Application of Theology



Theology – the field of study and analysis that treats of God and of God’s attributes and relations to the universe; study of divine things or religious truth; divinity.
  1. Eliphaz to Job “Acquaint yourself with Jehovah” – Job 22:21-28
    1. vs 21 – It leads to peace in your heart and life
    2. vs 22 – It requires receiving His ways and remembering them
    3. vs 23 – It will build up your morality
    4. vs 24 & 25 – It will lead to prosperity and safety
    5. vs 26 – It will lead to a relationship with God Himself
    6. vs 27 – Jehovah will hear and respond to your requests
    7. vs 28 – It will establish your plans and actions
  2. Consider His Dominion – Dan 4:34-37
    1. It is everlasting in extent (34)
    2. It is over all kingdoms of men (35)
    3. It extends to the angelic hosts (35)
    4. No being can hinder His choices (35)
    5. No being has the right to question His choices (35)
    6. All His actions are based on truth (37)
    7. All His actions are based on wisdom (37)
    8. He can put any being in his place (37)
  3. Consider His Holiness
    1. Hab 1:12-13
      1. He does not condone or approve of sin
      2. His holiness directs His execution of punishment and reward
      3. The good and the evil are thoroughly known by Him
    2. Gen 18:25
      1. Judgment is bound up with His holiness
      2. His holiness leads to proper, right conclusions
    3. Eze 18
      1. The just are rewarded for their obedience (5-9, 14-17)
      2. The wicked are punished for their sin (10-13, 18)
      3. Repentance / obedience are the key (21-22, 24)
      4. God’s ways are equal, they are fair (25, 29)
      5. The righteous that sin will be punished – David 2Sam 12:7-12
      6. The wicked that repent will be rewarded – Ahab 1Ki 21:27-29
  4. Consider His Wisdom
    1. Pro 3:19-20
      1. The universe is run based on His wisdom
      2. Destruction and blessing are guided by His wisdom
    2. Jer 10:12; 51:15
      1. His might and wisdom complement each other
      2. All His actions are based in wisdom
  5. Consider His Goodness [the Goodness of God, sermon, 05/18/2003]
    1. Ps 145:5-9 – Jehovah’s goodness guides other attributes
      1. Jehovah’s honor and might in judgment exalted (5-6)
      2. The abundant remembrance of His great goodness (7)
      3. He is gracious (8)
      4. He is full of compassion (8)
      5. He is slow to anger (8)
      6. He shows great mercy (8)
      7. He shows His goodness to all (9)
      8. His tender mercies are a guide to all His actions (9)
    2. David trusted Jehovah’s goodness over man’s – 2Sam 24:13-14
  6. The ground of any reward is faith in God – Heb 11:6
    1. Must believe Jehovah is Who He declares Himself to be
    2. Must believe Jehovah rewards diligent seekers
    3. What a comforting, invitation to know Him!
  7. Summary conclusions
    1. His dominion
      1. Jehovah has always held sway over the affairs of the universe
      2. Men and angels are subject to His choices without any right to question Him
      3. His actions are based on truth and wisdom
    2. His holiness
      1. Jehovah never condones or approves sin
      2. His holiness guides His judgment of sin and rewarding of righteousness, always leading to right, proper conclusions
    3. His wisdom
      1. All Jehovah’s actions are guided by His wisdom
      2. Wisdom guides the power that blesses or curses
    4. His goodness
      1. He is abundant in goodness, gracious and full of compassion
      2. He is slow to anger, of great mercy, showing goodness to all
      3. His tender mercies guide all His actions
      4. Wise men will choose His chastisement over human retribution