Rebaptism & Reordination
Baptist authority and lineage from Jesus and the apostles must be required.
Baptist Authority and Lineage
from Jesus and the Apostles
- Pastors (and churches) have candidates apply for membership, which requires a scriptural baptism.
- Those with previous experience in Christian churches will likely have been baptized once or more.
- Should previous baptisms be accepted by a pastor (and church) that is committed to Bible due order?
- Is Rome’s infant affusion good enough? Lutheran infant aspersion? SDA or Mormon adult immersion?
- What requirements and mechanism does the Bible teach to qualify some baptisms and reject others?
- Once baptism is settled, then the same questions arise about ordination by these human denominations.
- Is a Presbyterian ordination good enough, though their baptism is not? What of the Church of Christ?
- The following outline seeks to set forth Bible principles and precepts for baptisms and ordinations.
- If the true church of Jesus compromises here, where does the compromise end? What happens to truth?
- To heartily contend for the apostolic truth, a wall must be built to repel faulty baptisms and ordinances.
A. Daniel prophesied the God of heaven would set up a kingdom under the Roman Empire.
- The four kingdoms of Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome were replaced by God’s.
- This kingdom would crush earthly kingdoms and last forever (Dan 2:44; 7:22,25).
- John and Jesus taught it present (Matt 3:1-2; 4:17; 11:12; 12:28; Luke 3:1-6; 16:16).
- Paul repeatedly taught it present (Acts 28:23,31; Rom 14:17; Col 1:13; Heb 12:28).
- Five kingdoms of Daniel 2 & 7 (slides) …
B. This kingdom was a spiritual kingdom of the reign of Jesus Christ over all believers.
- Jesus preached it was invisible and in men, unlike others (John 18:36; Luke 17:21).
- Men entered it by faith and baptism (Matthew 18:3; 21:31-32,43; Luke 7:29-30).
- The gospel of grace and kingdom of God are the same (Acts 20:24-25; 28:23-31).
- The kingdom restored David’s kingdom with his Son as the king (Acts 15:13-18).
- Gospel of the Kingdom (Philip Mauro) …
C. The kingdom of God is closely related to but different and larger than Christ’s churches.
- N.T. churches are local assemblies of baptized believers committed to N.T. order.
- The kingdom of God is all baptized believers whether in a church or out of a church.
- Faith and baptism put a person under Christ; membership requires mutual covenant.
- Men entered the kingdom under John and Jesus; the church truly began at Pentecost.
- Local churches are visible manifestations or outposts of the kingdom of Jesus Christ.
- What Is a Church? …
D. John was the first Baptist – the first preaching baptizer – the first preaching immerser.
- His authority was directly from God (Jn 1:6,33; 3:28; Mal 3:1; 4:5-6; Luke 1:17,76).
- He baptized the Lord Jesus, and we assume he baptized the apostles (Matt 3:13-17).
- He was known by his baptism, which distinguished him from others (Jn 1:28; 3:23).
- He was unique by message and practice – repentance for a kingdom and immersion.
- Heaven had sent divine authority to earth, and it was not relinquished, but extended.
- John’s ministry was very short, to introduce Jesus, who then pressed much further.
- John the Baptist’s baptism …
E. Jesus charged His apostles to baptize; they were His called and ordained preachers.
- He chose, called, and ordained these men to be His special preachers (Mark 3:14).
- Before ascending before Pentecost, He charged them to baptize (Matthew 28:18-20).
- They fulfilled their charge, office, and duties for Israel at Pentecost (Acts 2:37-41).
- They were to extend kingdom authority and Baptist baptism by ministerial succession (Acts 14:23; 16:1-3; I Tim 3:1-7; 4:14; 5:22; II Tim 1:14; 2:2; Titus 1:5).
- Only Jesus Christ’s baptized and ordained preachers ever administered His baptism.
- Philip and Ananias are not exceptions: one an evangelist, one with apostolic power.
- Proper Administrator …
F. Jesus, king of God’s kingdom and head of the church, ascended after giving authority.
- He gave His apostles authority based on His authority (Mark 13:14; Matt 28:18-20).
- They perpetuated that apostolic-originating authority to others (II Tim 2:22; 1:14).
- Jesus’ assigned authority was by ministerial succession (Tit 1:5; I Tim 3:1-7; 5:22).
- This succession is by faith in Baptist claims, doctrine, history, and regular practice.
- We believe the succession the same way we believe the 66-book canon – by faith.
- The authority and lineage of Israel’s priests were protected (Num 3:10; 16:40; 18:7).
