All Sermons: Christ
True preaching emphasizes Jesus Christ and Him crucified (I Cor 2:2; 3:11). This most important fact is glorious (Gal 6:14; I Tim 1:15; 3:16). The universe exists for the drama of the Son of God securing eternal life for His people. Preaching is not anecdotes, jokes, or stories. It is not about you being healthy, wealthy, and happy – it is about you humbling yourself before Jesus Christ and changing your life to please your Creator God and Saviour, for He is coming soon to judge the world.
3/2/2025 AMPsalm 22: Christ Crucified
This Messianic Psalm is the Psalm of the Cross, for it graphically details the various sufferings of our Lord during His crucifixion more than any other place in the Bible. By God's design, it is presented in the first person of Jesus Christ Himself describing what He felt and thought before His death.
2/19/2025 PMMessianic Psalms Slides
David prophesied 1000 years in advance about Jesus Christ. He left us about 15 Psalms that help us know and love Jesus more. These Psalms are a way to stir up your love for Him. A pastor's highest goal and God's severest measure of a church is love of His Son. Pick a favorite and savor it.
2/16/2025 PMPsalm 45: A Song of Loves
David foretold the marriage of King Jesus to the church. This psalm is special. First, He described the King, the Man Christ Jesus in glorious and majestic and friendly terms. Then we see the marriage proposal. Then a further description of the bride. This psalm should provoke your love of Jesus Christ.
2/9/2025 PMIsaiah 53: Servant to Son
The sufferings and death of Jesus, planned by God for His Servant, were to redeem His elect children from their sins. The 15 verses fabulously describe what Jesus did by taking our sins, for which God highly rewarded Him. Though a fast-paced sermon, the outline contains much more detail for study.
2/2/2025 PMAh, Dearest Jesus
Before communion, the pastor shared his favorite hymn he discovered as by a miracle 50 years earlier when he needed it. Rather than be content with intellectual knowledge of Christ and salvation, no matter how true or accurate, we should have great love for Him and close personal fellowship with Him.
1/5/2025 PMBehold the Lamb of God
John the Baptist named Jesus the Lamb of God. The apostle John recorded it and then used the name 28 times in Revelation. Many millions of lambs were killed for sacrifices, especially Israel's Passover. But Jesus is the Lamb of God, and let your soul be thrilled to consider what the Bible says about Him.
12/1/2024 PMBare Our Sins on the Tree
Jews were persecuted by civil rulers and by bosses on the job, but Peter exhorted them to quiet submission, and He used Jesus as the great example for them. He by Himself bore our sins on the cross. His sacrificial death not only saved them and us, but it teaches them and us a powerful lesson.
8/7/2024 PMTwo Names / Titles of Jesus Slides
The universe and you exist for the drama of God's Son. You will honor Him as Lord one way or the other, actively or passively. A large part of the gospel is the identity of Jesus Christ by various names and titles God gave Him. Rejoice in this short and simple study about the glorious Godman.
6/5/2024 PMThe Day of the Lord Slides
Jesus promised to return for us, and it will be one incredible event of resurrecting the dead, judging the wicked, and destroying this universe with fire. The world tries to get rid of this event like they do the Flood. The value of knowing this event is to live carefully to be ready to meet our Judge.
5/5/2024 PMObedient and Perfect Priest
Jesus Christ was made flesh in order to die for us, which involved great suffering that He begged to avoid, but He submitted obediently to His Father's will and thus was made an even more perfect priest for us, in that He can perfectly relate to our suffering and provided us an example we can follow.
5/5/2024 AMElect to Obedience and Blood
A great summary of the divine plan and work of salvation is I Peter 1:2. Election is the first cause of all that follows, with Jesus Christ's obedience and death the object of God's choice and the Spirit's setting apart of the elect to the effects of His death. These 24 words humble man and glorify God.
3/3/2024 PMGlory Only in the Cross
Galatians 6:14 is a precious and special verse summarizing our faith. Very different than Jewish legalists Paul opposed, his glory was only in Jesus Christ's death. There are three crucifixions in the verse, and all three are important. If you are not crucified to the world, Jesus' death must not mean much.
2/4/2024 PMThe Power of Life (2)
No man has power to resist death or retain his spirit at the time of death. But God gave Jesus the power of life and eternal life, so He is the glorious Prince of Life, and He lives forever. Amen! He guarantees life for us; we can prove we have eternal life; and we should celebrate life with all our might.
