All Sermons: Heresies
God gave truth to Adam and Eve, but Satan quickly lied against it. Natural man still resents the truth and prefers fables and entertainment (II Tim 4:3-4), so Satan deceives and empowers false teachers to preach lies (II Cor 11:3-4,13-15). Paul saw many in his day, and he warned there would be many more (Acts 20:29-30; II Cor 2:17). Faithful preachers expose false doctrine (I Tim 4:1-6; Titus 1:9-11).
3/23/2025 PMPath of Truth #4
God kindly gave a path of truth in the 6000 years of human history, but it has had many key events to challenge or destroy it. Here are examples of truth tested and tried from Adam and Eve in the Garden, Cain and Abel, Lamech's polygamy, and Seth and Enos revival. Learn the lessons and rules for you.
3/23/2025 AMPath of Truth #3
Intro #3 (Prov 21:16): Truth is a great gift from God, and He carefully ordained from eternity Jesus would take it to the woman of Samaria ... He must needs go through Samaria. All Christians must commit to truth to oppose all the efforts to destroy it, for churches are the pillar and ground of it.
3/16/2025 PMPath of Truth #2
Intro #2 (Prov 21:16): Our God of truth left a path of truth for man, but he chose Satan’s lies to corrupt the race, unless changed by grace and corrected by teachers. Each soul must choose truth or lies, in the perpetual, violent war of wicked against righteous, lovers of lies against lovers of truth.
3/16/2025 AMPath of Truth #1
Intro #1 (Prov 21:16): Our God of truth left a path of truth for man, but he chose Satan’s lies to corrupt the race, unless changed by grace and corrected by teachers. