewed as very small, like most churches (Matt 13:31-35).
  10. Christ’s kingdom has good and bad fish in it (Mat 13:47-51; 22:8-14). Which are you?


  1. If you are a sincerely baptized believer, then you are a citizen, and you should show it, for baptism was your oath of loyalty to the King and His kingdom, world without end!
  2. It is the poor of this world that make up Christ’s kingdom (James 2:5; I Cor 1:26-29).
  3. The kingdom is spiritual; they know neither King nor citizens (Lu 17:20-21; I Jn 3:1).
  4. You are not your own, for you are bought with a price (I Cor 6:19-20). Show it today!
  5. You were rescued by the stronger man (Luke 11:21-22), so walk worthy of your King.
  6. How well do you compare to those with exploits for a lesser kingdom (Dan 11:32)?
  7. Churches have a heart of zealots, a shell of faithless/fruitless, and a body of average.
  8. Are there any present that covet and desire the best gifts to serve the kingdom more?
  9. There have been some great ones, of both sexes, that should provoke us to service.
    1. Cornelius led his house to fear God and was godly with God and men (Acts 10:1-2,22,34-35).
    2. Ananias had a good reputation with all the Jews in the capital city of Syria (Acts 22:12).
    3. Phebe was a succourer, or helper, of the apostle Paul and of many saints (Romans 16:1-2).
    4. Gaius was so given to hospitality that Paul said he was host of the whole church (Rom 16:23).
    5. Stephanas and family were addicted to service and worth acknowledgment (I Cor 16:15-18).
    6. Timothy was an exceptional minister with his priorities superior to all others (Phil 2:19-22).
    7. Epaphroditus was another minister that Paul commended highly for devotion (Phil 2:25-30).
    8. Philemon was a worker with Paul known by saints for love, faith, and works (Philemon 1:1-7).
    9. Gaius had a lifestyle in the truth, in faithful service, and a witness of charity (III John 1:3-6).
    10. Demetrius had a good report of all men, as measured by truth, and the apostles (III John 1:12).


  1. This kingdom was prophesied as built by God, to take the whole earth, to destroy all world kingdoms, and to endure forever (Daniel 2:34-35,44). Exalt His kingdom today!
  2. This kingdom has authority over the prince of this world (Lu 11:21-22; Re 20:3; etc.).
  3. Jesus came in kingdom power when pouring out the Holy Ghost, sending the gospel to turn the world upside down, judging the Jews by Rome, etc., etc. (Mat 16:28; 24:14).
  4. We Gentiles have been brought into David’s kingdom by the gospel (Acts 15:13-18).
  5. We Gentiles have been grafted into the olive tree of God’s kingdom (Romans 11:17).
  6. Christ’s churches have heavenly authority (Matt 16:19; 18:18; I Cor 5:12-13; 6:1-5).
  7. How can we emphasize it more than what Paul in Hebrews 12:22-29 wrote of it, for the description of its features, its comparison, and its judgment are glorious indeed?
  8. The Thessalonians risked death for serving another king, even Jesus (Acts 17:6-8).
  9. How important are the churches of Christ?
  10. How important are His churches? 


  1. The kingdom of God is to be sought FIRST in life, taught by necessities (Matt 6:33).
    1. God’s kingdom must be more important than anything else, including necessities.
    2. The “things” under consideration here are food, drink, and clothing (Matt 6:25-32).
    3. The King of the kingdom promises all these things if you put His kingdom first.
    4. The issue here is not just the external or formal kingdom, but His righteousness.
    5. If true of necessities, how offensive is choosing discretionary things above Him?
    6. You cannot serve two masters; trying it is spiritual adultery (Matt 6:24; James 4:4).
    7. You should remember that God already knows you need all these things (6:32).
  2. The kingdom of Christ should be a prize above all earthly possessions (Mat 13:44-46).
  3. Love and its objects are a choice; true worshippers set affections above (Col 3:1-3).
  4. Those who mind earthly things are belly worshippers and enemies (Phil 3:18-19).
  5. Some men exalt Christ’s kingdom over marriage, thus certainly children (Matt 19:12), for a wise man seeking Christ and His kingdom first hates carefulness (I Cor 7:32-35).
  6. Your professional or financial goals must not compete with Christ (Matt 19:23-26).
  7. Wrong priorities can bring God’s severe judgment (Mal 1:14; Mat 22:7; He 12:28-29).
  8. Your love of Christ is far more important than any religious ritual (Mark 12:28-34).
  9. Give up everything for it, even if He does repay you (Luke 18:18-30; I Tim 6:6-10).