2/4/2024 AMThe Power of Life (1)
Life is a precious gift, but we threw it away and chose death in Eden. No man can avoid death. Your body is decaying right now. You will die. But God planned life and eternal life for His elect, and He gave the power of life to His Son Jesus. The gift of life and eternal life bythe grace of God is glorious.
1/28/2024 AMSonship of Jesus Christ
Eternal Sonship is a popular heresy from the Nicene creed that denies the full Deity of Jesus Christ and creates unbiblical divisions in the Trinity. Incarnate Sonship exalts Jesus as the perfect man and as Jehovah God in His two natures. This review summarizes the Bible evidence for Incarnate Sonship.
12/3/2023 PMSeven Facts of Salvation (2) Slides
Hebrews 1:3b declaring Jesus the Son of God as our Savior explained word by word. The book of Hebrews exalts Jesus and salvation like no other. This verse is a favorite. Enjoy these inspired words of God and pick a favorite(s). Revel in the glory of what Jesus did for us and where He is now.
12/3/2023 AMSeven Facts of Salvation (1) Slides
Hebrews 1:3b declaring Jesus the Son of God as our Savior explained word by word. The book of Hebrews exalts Jesus and salvation like no other. This verse is a favorite. Enjoy these inspired words of God and pick a favorite(s). Revel in the glory of what Jesus did for us and where He is now.
11/26/2023 PMJesus Is Our Lord and Savior (2) Slides
A slide sermon showing Jesus' superiority to the angels and the glorious fulfillment of Psalm 8 when he was coronated in heaven. This sermon covers from 1:9 to 2:18. Jesus was made lower than angels to die for us, but is now far above them and the universe, and He is a perfect high priest and friend.
11/26/2023 AMJesus Is Our Lord and Savior (1) Slides
From Hebrews chapter 1, a slide sermon introducing titles of our Lord and the book to exalt Jesus Christ and His N.T. religion. This sermon gets through verse 8. To see the glory of God and to glorify God, you must learn about His Son and embrace Him for all He is. Love these verses. Pick a favorite.
10/1/2023 PMShiloh and Gathering the People
On his deathbed Jacob prophesied of a great ruler coming from Judah, named Shiloh, who would gather the people of God. Both the Old and New Testaments give many fulfillments of this work of Jesus Christ to gather the elect together into the family of God - legally, vitally, practically, finally.
8/13/2023 PMThe Everlasting God and Gospel
For thousands of years, He ignored Gentiles, while He chose Israel as His only nation and church. But then God sent out the command for the gospel to be preached to us, and the number of Gentile converts far exceeded the number of Jewish ones. Jesus' death ended the differences between us for one church.
6/4/2023 PMThe Greatest Love of All (2)
God's great love for His Son is glorious to study and consider, but He loves His elect children with equal love. Incredible! The Bible says so, which should move believers to honor the Son to honor the Father through Him. Communion is a special event and action to celebrate God's love for us.
6/4/2023 AMThe Greatest Love of All (1)
The world is insane about love, for they think self-love is the greatest. But the eternal, intentional, intimate love the Creator God Jehovah had for His Son Jesus is the greatest love of all, and it can be seen through the pages of the Bible as God glorified, protected, and avenged His Son.
5/7/2023 PMA Fountain Filled with Blood
Zechariah 13:1 is a prophecy of a fountain for sin and uncleanness. In a context of prophecies about Jesus, the fountain is a metaphor for the blood of Christ washing away our sins. William Cowper wrote the song, "There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood" which guarantees eternal life for all elect.
4/5/2023 PMThrone Room Reminders Slides
God gave John a view of the throne room in Revelation chapters 1 and 4-5. These slides review the high points of those chapters to identify and interpret some of the symbols not understood by many. Bask in the high honor to be part of the inner circle in heaven. Praise God and the Lamb.
3/5/2023 PMJesus in the Minor Prophets # 2
A quick survey of 14 prophecies in the last twelve books of the Old Testament. The drama of the universe centers around Jesus the Son of God, from Genesis to Revelation. Many fear the Minor Prophets, but they also spoke of Jesus Christ our Lord. Enjoy hunting treasure in these inspired books.
3/5/2023 AMJesus in the Minor Prophets # 1
A quick survey of 14 prophecies in the last twelve books of the Old Testament. The drama of the universe centers around Jesus the Son of God, from Genesis to Revelation. Many fear the Minor Prophets, but they also spoke of Jesus Christ our Lord. Enjoy hunting treasure in these inspired books.
