Things Becoming Sound Doctrine




“But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine.”

Titus 2:1


Preparatory Reading: Titus 2; Titus 3; I Peter 2; I Peter 3; I Thessalonians 4; I Timothy 5.


  1. The book of Titus stresses teaching things – practical duties and works – to Christians (Tit 1:13; 2:15; 3:8).
  2. We have just completed a study of Ecclesiastes, where we learned the whole duty of man, but let us here learn a few more reasons why it is the whole duty of man, and there are several lofty objectives for doing so.
  3. We have celebrated Thanksgiving Day, but let us glorify and magnify God better than merely with words.
  4. We are a doctrinal church, but it would be much better for us to live up to less doctrine than disgrace more.
  5. Our position as children of God is wonderful (I John 3:1-2); but our practice should become it (I John 3:3).

The Text (Titus 2:1)

  1. Preachers must teach those rules of conduct for each hearer that agree with and beautify the gospel.
  2. God stated in writing what should be preached (2:1), why it should be preached (2:5,10,14), how it should be preached (2:15), and when it should be preached (3:8). Ministers are without excuse!
  3. Become. transitive verb. To accord with, agree with, be suitable to; to befit. To be congruous, appropriate, fitting. To befit; to be proper to or for. To adorn, beautify, or enhance a thing well.
  4. Sound doctrine is that teaching or set of instructions for godly conduct given by God (I Tim 1:10).
  5. But and thou refer to the context about false teachers, Cretian habits, and false professors (1:10-16).
  6. Titus 2 and 3 show the need of teaching these things – practical duties – to Christians (2:15; 3:8).
  7. The chapter begins and ends with Paul’s mention of things – duties for each Christian (2:1,15; 3:8).
  8. Aged men are addressed first (2:2). They are to be sober (serious), grave (dignified), temperate (self-disciplined), sound in faith (stable in doctrine), sound in charity (consistently loving of others), and sound in patience (cheerful and stable during afflictions).
  9. Aged women (2:3) … lives becoming holiness … good works do adorn (I Tim 2:9-10; I Pet 3:3-4).
    1. They must be teachers of good things to young women as much as avoiding wine and slander.
    2. A holy woman is not content with being holy … she teaches marital and domestic holiness.
    3. Such teaching requires discernment, courage, explanation, instruction, correction, or warning.
    4. They must not hide behind fear, personality weaknesses, bad habits, or knowing their errors.
    5. The young women are discouraged and defeated when they expect this, but it does not happen.
    6. Young women do not know these things and are tempted against them, needing godly teachers.
    7. If our young women are not all that they should be, it will be the fault of the aged women.
    8. Young women want to learn, but they need to be taught what does and what does not work.
    9. If we are the body of Christ, the younger women are little sisters or daughters – teach them!
    10. The aged women cannot go through life just sitting in church and fulfilling their family duties.
    11. The aged women cannot fear they are meddling, for they are keeping duties declared by God.
    12. The young women should do everything graciously possible to reassure their aged teachers.
  10. Young women (2:4-5) … observe the serious consequences of their actions … which can cause blasphemy, just like David’s adultery and murder did (II Sam 12:14).
  11. Young men are addressed last, and they are exhorted against one of their great weaknesses (2:6).
  12. Ministers are taught through Titus, for they must be good examples (2:7-8; I Tim 4:12; I Pet 5:3).
  13. Servants, which include all age and sex distinctions, are instructed how to work on the job (2:9-10).
  14. All Christians have been redeemed by Christ and instructed by the gospel to good works (2:11-14).
  15. These things are to be taught authoritatively as from Jesus Christ without any compromise (2:15).

