All Sermons: Salvation

True preaching emphasizes Jesus Christ and Him crucified (I Cor 2:2; 3:11). This most important fact is glorious (Gal 6:14; I Tim 1:15; 3:16). The universe exists for the drama of the Son of God securing eternal life for His people. Preaching is not anecdotes, jokes, or stories. It is not about you being healthy, wealthy, and happy – it is about you humbling yourself before Jesus Christ and changing your life to please your Creator God and Saviour, for He is coming soon to judge the world.

2/9/2025 AM
Facets of Our Salvation (10)

The focus has been facets of the legal phase of salvation, which are related to His death at Calvary and resurrection, when Jesus paid the debt for our sins to God. Here we look at facets, words or phrases, adding to our appreciation for the vital phase of the needed personal change of our own nature.

2/2/2025 AM
Facets of Our Salvation (9)

The focus has been facets of the legal phase of salvation, which are related to His death at Calvary and resurrection, when Jesus paid the debt for our sins to God. Here we look at facets, words or phrases, adding to our appreciation for the eternal phase of salvation of events before the world began.

1/26/2025 PM
Facets of Our Salvation (8)

Eternal salvation may be viewed different ways - usually for doctrinal definitions or defense. But to see salvation's beauty for greater praise and joy, God used a variety of words from different parts of life like facets on a diamond. Delight in each one. Here we view adoption in more depth than others.

1/26/2025 AM
Facets of Our Salvation (7)

Eternal salvation may be viewed different ways - usually for doctrinal definitions or defense. But to see salvation's beauty for greater praise and joy, God used a variety of words from different parts of life like facets on a diamond. Delight in each one. Here we view adoption in more depth than others.

1/19/2025 AM
Facets of Our Salvation (6)

Eternal salvation may be viewed different ways - usually for doctrinal definitions or defense. But to see salvation's beauty for greater praise and joy, God used a variety of words from different parts of life like facets on a diamond. Delight in each one. Here we consider forgiveness and reconciliation.

1/12/2025 AM
Facets of Our Salvation (5)

Eternal salvation may be viewed different ways - usually for doctrinal definitions or defense. But to see salvation's beauty for greater praise and joy, God used a variety of words from different parts of life like facets on a diamond. Delight in each one. Here are imputation, intercession, and sanctification.

1/5/2025 PM
Behold the Lamb of God

John the Baptist named Jesus the Lamb of God. The apostle John recorded it and then used the name 28 times in Revelation. Many millions of lambs were killed for sacrifices, especially Israel's Passover. But Jesus is the Lamb of God, and let your soul be thrilled to consider what the Bible says about Him.

1/5/2025 AM
Facets of Our Salvation (4)

Eternal salvation may be viewed different ways - usually for doctrinal definitions or defense. But to see salvation's beauty for greater praise and joy, God used a variety of words from different parts of life like facets on a diamond. Delight in each one. Here are acceptation, atonement, mediation. Glory!

12/22/2024 AM
Facets of Our Salvation (3)

Eternal salvation may be viewed different ways - usually for doctrinal definitions or defense. But to see salvation's beauty for greater praise and joy, God used a variety of words from different parts of life like facets on a diamond. Delight in each one. Here are justification and redemption. God God glory!

12/15/2024 AM
Facets of Our Salvation (2)

Eternal salvation may be viewed different ways - usually for doctrinal definitions or defense. But to see salvation's beauty for greater praise and joy, God used a variety of words from different parts of life like facets on a diamond. Delight in each one. Here for your pleasure are pardon and ransom.

12/8/2024 AM
Facets of Our Salvation (1)

Our unspeakable gift of eternal life may be viewed different ways - usually for doctrinal definitions or defense. But for a broad view of salvation's beauty and for our greater joy, God used a variety of words from different parts of life like the varied facets on a well-cut diamond. Delight in each of the facets.

12/1/2024 PM
Bare Our Sins on the Tree

Jews were persecuted by civil rulers and by bosses on the job, but Peter exhorted them to quiet submission, and He used Jesus as the great example for them. He by Himself bore our sins on the cross. His sacrificial death not only saved them and us, but it teaches them and us a powerful lesson.