- Levites that compromised the office were reduced to menial duties (Ezek 44:10-14).
- Nehemiah strictly sought for proper priestly authority (Ezra 2:62-63; Neh 7:64-65).
G. Jesus built His church and promised it would continue, which requires pastors/teachers.
- The gates of hell would not be able to overcome it with Satan bound (Matt 16:18).
- He would be with His ministers (from the apostles) to the world’s end (Matt 28:20).
- The kingdom of God would fill the earth and continue without abatement (Dan 2:44).
- It would be sorely tempted and tried by Rome Catholicism (Dan 7:25; Rev 13:5-7).
- The church of Jesus Christ would not fail from the earth (Mat 28:18-20 cp Eph 3:21).
- Ministerial succession is God’s chosen way to transfer authority (II Tim 2:2; Tit 1:5).
- But without Bible baptism, how can anything else be right by unbaptized preachers.
H. Apollos was a great man, but 20-years behind full truth, though he knew much of Jesus.
- He knew much about the Lord Jesus, but he only knew imperfectly (Acts 18:24-28).
- In 50 A.D., he only knew John’s baptism, yet 20 years after Pentecost (Acts 18:25).
- Maybe isolated in Alexandria or elsewhere he had missed hearing of the Holy Ghost.
- He baptized disciples to John Baptist or was himself after Pentecost (Acts 19:1-7).
- No matter knowledge, sincerity, zeal … his religion and baptisms were disorderly.
- Likely his followers, the twelve next needed baptism, not merely laying on of hands.
- Acts 19 Rebaptism (HTML document) …
I. Paul rebaptized 12 disciples of the learned Apollos to set an example and a precedent.
- Paul did not overlook their baptismal deficiencies like most pastors would do today.
- Though being disciples of Jesus, they were ignorant of the Holy Ghost after baptism.
- Apollos knew much about Jesus, but he needed more conversion (Acts 18:24-28).
- These twelve men knew of Jesus Christ, were disciples, and believed (Acts 19:1-7).
- Paul pointed these men forward to baptism in Jesus’ name, which they gladly did.
- He then laid his hands on them for the apostolic gift of the Spirit to show his power.
- Acts 19 Rebaptism (HTML document) …
J. A basic principle of Bible truth is that God’s things must be done orderly in their details.
- From Moses striking a rock to Nadab/Abihu to David moving the ark, details count.
- Nadab and Abihu offered strange fire, so we reject strange baptisms and ordinations.
- David called it due order (I Chr 15:13); Paul wanted all things in order (I Cor 14:40).
- David ate shewbread, and Jesus justified him, but there was necessity (Matt 12:3-4).
- Paul taught exclusion for walking disorderly from apostolic tradition (II Thess 3:6).
- Required orderliness certainly applies to the authority ordinances of God’s kingdom.
- Details Count – Examples (HTML Document) …
- Details Count – Explanation (Word Document) …
K. The apostolic church of Jesus – a Baptist church – from Jesus a Baptist – is a woman.
- John, Jesus, and the apostles were Baptist by immersion, doctrine, and practice.
- The church persecuted for 1,260 years was Baptist or Anabaptist, the latter a slur.
- She came through the Dark Ages without a Reformation birthdate like Protestants.
- Baptists are the only Christians to have evidence by practice of apostolic lineage.
- Baptists are the only Christians to have evidence by history of apostolic lineage.
- Enemies of Baptists admit that Baptists are the purest form of apostolic Christianity.
- Who were martyrs? Baptists or Catholics? Who made martyrs? Baptists or the RCC?
- Three Witnesses for the Baptists …
L. God protected His remnant church from the devil and his wrath by sheltering it well.
- She was sorely persecuted, but God protected her in the wilderness (Rev 12:13-16).
- She kept God’s commands (including baptism) and held Jesus’ gospel (Rev 12:17).
- She preserved the true worship of God through the Dark Ages of Europe’s history.
- We want a church like her – with her authority, history, lineage, doctrine, practice.
- The true church and the RCC mother church are completely at odds as total enemies.
- Which Christians, and baptisms and ordinations, match this woman and prophecies concerning her (Rev 12:13-17; 13:1-10; 14:12; 17:6; Dan 7:25; Matt 16:18; 28:20).
- There can only be one church – the Bible one – not by name, but the features here.
M. All other churches and ministers are the RCC, daughters, disorderly, and/or far too late.
- Baptisms and ordinations of the RCC are mother whore abominations (Rev 17:1-6).
- Ministers from her are unbaptized, then ordained by the unbaptized due to the RCC.
- Such ministers are not qualified for baptism or ordination – they are sons of Rome.
- All other baptisms are disorderly in one or more of the Bible’s five requirements.
- Baptisms and ordinations rejecting Rome only go back a little to a human founder.
- Mormon (1830), CofC (1832), SDA (1863), JW (1874), Charismatic (1901), etc.
- Rejecting harlot daughter baptisms for subject or mode … but then accepting the administrator of those directly above is inconsistent and unscriptural a different way.
- How can the ordinations of Mormons, CofC, SDA, or JW’s be accepted Biblically?
- If their ordinations (or baptisms) are rejected, on what basis are Charismatic’s good?
N. Apostolic authority and lineage must be Baptist against all other imposter pretenders.
- The apostles are the foundation of all true churches (Matt 16:19; Acts 4:33-35; 8:14-17; I Cor 3:10-11; 12:28; Gal 2:9; Eph 2:20; 4:11; Heb 2:1-4; Rev 21:14; etc.).
- They gave the doctrine and initiated ministerial succession (Acts 14:23; II Tim 2:2).
- Any baptism contrary in mode is automatically rejected no matter any other aspect, which makes it quite simple to reject around 90% of all those claiming Christianity.
- Therefore, Rome and all affusion or aspersion daughter churches are easily rejected.
- Any baptism originating after 1800 is 1,770 years too late g. the five cults above.
- An administrator of baptism or ordaining minister not from apostles is not due order.
- The method of preserving apostolic and gospel order in God’s kingdom and in Christ’s churches is by ministerial succession, not by ministerial presumption.
- A wall must be in place to repel and reject faulty baptisms and ordinations as here.
- Apostolic authority, lineage, and ministerial succession must be maintained for truth.
O. The Charismatic and Pentecostal movement of the twentieth century is also abominable.
- Many Charismatics reject Mormons and/or SDAs and/or JWs as manmade cults.
- Charismatic dates: Charles Parham (1901), William Seymour (1906), AOG (1914).
- They are as manmade as one or more of those cults they reject by their recent origin.
- They know they are not apostolic in origin, while claiming the apostles arrogantly.
- They look to Azusa as origin, denying 2000 years of church history of cessationism.
- While many AOG appear respectable, there are also many totally loony with excess.
- They mock the apostles by using the title frivolously and widely without the marks.
- They bark like dogs, wallow like drunks, crawl like lunatics, and flop like epileptics.
- The Azusa origin, continuation, and excesses indicate another spirit than the
- They have little relation to orderly N.T. churches or persecuted Baptists of history.
- They disdain doctrine; any rule for the use of the gifts they will arrogantly violate.
- Charismatics are imposters of the true church – mere johnny-come-lately
- Charismatics are devilish by their spirits that are not the Spirit (II Cor 11:1-4,13-15).
- They are devilish in the excesses of their popular leaders and manmade “revivals.”
- Heresy of Benny Hinn Tongues …
P. If we allow Charismatic alien immersions as acceptable, then we open a dangerous door.
- What of SDA’s, JW’s, Mormons, Oneness Pentecostals, Campbellites, Unitarians?
- On what Bible basis can anyone approve any of these while excluding any of them?
- It is true a few deny the Trinity, but is there more to baptism order than the Trinity?
- At what point of manmade invention and heterodoxy should we deny baptism order?
- Why not allow those sprinkled in infancy, or does mode trump proper administrator?
- Is any of our five requirements for a valid baptism more or less crucial than others?
- Rejecting the affusion of Mennonites builds a wall against a group of Anabaptists.
- Five Requirements for Baptism …
Q. Baptism by other than an ordained Baptist preacher does not have apostolic authority.
- Divine authority to baptize is from John to Jesus to apostles and to their successors.
- Authority to baptize is by ministerial succession of Baptist preachers (II Tim 2:2).
- A Charismatic baptism looks to Parham and Seymour rather than John, Jesus, Paul.
- Baptist variations in doctrine are of little consequence, as Galatians prove (Gal 3:27).
- A chain link succession is not necessary, for Bible promises and our faith are
- If other administrators are deemed sufficient, on what grounds, and with what limits?
- Apostolic authority, lineage, and ministerial succession must be maintained for truth.
- Proper Administrator is Requirement …
R. Ordination by other than an ordained Baptist preacher does not have apostolic authority.
- Authority to ordain is by ministerial succession of Baptist preachers (II Tim 2:22).
- Their variations in doctrine are of no consequence, as error does not nullify authority.
