Kingdom Warfare
“I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.”
Revelation 1:9
Preparatory Reading: Luke 19; Ephesians 6; II Timothy 3; Daniel 2; Hebrews 12; Revelation 1; Revelation 12.
- Jesus Christ is gone for a while, and He left servants to take care of His kingdom (Mark 13:34-37).
- Jesus once asked a convicting and provoking question about faith on earth at His coming (Lu 18:7-8).
- Paul by example and instruction taught converts to live worthy of Christ’s kingdom (I Thess 2:10-12).
- Due to what is happening in and to our nation, it is wonderful to be part of a holy nation (I Peter 2:9).
Privilege of the Kingdom of Christ
- God promised He would set up a kingdom in the days of the Roman Empire, which was perfectly fulfilled by John the Baptist, Jesus, and the His apostles (Dan 2:44; Matt 3:2; 4:17).
- The kingdom of Israel under David and sons had been gloriously replaced by Jesus his Son.
- We New Testament Christian saints have a kingdom that will last forever (Hebrews 12:28).
- Local churches are not strictly the kingdom, but are the organizational form of the kingdom.
- John introduced the kingdom; men pressed in by violent repentance (Mat 11:7-15; Lu 16:16).
Threats to the Kingdom of Christ
- The devil has his own kingdom, and he hates the kingdom of Christ with all his profane fury.
- The Man Christ Jesus on earth had power to deliver men from the devil (Luke 11:14-23).
- The Man Christ Jesus destroyed the devil’s works at Calvary (Col 2:14-15; Heb 2:14-15).
- The Man Christ Jesus cast satan out of heaven on His arrival (Rev 12:5-17; Jn 12:27-31).
- The Man Christ Jesus will loose satan to deceive the nations once again, which will come against the saints to persecute them directly, and then He will destroy him (Rev 20:7-10).
- The world hates Jesus Christ and His kingdom, as they crucified Him (Gal 6:14; I John 5:19).
- Evil seducers in and opposing the churches of Christ will be worse and worse (II Tim 3:13).
- If we are castaways large or small, temporary or permanent, we are the threat (I Cor 9:27).
- If we are belly worshippers that mind earthly things, we are Christ’s enemies (Phil 3:18-19).
Defending the Kingdom of Christ
- We stand against the wiles of the devil in the powerful might of Jesus Christ (Eph 6:10-20).
- This simple text can excite confidence and zeal for proper kingdom warfare against satan.
- We choose to be strong in the Lord, for we can only have power by His might (Phil 4:13).
- We choose armor identified by God to resist the devil’s deceiving, lying, subtle wiles.
- We remember to not be distracted by flesh and blood foes, but to fight spiritual enemies.
- We need the whole armor of God to have the potential of defending Christ’s kingdom.
- For details, see the sermon for Ephesians 6 (not yet available in electronic format on the website).
- The devil seeks to devour saints, who submit to God and resist him (James 4:7; I Pet 5:8-9).
- If you do not resist the devil and avoid his inputs, you give him an open door (Eph 4:26-27).
- Temptation to sin often involves open satanic warfare i.e. Acts 5:3; I Cor 7:5; I Chr 21:1; etc.
- The world has a very different lifestyle from true Christianity, and we reject it (I Jn 2:15-17).
- The world hates true Christianity, and we must choose to not conform to it (Romans 12:1-2).
- The world wants you in the wide gate and broad way, but Jesus has another (Matt 7:13-14).
- The world is not neutral in God’s sight, and your friendship is spiritual adultery (James 4:4).
- Your flesh craves sin and seeks your ruin, thus disgracing Christ’s kingdom (I Cor 9:24-27).
- Your flesh craves sin and your ruin, so you must avoid any opportunity for it (Rom 13:14).
- Your flesh wars against you; we are strangers and pilgrims here, so act like it (I Pet 2:11-12).
- Your flesh will defile Christ’s kingdom, unless you take up your cross daily (Luke 9:23).
- It is important that we continue, for only continuity defends from shame (Luke 19:12-27).
- We must seek and exalt kingdom inputs – influences in our lives to build Christ’s kingdom.
- We must avoid and reject satan’s inputs – things leading to compromise of Christ’s kingdom.
- Every duty of scripture from personal habits, to marriage, to children, to jobs, play a role.
Promoting the Kingdom of Christ
- Our church must be exemplary in as many ways as possible to give kingdom citizens hope.
- Our church must be exemplary in as many ways as possible for conversions (Matthew 5:16).
- The Thessalonians should be our pattern, and we should follow zealously (I Thess 1:6-10).
- Do you teach your children the keys of Bible Christianity – how to live as kingdom citizens?
- The greatest kingdom citizens are those who serve others, not their friends (Luke 22:24-30).
- We must constantly be about the work of improving and perfecting our church (Ep 4:11-16).
- Our website exists to help build Jesus Christ’s kingdom throughout the world in all nations.
- Let us promote the things that the Holy Spirit defines as kingdom building (Rom 14:16-18).
- You have duties as citizens of God’s kingdom – everything our King has taught in scripture.
- It has been well said, “Only one life; it will soon be past; only what’s done for Christ will last.”
- Do you understand and accept duty? This word describes our responsibility to Christ (Luke 17:10).
- We must be careful, lest the kingdom be taken away, as with the Jews (Matt 21:42-44; Ro 11:17-22).
- Christians can never give up … never relax … until we reach our long home … our eternal home.
For Further Study:
- Sermon Outline: Kingdom Duties.
- Sermon Outline: Occupy Till I Come.
- Sermon Outline: Give No Place to the Devil.
- Sermon Outline: The Power of Darkness.
- Sermon Outline: Spiritual Adultery.
- Sermon: Becoming Sound Doctrine.
- Sermon: Few There Be that Find It.