12/1/2024 AM
Free Gift of Eternal Life (3)

After a brief review of the first two sermons, this sermon looks at the offers associated with salvation, with Jesus offering Himself to God, not to man, as the greatest offer. It then looks at aspects of acceptance, with emphasis on God accepting Jesus Christ and then accepting us in Him for eternal life.

11/24/2024 PM
Free Gift of Eternal Life (2)

Man has corrupted the gift of eternal life and made it an offer requiring acceptance. But no sinner dead in sins can or will accept such an offer. And it makes man his own savior and steals the glory from God. The only offer is Jesus offered Himself to God, and God accepted Him and the elect in Him.

11/24/2024 AM
Free Gift of Eternal Life (1)

God gives eternal life as a free gift; it is not an offer to men, as most of the Christian world presents it. No one gets to heaven by faith, baptism, or any good works. Heaven is a result of three gifts in Jn 17:2. Imputation, God's legal accounting by first Adam and then by Jesus, show it is strictly a free gift.

7/14/2024 AM
Glory of Christ in Romans 8

The breadth, depth, density of this chapter is exceptional. The inspired apostle became a holy orator for God. It has many promises to increase assurance and faith. Its great emphasis from beginning to end is the union of the elect with Christ, proven by minding and walking after the things of the Spirit.

5/5/2024 AM
Elect to Obedience and Blood

A great summary of the divine plan and work of salvation is I Peter 1:2. Election is the first cause of all that follows, with Jesus Christ's obedience and death the object of God's choice and the Spirit's setting apart of the elect to the effects of His death. These 24 words humble man and glorify God.

4/7/2024 PM
Jesus Died for Me

The death of Jesus was intentional, loving, personal, specific, and substitutionary. It is far more than a mere doctrine. He knew He came to die and for whom He would die. Your name was written in heaven, when He was assigned to save you. If He thus died for you, then you should live for Him.

4/3/2024 PM
Romans 9 Slides

Romans 9:6-24 to review God's electing grace to save men and His dominion to damn rebels. Paul used family examples of Isaac and Jacob. He used scripture about His mercy and Pharaoh. He asked and answered questions. He exalted the Potter over the clay. He summarized it perfectly.

2/4/2024 PM
The Power of Life (2)

No man has power to resist death or retain his spirit at the time of death. But God gave Jesus the power of life and eternal life, so He is the glorious Prince of Life, and He lives forever. Amen! He guarantees life for us; we can prove we have eternal life; and we should celebrate life with all our might.

2/4/2024 AM
The Power of Life (1)

Life is a precious gift, but we threw it away and chose death in Eden. No man can avoid death. Your body is decaying right now. You will die. But God planned life and eternal life for His elect, and He gave the power of life to His Son Jesus. The gift of life and eternal life bythe grace of God is glorious.

1/29/2024 PM
Decisional Regeneration

The popular way to get people saved today is to require they make a decision for Jesus. Is this Biblical? Here is a short study to approve or disprove whether sinners are born again by their own choice. Here is a review of several Bible points about the ability, timing, and order of regeneration.

12/3/2023 PM
Seven Facts of Salvation (2) Slides

Hebrews 1:3b declaring Jesus the Son of God as our Savior explained word by word. The book of Hebrews exalts Jesus and salvation like no other. This verse is a favorite. Enjoy these inspired words of God and pick a favorite(s). Revel in the glory of what Jesus did for us and where He is now.

12/3/2023 AM
Seven Facts of Salvation (1) Slides

Hebrews 1:3b declaring Jesus the Son of God as our Savior explained word by word. The book of Hebrews exalts Jesus and salvation like no other. This verse is a favorite. Enjoy these inspired words of God and pick a favorite(s). Revel in the glory of what Jesus did for us and where He is now.

11/5/2023 PM
Abundant Grace

God's grace saving sinners is a great Bible theme. Paul and Timothy justified their trials by the good news of grace they brought in the gospel (II Cor 4:15), which should cause the elect to give thanks for the greater glory of God. Enjoy a fast review of many Bible mentions of God's glorious abundant grace.