- Linked chain succession is not needed, for Bible promises and our faith are enough.
- Only ordained preachers have apostolic right to ordain others (I Tim 3:1-7; Tit 1:5).
- Jesus gave authority to His men to give in turn to others (Mark 13:34; II Tim 1:14).
- Apostolic authority, lineage, and ministerial succession must be maintained for truth.
- Should anyone be allowed to ordain, as long as they are sincere by some measure?
- How is apostolic authority and kingdom/church lineage preserved, unless like this?
S. We fully reject Landmark heresies and fantasies that defile Bible authority and lineage.
- They foolishly claim the church has all the authority and kingdom-lineage power.
- Jesus never gave power to the church but in the least matters of personal judgment.
- They foolishly claim all ministerial gifts operate by the will of some local church.
- Thus, they neuter ministers and create a monster where the sheep direct the shepherd.
- They imagine in their minds a linked chain succession back to the Jerusalem church.
- Thus, they play games with history since each linked chain has 1500 years of gaps.
- We reject the Landmark heresy of church succession, granting church “arms,” etc., which the Primitive Baptists embraced as well, though not as formally detailed.
- Jesus never gave a church authority to baptize or to ordain men, both of which are necessary to identify with Christ, receive the Holy Ghost, and execute the ministry.
- John Gill stood for ministerial authority and succession in his Practical Divinity.
T. If any man alters this approach, he turns from Christ to men and sets a terrible precedent.
- He turns from Jesus and ministerial succession to accept Rome or total pretenders.
- He sets a precedent without Bible limits that would allow most any administrator.
- The mighty authority of the apostles is replaced with only human gamesmanship.
- There must be some control and regulation of these two important Bible ordinances.
- Without rules, anyone could baptize or ordain as they chose and others must accept.
- How is apostolic orderliness maintained? By the methods and rules presented here.
- How are we careful to avoid strange fire – in baptisms and ordinations? See above.
U. Baptist authority and lineage for baptism and ordination is a matter of faith and facts.
- Jesus gave authority to preach and baptize and ordain (Matt 28:18-20; II Tim 2:2).
- Jesus promised church perpetuity forever (Matt 16:18; 28:20; Eph 3:21; Rev 12:17).
- All other denominations and sects have very identifiable beginnings far too late.
- We look for His promised church and His preserved bride, and we find only Baptists.
- The N.T. marks of the true church, including history, show that only Baptists qualify.
- Faith is sufficient for Baptist succession just as it is for formation of the N.T. canon.
- Faith is not involved in any other group, for their facts preclude apostolic authority.
- Consider Baptist churches and ministers three ways – legal, spiritual, and practical.
- The necessary form is legal; with candlestick is spiritual; fully obedient is practical.
- These three ways of viewing churches and ministers may be derived from Rev 2-3.
V. Rebaptism or reordination provides an opportunity to repudiate error for a clean break.
- Baptists were called Anabaptists for their baptism repudiated any previous baptism.
- Catholics and Protestants hated the Baptists for denying any of their infant baptisms.
- Change in doctrine or practice is not enough – apostolic authority must be stressed.
- Separation is Biblical (Rom 16:17-18; II Cor 6:14-18; II Thess 3:6; Titus 3:9-11).
- The Separate Baptists in American Baptist history is an interesting historical study.
- Rules of revivals against false religion in the O.T. were terribly severe and thorough.
- Paul told us to mark, avoid, and reject; he turned some over to Satan for their heresy.
- We cannot allow the line or the wall to be fuzzy or breachable, or the weak will err.
W. Rebaptism or reordination is not to obey or support a denomination or human
- The churches and bishops of the N.T. knew nothing of a denomination of any kind.
- We reject denominations, associations, or any organization over church or a pastor.
- The Baptist denomination today (SBC or BWA) is not apostolic in faith or practice.
- Yet, like Galatia and the churches of Asia, they have apostolic authority and lineage.
- The issue is not denominational, but rather apostolic from John, Jesus, and then Paul.
- There is no organizational issue at stake other than proper baptism and ordination.
- We do not care what others claim from either ditch; we want the crown of the road.
X. Rebaptism or reordination is not a charge or criticism of a man’s faith, fruit, or heart.
- Jesus found Paul faithful as a persecutor, though wrong doctrinally (I Timothy 1:12).
- Paul had a good conscience killing Christians, but he was very wrong (Acts 23:1).
- God considered Asa’s heart perfect, though in error about high places (I Kgs 15:14).