The Concept

  1. Actions speak louder than words, so our actions must prove and promote the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  2. The Bible rule is that even a child’s character is known by his doings, not by his talking (Pr 20:11).
  3. It has been well said that the only Bible some will ever read is the lives of Christians they meet.
  4. The Corinthian saints were living epistles proving God’s work and his apostleship (II Cor 3:1-3).
  5. You are watched all the time – at home, at work, at church, at play, at shopping, at neighbors, etc.
  6. God staked His reputation partially on our lives by saving us and commanding we act like children.
  7. We have taken the name Christ in several senses, and we must live up to it for Him (II Tim 2:19).
  8. By the lives of most Christians, would anyone want to be a Christian, especially a Bible Christian?
  9. If Bible Christianity and spiritual religion were a crime, is there enough evidence to convict you?
  10. Some Christians live in such a way no one would follow them to their religion for right reasons.
  11. Some Christians live in such a way that anyone knowing them despises their religion and faith.
  12. Only a few Christians live in such a way as to encourage other Christians and attract new converts.
  13. One of the main complaints against Christianity is hypocrisy, which we must always, totally avoid.
  14. Commitment and enthusiasm sell, which must describe our zeal for Jesus Christ and His kingdom.
  15. Your life can glorify God, adorn the truth, convert others, silence gainsayers, provoke saints, etc.!
  16. Solomon knew a man’s character and habits can be learned by looking at his things (Pr 24:30-34).
  17. Since a merry heart produces a shining countenance, we can tell what is inside a man (Pr 15:13,15).
  18. God knew men keeping His pure word would give a great impression even to pagans (Deut 4:5-9).
  19. Many of God’s elect are the poor of this world, but they do not have to remain poor in any respect.
  20. One act of folly by an odious woman or a foolish sentence by a talker can destroy much (Ec 10:1).
  21. Rather than wear Pharisaical bracelets with “WWJD,” why not just think, speak, and act like Him!
  22. This is the evangelism of the New Testament taught repeatedly in Paul’s general epistles to saints.
    1. The apostles fulfilled the primary intent and stated features of the Great Commission long ago.
    2. Paul’s general epistles are silent about the Commission, but they have many exhortations and warnings about living in such a way as to shame our enemies and promote Christ’s gospel.
  23. Do you want to provoke the saints God has put in your life to love and good works (Heb 10:24)?
    1. Obviously, you can do so verbally by correcting, instructing, and warning them from the Bible.
    2. You can also do so by living a cheerful and successful life of godliness before them (II Co 9:2).
  24. Do you want to contend with the wicked around us? Then keep the law of God zealously (Pr 28:4).
    1. If your marriage is not godly, then you endorse bitterness, fornication, defrauding, divorce, etc.
    2. If you do not discipline your children into submission, then you praise this generation’s brats.
    3. If you want to contend against abortion, then build the happiest family of children anywhere.
    4. If you want to contend against unions, then work harder than any other as God defines work.
  25. The Jews, who had the religion of God, caused blasphemy by their hypocritical lives (Rom 2:24).
    1. Paul mocked his own nation for their presumptuous pride in God and scripture (Rom 2:17-27).
    2. Yet their lives condemned God, their religion, and themselves in the eyes of Gentile observers.
  26. Those who profess they know God but live contrary to the N.T. are lying reprobates (Titus 1:16).
    1. Paul warned Titus of Jewish fables and the ungodly habits of the Cretians (Titus 1:10-15).
    2. Such conduct must be rebuked sharply to keep believers living according to God’s religion.
    3. Your works will deny your professed faith, if you lack good works defined by God (I John 2:4).
    4. It was this introduction that led Paul to give Titus the rules for every person (Titus 2:1-15).
  27. Consider examples in the Bible that provoked others and can provoke us by the effect they had.
    1. Asa’s revival caused many strangers from the ten tribes to move to Judah (II Chron 15:8-17).
    2. Paul’s great conversion was spread far and wide and brought glory to God (Galatians 1:20-24).
    3. The Ephesian converts burned many books of witchcraft, promoting the gospel (Ac 19:18-20).
    4. The details of the conversion of the Thessalonians spread abroad to many (I Thess 1:6-10).
    5. The giving of the Corinthians and Paul’s boasting of them had provoked many (II Cor 9:2).