9/17/2023 PM
Know God or Known of God

Paul told the Galatians (4:9) their conversion was knowing God, but their salvation was better understood as Him knowing them. God has known His elect from eternity. He set His love on them then and wrote their names in the book of life. No one else that might know you can do anything for you.

7/2/2023 PM
The Pardon of the Cross (2)

If GOD Jehovah charged us for our sins, not one of us could stand. We are on death row for Adam's sin and for our own sins. God cannot acquit or clear the guilty or wicked. But He does pardon and forgive some. How? Through the substitutionary life and death of Jesus Christ. You are pardoned. Rejoice!

7/2/2023 AM
The Pardon of the Cross (1)

If GOD Jehovah charged us for our sins, not one of us could stand. We are on death row for Adam's sin and for our own sins. God cannot acquit or clear the guilty or wicked. But He does pardon and forgive some. How? Through the substitutionary life and death of Jesus Christ. You are pardoned. Rejoice!

6/4/2023 PM
The Greatest Love of All (2)

God's great love for His Son is glorious to study and consider, but He loves His elect children with equal love. Incredible! The Bible says so, which should move believers to honor the Son to honor the Father through Him. Communion is a special event and action to celebrate God's love for us.

6/4/2023 AM
The Greatest Love of All (1)

The world is insane about love, for they think self-love is the greatest. But the eternal, intentional, intimate love the Creator God Jehovah had for His Son Jesus is the greatest love of all, and it can be seen through the pages of the Bible as God glorified, protected, and avenged His Son.

5/14/2023 AM
Twelve Facts for Christians (1)

God saved His elect and empowered them to right thinking. Bible preaching changes how we think to increase faith, hope, and wisdom against the hopeless folly and insanity of the world. We start with the great uncertainly of natural life and contrast it to the guaranteed glory of eternal life.

5/7/2023 PM
A Fountain Filled with Blood

Zechariah 13:1 is a prophecy of a fountain for sin and uncleanness. In a context of prophecies about Jesus, the fountain is a metaphor for the blood of Christ washing away our sins. William Cowper wrote the song, "There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood" which guarantees eternal life for all elect.

4/2/2023 PM
God’s Peculiar Treasure (2)

God loves His people in a greater and more personal way than most know. Learn His choice of them to be His peculiar treasure and other related terms and descriptions. He set His love on them in eternity in His Son Jesus by covenant, and we are the barely believable beneficiaries of His great drama.

4/2/2023 AM
God’s Peculiar Treasure (1)

God loves His people in a greater and more personal way than most know. Learn His choice of them to be His peculiar treasure and other related terms and descriptions. He set His love on them in eternity in His Son Jesus by covenant, and we are the barely believable beneficiaries of His great drama.

2/5/2023 PM
Neglected Facts of Jesus’ Death

We have studied in detail the categories of our Lord's suffering before - physical, psychological, spiritual, and divine. This very simple review is of a few facts commonly overlooked by Christians about our Lord's death. May you Kiss the Son by reviewing the details of what He did to save you.

1/22/2023 PM
Wrath or Peace (4)

But though God as Potter is willing to show His wrath and power on the wicked, He appointed His elect vessels of mercy to be saved and realize the riches of His glory. The great gift of God is peace, which Jesus gained by dying for us. God's wrath was paid, and we are reconciled to God forever.

1/22/2023 AM
Wrath or Peace (3)

God has revealed His wrath and the coming day of wrath in the gospel, but few will preach it. Few know the God of the Bible. But God is angry with the wicked every day, and He is coming soon with His mighty angels in flaming fire to wreck vengeance on this planet and all disobedient unbelievers.

1/15/2023 PM
Wrath or Peace (2)

But though God as Potter is willing to show His wrath and power on the wicked, He appointed His elect vessels of mercy to be saved and realize the riches of His glory. The great gift of God is peace, which Jesus gained by dying for us. God's wrath was paid, and we are reconciled to God forever.

1/15/2023 AM
Wrath or Peace (1)

God has revealed His wrath and the coming day of wrath in the gospel, but few will preach it. Few know the God of the Bible. But God is angry with the wicked every day, and He is coming soon with His mighty angels in flaming fire to wreck vengeance on this planet and all disobedient unbelievers.

