Sermons: Practical Life

Maximize life! God knows best how to live it. Here are answers to everything from cremation to financial success, from tattoos to virginity, from swearing to marital sex, from job promotions to charity, and much more. As a Christian, God created you and bought you, so you are twice His. You owe Him everything. He jealously demands your affection and resents any flirting with the world. Most today love pleasure more than holiness, but the Bible teaches holiness that brings lasting pleasures of all kinds, both here and in heaven.

Recent Sermons: Practical Life

4/17/2024 PM
Seven Short Lessons Slides

Only 23 minutes in total, but seven short Bible lessons ... best verses against Christmas ... "He is Lord of all" ... God overruled Nebuchadnezzar's witchcraft to direct his army ... what is "holy flesh"? ... "bruit" = news report ... reins = kidneys ... What is a Christian? and are you one?

3/3/2024 PM
Glory Only in the Cross

Galatians 6:14 is a precious and special verse summarizing our faith. Very different than Jewish legalists Paul opposed, his glory was only in Jesus Christ's death. There are three crucifixions in the verse, and all three are important. If you are not crucified to the world, Jesus' death must not mean much.

2/28/2024 PM
Josiah The King Slides

An overview of the life of Josiah for traits to motivate men to greatness. This king started young to get the attention of young men, and God declared him the greatest revivalist of any king recorded in the Bible.

2/18/2024 PM
Choices Two (2)

God's choices are all perfect for your good - if you respond properly. He deserves your greatest praise, thanksgiving, and trust. He managed the choices of others pertaining to you. Thank others for good choices; forgive them their poor choices. Your choices will bring reward or punishment. Learn wisdom.

2/18/2024 AM
Dogmatic Simplicity (2)

Absolute truth exists, no matter denials. God wrote absolute truth in the Bible. We do not fear being wrong - we pray for further light to gladly acccept redirection. We hate error; we name names. We keep truth simple like the Bible does. Intelligence and education are handicaps to truth, not helpers to it.

2/11/2024 PM
Choices Two (1)

What you are today is the result of infinite choices made by God, others, and you. Can you trust the God of choices and learn to make choices that please Him? He uses our choices in many ways, and you can rejoice in what He done with others' choices and your own choices. Trust Him. Praise Him.

2/11/2024 AM
Dogmatic Simplicity (1)

Dogma = Doctrine, and Dogmatic = intense conviction about truth that will not tolerate differences. Though man chose lies in Eden, God revealed truth in the Bible. He expects us to hold it loyally and never compromise with anyone for any variation. Absolute truth is real and to be vigorously defended.

1/22/2024 AM
Should Christians Tithe?

Is tithing a Christian duty? Indeed it is, and more so; current dissenting opinions about tithing lack biblical foundation. Although the New Testament does not explicitly mandate tithing, it does enjoin believers to give. Furthermore, like other practices, the details can be found within the Old Testament.

1/21/2024 AM
Qualifications to Understand the Bible

In order to rightly understand the Bible, we must first meet certain spiritual conditions that ensure we receive God's blessing and favor. The Bible is a spiritual book and must be spiritually understood; do not attempt to apply Bible rules of interpretation without first meeting these spiritual qualifications.

1/14/2024 AM
Glory to Glory (4)

In 2024 our goal is to be more like Jesus Christ as Paul told Corinth - to advance by increments from glory to glory to be living epistles of Jesus and His Spirit read by all men (II Cor 3:1-3,18). Not exhaustive at all, here are the next six of 44 traits to give you things to work on during the new year.

1/7/2024 AM
Glory to Glory (3)

In 2024 our goal is to be more like Jesus Christ as Paul told Corinth - to advance by increments from glory to glory to be living epistles of Jesus and His Spirit read by all men (II Cor 3:1-3,18). Not exhaustive at all, here are the next seven of 44 traits to give you things to work on during the new year.

All Sermons: Practical Life


Proverbs Commentary

How much would you pay for the answer to all life’s questions? $500 an hour? $5,000 an hour? But here is God’s inspired wisdom by King Solomon free of charge! 
Get God’s wisdom from the most practical book in the Bible.


Short Documents

The Christian and Taxes

No one likes to pay taxes any more than getting a tooth pulled. But the Bible condemns the seditious spirit, thoughts, words, and actions of so-called Christian “patriots.” In fact, the harshest language of the New Testament is reserved for these false teachers that despise dominion and speak evil of dignities. If you love the Lord Jesus Christ, review His brilliance in shutting the mouths of both the Pharisees and Herodians about paying taxes.

Should Christians Tithe?

A growing fad among some Christians is to deny tithing. Since there are no specific directions for tithing in the New Testament, they rejoice that they can skip this duty. So they leap on the no-tithing bandwagon and roll out their rabid rhetoric. It is time to take off their wheels and let the water of God’s word overwhelm them.


When should we disobey government?

What about a very wicked government or ruler?

Can you summarize how to make good decisions?

May a Christian woman dress to be attractive?

May a Christian woman wear jewelry?

May a Christian woman wear makeup?