The Commandment

  1. The Lord Jesus Christ taught clearly that we are to let our lights shine before men (Matt 5:13-16).
    1. The children of God are to have the enhancing and preserving effect of salt on others’ lives.
    2. The children of God are to be the light of the world, which is not to be hidden or disguised.
    3. We are children of light, and we must let that light of holiness and truth shine to the world.
    4. Men will glorify the God of heaven for the changes in our lives, but mediocrity does not cut it!
    5. We have been called to be fruit-bearing disciples, which brings great glory to God (John 15:8).
  2. Paul taught blameless and harmless lives as lights in a crooked and perverse world (Phil 2:12-18).
    1. Are you a light? Do you shine bright in the middle of dark paganism and carnal Christianity?
    2. God’s sovereign salvation leads to working out our practical salvation with fear and trembling.
    3. God’s good pleasure is for us to reject all murmurings and disputings to be perfect sons of God.
    4. Godly lives must precede declaring our faith, and it is this order that makes a ministry fruitful.
    5. The joy of true ministers is dependent on the sacrifice and service of faith, not just mere faith.
  3. Peter taught that godliness in life’s practical things could cause men to glorify God (I Pet 2:11-12).
    1. His language about good works and God being glorified is very similar to Jesus’ (Matt 5:16).
    2. The day of visitation in this text is when the gospel comes to Gentiles from God (Acts 15:14).
    3. Our good works must be done in public without shame for men to behold them as it is stated.
    4. Observe and consider how Peter makes application of the concept to civil authority (2:13-17), employment (2:18-21), wives (3:1-6), husbands (3:7), and all believers (3:13-17).
  4. Wives of unconverted men can win them to Christianity without talking the word (I Peter 3:1-2).
    1. It is by godly submission (subjection) and sexual purity through the fear of God that works.
    2. Note again the use of behold, which is to see the good works, as taught (Matt 5:16; I Pet 2:12).
    3. A godly woman will adorn herself – make herself beautiful – by a meek and quiet spirit (3:5).
    4. There is no rebuke here for well-dressed wives, just to keep looks in its right place (Pr 31:22).
    5. A dowdy woman like the Amish or Mennonites is no light to Christianity – they are ridiculous!
  5. Husbands of unconverted wives can win them to Christianity with or without talking (I Cor 7:16).
  6. Our sanctified lives should lead others to ask for reasons of the hope within us (I Peter 3:14-17).
    1. A life that begs questions is one sanctified from the inside out by the fear of the Lord God.
    2. What does hope look like to unbelievers? Fearlessness! Joy! Peace! Faith! Thankfulness! Zeal!
    3. Are you ready to answer with reasons, not just beliefs, opinions, or speculations (Pr 22:17-21).
    4. Is your conscience pure? Based on a life that will shame those falsely accusing your conduct?
    5. If God chooses examination or persecution for us, let us make sure it is for well doing, not evil.
  7. It is the duty and privilege of all saints to have a lifestyle becoming the gospel of Christ (Phil 1:27).
    1. As in the title text above (Titus 2:1), the actions of saints either adorn or disgrace the gospel.
    2. Become. transitive verb. To accord with, agree with, be suitable to; to befit. To be congruous, appropriate, fitting. To befit; to be proper to or for. To adorn, beautify, or enhance a thing well.
    3. Your conversation is your lifestyle, and it should agree with and fit the gospel of Jesus Christ.
    4. Paul knew their character and reputation would spread for him to know how they were doing.
    5. The main thought in this text is peace and unity in the faith of the gospel (Ep 4:1-3; I Cor 1:10).
    6. Strife and division is from the devil, not from God, so beware of all grudges (James 3:14-18).
  8. We are to avoid any offence to any group that we can possibly avoid (I Cor 10:32 cp Gal 6:10).
    1. Our first emphasis is on the children of God, but we are not to forget care for worldings as well.
    2. Consider other references exhorting us to treat all men well (Rom 12:18; I Thess 5:15).
  9. Paul taught saints to follow his example and of others, so they would live properly (I Cor 11:1).
    1. Paul’s life, from various sources, was to be the pattern for their own lives (Phil 4:9; 3:17).
    2. From this great ministerial example, lesser ministers are to do the same (I Tim 4:12; I Pet 5:3).

