All Sermons: Church
The most important organization on earth is an organism. It is a body of saints joined together by their love of Jesus Christ, submitted to the rules of the New Testament, and committed to love and serve one another until He returns for them. The Spirit of the living God inhabits this organization and moves its individual members, thus it is an organism – a living thing with Jesus Christ its head, and the Holy Spirit its animating, convicting, teaching, and empowering Presence.
11/3/2024 PMMembership Questions (2) Slides
Following six sermons about the greatness of the local church, becoming a member is a congregational ordinance of agreement. For many years we have used 15 simple questions to qualify members and obtain their commitment to N.T. rules of conduct. Here are the questions of church covenant.
11/3/2024 AMMembership Questions (1) Slides
Joining a local church of Jesus Christ is more than walking in to take a seat. It is a strong commitment and covenant promise to obey N.T. rules for members with others making the same commitment. The 17 questions are a sample of rules to receive new members by promises to Jesus Christ and to His body.
10/27/2024 PMGreat Church Members Slides
A local church will only be as great as its members, for a church is but a group of believers committed together. Most Christians merely attend services. In addition to what makes a great church (preached previously), learn the duties of great church members to excel at them.
10/27/2024 AMWhat Is a Great Church? Slides
If a local church is all the Bible says, you should do all you can to make it great. God and His Son deserve the best we can give. The Bible tells how to measure a church, so the ideas of men can be ignored. Learn the traits of a great church and purpose to help your church go above and beyond it.
10/20/2024 PMWhat is a Church? (4) Slides
Or, The Glory of the Church. If we rely only on the Bible and ignore what men say about the local church, the result is a fabulous list of blessings and features that make it truly incredible, far better and more glorious than any worship of God in previous times. Count your own local church blessings! 42 of them!
10/20/2024 AMWhat is a Church? (3) Slides
Or, The Glory of the Church. If we rely only on the Bible and ignore what men say about the local church, the result is a fabulous list of blessings and features that make it truly incredible, far better and more glorious than any worship of God in previous times. Count your own local church blessings! 42 of them!
10/13/2024 PMWhat is a Church? (2) Slides
Or, The Glory of the Church. If we rely only on the Bible and ignore what men say about the local church, the result is a fabulous list of blessings and features that make it truly incredible, far better and more glorious than any worship of God in previous times. Count your own local church blessings! 42 of them!
10/13/2024 AMWhat is a Church? (1) Slides
Or, The Glory of the Church. If we rely only on the Bible and ignore what men say about the local church, the result is a fabulous list of blessings and features that make it truly incredible, far better and more glorious than any worship of God in previous times. Count your own local church blessings! 42 of them!
7/7/2024 PMChurch Due Process (4) Slides
A local church is God's temple of the N.T., and it is the most important institution God set up on earth. Due process is rules the Bible has for a church to handle conflict, questions, problems. Our constitution is the Bible - inspired rules for churches and pastors - let us learn 60 in four sermons.
7/7/2024 AMChurch Due Process (3) Slides
A local church is God's temple of the N.T., and it is the most important institution God set up on earth. Due process is rules the Bible has for a church to handle conflict, questions, problems. Our constitution is the Bible - inspired rules for churches and pastors - let us learn 60 in four sermons.
6/30/2024 PMChurch Due Process (2) Slides
A local church is God's temple of the N.T., and it is the most important institution God set up on earth. Due process is rules the Bible has for a church to handle conflict, questions, problems. Our constitution is the Bible - inspired rules for churches and pastors - let us learn 60 in four sermons.
6/30/2024 AMChurch Due Process (1) Slides
A local church is God's temple of the N.T., and it is the most important institution God set up on earth. Due process is rules the Bible has for a church to handle conflict, questions, problems. Our constitution is the Bible - inspired rules for churches and pastors - let us learn 60 in four sermons.
6/2/2024 PMTwo Mountains (2)
Hebrews 12:22-24 lists features of the new covenant in Christ that puts Moses' former covenant in the shade. Hebrew believers could know they had the better religion even before God destroyed the old worship by Roman armies in 70 A.D. Shout for joy at what N.T. Christians truly have in Christ!
