All Sermons: Prophecy
If you love the God of the Bible, you should love prophecy, for He delights in it and boasts of His ability to forecast the future. Bible prophecies glorify God by His power to bring His predictions to pass, and they will build your faith as you see them clearly fulfilled in history. If you love truth, you will also eagerly learn this subject, for most prophetic truth has nearly disappeared in the last 200 years.
3/2/2025 AMPsalm 22: Christ Crucified
This Messianic Psalm is the Psalm of the Cross, for it graphically details the various sufferings of our Lord during His crucifixion more than any other place in the Bible. By God's design, it is presented in the first person of Jesus Christ Himself describing what He felt and thought before His death.
2/19/2025 PMMessianic Psalms Slides
David prophesied 1000 years in advance about Jesus Christ. He left us about 15 Psalms that help us know and love Jesus more. These Psalms are a way to stir up your love for Him. A pastor's highest goal and God's severest measure of a church is love of His Son. Pick a favorite and savor it.
2/5/2025 PM3 Blood Moons Slides
John Hagee and other false teachers prey on gullible Christians by predictions of political change from minor lunar events. In a few minutes you can be saved from ignorance and lies by trusting the Bible, which tells how we are to understand its prophecies. Hear four arguments. Enjoy.
6/5/2024 PMThe Day of the Lord Slides
Jesus promised to return for us, and it will be one incredible event of resurrecting the dead, judging the wicked, and destroying this universe with fire. The world tries to get rid of this event like they do the Flood. The value of knowing this event is to live carefully to be ready to meet our Judge.
3/6/2024 PMA Secret Prophecy about Josiah Slides
An exciting review of a prophecy of Josiah by name 361 years before the event, which many Christians overlook in Bible reading.
1/28/2024 PMDispensationalism – Jewish Fables
Prophetic futurism - most prophecies are future - is often Dispensational - meaning Israel and the Jews are the most important people and events. The apostles denied any such distinction; the gospel conversion of Gentiles built God's kingdom; and all land promises to Abraham have been fulfilled.
10/1/2023 PMShiloh and Gathering the People
On his deathbed Jacob prophesied of a great ruler coming from Judah, named Shiloh, who would gather the people of God. Both the Old and New Testaments give many fulfillments of this work of Jesus Christ to gather the elect together into the family of God - legally, vitally, practically, finally.
8/16/2023 AMGentile Jewels from Isaiah Slides
God ignored Gentiles for 4000 yrs, winking at their idolatry, but then He ordered His gospel to go to them, and they greatly increased the small Jewish church of John, Jesus, apostles. Isaiah foretold this great event, and these slides rush through 62 glorious verses about it. Pick a favorite!
8/2/2023 PMSecret Code for Bible Prophecy Slides
The book of Daniel has great prophecies of world history from 500 BC to the end. They are in chapters 2 and 7-12. However, the prophecies have timing phrases that have confused many, for they cannot be treated the same, though written similarly. Rightly divide for God's approval and no shame!
6/7/2023 AMSome Shall Not Taste of Death Slides
Some lived to see Jerusalem destroyed in 70 A.D., but many are ignorant of that event and corrupt Jesus' prophecy. If you love Jesus as King and Prophet, do not let men steal this great prophecy that sheds light on other 70 A.D. prophecies. Rejoice in His real authority, power, and revenge.
4/5/2023 PMThrone Room Reminders Slides
God gave John a view of the throne room in Revelation chapters 1 and 4-5. These slides review the high points of those chapters to identify and interpret some of the symbols not understood by many. Bask in the high honor to be part of the inner circle in heaven. Praise God and the Lamb.
3/5/2023 PMJesus in the Minor Prophets # 2
A quick survey of 14 prophecies in the last twelve books of the Old Testament. The drama of the universe centers around Jesus the Son of God, from Genesis to Revelation. Many fear the Minor Prophets, but they also spoke of Jesus Christ our Lord. Enjoy hunting treasure in these inspired books.
3/5/2023 AMJesus in the Minor Prophets # 1
A quick survey of 14 prophecies in the last twelve books of the Old Testament. The drama of the universe centers around Jesus the Son of God, from Genesis to Revelation. Many fear the Minor Prophets, but they also spoke of Jesus Christ our Lord. Enjoy hunting treasure in these inspired books.
3/1/2023 AMOverview of Minor Prophets Slides
Preparatory to sermons from Jeremiah, a review of O.T. prophets was made with an emphasis on the 12 Minor Prophets. For a longer review of all the O.T. prophets, see Overview of O.T. Prophets from 6/23/2019. See also Jesus in the Minor Prophets that was preached on 3/5/2023.
2/26/2023 PMVictorious Christian Living (8)
To be an overcomer, you must count the cost and give up things that compete with Christ. He taught the lesson to crowds that followed Him. You must walk in the Spirit for His power to resist temptations inside and out. Victorious living is the life of faith, so you must build your faith by preaching.
2/1/2023 AMThe Prophets of the Old Testament Slides
An overview of the Old Testaments Prophets in preparation for an exposition al study of the book of Jeremiah.
1/1/2023 PMThe Man of Sin #2
From Daniel to Revelation, God foretold the rise of a blasphemous king after Rome - Paul's Man of Sin. The Roman dragon was destroyed in 476 A.D., but out of its ashes rose the Roman Catholic Church. Though it was allowed to deceive and kill Christians for 1260 years, Jesus will finally destroy it.
1/1/2023 AMThe Man of Sin #1
Daniel chapters 2 and 7 describe five great kingdoms from Babylon to Christ. The God of heaven set up His kingdom during Rome's Empire. John and Jesus preached that kingdom and men pressed into it. The kingdom is not future; true Christians are in it now. Jesus is King. It will last forever.
8/3/2022 PMThe Maccabees Slides
Between Malachi and Matthew there were things happening. A king of a segment of the Greek Empire violently abused the Jews and tried to overthrow the worship of Jehovah. God raised up some men that feared Him and used them to drive this enemy out of Jerusalem and to rededicate His temple.
6/15/2022 PMThe Song of Moses Slides
Moses and Miriam led Israel to celebrate one of God's greatest deliverances, one that He took great delight in, to save His church from Pharaoh and Egypt in the Red Sea. He got Himself great glory destroying them the way He did. You face no trials or trouble that He cannot save you from.
10/24/2021 PMA Reprobate Mind
Man's perversity is accelerating, but Christians can have peace and praise about it. God Himself has sent it to judge men for choices against Him. His creativity in their perversities is perfect judgment for their pride and unthankfulness.
8/18/2021 AMWhen Pain Ends (Rom 8:17-25) Slides
Life and the universe are filled with pain, trouble, death. But Jesus died to lift the sin curse, so the creation will be changed back to its original perfection. It will occur when Jesus returns and God formally declares us His children to the universe!
4/18/2021 AMJohn the Baptist (5 sermons)
John is a great man in the Bible and human history. Learn all you can of how he prepared Israel for Jesus and identified Him as Son of God. Get ready for Him by repentance, baptism, reformation, godliness. A study of John is a study of Jesus.
11/15/2020 AMThe Covenants of God (25 sermons)
God's covenants with men are a large part of the Bible. A covenant is a compact or contract dictating how persons will treat each other. The glorious Creator God chose to bind Himself by covenant to save His elect people. Hallelujah! Amen!
10/11/2020 PMJesus the Son of God (2) Slides
Slides to show Jesus fulfilled Psalm 2 by resurrection and coronation, as Paul taught in Hebrews 1 and 5 and Acts 13. Eternal sonship and a deferred kingdom are both refuted by many scriptures combined for the truth of Jesus Christ's Lordship.
10/11/2020 AMJesus the Son of God (1) Slides
Slides to show Jesus fulfilled Psalm 2 by resurrection and coronation, as Paul taught in Hebrews 1 and 5 and Acts 13. Eternal sonship and a deferred kingdom are both refuted by many scriptures combined for the truth of Jesus Christ's Lordship.
11/3/2019 PMMessiah the Prince Expanded (2) Slides
Daniel 9:24-27 has precious promises of Jesus our Savior and what He would do.
11/3/2019 AMMessiah the Prince Expanded (1) Slides
Daniel 9:24-27 has precious promises of Jesus our Savior and what He would do.
9/4/2019 PMBabylon – History and Prophecies Slides
Literal Babylon was the enemy of the O.T. church and Mystical Babylon the N.T.
9/1/2019 PMWater from the Wells of Salvation
A simple example of drinking gospel water from Isaiah 53 to fulfill Isaiah 12:3.
8/4/2019 PMThe Son that Became King
Isaiah 9:6-7 ... a simple sermon to see every phrase in the glorious prophecy.
6/23/2019 PMOverview of O.T. Prophets (2) Slides
Before Isaiah, it will help us to know the relationships and time of the prophets.
6/23/2019 AMOverview of O.T. Prophets (1) Slides
Before Isaiah, it will help us to know the relationships and time of the prophets.
6/23/2019 AM
The principle dates, the Kings, and the chronological events of the Old Testament Prophets.
3/17/2019 AMThe End of the Universe
God has promised to save some from the coming destruction of the whole universe.
6/6/2018 PMThe Mystery of Malkiy-Tsedeq Slides
You need a priest – a very good one. Without a priest you cannot go to heaven. The Jews trusted Levitical priests from Aaron. But David wrote in Psalm 110:4 that God would make Messiah a far better priest. Paul explained it all in Hebrews 7 by precious similarities of Jesus to Melchisedec.God swore that Jesus would be a priest forever after the order of Melchisedec.
6/4/2014 PMMessiah the Prince – Daniel 9 Slides
Daniel 9 and the prophecy of 70 weeks limited and explained by the Bible.
5/21/2014 PMFive Kingdoms – Daniel 2 & 7 Slides
Two prophecies of Daniel covering world history from Babylon to Christ's coming.
12/18/2013 PMAbraham’s Land Slides
It is a terrible shame C.I. Scofield and dupes have corrupted the word of God regarding Abraham and the land promised to him and his seed. If you love Jesus Christ and want to go to heaven when you die, then consider this Bible study and rejoice in the truth of God.
8/25/2002 AMProphecy of Caiaphas
Prophecy of Caiaphas in John 11:49-50 of Christ's death.
7/8/2001 AMPsalm 22
Jesus Christ presented in His sufferings and death
10/13/1985 PMAntichrist
The Antichrist has been here a long time now, but few Christians know the truth.