Can a Christian be rich?

Does God want His children to be successful?

Does the Bible condemn insurance?

What do you think of self-love?

Can a Christian ever get divorced?

Can a divorced Christian ever get remarried?

But didn’t Paul said for divorced persons to remain unmarried or be reconciled?

What might qualify as grounds for divorce by mercy or intent?

Can women teach in the church?

Is there a double standard in the Bible?

Are women inferior to men?

Isn’t tithing only for the Old Testament?

How much should I give?

To whom should I give?

Should I give to charitable organizations, like United Way?

Do income taxes affect my giving?

Should Christians be communistic and share all assets?

Did the church at Jerusalem share all things alike?


More FAQs on Practical Life





Christian and Taxes

True Christians submit cheerfully to government and pay all taxes for the Lord’s sake. They know obeying civil authorities is the will of God. They never use their gospel liberty to cheat government or give the gospel a bad name. They pray for their rulers and trust their King, the Lord Jesus Christ.


Witty inventions are a blessing. But 100 years of inventions have brought Sodom into every house. If you love your children, and if you know evil communications corrupt good manners, you must be vigilant in the modern world. Get scared to become a technology protector of family and church.

Happiness Is a Choice

The subject is glorious, and God has given commands and comfort for His children to have a continual feast through life. Will you make the choice to be truly happy? Joy and love are far greater motivators than fear or threats. Christians should be the happiest people on earth.

Child Training Goals

A workshop sermon with handouts and a table of goals for training children. Do not be content with academic education, sports, and having fun. Reject the world’s foolish scope and sequence. If you want them to glorify God and have fruitful kingdom lives, you must train them His way.

Marital Speech

God gave you lips, mouth, and tongue for many uses, but the most important is speech. Death or life is in the power of the tongue – including marriage. Great lovers use words to please and win those they love. Bad speech by either spouse is a sin, and it is destructive. Learn to be a real lover.

Christian and Politics

Donald Trump is our new president. The Bible is a perfect political manual – detailed history of nations, incredible insider information, inspired laws for rulers and citizens, etc. Do you hold godly views of voting, reverence of rulers, paying taxes, civil government, compliance, rebellion, etc.?

Living Under Obama

God ordained submission to civil rulers, contradicting so-called Christian patriots. Paul and Peter taught obedience to Nero. Our fathers lived under other persecuting powers. We can easily live under President Obama without fear for four more years. Godliness and prayer changes nations.

Health, Sickness, and Death

Health, sickness, and death are realities. But we know things from the Bible unknown to other men. We know the cause and cure of sickness, death, and cemeteries. Christians should age and die graciously, full of faith and praise, after training the next generation. Live and die in the Lord.

Perfect Marriages

Christian marriage should be the best, easily! God created and designed marriage, and He knows better than all marital counselors combined. Are you taking advantage of the world’s best marriage manual – the Bible. A short and simple sermon for sinners and saints.


Love Is the Greatest

All men by nature are malicious and hateful, and only an incredible work of grace can cause them to truly love others. This brotherly love is the best evidence of eternal life – not faith or doctrinal knowledge. Devils believe. Love is the great measure of a person, marriage, family, and church.

Incremental Compromise

Sin lies. It deceives men to think they can get away with a few secret sins. Playing with sin by compromising God’s rules will bring you down. Think Lot! His family’s ruin did not happen overnight. It took many years of more and more compromise, but then destruction surely comes.

Ten Mothers & Ten Rules

Honor of mothers has been taught before. This sermon is to remind mothers that ordinary acts like birth, nursing, clothing, and feeding their children are no more than what animals do for their young. The Bible shows exemplary women and teaches rules for much higher goals for mothers.

Bible Economics

Money matters! Solomon said it answers all things. God loves His children, so the Bible is full of advice for financial success. Forget money-begging televangelists that want to harvest your seed money for their mansions. This study explores God’s word to help your family and prosper. Many have profited from it. Will you be the next?

Bring Everything Back to the Bible

The only source of truth and wisdom in the world is found in the Bible and nowhere else. All questions and problems are answered in the Bible, but you must know the Bible and obey it, in order to realize the benefit. Be a help to those around you – bring everything back to the Bible.

Godly Character

Character is those traits that identify you from others. It is the conduct that makes your reputation. It is the code of conduct that rules actions. It is the discipline and defaults of your choices. It will help you in jobs, in marriage, and glorifying God by your life. It is more important than anything else you pursue in life e.g. job, wealth, etc. The world measures by IQ and other vain standards, but not God and good men. It can be improved. Read this sermon!

Christian Charity: The Godly Response to Haiti’s Earthquake

On January 12, 2010 an earthquake of magnitude 7.0 shook the island of Haiti near its capital of Port-au-Prince. The Haitian Interior Minister estimates the dead could number 200,000. In response, America’s government, churches, and pagans have donated money and goods to help the survivors recover from the great damage. We have not done so. Why have we not done so? We have plenty of funds. Can we defend our position? What is a Christian’s duty from the Bible in such situations?