2/5/2023 PMNeglected Facts of Jesus’ Death
We have studied in detail the categories of our Lord's suffering before - physical, psychological, spiritual, and divine. This very simple review is of a few facts commonly overlooked by Christians about our Lord's death. May you Kiss the Son by reviewing the details of what He did to save you.
12/25/2022 PMKiss the Son (3) Slides
Psalm 2:12 gives the phrase, Kiss the Son, as God by His prophet David warned rulers to humbly submit to Him lest He destroy them. Luke 7:36-50 describes a sinful woman kissing Jesus' feet affectionately. Judas also kissed Him hypocritically. Here are reasons to kiss the Son and how to do it.
12/25/2022 AMKiss the Son (2) Slides
Psalm 2:12 gives the phrase, Kiss the Son, as God by His prophet David warned rulers to humbly submit to Him lest He destroy them. Luke 7:36-50 describes a sinful woman kissing Jesus' feet affectionately. Judas also kissed Him hypocritically. Here are reasons to kiss the Son and how to do it.
12/21/2022 AMKiss the Son (1) Slides
Psalm 2:12 gives the phrase, Kiss the Son, as God by His prophet David warned rulers to humbly submit to Him lest He destroy them. Luke 7:36-50 describes a sinful woman kissing Jesus' feet affectionately. Judas also kissed Him hypocritically. Here are reasons to kiss the Son and how to do it.
9/7/2022 PMThe Breath of His Lips Slides
The prophecies of Jesus the Messiah told He would have great wisdom and speech. The N.T. record shows His ability to slay the wicked with His wisdom and words. This glorious aspect of God's Son is wickedly thought too harsh and severe by most. Our Lord could also comfort and encourage any.
9/4/2022 PMThe Great Gulf Spanned
Luke 16:19-31 is our Lord's lesson about hell and heaven, when He taught that hell was filled with torments and there was no comfort or escape. God has fixed a great gulf between hell and heaven, but Jesus died on the cross to span that gulf to save His elect. The song, At Calvary, was used.
7/19/2022 AMLove Not the World – Pyramid Slides
This simple graphic is a little tool to see all that is in the world we must not love. It is too easy to hate the bottom tier and forget our own lives at the top, which Jesus also said for us to hate. The tiers in between are the other things we must keep in their proper place to love God as He expects. The 3-minute video might help you further understand the graphic.
6/5/2022 PMWar at Calvary
Jesus spoiled the devil's kingdom, made an open show of him, and triumphed over him on the cross. There was war at Calvary. Consider Him defeating that diabolical fiend by redeeming us from God's claim of death against us due to Satan.
6/5/2022 AMReal Insider Information (2) Slides
I Cor 1-2 glorifies God's grace in salvation and in conveying truth to His children. God designed the gospel to offend the wicked and to comfort His elect. Christians are a secret society in the world with perfect knowledge of all things.
5/8/2022 PMThe Son of GOD
The true identity of Jesus as Son of God is crucial to truth, fellowship, and joy. But Satan and men have attacked His Sonship by corrupting it with philosophy and foolish lies. See all three phases or views of the Son of God and worship thy God.
5/1/2022 PMAs Moses Lifted Up the Serpent
Jesus shocked Nicodemus several ways, but one was to describe the death of Messiah by being lifted up - death by crucifixion. He used Moses' brass serpent to illustrate the mode of death. Never forget that Jesus died for you and how.
3/13/2022 AMGlory to God Forever 1 Slides
Paul ended the first three chapters of Ephesians with a doxology. This followed his prayer for greater fellowship with God by Holy Spirit power working in them. You exist for God's glory, and it should be the focal point for every church.
1/9/2022 AMThe Day the Universe Shook (2 sermons)
Jesus' death is the greatest event in human history. Even atheists count time from it. Heaven, earth, and hell were affected by it. Results, legal, practical, and political, were incredible. Do you love, worship, and remember His death rightly?
12/5/2021 PMA Lake, A Book, A Lamb
Jesus will soon sit on His throne to destroy this world. He will judge all men and cast sinners into the lake of fire. Some will be saved whose names are in the book of life, which He guaranteed by His death for them. Is your name in this book?
11/7/2021 AMThat They Might Know Thee
John 17:1-3 states that God saved His elect by giving them to Jesus to die for. Why? For them to know Him and His Son! The universe exists for the glory of God, and salvation's design does it perfectly for intimate fellowship with some.