12/11/2022 AM
Sin Swallowed Up, O Love, By Thee

Our sins in Eden and since have condemned all men to three horrible deaths. But God set His love on His elect in eternity - a glorious doctrine known by few - and He will always love them and save them from all their sins. Not only has He saved them, but He has also adopted them and promoted them to glory.

11/6/2022 PM
Know God or Known of God

Galatians 4:8-11 corrects over emphasis on knowing God rather than Him knowing you. Paul knew this and put God higher. God and His Son have known and foreknown the elect from eternity, far different from the reprobates that will be cast into hellfire by these terrifying words: I never knew you.

10/5/2022 AM
Assurance of Eternal Life #2 Slides

God has never doubted the salvation of any, for He purposed and predestinated each one from eternity. He wants His children to know they have eternal life. He does not want them fearful or worried. Here is the evidence if you are elect and saved or not. Here are answers to fearful Bible verses.

9/21/2022 PM
Assurance of Eternal Life Slides

God has never doubted the salvation of any, for He purposed and predestinated each one from eternity. He wants His children to know they have eternal life. He does not want them fearful or worried. Here is the evidence if you are elect and saved or not. Here are answers to fearful Bible verses.

9/4/2022 PM
The Great Gulf Spanned

Luke 16:19-31 is our Lord's lesson about hell and heaven, when He taught that hell was filled with torments and there was no comfort or escape. God has fixed a great gulf between hell and heaven, but Jesus died on the cross to span that gulf to save His elect. The song, At Calvary, was used.

6/5/2022 PM
War at Calvary

Jesus spoiled the devil's kingdom, made an open show of him, and triumphed over him on the cross. There was war at Calvary. Consider Him defeating that diabolical fiend by redeeming us from God's claim of death against us due to Satan.

6/5/2022 AM
Real Insider Information (2) Slides

I Cor 1-2 glorifies God's grace in salvation and in conveying truth to His children. God designed the gospel to offend the wicked and to comfort His elect. Christians are a secret society in the world with perfect knowledge of all things.

5/29/2022 AM
Real Insider Information (1) Slides

I Cor 1-2 glorifies God's grace in salvation and in conveying truth to His children. God designed the gospel to offend the wicked and to comfort His elect. Christians are a secret society in the world with perfect knowledge of all things.

5/8/2022 AM
The Sweetest Doctrine – Adoption

It must be true that adoption is the most glorious and precious facet of salvation. For God's own pleasure, He made a huge difference among men. If you compare and contrast His adoption of us to man's ideas of it, the sweetness is clearly seen.

5/1/2022 PM
As Moses Lifted Up the Serpent

Jesus shocked Nicodemus several ways, but one was to describe the death of Messiah by being lifted up - death by crucifixion. He used Moses' brass serpent to illustrate the mode of death. Never forget that Jesus died for you and how.

5/1/2022 PM
As Moses Lifted Up the Serpent

Jesus shocked Nicodemus several ways, but one was to describe the death of Messiah by being lifted up - death by crucifixion. He used Moses' brass serpent to illustrate the mode of death. Never forget that Jesus died for you and how.

3/27/2022 PM
Gospel Means (4) Slides

Do we get eternal life by believing the gospel ... or by God's sovereign grace and power without it? The key distinction is to see God's work to elect, justify, regenerate, and glorify us and then to see our work to believe and obey the gospel.

3/27/2022 AM
Gospel Means (3) Slides

Do we get eternal life by believing the gospel ... or by God's sovereign grace and power without it? The key distinction is to see God's work to elect, justify, regenerate, and glorify us and then to see our work to believe and obey the gospel.

3/20/2022 PM
Gospel Means (2) Slides

Do we get eternal life by believing the gospel ... or by God's sovereign grace and power without it? The key distinction is to see God's work to elect, justify, regenerate, and glorify us and then to see our work to believe and obey the gospel.

3/20/2022 AM
Gospel Means (1) Slides

Do we get eternal life by believing the gospel ... or by God's sovereign grace and power without it? The key distinction is to see God's work to elect, justify, regenerate, and glorify us and then to see our work to believe and obey the gospel.