  1. Ruth, a Moabitess, chose the land and people of Israel over her own (Ruth 2:14-18).
  2. Israelites (the ten tribes) sold their inherited properties and moved to Judah (the two tribes) to join revivals in God’s kingdom (II Chr 11:16; 15:9; 30:1,11,25; I Chr 12:19).
  3. A prophecy of Christ’s gospel kingdom shows geographical sacrifice (Zech 8:21-23).
  4. The most important geographical factor in your living choices should be a true church of Jesus Christ, not jobs, economics, family, schools, or any other such carnal thing.


  1. Not premillennial junk of promoting “Left Behind” nonsense to deceive and divert.
  2. Not the postmillennial junk of getting involved in politics and taking society for God.
  3. Building up the church of Christ by every joint and part (Eph 4:16; Heb 10:23-25).
  4. Serving churches and strangers as we have openings (Rom 16:1-4; II Cor 8:18-19,23).
    1. I must do the work of an evangelist to fulfill my calling (II Tim 4:5; Acts 16:9).
    2. You can also help others (I Thes 1:8; Ac 15:3; Ro 15:24; I Cor 16:6; III Jn 1:5-8).
    3. Our website is to help build Christ’s kingdom throughout the world in all nations.

THE PRIVILEGE (and risk)

  1. Israel had kingdom privileges taken from them due to sin (Matthew 21:33-46; 22:1-7).
    1. Their haughtiness and lack of fruitfulness caused God to give it to the Gentiles.
    2. Their neglect and earthly priorities caused God in wrath to judge them severely.
    3. Those destroyed in Jerusalem’s overthrow were neglectful or murderous rebels.
    4. The Jews were rejected for Gentiles in the kingdom (Mat 8:11-12; Luke 13:28-30).
  2. This was not the first time – consider the book of Judges and the Babylonian captivity.
  3. Paul warned Gentiles at Rome not to be highminded but rather to fear (Ro 11:17-22).
  4. Do you rightly appreciate the mysteries of this invisible kingdom (Matt 13:11,16-17)?
  5. If you do appreciate them, what efforts do you make to hear them rightly (Luke 8:18)?
  6. Here are terrifying words of judgment about neglecting the kingdom (Luke 10:10-12).