10/20/2021 PMLimited Atonement Slides
Does God love and did Jesus die for all men or the elect? The answer is crucial. God's love and the death of Christ are incredibly greater when they accomplish their purpose and result in perfect salvation forever without loss or separation of one.
10/3/2021 PMThe Unspeakable Gift
II Corinthians 9:15 declares God's gift of eternal life by His Son to be an unspeakable gift. Paul ended two chapters exhorting Corinth to greater giving by this statement. How is salvation unspeakable? What should we do because of it?
9/15/2021 PMRedeemed! Slides
A follow-up to a salvation study of ransom two weeks earlier. The Holy Spirit chose special words for our salvation, which we call facets. Redeem is an economic term used often in the Bible. We want to fully grasp it to appreciate salvation.
9/5/2021 PMWhy Hast Thou Forsaken Me?
Calvary had physical pain, anxiety and loss psychologically, spiritual warfare, and divine forsaking. God and Jesus had perfect fellowship at all times until our sins were put on Him, causing Him to despearately cry out as Psalm 22:1 records.
9/1/2021 PMI Have Found a Ransom Slides
The Holy Spirit chose special words for our salvation, which we call facets. Ransom is an economic term for the price paid to get something or someone back from another's control. We want to fully grasp it to appreciate our salvation.
8/1/2021 PMNotable Features of Jesus’ Death
A very short devotional before the Lord's Supper in which a very few notable features of Jesus' death are identified in the Bible. Lovers of Christ want to remember more than that Jesus died but how well He died, just as His Father above.
8/1/2021 AMThe Spoils of the Cross
God loved His Son's noble conduct to become a man and die the cruel death of crucifixion. For His death on the cross, God gave Him great honors and rewards, which spoils of victory He has shared with His church, especially the Holy Spirit.
7/11/2021 PMCharacter without Christ (2) Slides
Character or conduct valued by men is not enough, even if Biblical. We must love Jesus the Son of God or we can expect His judgment like Israel received in 70 A.D. What can you do with your family to know and love Jesus most of all?
7/11/2021 AMCharacter without Christ (1) Slides
We shall soon be at the judgment seat of Christ to account for our lives. Have we loved Jesus Christ and served Him passionately, or have we measured ourselves by worldly standards? Earthly honors will not mean a thing in that day.
6/27/2021 AMThe Beauty of Jesus Christ
Isaiah foretold Jews rejecting Jesus for not having any beauty. To those with spiritual and foresightful eyes, He is very beautiful. Do you think Jesus Christ beautiful? How do you show it and tell it to others. Renew your first love of Him today.
5/2/2021 AMThe Blood of Christ (3 sermons)
Blood is featured prominently in the Bible, for it is the life of the flesh. Bloodshed is death. God created a flesh and blood body for Jesus to be the perfect high priest, and losing His blood at death secured eternal life for God's elect.
4/18/2021 AMJohn the Baptist (5 sermons)
John is a great man in the Bible and human history. Learn all you can of how he prepared Israel for Jesus and identified Him as Son of God. Get ready for Him by repentance, baptism, reformation, godliness. A study of John is a study of Jesus.
4/4/2021 PMSelective Identity
When God looks at you or me, He sees His Son Jesus Christ by selective identity, for He chose us in Him, and He chose Him to be our Substitute and also our Advocate and Mediator.
3/7/2021 PMThe New Testament Cup
The words Jesus used to institute communion are often read without understanding. The new testament is the everlasting covenant of salvation revealed. Therefore, each aspect or facet of salvation may be added to His words, This cup is ....
2/7/2021 PMDavid and Jesus Compared
Jesus is the Son of David with some similarities, but Jesus far excells him by some differences. We can glorify Jesus by the similarities and the differences. David himself called Jesus his Lord, and he wrote that He was fairer than all men.
11/15/2020 AMThe Covenants of God (25 sermons)
God's covenants with men are a large part of the Bible. A covenant is a compact or contract dictating how persons will treat each other. The glorious Creator God chose to bind Himself by covenant to save His elect people. Hallelujah! Amen!
11/8/2020 AMTwo Kings and Their Laws
Sin and death reign over men since Adam as unalterable laws. Bildad called death King of Terrors. Now righteousness and life reign by the Prince of Life for believers. Learn the terrible plight of sinners and our grand redemption in Christ.
10/18/2020 PMJesus the Son of God (4) Slides
Slides to show Jesus fulfilled Psalm 2 by resurrection and coronation, as Paul taught in Hebrews 1 and 5 and Acts 13. Eternal sonship and a deferred kingdom are both refuted by many scriptures combined for the truth of Jesus Christ's Lordship.