1/23/2022 AM
Fabulous Facts of Forgiveness (7 sermons)

The holy, just, vengeful God of the Bible gloriously forgave sinners. If He did not, we are doomed. It is one of the great facets of salvation. You should celebrate it and then also show it to others. Here are 72 facts to teach, remind, bless you.

1/9/2022 AM
The Day the Universe Shook (2 sermons)

Jesus' death is the greatest event in human history. Even atheists count time from it. Heaven, earth, and hell were affected by it. Results, legal, practical, and political, were incredible. Do you love, worship, and remember His death rightly?

12/5/2021 PM
A Lake, A Book, A Lamb

Jesus will soon sit on His throne to destroy this world. He will judge all men and cast sinners into the lake of fire. Some will be saved whose names are in the book of life, which He guaranteed by His death for them. Is your name in this book?

11/17/2021 PM
The Sovereignty of God (2) Slides

Sovereignty is God's right to do as He pleases with all creatures. Many Christians do not know this God. They think man has rights that God must honor. The truth is God has rights that man should honor. The truth has many benefits for us.

11/3/2021 AM
The Sovereignty of God (1) Slides

Sovereignty is God's right to do as He pleases with all creatures. Many Christians do not know this God. They think man has rights that God must honor. The truth is God has rights that man should honor. The truth has many benefits for us.

10/20/2021 PM
Limited Atonement Slides

Does God love and did Jesus die for all men or the elect? The answer is crucial. God's love and the death of Christ are incredibly greater when they accomplish their purpose and result in perfect salvation forever without loss or separation of one.

10/6/2021 PM
Salvation Facets Divided by Phases Slides

Eternal life is a gift occurring in five phases. God also used 20 different words for salvation that we call facets. These also can be divided by the five phases. This study looks at facets sanctification and adoption.

10/3/2021 PM
The Unspeakable Gift

II Corinthians 9:15 declares God's gift of eternal life by His Son to be an unspeakable gift. Paul ended two chapters exhorting Corinth to greater giving by this statement. How is salvation unspeakable? What should we do because of it?

9/15/2021 PM
Redeemed! Slides

A follow-up to a salvation study of ransom two weeks earlier. The Holy Spirit chose special words for our salvation, which we call facets. Redeem is an economic term used often in the Bible. We want to fully grasp it to appreciate salvation.

9/5/2021 PM
Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?

Calvary had physical pain, anxiety and loss psychologically, spiritual warfare, and divine forsaking. God and Jesus had perfect fellowship at all times until our sins were put on Him, causing Him to despearately cry out as Psalm 22:1 records.

9/1/2021 PM
I Have Found a Ransom Slides

The Holy Spirit chose special words for our salvation, which we call facets. Ransom is an economic term for the price paid to get something or someone back from another's control. We want to fully grasp it to appreciate our salvation.

7/25/2021 PM
When Was Cornelius Saved? (2) Slides

The Holy Spirit, an angel, and Peter declared Cornelius's saved conduct before Peter preached to him. This inspired event proves regeneration before faith and good works. Traditionalists today as then miss or resist God's sovereign grace.

7/25/2021 AM
When Was Cornelius Saved? (1) Slides

God counted this Italian the first Gentile convert. His conversion is given in detail and defended twice. Jesus provided much help for this glorious conversion of a Gentile family, but he was regenerated long before he ever met Peter.

5/2/2021 AM
The Blood of Christ (3 sermons)

Blood is featured prominently in the Bible, for it is the life of the flesh. Bloodshed is death. God created a flesh and blood body for Jesus to be the perfect high priest, and losing His blood at death secured eternal life for God's elect.

4/4/2021 PM
Selective Identity

When God looks at you or me, He sees His Son Jesus Christ by selective identity, for He chose us in Him, and He chose Him to be our Substitute and also our Advocate and Mediator.

3/7/2021 PM
The New Testament Cup

The words Jesus used to institute communion are often read without understanding. The new testament is the everlasting covenant of salvation revealed. Therefore, each aspect or facet of salvation may be added to His words, This cup is ....

