All Sermons: God
Our God’s name is Jehovah, I AM THAT I AM (Ex 3:14; 6:3; Ps 83:18). We are not Jehovah’s Witnesses, the brainwashed followers of Charles Taze Russell and Judge Rutherford. It is a shame so many Christians do not know the name of their God and His Son Jesus, whose exalted name means Jehovah is salvation (Matt 1:21). It is a shame they think God is His name, when it is rather one of His titles.
But do you truly know the God of the Bible? Even if you know His name is Jehovah? Do you know He created all things for Himself, even the wicked for the day of evil (Pr 16:4)? Do you know He blinds men with strong delusion every day like He did at Babel (II Thess 2:9-13)? Do you know He elected and predestinated some men to be His sons, and He sent His Son to die for them (Rom 8:28-33)?
6/23/2024 PMJeremiah Chapter 21
King Zedekiah sent men to ask Jeremiah to pray against Nebuchadnezzar, but God's word back to him was severe judgment. Turning to the common people, the prophet made life or death very easy. Zedekiah should clean up his life for God's help, since Judah could not resist the Chaldean army.
6/23/2024 AMJeremiah Chapter 20
Due to his pottery prophecy in the temple, a priest and governor smote Jeremiah and put him in jail. The next day the prophet cursed Pashur by a name change and prophecy of his terror and death. Jeremiah regretted his ministry due to great opposition, asked to see vengeance, and cursed his birth and life.
6/16/2024 AMTwo Mountains (5)
Hebrews 12:28-29 sums up the response we should have for God's gift of the promised kingdom of Jesus Christ. We should leverage the grace of the N.T. covenant by service with needed reverence and godly fear, for God came with fire in 70 A.D. against Israel and will come again to melt the universe.
6/9/2024 PMTwo Mountains (4)
Hebrews 12:25-27 warns of judgment for rejecting or neglecting the gospel of Jesus - Mt. Sion. If those who disobeyed Sinai's temporary law were punished, how much worse will they be punished who disobey the final form of God's worship? See that ye refuse not Him that speaketh from heaven!
6/9/2024 AMTwo Mountains (3)
Hebrews 12:18-24 review with emphasis on blessings of Mt. Sion of the new covenant. The benefits of Jesus' kingdom are glorious, powerful, triumphant. Have you chosen Sion by baptism and joining one of His local churches? We know the future - we win - with Jesus the firstborn our Lord and Savior.
2/18/2024 PMChoices Two (2)
God's choices are all perfect for your good - if you respond properly. He deserves your greatest praise, thanksgiving, and trust. He managed the choices of others pertaining to you. Thank others for good choices; forgive them their poor choices. Your choices will bring reward or punishment. Learn wisdom.
2/11/2024 PMChoices Two (1)
What you are today is the result of infinite choices made by God, others, and you. Can you trust the God of choices and learn to make choices that please Him? He uses our choices in many ways, and you can rejoice in what He done with others' choices and your own choices. Trust Him. Praise Him.
2/4/2024 PMThe Power of Life (2)
No man has power to resist death or retain his spirit at the time of death. But God gave Jesus the power of life and eternal life, so He is the glorious Prince of Life, and He lives forever. Amen! He guarantees life for us; we can prove we have eternal life; and we should celebrate life with all our might.
1/28/2024 AMSonship of Jesus Christ
Eternal Sonship is a popular heresy from the Nicene creed that denies the full Deity of Jesus Christ and creates unbiblical divisions in the Trinity. Incarnate Sonship exalts Jesus as the perfect man and as Jehovah God in His two natures. This review summarizes the Bible evidence for Incarnate Sonship.
11/19/2023 PMAngelic Ladders for Thanksgiving Slides
Jacob's dream explained and applied for the comfort of God's children. Angels are greatly misunderstood by many, but their many roles are great in God's government of the universe. For Thanksgiving week in America, you should consider the ladder you have had and the help and strength God has sent.
6/4/2023 PMThe Greatest Love of All (2)
God's great love for His Son is glorious to study and consider, but He loves His elect children with equal love. Incredible! The Bible says so, which should move believers to honor the Son to honor the Father through Him. Communion is a special event and action to celebrate God's love for us.
6/4/2023 AMThe Greatest Love of All (1)
The world is insane about love, for they think self-love is the greatest. But the eternal, intentional, intimate love the Creator God Jehovah had for His Son Jesus is the greatest love of all, and it can be seen through the pages of the Bible as God glorified, protected, and avenged His Son.
4/5/2023 PMThrone Room Reminders Slides
God gave John a view of the throne room in Revelation chapters 1 and 4-5. These slides review the high points of those chapters to identify and interpret some of the symbols not understood by many. Bask in the high honor to be part of the inner circle in heaven. Praise God and the Lamb.
4/2/2023 PMGod’s Peculiar Treasure (2)
God loves His people in a greater and more personal way than most know. Learn His choice of them to be His peculiar treasure and other related terms and descriptions. He set His love on them in eternity in His Son Jesus by covenant, and we are the barely believable beneficiaries of His great drama.
4/2/2023 AMGod’s Peculiar Treasure (1)
God loves His people in a greater and more personal way than most know. Learn His choice of them to be His peculiar treasure and other related terms and descriptions. He set His love on them in eternity in His Son Jesus by covenant, and we are the barely believable beneficiaries of His great drama.
1/22/2023 PMWrath or Peace (4)
But though God as Potter is willing to show His wrath and power on the wicked, He appointed His elect vessels of mercy to be saved and realize the riches of His glory. The great gift of God is peace, which Jesus gained by dying for us. God's wrath was paid, and we are reconciled to God forever.
1/22/2023 AMWrath or Peace (3)
God has revealed His wrath and the coming day of wrath in the gospel, but few will preach it. Few know the God of the Bible. But God is angry with the wicked every day, and He is coming soon with His mighty angels in flaming fire to wreck vengeance on this planet and all disobedient unbelievers.
1/15/2023 PMWrath or Peace (2)
But though God as Potter is willing to show His wrath and power on the wicked, He appointed His elect vessels of mercy to be saved and realize the riches of His glory. The great gift of God is peace, which Jesus gained by dying for us. God's wrath was paid, and we are reconciled to God forever.
1/15/2023 AMWrath or Peace (1)
God has revealed His wrath and the coming day of wrath in the gospel, but few will preach it. Few know the God of the Bible. But God is angry with the wicked every day, and He is coming soon with His mighty angels in flaming fire to wreck vengeance on this planet and all disobedient unbelievers.
6/5/2022 AMReal Insider Information (2) Slides
I Cor 1-2 glorifies God's grace in salvation and in conveying truth to His children. God designed the gospel to offend the wicked and to comfort His elect. Christians are a secret society in the world with perfect knowledge of all things.
6/1/2022 PMResurrection Power Slides
The world has no clue about death. They do all they can to avoid it, but life expectancy is the same Moses wrote. We know everything about life, death, and eternal life. Our God and Father taught us, and He can give, take, or restore life easily.
5/29/2022 AMReal Insider Information (1) Slides
I Cor 1-2 glorifies God's grace in salvation and in conveying truth to His children. God designed the gospel to offend the wicked and to comfort His elect. Christians are a secret society in the world with perfect knowledge of all things.
5/15/2022 PMFour Attributes of God (2)
The infinite Creator God revealed Himself to all men but especially to His children by His Spirit and word. Adam E. taught God is independent and encouraging. Jonah U. taught how God is initiating and doting.
5/15/2022 AMFour Attributes of God (1)
The infinite Creator God revealed Himself to all men but especially to His children by His Spirit and word. Collin C. taught the attributes of God's knowability and observation. Austin H. taught how God is both omniscient and dependable.
3/13/2022 PMGlory to God Forever 2 Slides
Paul ended the first three chapters of Ephesians with a doxology. This followed his prayer for greater fellowship with God by Holy Spirit power working in them. You exist for God's glory, and it should be the focal point for every church.
3/13/2022 AMGlory to God Forever 1 Slides
Paul ended the first three chapters of Ephesians with a doxology. This followed his prayer for greater fellowship with God by Holy Spirit power working in them. You exist for God's glory, and it should be the focal point for every church.
1/5/2022 PMThe Sovereignty of God (4) Slides
Sovereignty is God's right to do as He pleases with all creatures. Many Christians do not know this God. They think man has rights that God must honor. The truth is God has rights that man should honor. The truth has many benefits for us.
12/15/2021 PMThe Sovereignty of God (3) Slides
Sovereignty is God's right to do as He pleases with all creatures. Many Christians do not know this God. They think man has rights that God must honor. The truth is God has rights that man should honor. The truth has many benefits for us.
11/21/2021 AMElihu Exalts God (13 sermons)
The book of Job is God's sovereign choices for Job's life. Most do not know the wisest man in it - Elihu. Do not ever blame or question God. He is Creator and Potter. You are creature and clay. He is always perfectly just, right, and good.
11/17/2021 PMThe Sovereignty of God (2) Slides
Sovereignty is God's right to do as He pleases with all creatures. Many Christians do not know this God. They think man has rights that God must honor. The truth is God has rights that man should honor. The truth has many benefits for us.
11/7/2021 AMThat They Might Know Thee
John 17:1-3 states that God saved His elect by giving them to Jesus to die for. Why? For them to know Him and His Son! The universe exists for the glory of God, and salvation's design does it perfectly for intimate fellowship with some.
11/3/2021 AMThe Sovereignty of God (1) Slides
Sovereignty is God's right to do as He pleases with all creatures. Many Christians do not know this God. They think man has rights that God must honor. The truth is God has rights that man should honor. The truth has many benefits for us.
9/5/2021 PMWhy Hast Thou Forsaken Me?
Calvary had physical pain, anxiety and loss psychologically, spiritual warfare, and divine forsaking. God and Jesus had perfect fellowship at all times until our sins were put on Him, causing Him to despearately cry out as Psalm 22:1 records.
8/4/2021 PMConfidence & Excitement in Prayer Slides
The living and true God, Jehovah of the Bible, is our God and Father. He responds gloriously to our prayers. The 14 attributes of God for prayer build confidence and excitement to pray more. He does far more than hear and answer. You will shout!
1/10/2021 AMWhat Do You Glory In?
The LORD tells us not to glory in might, wisdom, or riches but that we know and understand Him. How much do you glory in His Word? Do things of God truly delight your soul?
11/22/2020 AMThe Last Song of Moses
In Deuteronomy 32 are Moses' last words to Israel before he died in Mt. Nebo. Moses feared their evil character and warned severely of Jehovah's judgment if they did not wisely respond to His goodness by obedience and loyalty to His law.
11/15/2020 AMThe Covenants of God (25 sermons)
God's covenants with men are a large part of the Bible. A covenant is a compact or contract dictating how persons will treat each other. The glorious Creator God chose to bind Himself by covenant to save His elect people. Hallelujah! Amen!
10/25/2020 PMTrust the God of Politics
Rather than look at the Bible's precepts for submission to civil government, it is helpful to recall the persons involved and how God reversed many political situations for the benefit of His children, just as He has for us and will for us.
9/6/2020 AMRomans 1:18-25
God's wrath is coming from heaven against the wicked. As Paul wrote, He gave all men opportunities to know Him, glorify Him, thank Him, and obey Him. They did not and instead invented lies, so He blinded and rewired them to sexual folly.
8/2/2020 AMGlory of God in Salvation
God planned salvation so He only gets glory for it (I Cor 1:29-31). He chose to save those the world calls base or foolish, and His choice determines their response to the gospel. He sent His Son to secure four glorious things for them only.
11/10/2019 PMThe love of God (#3) Slides
Slides for the love of God like a nursing mother and many more comparisons.
11/10/2019 AMThe Love of God (#2) Slides
Slides for the love of God like a nursing mother and many more comparisons.
11/6/2019 PMLove of God (1) Slides
Slides for the love of God like a nursing mother and many more comparisons.
11/6/2019 PMThe Love of God – (#1) Slides
Slides for the love of God like a nursing mother and many more comparisons.
3/6/2019 PMBoasting About God – Job Slides
Job chapters 38-41 are precious chapters of God boasting great things about Himself.
1/27/2019 AMThe Danger of Ichabod
God may take His presence away from any man or any church at anytime.
10/18/2017 PMThe Holy Spirit (in Ephesians) Slides
Paul in Ephesians told us more about the Holy Spirit than he did anywhere else.
6/1/2016 PMA Lying Spirit from God Slides
God sent a lying spirit into the 400 prophets of Baal to deceive the wicked king Ahab.
9/4/2013 AMGreat Mystery of Godliness – Slides Slides
The wonderful gospel facts of I Timothy 3:16 explained in simple points for memorizing the verse and the gospel presentation in it. This is good for children or for evangelism. This is good for examining yourself whether you believe on Jesus Christ unto eternal life or not.
8/15/2012 PMGod Distortions Slides
Some make God too loving. Some make God too hateful. Only the Bible tells the truth about God. This sermon is to save the fearful, save those with false humility, and save those who forfeit a happy and victorious Christian life. Satan and man’s ideas about God’s character and salvation form two false ditches, and the road of truth is right between them. Rejoice about Jesus’ finished work and your acceptance!
1/16/2011 AMAdoption
The greatest facet of salvation is our adoption as God's sons.
1/18/2006 PMThou God Seest Me Revisited
The Lord's tender care of the rejected slave Hagar builds faith.
12/5/2004 PMFather, Glorify Thy Name
John 12:27-28 and the Fathers glory in Jesus Christ .
7/11/2004 AMIs Election Fair?
Election is more than fair; it is grace; and Romans 9 justifies it!
2/15/2004 AMLie Of Unconditional Love
Expose the heresy of unconditional love and exalt Jesus Christ.
1/11/2004 AMAn Angel with an Inkhorn
Exposition of Ezekiel 9 with warning and comfort for Christians.
12/14/2003 AMGod’s Will or Free Will?
Is God's or man's will sovereign? Does man have free will?
12/14/2003 AMGod’s Will or Free Will ? (2 sermons)
Is God's or man's will sovereign? Does man have free will?
5/18/2003 AMThe Goodness of God
Let us consider some of the aspects of the goodness of God and what that knowledge should mean to our daily lives.
11/24/2002 AMIs God the Author of Confusion?
God justly blinds and confuses men, even by the scriptures themselves, when they do not approach Him rightly.
12/23/2001 AMIs Anything Too Hard For The Lord? (2 sermons)
Genesis 18:14 and Jerimiah 32:27 applied to trusting God always
8/6/1989 PMThou God Seest Me
The Lord's tender care of the rejected slave Hagar builds faith.