6/2/2024 AMTwo Mountains (1)
Hebrews 12:18-21 describes the terrible old covenant God gave Moses and Israel at Mt. Sinai. In his effort to keep these believing and baptized Hebrews from returning to temple worship, Paul made the old covenant form of worship as bad as it was. He then reminded them of the superiority of the new.
4/17/2024 PMSeven Short Lessons Slides
Only 23 minutes in total, but seven short Bible lessons ... best verses against Christmas ... "He is Lord of all" ... God overruled Nebuchadnezzar's witchcraft to direct his army ... what is "holy flesh"? ... "bruit" = news report ... reins = kidneys ... What is a Christian? and are you one?
2/18/2024 AMDogmatic Simplicity (2)
Absolute truth exists, no matter denials. God wrote absolute truth in the Bible. We do not fear being wrong - we pray for further light to gladly acccept redirection. We hate error; we name names. We keep truth simple like the Bible does. Intelligence and education are handicaps to truth, not helpers to it.
2/11/2024 AMDogmatic Simplicity (1)
Dogma = Doctrine, and Dogmatic = intense conviction about truth that will not tolerate differences. Though man chose lies in Eden, God revealed truth in the Bible. He expects us to hold it loyally and never compromise with anyone for any variation. Absolute truth is real and to be vigorously defended.
1/29/2024 AMCessationism – Tongues Have Ceased
Have the miraculous sign gifts ceased or do they continue today? Will you defend the operations and character of the Holy Spirit? Cessationism is simple Bible truth, and clearly defended by this short study. Hold fast to these five scriptural points against the modern day Charismatic movement.
1/17/2024 AMMusical Instruments in the Church Revisited Slides
Bible proof against musical instruments in New Testament worship revisited.
12/31/2023 AMWhat Is a Great Church? (repeated from 10/01/2014)
A list of 45 features that make churches great to please God and Jesus Christ.
10/18/2023 PMSheep Clothing of False Prophets Slides
Jesus warned in His Sermon on the Mount that false prophets (teachers) were wolves that would deceive hearers by appearing in sheep clothing. Here are many examples of the sheep clothing used by false teachers today. Exercise your senses and teach your children to identify these creeping heretics.
4/30/2023 AMChurch Purity (#3) Slides
The Bible lays out simply the reasons and rules of due process for churches to be the pure virgin for Christ that God intended. Here is a simple summary of pastoral theology, church discipline, and rules for church holiness and growth in spite of sinners as members in a sinful world.
4/23/2023 PMChurch Purity (#2) Slides
The Bible lays out simply the reasons and rules of due process for churches to be the pure virgin for Christ that God intended. Here is a simple summary of pastoral theology, church discipline, and rules for church holiness and growth in spite of sinners as members in a sinful world.
4/23/2023 AMChurch Purity (#1) Slides
Paul's jealousy for purity of the church at Corinth was his devotion to the Bridegroom - Jesus Christ. He was not jealous for affection for himself but rather for Jesus Christ. Here are the means God ordained to protect His churches from heresy and sinners to be all they should be for His Son.
4/2/2023 PMGod’s Peculiar Treasure (2)
God loves His people in a greater and more personal way than most know. Learn His choice of them to be His peculiar treasure and other related terms and descriptions. He set His love on them in eternity in His Son Jesus by covenant, and we are the barely believable beneficiaries of His great drama.
4/2/2023 AMGod’s Peculiar Treasure (1)
God loves His people in a greater and more personal way than most know. Learn His choice of them to be His peculiar treasure and other related terms and descriptions. He set His love on them in eternity in His Son Jesus by covenant, and we are the barely believable beneficiaries of His great drama.
5/29/2022 AMReal Insider Information (1) Slides
I Cor 1-2 glorifies God's grace in salvation and in conveying truth to His children. God designed the gospel to offend the wicked and to comfort His elect. Christians are a secret society in the world with perfect knowledge of all things.