11/15/2020 AM
The Covenants of God (25 sermons)

God's covenants with men are a large part of the Bible. A covenant is a compact or contract dictating how persons will treat each other. The glorious Creator God chose to bind Himself by covenant to save His elect people. Hallelujah! Amen!

11/8/2020 AM
Two Kings and Their Laws

Sin and death reign over men since Adam as unalterable laws. Bildad called death King of Terrors. Now righteousness and life reign by the Prince of Life for believers. Learn the terrible plight of sinners and our grand redemption in Christ.

10/18/2020 PM
Jesus the Son of God (4) Slides

Slides to show Jesus fulfilled Psalm 2 by resurrection and coronation, as Paul taught in Hebrews 1 and 5 and Acts 13. Eternal sonship and a deferred kingdom are both refuted by many scriptures combined for the truth of Jesus Christ's Lordship.

10/18/2020 AM
Jesus the Son of God (3) Slides

Slides to show Jesus fulfilled Psalm 2 by resurrection and coronation, as Paul taught in Hebrews 1 and 5 and Acts 13. Eternal sonship and a deferred kingdom are both refuted by many scriptures combined for the truth of Jesus Christ's Lordship.

10/7/2020 PM
Furniture, Feasts, Sacrifices Slides

Most of the Bible is written to Jews about Jewish worship, thus many features of buildings, holy days, and sacrifices. These slides are to explain those things to help know the Bible better and appreciate what Jesus did for us on the cross.

9/20/2020 AM
Are You Saved?

Judgment Day is fast approaching, when you will be judged and sent to hell or allowed into heaven. Any other fear of man like Covid-19 is nothing in comparison. Do you have Bible evidence to be sure of heaven? It is crucially important!

9/13/2020 PM
Jewels of Calvary in Hebrews

Hebrews has a single and simple theme - the preeminence of Jesus Christ. Written to Jews used to a sacrificial system involving priests, Paul made many comparisons to show our Lord's death far superior to any O.T. priest or offering.

8/2/2020 AM
Glory of God in Salvation

God planned salvation so He only gets glory for it (I Cor 1:29-31). He chose to save those the world calls base or foolish, and His choice determines their response to the gospel. He sent His Son to secure four glorious things for them only.

6/28/2020 PM
Mercy for Rebel Anarchists

As anarchists loot, riot, and burn in several cities, godly men are angry. But God promised the godly and evil would be perpetual enemies. Yet still God is far angrier at us for our sins, but He mercifully forgave us our crimes and adopted us.

2/2/2020 PM
The Price of Your Soul

Jesus asked, What if a man shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? God describes salvation and discipleship in economic terms. Daily choices show how you value your soul. Jesus dying for sinners shows the soul price of salvation.

12/8/2019 AM
Ye Are Complete in Him

Colossians 2:10 explained, expanded by all the content of the chapter around it.

9/1/2019 PM
Water from the Wells of Salvation

A simple example of drinking gospel water from Isaiah 53 to fulfill Isaiah 12:3.

6/5/2019 PM
How Are You Saved? Slides

Eternal life is an unconditional gift from God with seven categories of proof.

4/14/2019 AM
The Only Right Worldview

The perfect worldview starts with existence of God and giving us truth in the Bible. We know God exists and gave us detailed truth in the Bible to govern our lives . Our worldview affects our thoughts, words, actions, or interaction with the total world. A worldview includes the Day of Judgment, the decay of man, nature, and wisdom. It should include history, economics, society, angels, and nature. The combination of varied axioms creates parameters to guide all aspects of life. A complete worldview provides a full world perspective but also has individual duties.

9/9/2018 PM
How Are You Saved? Slides

The Bible doctrine of salvation requires rightly dividing all its verses for the truth.

10/4/2017 PM
When Was Abraham Saved? Slides

PowerPoint slides to review the life of Abram and his acts of faith and works.

6/7/2017 PM
Calvinism, Arminianism, and the Truth – Slides Slides

PowerPoint slides for a simple review of the great controversy about salvation. John Calvin and James Arminius have two plans of salvation named after them. Do you know them both, and how the truth is different from both?