The Character

  1. The morality of nations by conscience reproves sin (Rom 1:24-28; I Cor 5:1; 11:14-15; Mal 1:6).
    1. Though the wicked may not do right, they often know what is right, and saints can confirm it.
    2. One of the most horrible things to hear is: I did not think that Christians did that kind of thing.
    3. If they do not say it to your face, they are thinking it often, if they know you are a Christian.
  2. The care of parents and other aged relatives is a rule of Christianity and humanity (I Timothy 5:8).
    1. If you do not financially support your parents, you are not a Christian, nor even a civilized man.
    2. Therefore, the New Testament orders children and nephews to support widows (I Tim 5:4,16).
    3. Whenever there is a need by a person, the family, immediate and removed, is responsible first.
  3. Honesty and peace is due to all men (Rom 12:17-18) … including work habits (I Thess 4:11-12).
  4. Love of personal enemies proves character as the sons of God, Who is kind to His (Matt 5:43-48).
  5. Revenge is devilish, and Christians are to avoid returning evil for evil (Rom 12:17; I Thess 5:15).
  6. We are to avoid any appearance of evil to anyone, if we can at all avoid it for them (I Thess 5:22).
  7. The Lord wants all men to see the meekness – humility and service – of Christians (Titus 3:2).
  8. Balance, brethren! Balance! Let us reject being righteous over much or being over wise (Ecc 7:16).
    1. When we get out of the truth into either ditch, we bring reproach upon the religion of our God.
    2. A godly mother steers safely between an overbearing neat freak and a doting lover of her man.
    3. Virtuous women avoid both clothing extremes of Amish and whores (Pr 31:22; Gen 12:11-12).
    4. Temperate Christians moderately enjoy food and drink without any drunkenness or gluttony.
  9. Are you such a new creature that the change is dramatic, definite, and supernatural (II Cor 5:17)?
  10. How do you tip? Do you show the liberal generosity of God, or the stingy rudeness of the devil?
    1. What a disgrace for a so-called Christian to leave a tract but no tip or a worthless tip of little.
    2. Consider tipping well! If you have prayed before you eat, your religion will be measured by it.
    3. What words of scorn must rise to heaven when those who pray leave some miserly pittance.
    4. Who cares about some lowly waitress? The God of heaven, and He will reward good tippers.
  11. Good women are rare, and the impact they have for good or evil is great (Pr 12:4; 19:13-14; 30:21-23; 31:10; I Tim 2:9-15; I Tim 5:13-14; Titus 2:3-5; I Peter 3:1-6).
  12. Spouse! Do the happiness, love, romance, and sex of your marriage glorify God’s institution?
    1. Solomon’s Song is part of the Bible! One of 66 books! It is ours! Does your love life show it?
    2. Does your marriage confirm all the wonderful things the Bible says about a Christian marriage?
    3. Fornicating fools and faggots cannot match a godly marriage. Does your marriage prove it?
    4. Do your children desire to have a marriage just like yours? Or about the opposite? Beware!
    5. Does your marriage commend Christianity? Condemn dysfunction, depression, and divorce?
    6. Wife, does your submission and reverence of your husband match the Bible and rejoice hearts?
    7. If you are not a doting wife, you disgrace Christ’s gospel, and your children will reject you.
    8. God does not have a place in His religion for overbearing, picky, motor-mouth wives.
    9. Visitors to our church should marvel at the loving, submissive wives and loving, leading men.
  13. Your children say much about your religion, your diligence, your life at home, your prayers, etc.
    1. Our children should be exemplary in spirit and conduct, proving good parents and training.
    2. Good children rebuke this generation’s abortions, permissiveness, and lack of happy families.
    3. Children must be well-behaved, quite, obedient, reverent, kind, sharing, gracious, serving, etc.
    4. Children should never be allowed to argue, complain, fight, murmur, pout, whine, etc., etc.
    5. It only takes a few minutes for men to know if you have trained your children properly or not.
    6. The nuclear family … man, woman, and children should be a glorious picture of Christianity.
    7. Our families should be united, happy, productive, serving, noble, virtuous, friendly, etc., etc.
  14. Citizen and employee! Your conscience toward God should affect your conduct (I Peter 2:11-22).
    1. We submit to government for the Lord’s sake, though we are free as the servants of God.
    2. The reasons are (a) the will of God in the matter and (2) to silence ignorant fools accusing us.
    3. We submit to froward masters on the job for conscience toward God and for Him to accept us.
    4. This conduct on the job is elsewhere shown to witness for the truth (I Tim 6:1-2; Titus 2:9-10).
    5. Work habits … early … owner’s mentality and zeal … communicative … punctual … etc.
    6. Where can you find God’s wisdom and the rules of conduct? Proverbs; Eph 6:5-8; Col 3:22-25.
  15. Our only criticism should be our religion as a Christian, like Daniel in pagan Persia (I Pet 4:15-16).
  16. Christians should be the happiest … purest … kindest … most diligent … most gracious … wisest … most respectful … most peaceful … most temperate … most loving … most joyful … most longsuffering … most merciful … most forgiving … most gentle … most good … most full of faith … most humble and meek … etc.
  17. What affect can a virtuous woman have? Her conduct can exalt her husband (Pr 12:4; 14:1; 31:23).
  18. Love is the greatest grace and mark of a child of God in a hateful world (John 13:34-35; Titus 3:3).
    1. Remember your love of brethren is a mark that Jesus Christ established for all men to witness.
    2. This is not in thought or word – this love is in Christian service as defined by the Bible itself.
    3. Remember also love of wife, husband, children, neighbors, and enemies as great also.
  19. Charity does not behave itself unseemly, which is conventional courtesy and manners (I Cor 13:5).
    1. Though most Christians are chosen from the poor, they can learn to be courteous and classy.
    2. There is no virtue in staying classless and crude, just because that was the way you were born.
  20. Though you may generally have a wise reputation, a little folly can really stink things up (Ec 10:1).
  21. What is your credit score? What do people think, who know it and that you claim to be a Christian?
    1. The Bible has much to say in both testaments of how you manage your money and reputation.
    2. A credit score is a single number summary of how you have managed loans and payments.
    3. Excess debt is a terrible thing, and it proves impatience, impulsiveness, irresponsibility, etc.
  22. How clean and orderly is your house and car? Are these matters too minor to be of any concern?
    1. The cleanliness and orderliness of a house reflects the conscience and diligence of the wife.
    2. The world knows by nature that a house should be clean, neat, organized, well decorated, etc.
    3. What if you have to give a ride to a person that sees your filthy car? What about in your trunk?
  23. What about your body? God created it, gave it as a gift, and bought it by His blood (I Cor 6:12-20).
    1. Is your weight indicative of energy, health, and strength? Or does it imply a lazy slob? Beware!
    2. Is your weight indicative of temperance and reverence for your spouse? Or selfish negligence?
    3. An overweight body or sloppy appearance is one of the first statements you make to the world.
    4. The world understands these two things well, for they are hard to overcome during interviews.
    5. A godly woman cares about her physical appearance (Pr 31:22; Gen 22:11-12; I Sam 25:3).
    6. There is no place for sloppy Christians. God called you as poor, but you are a child of the king!
  24. Graciousness and gracious speech should be visible to all, even those without the church (Col 4:6).
  25. Knowledge – what does it say of our faith, if you cannot answer questions with reasons (I Pe 3:15).
  26. Consistency in all the example areas above and in all others is the capstone to a God-glorifying life.

