Sermons: Prophecy
If you love the God of the Bible, you should love prophecy, for He delights in it and boasts of His ability to forecast the future. Bible prophecies glorify God by His power to bring His predictions to pass, and they will build your faith as you see them clearly fulfilled in history. If you love truth, you will also eagerly learn this subject, for most prophetic truth has nearly disappeared in the last 200 years.
Recent Sermons: Prophecy
3/2/2025 AMPsalm 22: Christ Crucified
This Messianic Psalm is the Psalm of the Cross, for it graphically details the various sufferings of our Lord during His crucifixion more than any other place in the Bible. By God's design, it is presented in the first person of Jesus Christ Himself describing what He felt and thought before His death.
2/19/2025 PMMessianic Psalms Slides
David prophesied 1000 years in advance about Jesus Christ. He left us about 15 Psalms that help us know and love Jesus more. These Psalms are a way to stir up your love for Him. A pastor's highest goal and God's severest measure of a church is love of His Son. Pick a favorite and savor it.
2/5/2025 PM3 Blood Moons Slides
John Hagee and other false teachers prey on gullible Christians by predictions of political change from minor lunar events. In a few minutes you can be saved from ignorance and lies by trusting the Bible, which tells how we are to understand its prophecies. Hear four arguments. Enjoy.
6/5/2024 PMThe Day of the Lord Slides
Jesus promised to return for us, and it will be one incredible event of resurrecting the dead, judging the wicked, and destroying this universe with fire. The world tries to get rid of this event like they do the Flood. The value of knowing this event is to live carefully to be ready to meet our Judge.
3/6/2024 PMA Secret Prophecy about Josiah Slides
An exciting review of a prophecy of Josiah by name 361 years before the event, which many Christians overlook in Bible reading.
1/28/2024 PMDispensationalism – Jewish Fables
Prophetic futurism - most prophecies are future - is often Dispensational - meaning Israel and the Jews are the most important people and events. The apostles denied any such distinction; the gospel conversion of Gentiles built God's kingdom; and all land promises to Abraham have been fulfilled.
10/1/2023 PMShiloh and Gathering the People
On his deathbed Jacob prophesied of a great ruler coming from Judah, named Shiloh, who would gather the people of God. Both the Old and New Testaments give many fulfillments of this work of Jesus Christ to gather the elect together into the family of God - legally, vitally, practically, finally.
All Sermons: Prophecy
Alexander the Great (Audio/Video Presentation)
Fascinating study of this great figure in human history foretold by Daniel the prophet. The Bible provided many details about the world’s greatest military general hundreds of years before he was born. Watch this presentation and learn about these exciting prophecies from the book of Daniel.
The Witness of 70 AD
A great prophecy of the Bible is also one of the most unknown. Jesus, prophets, and apostles prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem, which was fulfilled in 70 A.D. by the Roman armies. This study will explain and reconcile scriptures like never before.
Glory of Fulfilled Prophecy
God boasts of His ability to forecast the future, which no other god or man can do. Fulfilled prophecy proves He is God! Fulfilled prophecy gives Him great glory! You should understand how much this means to Him, if you truly seek to love and worship Him.
Dispensationalism’s Best Verse
Christian Zionists try to support their Jewish fables with the Bible. They claim the best verse in their arsenal is Acts 15:16. But when it is properly understood, it clearly condemns their heretical notions of a regathered Israel. Learn how this key verse actually teaches Gentile conversions.
Jews Against Jewish Fables
Many Christians have been taught that the Jews are still the chosen people and God owes them great earthly preeminence. Pastor Abuoma Boanerges of Nigeria uses O.T. prophets to show that God fulfilled His word to Israel and we Gentiles are the greater part of His plan for the N.T.
Balaam and His Prophecies
Balaam gave four prophecies of seven parables of blessing on Israel (church of God) and curses on the neighbor nations of Israel (enemies of the church). He saw and spoke of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, and his view of the future included events related to Greece and Rome.
Preterism: A Damnable Heresy
Were all prophecies fulfilled by 70 A.D.? Christ’s second coming? Dead bodies raised? The Judgment? New heaven and new earth? A few vocal heretics say it is so, calling it preterism. We deny by the authority of the Bible and testimony of Jesus.
The Rome Connection
All roads lead to Rome … in Bible prophecies about the antichrist! If you believe the “Left Behind” novels, you may have no idea about this sermon. If you want to learn what the martyrs and our fathers in the faith believed, then grab your Bible and listen.
The Gospel Millennium
Does the Bible prophecy a 1000-year reign of Jesus Christ? Yes, it does. Do you know when this time period begins and ends? This sermon will correct the false idea of a Jewish millennium of Jesus on an earthly throne, animal sacrifices, and such like.
The Whole Creation Groaneth
Why do goldfish and roses die? The universe is under the bondage of sin, but it will soon be delivered when Jesus Christ destroys death and creates a new heaven and earth for His children. This sermon will open a dark passage in Romans 8.