5/22/2022 PMPriorities of Fearful Pastors (2) Slides
I Cor 3-4 is mainly for pastors, as Paul corrected preacher factions at Corinth and warned them of their duties and coming judgment for pastors. God's churches are holy, and wood, hay, and stubble additions to Christ are to be hated.
5/22/2022 AMPriorities of Fearful Pastors (1) Slides
I Cor 3-4 is mainly for pastors, as Paul corrected preacher factions at Corinth and warned them of their duties and coming judgment for pastors. God's churches are holy, and wood, hay, and stubble additions to Christ are to be hated.
4/3/2022 AMThe Faith of God’s Elect (2 sermons)
Titus 1:1-4 is Paul's opening words to Titus of pastoral care for the churches in Crete. He summarized precious aspects of the gospel. To faith he added truth and godliness and hope, all of which are declared in proper preaching to God's elect.
3/13/2022 AMGlory to God Forever 1 Slides
Paul ended the first three chapters of Ephesians with a doxology. This followed his prayer for greater fellowship with God by Holy Spirit power working in them. You exist for God's glory, and it should be the focal point for every church.
2/20/2022 PMProtecting the Church of God
Rebaptism and reordination to keep Baptist authority and lineage from Jesus and the apostles. The Legion of false churches proves the necessity for Bible rules to reject false baptisms, ordinations, men, and churches. Only a few will care.
2/20/2022 AMSacred Heralds – God’s Preachers
The LORD gave the word: great was the company of preachers. If not for preachers, you would not know Christ, truth, or wisdom and would follow current insanity. God sent preachers to save you. Thank God; esteem them; pray for them.
4/11/2021 PMConveying the Truth to Children Slides
God has blessed us with truth, and it must be taught to children, or it will be lost to future generations. Moses ordered fathers to teach, and so did Paul. A handout here shows ways to teach children and sources for what to teach them.
3/21/2021 PMWar for Truth
There has always been violent opposition between the wicked and the righteous, Satan and God. The devil and world seek to rid earth of God's truth, so we must learn, defend, and promote it, especially in church and families.
9/27/2020 AMIn a Crooked and Perverse Nation
America is a mess in 2020. It is crooked and perverse like Philippi was when Paul wrote them. What should a Christian do? Paul gave us clear marching orders from the Lord Jesus Christ. They are found in Philippians 2:1-18. Rejoice in truth!
8/23/2020 PMSongs & Their Stories
Apostolic religion requires singing with the understanding. The words teach and admonish each other in congregational worship. Like the scribal notations give perspective to Psalms (18, 34, 51, 52), so do the stories behind our favorite hymns.
5/29/2019 PMRebaptism & Reordination
Baptist authority and lineage from Jesus and the apostles must be required.
1/27/2019 AMThe Danger of Ichabod
God may take His presence away from any man or any church at anytime.
4/4/2018 PMA Threatened Virgin Slides
God considers His church as His virgin bride, and He will jealously defend her.
4/5/2017 PMChurch Membership Slides
PowerPoint slides for simple review and reminder of glory of local churches.
11/2/2016 PMSpirit and Truth of John 4:20-24 Slides
Slides of Jesus teaching the woman of Samaria that His religion would expose the errors of Samaritans and Jews. God requires worship in spirit (internal worship of the heart and mind) and in truth (by divine revelation). Learn this key passage.
1/6/2016 AMThe Great Commission Slides
Is it your duty, or did the apostles fulfill it gloriously and with power long ago?
1/21/2015 PMPastoral Combine Slides
The qualifications in the Bible to be bishop are good performance measures for all men.
10/1/2014 PMWhat Is a Great Church? Slides
A list of 45 features that make churches great to please God and Jesus Christ.
11/20/2013 PMA Time for Mirth Slides
Moses severely warned Israel about their need to be joyful with glad hearts for the abundance of all things (Deut 28:47). If they did not, He would judge them very harshly. We are blessed far beyond those Israelites by every measure. How joyful and glad are you?