The Crowd

  1. Any person in any setting might be that person convicted by God and seeking truth that needs you.
  2. The wisdom of Proverbs, godly wisdom, is how we should live before the world’s men (Col 4:5-6).
  3. Our conduct should shame our enemies, which means that our godliness is observable (I Pet 3:16).
  4. When Daniel was politically vetted (examined) by his peers, they could not fault him (Dan 6:1-5).
    1. Daniel had been in office near 70 years, but his enemies could not find any error or fault at all.
    2. They knew that the only matter in which they could trap him would be one regarding his God!
    3. Is your life such that you would have to be falsely accused, as were Jesus, Stephen, Paul, etc.?
  5. Luke 23:14-15 … Jesus had to be falsely accused, because there was nothing to find against Him.
  6. Paul had to be falsely accused, for he had a clean reputation (Acts 25:7 cp 23:1; 24:16; 26:4-5).
  7. Ministers are also to have a good report of them that are without to protect the gospel (I Tim 3:7).
  8. Parent! Consider what your children see, hear, and sense by your life and the spiritual things in it.
    1. The glory of children is their father … but this is only a good father (Pr 17:6). What are you?
    2. You cannot drop your guard at home inconsistent with the Bible. Your children are watching.
    3. What do your children know about your delight in God and His word and love of His worship?
    4. It is a simple rule that big hypocrites beget little hypocrites. They will assume it as Christianity.
    5. Will your children trust you and wait for a Christian spouse based on your great marriage?
    6. One of the best ways to win children to Christ is to live the Christian life joyfully in each part.
    7. Why would a child reject worldly pleasures and fleshly lusts for the lives of miserable parents?
  9. Our own church and each member in it is a crowd or audience we can influence by our example.
    1. The Bible speaks of provoking one another to love and to good works (Hebrews 10:24).
    2. The means of provoking others to good works includes being an example (II Corinthians 9:2).
    3. Remember, it is the aged women in the church that are to teach the young women in the church.
    4. Liberties are guarded carefully for the benefit of others (Romans 14; I Corinthians 6,8,10).