  1. The main kingdom work is to live righteously (Matt 6:33; I Thess 2:10-12 cp 4:1-18).
  2. Men have done all conceivable things for earthly kings, who in turn did little for them.
    1. Earthly kings are ridiculously inferior to God and Jesus Christ, Who are our Kings!
    2. Like athletes, temperate in all things, worldly men show great allegiance to kings.
    3. Yet, men have served devotedly and diligently with little reward but proximity.
    4. Yet, men have put themselves in mortal danger for the order or praise of kings.
    5. Yet, men have committed suicide for kings out of loyalty or hope of future reward.
    6. What will you gladly do for the King of kings? Your best is but reasonable service.
  3. God’s kingdom is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost (Rom 14:17-19).
    1. The context of Christian liberty is to teach personal opinions are quite worthless.
    2. Righteousness is doing right, God’s way; peace and joy in the Holy Spirit are keys.
    3. It is by serving Jesus Christ in these ways that a person pleases God and men.
    4. Be a doer, rather than a talker, for the kingdom is in action (I Cor 4:20; I John 2:4).
  4. Servants are the greatest in Christ’s kingdom. What do you truly do to serve others?
    1. It is the work of faith that proves your election, not the talk of faith (I Thes 1:2-4).
    2. Selfishness and slothfulness are the enemies of any kingdom, natural or spiritual.
    3. Employers may pay to buy your soul – but God sent His Son for your eternal gain!
    4. You should not think of you more highly than you ought (Matt 18:1-4; Rom 12:3).
  5. The kingdom is helped by each member helping build up the local body, or outpost.
    1. The church is built by members contributing their duties (Ep 4:16; Heb 10:23-25).
    2. The church, and the kingdom, is a team effort where the individual is secondary.
    3. We build camaraderie or esprit de corps by rejoicing and weeping with others.
    4. There are many one another duties taught.
  6. We perfect one another by performing the duties assigned to convert and restore.
    1. A primary reason for assemblies is to press to godliness (Heb 3:12-13; 10:23-25).
    2. Each member has duties toward all other members (Lev 19:17; I Thess 5:14).
    3. The wiser brethren are to convert and restore the fallen (Gal 6:1-5; Jas 5:19-20).
    4. Simply showing up, giving carnal greetings, singing, and going home is nothing!
  7. There are men called to full-time Christian service, but kingdom service is full-time!
    1. God by Jesus Christ has chosen some men to be His ambassadors (Mark 13:34).
    2. There are only a rare few that truly fulfill their calling (Phil 2:19-22; Col 4:10-11).
    3. Working heartily on Monday as unto the Lord is serving Christ (Col 3:22-25).
  8. Intermeddling with all wisdom is your duty (Pr 18:1; 9:9; Heb 5:12-14; I Pet 3:15).
    1. Are you a soul winner by knowing the words of truth (Prov 11:30; 22:17-21)?
    2. If you care about Christ’s kingdom, grow in ability to admonish (Rom 15:14).
    3. God’s pastors (scribes) bring things new and old (Matt 13:52). Do you crave both?
  9. Get rid of strange children, informally or formally; quality is far better than quantity.
    1. There is judgment written for New Testament citizens (Ps 149:6-9; I Cor 5:1-13).
    2. This judgment includes small matters between brothers (Mat 18:15-17; I Co 6:1-8).
    3. God will bless efforts to add members; He holds us accountable to exclude them.
    4. Are you a keeper of the kingdom?
  10. Jesus expects you to occupy and leverage His grace (Matt 25:14-30; Luke 19:11-27).
    1. There are those, unlike Paul, that squander God’s grace (II Cor 6:1; I Cor 15:10).
    2. They are shortsighted, carnally-minded belly worshippers (II Pe 1:9; Phil 3:18-19).
  11. We must earnestly contend for the faith once delivered (Jude 1:4; Neh 13:23-31).
    1. We cannot and must not allow compromise of even minor precepts (Matt 5:19-20).
    2. A great way to contend against God’s enemies is to obey the Bible (Prov 28:4)!
    3. Each duty of scripture e.g. personal habits, marriage, children, and jobs play a role.
    4. We are bound to give thanks for truth … and to stand fast in it (II Thess 2:13-15).
    5. There is no worship but in spirit and truth that truly pleases God (John 4:23-24).
  12. All men will know we are Christ’s kingdom by our love to one another (John 13:35).
    1. A kingdom divided cannot stand, and this is true of Christ’s churches (I Cor 1:10).
    2. Charity is the greatest kingdom grace of all (I Cor 12:31 – 13:13; Col 3:12-15).
    3. It is the work and labor of love that proves election (I Thess 1:2-4; Hebrews 6:10).
    4. We should reject all natural distinctions under Christ’s blood (Gal 3:28; Col 3:11).
  13. Prayer of all kinds … for laborers, for their labor, for doors of labor, for advancement.
    1. Do you pray with all perseverance for all in the outpost of your church (Eph 6:19)?
    2. Do you labor and wrestle in prayer for the kingdom of Jesus Christ worldwide?
  14. It is good to always be zealously affected in a good thing, and there is no better thing.
    1. Participation is eager, ready, voluntary, seeks assignments, creative, initiative, etc.
    2. Does your zeal provoke others (II Co 9:2; Ga 4:18)? Or cause others to doubt you?
  15. Faithfulness is constant continuing in the things marked out by scripture (Prov 20:6).
    1. We must exalt kingdom inputs – influences in our lives to build Christ’s kingdom.
    2. We must reject Satan’s inputs – things leading to compromise of Christ’s kingdom.
    3. It is important we continue to avoid shame (Luke 19:11-27; John 8:31; Col 1:23).
  16. Our church should be exemplary in as many ways as possible to give others hope.
    1. Our church should be exemplary for gospel conversions (Matt 5:16; I Peter 2:12).
    2. The Thessalonians can be our guide, and we should follow closely (I Thes 1:6-10).
    3. Every part of the gospel should be included from a work ethic to hair length, etc.
  17. Teach your children the precepts of Bible Christianity – how to be kingdom citizens!
    1. You have a mission field, if you choose those words, and it is right in your home.
    2. By example and instruction you can train children to be kingdom-minded adults.