4/3/2013 PMMusical Instruments In The Church Slides
The Best! PowerPoint arguments both against and for instruments.
12/31/2006 AMGod’s Secret Society
God's elect and their hidden wisdom are unknown to the world.
7/11/2004 PMWhat Is a Domestique?
Saints are to serve one another like riders in Le Tour de France.
6/20/2004 AMThey Promise Them Liberty
False teachers and seeker sensitive churches exposed by Peter.
6/13/2004 AMHot, Cold, Or Lukewarm
Jesus Christ exhorts the church of Laodicea to get hot for Him.
5/2/2004 PMPurpose of the Church
The local church is for mutual efforts in obtaining spiritual growth.
1/18/2004 PMBrotherly Love
Review and exhortation to love one another without contentions.
12/28/2003 PMInstant Preaching
God's Charge for preaching style, especially for the last days.
6/15/2003 AMHolding The Line
The lines of righteous living are collapsing all around us, someone has to hold the line and say no more. We will not allow the slide to continue in our church or our lives.
3/30/2003 PMMusical Instruments
Bible proof against musical instruments in N.T. worship
6/2/2002 AMBeatitudes
Jesus Christ describes and blesses the citizens of Zion
5/19/2002 PMAm I My Brother’s Keeper?
Review of the duties of church members toward one another
7/30/2000 AMContemporary Christianity
Against inventions and innovations of todays churches.
2/6/2000 PMChurch Covenant and Solemn Assembly
Both subjects presented from the Bible for the church
5/16/1999 AMThere Is One Mediator
Though Moses was a mediator for Israel at Mt. Sinai, and though the RCC claims Mary is a mediatrix for our salvation, there is only one mediator - the Man Christ Jesus. This sermon studies several different angles about mediators with the goal to glorify Jesus Christ as the only One that counts.
10/11/1998 PMHe Is Altogether Lovely (1998)
A comparison of Jesus to men to show His glorious superiority.
12/1/1996 PMRighteousness, Temperance, Judgment to Come
Felix asked Paul to tell him about the Christian faith in Jesus Christ. Paul reasoned with this Roman governor about righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come. There was no entertainment or fables. Felix trembled with the sober indictment of his life. There was no offer of heaven. There was promise of hell.
3/17/1991 PMOrdinance of Authority (11 sermons)
Authority is from God and important; here is its definition and source.
4/22/1990 AMFootwashing (2 sermons)
These sermons were preached to convert the church out of the practice of footwashing, which it had followed for 10 years. This sermon provides the Bible proof that no New Testament church ever practiced footwashing as an ordinance of public worship.
4/8/1990 AMBaptism and Church Membership (4 sermons)
These sermons were preached to convert the church out of the belief that baptism causes church membership, which it had held for 10 years. This sermon shows from the Bible the nature of church membership, which by itself precludes baptism having any role.
11/16/1986 PMWhy We Are Not Primitive Baptists
Comparison of Primitive Baptist beliefs to the Bible and ours.
8/17/1986 PMThe Ministry #7: Ordination
This study covers the history and names, the authority, honor and preservation, the work and calling, qualifications and ordination of Gospel ministers according to scripture.
8/10/1986 PMThe Ministry #6: Qualifications
This study covers the history and names, the authority, honor and preservation, the work and calling, qualifications and ordination of Gospel ministers according to scripture.
7/27/1986 PMThe Ministry #5: Work and Calling
This study covers the history and names, the authority, honor and preservation, the work and calling, qualifications and ordination of Gospel ministers according to scripture.
7/20/1986 AMThe Ministry #4: Honor and Preservation
This study covers the history and names, the authority, honor and preservation, the work and calling, qualifications and ordination of Gospel ministers according to scripture.
7/13/1986 PMThe Ministry #3: Authority
This study covers the history and names, the authority, honor and preservation, the work and calling, qualifications and ordination of Gospel ministers according to scripture.
7/6/1986 PMThe Ministry #2: History and Names
This study covers the history and names, the authority, honor and preservation, the work and calling, qualifications and ordination of Gospel ministers according to scripture.