The Consequences

  1. A bad consequence is giving occasion to the enemies of God to blaspheme Him (II Samuel 12:14).
    1. When a devoted Christian sins, God’s enemies can blaspheme His name and religion as a sham.
    2. The character of God and His religion are disgraced, giving evil men an excuse to despise both.
    3. Wicked men sin more boldly; profane men mock religion’s claim of holiness; presumptuous men assume God will spare them; pagan men mock the Christian’s character and profession.
    4. How important was this consequence? The LORD killed David and Bathsheba’s love child.
    5. It is our holy duty to protect the name and religion of God from any such occasions by our sins.
    6. If a child of God sins like David did, then the remedy is to repent like David did (Ps 51:1-19).
    7. God and men have loved David and measured by him after his repentance (I Kings 15:1-5).
  2. Your job performance, a daily duty, says a great deal about God and His doctrine (I Tim 6:1-2).
    1. Is it right to assign a warning to working a job that was used for David’s adultery and murder?
    2. Even servants or slaves were to count (value) their masters (bosses or owners) worthy of all honor (every respect that can be given), for there is no master but the one God sent for you.
    3. If you happen to work for a believing master, the authority is to be honored even more. Amen!
    4. God condemns the temptation to resent masters of any kind or sort as contrary to His religion.
    5. Observe Paul’s exhortation to Timothy with the very same words he used to Titus (I Tim 6:2b).
    6. Men have read these words and heard them preached for 2000 years in all kinds of job settings.
  3. A woman’s performance as a wife and mother can say good or bad about Christianity.
    1. Is it right to assign the same warning to wives that was used for David’s adultery and murder?
    2. A woman’s life brings reproach or blasphemy to God and His word (I Tim 5:13-14; Tit 2:5).
    3. An odious woman cannot be hid – for everyone can see and despise her (Pr 27:15-16; 12:4).
    4. The jokes made about lazy, odious, rebellious, wandering women should not be heard of ours.
    5. A lazy, complaining, or odious wife destroys her marriage, children, gospel, church, etc.
  4. A bad consequence is giving an example that leads others to follow our hypocrisy (Gal 2:11-13).
    1. Peter’s fear of men got him in deep trouble the second time when visiting Antioch in Syria.
    2. He compromised his commitment to sound doctrine by fearing men and desiring acceptance.
    3. The other Jews and even the apostle Barnabas were evilly influenced by Peter’s hypocrisy.
    4. Paul rebuked him openly and to his face in order to preserve the truth of the gospel of God.
    5. The matter was so serious that an apostle was publicly rebuked and recorded for all Christians.
  5. Profane and vain babblings increase ungodliness and overthrow the faith of some (II Tim 2:16-18).
  6. A good consequence is that of Paul’s conversion which caused many to glorify God (Gal 1:20-24).
    1. Paul’s life was changed completely and dramatically to be the opposite of what it had been.
    2. When this great conversion was heard, it caused men to glorify God for such a great things.
  7. A good consequence is that of the Thessalonians great conversion to the gospel (I Thess 1:6-10).
    1. These converted souls became examples to the whole nation of Greece by their changed lives.
    2. The word of the Lord by way of their changed lives traveled far and convinced man. Glory!
  8. When Asa led a revival in Judah, many others were attracted from Israel to join it (II Chr 15:8-9).


  1. Each thought, word, and deed reflects strongly on our Father in heaven, His religion, the Bible, our church.
  2. Fear your influence, appreciate your influence, guard your influence, and use it carefully as described above.
  3. What fruit do you have in souls? Why? Do not measure your life by any vague notion that comforts you. If you do not have the fruit of souls converted by your influence, then you must examine yourself as to why.
  4. You have a personality handicap? Really? Get over it. There is no allowance for it in the word of God. A personality handicap is merely bad habits allowed by lazy or pagan parents and teachers. You can change.
  5. What should you do? Examine yourself in light of God’s word. Confess past failures, for God forgives. Change what you need to change, today. Let God undo your past mistakes. Let God bless your new efforts.
  6. These sermons also apply to those visiting our church, for we can be beacon of light and hope to them.

For Further Study:

  1. Sermon Outline: Actions Speak Louder
  2. Sermon Outline: Living Epistles
  3. Sermon Outline: A Good Name
  4. Sermon Outline: Your Body Is the Lord’s
  5. Sermon Outline: Love Is the Greatest 
  6. Sermon Outline: Salvation By Works
  7. Sermon Outline: Light of the World … taken from the outlines of the Sermon on the Mount, not in e-format.