10/18/2020 AMJesus the Son of God (3) Slides
Slides to show Jesus fulfilled Psalm 2 by resurrection and coronation, as Paul taught in Hebrews 1 and 5 and Acts 13. Eternal sonship and a deferred kingdom are both refuted by many scriptures combined for the truth of Jesus Christ's Lordship.
10/11/2020 PMJesus the Son of God (2) Slides
Slides to show Jesus fulfilled Psalm 2 by resurrection and coronation, as Paul taught in Hebrews 1 and 5 and Acts 13. Eternal sonship and a deferred kingdom are both refuted by many scriptures combined for the truth of Jesus Christ's Lordship.
10/11/2020 AMJesus the Son of God (1) Slides
Slides to show Jesus fulfilled Psalm 2 by resurrection and coronation, as Paul taught in Hebrews 1 and 5 and Acts 13. Eternal sonship and a deferred kingdom are both refuted by many scriptures combined for the truth of Jesus Christ's Lordship.
10/7/2020 PMFurniture, Feasts, Sacrifices Slides
Most of the Bible is written to Jews about Jewish worship, thus many features of buildings, holy days, and sacrifices. These slides are to explain those things to help know the Bible better and appreciate what Jesus did for us on the cross.
9/13/2020 PMJewels of Calvary in Hebrews
Hebrews has a single and simple theme - the preeminence of Jesus Christ. Written to Jews used to a sacrificial system involving priests, Paul made many comparisons to show our Lord's death far superior to any O.T. priest or offering.
8/9/2020 AMParables of Matthew 13
Jesus used eight parables to teach five crucial, relevant lessons. He described seven options that cover all men. Learning the parables may be exciting, but the goal here is to learn the lessons and change your life to match His doctrine. Beware!
7/26/2020 PMJesus the Friend of Sinners
Pharisees despised Jesus for loving repentant sinners. He came to save such sinners. Learn to hate the vile spirit of Pharisaism in yourself or in others. Jesus will never cast out a sinner coming to Him. He loves big sinners, knowing they love more.
6/7/2020 PMJesus Is Our Yea and Amen
Everyone and everything you know in this world changes. You cannot trust anything with full confidence. God's promises are different, for they depend on the integrity and performance of Jesus - the great Yea and Amen of God's promises.
12/8/2019 AMYe Are Complete in Him
Colossians 2:10 explained, expanded by all the content of the chapter around it.
11/3/2019 PMMessiah the Prince Expanded (2) Slides
Daniel 9:24-27 has precious promises of Jesus our Savior and what He would do.
11/3/2019 AMMessiah the Prince Expanded (1) Slides
Daniel 9:24-27 has precious promises of Jesus our Savior and what He would do.
10/2/2019 AMJesus Is Better Slides
Hebrews 1 begins the inspired comparison of Jesus better than all aspects of the O.T.
8/4/2019 PMThe Son that Became King
Isaiah 9:6-7 ... a simple sermon to see every phrase in the glorious prophecy.
12/5/2018 PM3 Days and 3 Nights Slides
Three days and three nights. A short explanation of the crucifixion week including death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
6/6/2018 PMThe Mystery of Malkiy-Tsedeq Slides
You need a priest – a very good one. Without a priest you cannot go to heaven. The Jews trusted Levitical priests from Aaron. But David wrote in Psalm 110:4 that God would make Messiah a far better priest. Paul explained it all in Hebrews 7 by precious similarities of Jesus to Melchisedec.God swore that Jesus would be a priest forever after the order of Melchisedec.
5/2/2018 PMSecond Coming Facts Slides
Jesus is coming again and you should fully understand this very transcendent event.
10/18/2017 PMThe Holy Spirit (in Ephesians) Slides
Paul in Ephesians told us more about the Holy Spirit than he did anywhere else.
10/5/2016 PMBuilding on Christ Jesus Slides
Wednesday service to exalt Jesus Christ by the scripture and hate wood, hay, stubble.
8/17/2016 PMBaptism of Children Slides
Baptism policy of waiting until 18 years of age explained and defended by Bible.
8/3/2016 PMLoose Your Bowels! Slides
Bible bowels are your affection & sympathy for others to be loosed for kindness.
4/20/2016 PMSonship Simplified and Settled Slides
Controversy about the sonship of Jesus Christ is a war of worlds and words.
3/2/2016 PMThe Christ Wars Slides
Satan attacked and slandered the identity of Jesus Christ from the beginning to now.
