Isn’t tithing only for the Old Testament?

Is spanking only for the Old Testament, since it is not mentioned in the New? Of course not; you know the New Testament commands you to train your children (Eph 6:4), and you trust the Old Testament to give you the details about how to do it, especially the book of Proverbs.

We learn God’s will for New Testament giving the same way. We see the apostolic command and tradition of giving for several purposes (I Cor 9:14; 16:1-2; Gal 2:10; 6:6; I Tim 5:17; 6:17-19).

We then go to the Old Testament for the details about giving, and we find that God’s people gave a tithe or 10% before Moses’ Law – both Abraham (Gen 14:20) and Jacob (Gen 28:22). Just like spanking, you can learn in Solomon’s Proverbs about giving (Pr 3:9-10; 11:24-26).

Under the Law of Moses there were three tithes annually for about 23 1/3 % each year, and any real giving was after that, which was called offerings. It was tithes and offerings that pleased God. David and others gave far more than mere tithes to bless God and receive His blessings.

Anything less than a tithe can only come from a covetous heart, because God’s word starts with a tithe, expecting creative givers to devise more liberal offerings (Is 32:8; Mal 3:8). The greatest giver in the Bible was identified by Jesus and read about for 2000 years (Luke 21:1-4).

The very recent movement to condemn tithes, which we only consider a starting point for giving, is without scriptural basis and reflects selfish hearts that do not think big like David and others.

See Also

More about tithing and the New Testament: Should Christians Tithe?
Solomon’s teaching about giving: Proverbs 3:9.
Solomon’s teaching about giving: Proverbs 3:10.
Sober warning and fantastic blessings for giving: Haggai.