  1. It is through much tribulation we must enter the kingdom of God (Ac 14:22), so do not think because you live in America in 2012 there are not enemies (II Tim 3:12).
  2. The world only hates Christ’s kingdom and will do anything to discredit or destroy it.
    1. The world hates Jesus and His kingdom, as they killed Him (Gal 6:14; I Jn 5:19).
    2. The world has a very different lifestyle from saints, and we reject it (I Jn 2:15-17).
    3. The world hates true Christianity, and we must not conform to it (Romans 12:1-2).
    4. The world wants you in the wide gate and broad way, but not Jesus (Matt 7:13-14).
    5. The world is not neutral to God, and your friendship is spiritual adultery (Jas 4:4).
  3. The devil will fight to the final end to destroy or discredit it (though he totally loses!).
    1. The devil has his own kingdom, and he hates Christ’s with all his profane fury.
    2. The Man Jesus on earth had power to deliver men from the devil (Luke 11:14-23).
    3. The Man Jesus destroyed the devil’s works at Calvary (Col 2:14-15; Heb 2:14-15).
    4. The Man Jesus cast Satan out of heaven on His arrival (Rev 12:5-17; Jn 12:27-31).
    5. The Man Jesus will loose Satan to deceive nations again, which will come against the saints to persecute directly, and then He will destroy all of them (Rev 20:7-10).
    6. The devil seeks to devour you: submit to God and resist him (Jas 4:7; I Pet 5:8-9).
    7. If you do not resist the devil and fight his inputs, you give him a door (Ep 4:26-27).
    8. Temptation to sin can involve satanic warfare i.e. Ac 5:3; I Cor 7:5; I Chr 21:1; etc.
    9. We stand against the wiles of the devil in the might of Jesus Christ (Eph 6:10-20).
    10. This simple text can excite confidence and zeal for kingdom warfare against Satan.
    11. We remember to not be distracted by flesh and blood foes, but spiritual enemies.
    12. We choose to be strong in the Lord: we only have power by His might (Phil 4:13).
    13. We choose armor listed by God to resist the devil’s deceiving, lying, subtle wiles.
    14. We need the whole armor of God to be ready for defending Christ’s kingdom.
    15. We see that the assigned activity is praying with all perseverance always for it.
    16. For details, see the sermon for Ephesians 6, which deals with the verses at length.
  4. Your flesh, in love with the devil and the world, will never encourage you toward it.
    1. Your flesh has nothing compatible with God and His kingdom (I John 2:15-17).
    2. Your flesh loves sin and seeks your ruin to disgrace His kingdom (I Cor 9:24-27).
    3. Your flesh loves sin and your ruin, so you must avoid provision for it (Rom 13:14).
    4. Your flesh opposes you; we are strangers and pilgrims, so act like it (I Pe 2:11-12).
    5. Your flesh will defile His kingdom, unless you take up your cross daily (Lu 9:23).
  5. Carnal Christianity is all around us and attacking at all times (II Timothy 3:1 – 4:4).
    1. Evil seducers in the churches of Christ will be worse and worse (II Timothy 3:13).
    2. If we are belly worshippers of earthly things, we are His enemies (Phil 3:18-19).
    3. If we are castaways of any kind, we are the enemies of His kingdom (I Cor 9:27).
    4. Adversaries may be on the inside – Moses would ask, Who is on the LORD’s side?
  6. The Bible lists many sins and sinners that cannot inherit the heavenly kingdom (I Cor 6:9-10; Gal 5:19-21), so we should stand opposed to those sins and sinners, as written.


  1. Choose athletes or soldiers as examples for temperance and zeal in kingdom duties.
    1. Kingdom life is like a race, so run wisely (He 12:1-3; I Cor 9:24-27; Phil 3:13-14).
    2. You have a war to fight, and you cannot fight it lazily or naturally (Eph 6:10-19).
  2. You cannot serve God and mammon, or worldly success (Matthew 6:24; James 4:4).
  3. Jeshurun waxed fat and kicked (Deut 32:15), and pleasure seeks your ruin (I Pet 2:11).
  4. Paul was committed to not let anything keep him from serving his king (Phil 1:20-21).


  1. The devil will be loosed for a little season to wage war against the saints (Rev 20:7-9).
  2. All enemies will be formally and finally put under the feet of Christ (I Cor 15:23-28).
  3. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom – you will be changed (I Cor 15:50-53).
  4. The glorious God will order an abundant entrance for fruitful saints (II Peter 1:8-11).


  1. The privilege of the kingdom of Christ is a blessing and gift by grace that is beyond description.
  2. The duties to serve such a great God and His Son and our Saviour should be obvious to the just.
  3. Do you understand and accept duty? It describes your kingdom responsibility to Christ (Luke 17:10).
  4. Christians can never give up … never relax … until you reach your long home … your eternal home.
  5. The love of Christ should constrain you; the terror of God should persuade you (II Cor 5:9-15).

For Further Study:

  1. Sermon Outline: The Gospel Millennium.
  2. Sermon Outline: Keepers of the Kingdom
  3. Sermon Outline: Kingdom Warfare.
  4. Sermon Outline: Occupy Till I Come.
  5. Sermon Outline: Kingdom Reputation.
  6. Sermon Outline: Kingdom Duties.
  7. Sermon Outline: Why You Live at This Time.
  8. PowerPoint: What Is a Church?
  9. Sermon Outline: What Is a Church?
  10. Sermon Outline: Glory of the Church.
  11. Sermon Outline: Dispensationalism’s Best Verse
  12. Sermon outline, “Who Is on the Lord’s Side?” 
  13. Sermon Outline: Give No Place to the Devil.
  14. Sermon Outline: The Power of Darkness.
  15. Sermon Outline: Spiritual Adultery.
  16. Sermon Outline: Becoming Sound Doctrine.
  17. Sermon Outline: Few There Be that Find It.