2/3/2016 PMHe Ascended Up On High Slides
PowerPoint slides of simple review of Jesus ascent into heaven to His throne.
12/2/2015 PMJesus our King Slides
Isaiah 9:6-7 simply explained to glorify Jesus Christ as Son of David for us forever.
10/21/2015 PMAnother Jesus Slides
Satan corrupts believers and churches from true faith by a false Christ.
6/4/2014 PMMessiah the Prince – Daniel 9 Slides
Daniel 9 and the prophecy of 70 weeks limited and explained by the Bible.
5/7/2014 PMEternal Union with Christ Slides
The foundation of eternal life is found at its source - in the mind and purpose of God in eternity - when He chose His elect in Christ Jesus to be inseparably united to Him forever. God's love is everlasting from this decree and as certain for the elect as it is for Jesus Christ.
9/4/2013 AMGreat Mystery of Godliness – Slides Slides
The wonderful gospel facts of I Timothy 3:16 explained in simple points for memorizing the verse and the gospel presentation in it. This is good for children or for evangelism. This is good for examining yourself whether you believe on Jesus Christ unto eternal life or not.
2/6/2013 PMFeasts and Sacrifices Slides
For 1500 years the Jews worshipped according to what God gave Moses at Sinai. Reading Exodus and Leviticus will confront the reader with feasts and sacrifices that he knows little about. This simple study gives an overview and points to Jesus Christ.
1/16/2011 AMAdoption
The greatest facet of salvation is our adoption as God's sons.
12/26/2004 PMPut on Jesus Christ
Romans 13:14 and context for godly living in godless generation.
12/5/2004 PMFather, Glorify Thy Name
John 12:27-28 and the Fathers glory in Jesus Christ .
11/7/2004 PMJesus Is the Prince of Peace
Jesus is the Prince of Peace by making peace with God for us.
8/1/2004 PMBaptism and Cup of Christ
Jesus drank the cup and was baptized in the wrath of God for us.
7/18/2004 AMI Have Found a Ransom
Jesus paid the ransom price to rescue our souls from hell.
6/27/2004 AMClothed with Christ’s Righteousness
Christ's perfect life is imputed to the elect to make them righteous.
11/23/2003 AMDelighting in the LORD
The higher spiritual plane of delighting in the Lord of glory.
9/7/2003 AMThe Record of Jesus Christ
I John 5 calls for faith in and proves the identity of Jesus as the Son of God by many witnesses. Both simple and obscure verses are explained. Do you believe God’s thorough record concerning His Son? It is the proof of eternal life and the means to overcome the world.
6/1/2003 AMMystery of Godliness
Six revealed glories of Christ from I Timothy 3:16.
4/6/2003 PMKnowing Christ
Paul's testimony of seeking spiritual perfection (Phil 3:8-11).
3/16/2003 AMThe Sonship of Jesus Christ
Denial of eternal sonship and defense of incarnate sonship.
1/12/2003 AMPower of Darkness
Review of Satan to glorify Christ and resist his devices.
8/25/2002 AMProphecy of Caiaphas
Prophecy of Caiaphas in John 11:49-50 of Christ's death.
8/4/2002 AMOur Great High Priest
The concept and history of priests leading to Jesus Christ. Nature of priests and order of Melchisedec from Hebrews
7/7/2002 PMJesus Is Our Surety
Hebrews 7:22 applied to Jesus as our Surety with God
7/7/2002 AMJudgment Seat Of Christ
II Corinthians 5:10-11 warning us of coming judgment
6/30/2002 AMLove Of Christ Constraineth Us
II Corinthians 5:12-17 teaching zeal from Christ's death.
6/23/2002 AMJesus Came For Sinners
I Timothy 1:15 is worthy of all acceptation by God's saints
5/26/2002 PMCaptain of our Salvation
A fast review of the glory of Jesus Christ from Hebrews 1-2
7/8/2001 AMPsalm 22
Jesus Christ presented in His sufferings and death
1/28/2001 AMTo Live Is Christ
For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21
11/28/1999 PMCross of Christ
Four categories of agony and suffering that Jesus Christ endured.
10/18/1998 AMThe Death of the Righteous – Till Death Do Us Part
Jesus Christ is everything to true believers, and death should be rightly understood by them lest they be discouraged or fearful. This sermon was also titled, The Death of the Righteous, and it was expanded and preached at the funeral of Eva Marie Crosby on July 24, 2011.