12/7/2016 PM
Hebrews “Lose Your Salvation” Passages Slides

Four passages that seem to teach a true believer can lose his gift of eternal life.

1/6/2016 AM
The Great Commission Slides

Is it your duty, or did the apostles fulfill it gloriously and with power long ago?

2/18/2015 PM
When Was Paul Saved? Slides

His salvation, often repeated in the N.T., should be a prime example for us.

5/7/2014 PM
Eternal Union with Christ Slides

The foundation of eternal life is found at its source - in the mind and purpose of God in eternity - when He chose His elect in Christ Jesus to be inseparably united to Him forever. God's love is everlasting from this decree and as certain for the elect as it is for Jesus Christ.

9/4/2013 AM
Great Mystery of Godliness – Slides Slides

The wonderful gospel facts of I Timothy 3:16 explained in simple points for memorizing the verse and the gospel presentation in it. This is good for children or for evangelism. This is good for examining yourself whether you believe on Jesus Christ unto eternal life or not.

2/6/2013 PM
Feasts and Sacrifices Slides

For 1500 years the Jews worshipped according to what God gave Moses at Sinai. Reading Exodus and Leviticus will confront the reader with feasts and sacrifices that he knows little about. This simple study gives an overview and points to Jesus Christ.

1/16/2011 AM

The greatest facet of salvation is our adoption as God's sons.

9/19/2010 AM
Salvation By Works

Bible evidence of eternal life is much more than a decision

11/7/2004 PM
Jesus Is the Prince of Peace

Jesus is the Prince of Peace by making peace with God for us.

8/1/2004 PM
Baptism and Cup of Christ

Jesus drank the cup and was baptized in the wrath of God for us.

7/25/2004 AM
Salvation by Works

Decisionalism and easy-believism refuted by call to good works.

7/18/2004 AM
I Have Found a Ransom

Jesus paid the ransom price to rescue our souls from hell.

7/11/2004 AM
Is Election Fair?

Election is more than fair; it is grace; and Romans 9 justifies it!

6/27/2004 AM
Clothed with Christ’s Righteousness

Christ's perfect life is imputed to the elect to make them righteous.

4/18/2004 PM
The Water of Life

Jesus meets and converts the woman of Samaria in John 4:1-54.

2/15/2004 AM
Lie Of Unconditional Love

Expose the heresy of unconditional love and exalt Jesus Christ.

12/14/2003 AM
God’s Will or Free Will?

Is God's or man's will sovereign? Does man have free will?

12/14/2003 AM
God’s Will or Free Will ? (2 sermons)

Is God's or man's will sovereign? Does man have free will?

6/29/2003 AM
Abraham and the Gospel (21 sermons)

Abraham is a key man in the Bible. Jesus and Paul spoke of him. Paul used him against Jewish legalism. But most misunderstand Abraham and his relationship to Jesus Christ. These sermons show those errors and identify Abraham's true value.

4/6/2003 PM
Knowing Christ

Paul's testimony of seeking spiritual perfection (Phil 3:8-11).

2/9/2003 PM
If We Confess Our Sins

Fellowship with God through faithful confession of sin

12/8/2002 AM

Doctrine of sanctification defined, divided, and applied.

7/7/2002 PM
Jesus Is Our Surety

Hebrews 7:22 applied to Jesus as our Surety with God

7/7/2002 AM
Judgment Seat Of Christ

II Corinthians 5:10-11 warning us of coming judgment

6/23/2002 AM
Jesus Came For Sinners

I Timothy 1:15 is worthy of all acceptation by God's saints

1/13/2002 AM
A Pure Heart

Detailed study of the nature and importance of heart religion

12/30/2001 AM
What If Election Is True?

Brief consideration of every aspect of applying election

1/21/2001 AM

Brother Jim Edwards about death and its implications

3/20/1987 PM
Five Phases of Salvation: When Were You Saved?

Bible study proving five distinct phases of salvation in Christ.

3/1/1987 PM
Assumptions of Faith

All men live by one of three assumptions about God and eternity.

2/28/1987 PM
Seven Proofs of Unconditional Salvation

Bible study proving salvation is by grace alone.