- But once Paul and Asa knew the truth, they were responsible to obey new
- A man may have been baptized or ordained with perfect motives, though disorderly.
- His love for God and Christ may have been perfect, though ignorant in his unbelief.
- God may overlook faults, like David’s polygamy, but he was wrong (Deut 17:17).
- Rebaptism or reordination is not a denial or indictment of previous ministerial fruit.
- Moses had results – water by smiting the rock – but he was wrong (Num 20:7-13).
- Judas had results – conversions and miracles – but he had a devil (John 6:70-71).
- Apollos had results – the 12 were likely his – but he and they were held
- Thus, we do not measure truth or validity by fruit alone, when contrary to scripture.
Y. Rebaptism or reordination has nothing to do with the bishop performing the ordinance.
- The issue is not personal, but scriptural and doctrinal. The actual bishop matters not.
- Any ordained Baptist preacher of the gospel could baptize or ordain for it to be legal.
- All personal aspects should be removed, for the baptism or ordination is from Christ.
- Thus, rebaptism or reordination is a matter of principle, not a personal relationship.
- Baptism or ordination by Paul or Timothy or Timothy’s faithful men are all equal.
- The character of the administrator does not matter, but apostolic legal lineage does.
- The ability or acuity of the administrator does not matter; think Galatians and Judas.
Z. Objections against rebaptism or reordination should be dealt with fairly by scripture.
- Mark 9:38-40 says those not against us are for us, therefore alien immersion is okay.
- Answer … the apostles and Jesus only intended ministerial fellowship, not accepting disorderly ordinances, for Paul rebaptized twelve disciples not against him at all (Acts 19:1-7); when there was disorder or heresy, Jesus condemned (Luke 11:23).
- Acts 19:1-7 can be understood as Paul describing John’s baptism without rebaptism.
- Answer … for the proof otherwise …
- Philippians 1:15-18 shows Paul’s benevolent spirit to accept alien baptisms in Christ.
- Answer … Paul only rejoiced in Christ being taught correctly, for the issue was personal envy, not heresy or disorder by the envious preachers; this key apostle had zero tolerance for doctrinal error or disorder (Gal 1:6-9; II Thess 3:6; Tit 3:10-11).
- Matthew 12:1-8 and Mark 2:23-28 teach mercy and intent rather than strict rules.
- Answer … these passages only apply to where there is necessity or trouble, and it is only pride or tradition that keeps a person from accepting rebaptism or reordination.
- I have rebaptized those with alien immersions for 35 years (N.S., a conservative Charismatic, in 1984).
- The Primitive Baptists (source of my ordination) have practiced rebaptism-reordination for 150 years.
- The Baptists before them practiced rebaptism-reordination to varying degrees (alien immersions).
- I have suggested six books that cover either Baptist history or Baptists dealing with alien immersions.
- Pugh … Three Witnesses for Baptists (1994) …
- J.M. Carroll … The Trail of Blood (1931) …
- c. H. Orchard … Concise History of the Baptists (1855) …
- d. A. Jarrel … Baptist Church Perpetuity (1894) …
- W.M. Nevins … Alien Baptism and the Baptist (1938) …
- J.H. Grime … Alien Immersion and Valid Baptism (1909) …
For Further Study:
- Rebaptism of Acts 19:1-7 (HTML Document) …
- Requirements of a Scriptural Baptism (HTML Links) …
- Strange Baptisms (Word Document) …
- Baptism Babel (PPT Slides) …
- John’s Baptism (HTML Document) …
- Other Baptism Documents (HTML Documents) …
- Baptism Age Policy (PPT Slides) …
- Baptist and Membership (Word Document) …
- God’s Ordinance of Authority (Word Document) …
- The Prophets of God (Word Document) …
- Ministerial Handbook (Word Document) …
- Do We Need Teachers? (Word Document) …
- Miriam and Korah (Word Document) …
- I Magnify Mine Office …
- The Three Witnesses for the Baptists …
- The Trail of Blood …
- Concise History of the Baptists (1855) …
- Baptist Church Perpetuity (1894) …
- Alien Baptism and the Baptist …
- Alien Immersion and Valid Baptism …
- Five Kingdoms on Earth (PPT Slides of Daniel 2 & 7) …
- Perilous Times of Christian Compromise …
- Dispensational Disaster at Acts 15:16 (PPT Slides) …
- The Gospel of the Kingdom (book by Philip Mauro) …
- What Is a Church (Sermons and PPT Slides) …
- Details Count – Bible Examples …
- Biblical Separation (Word Document) …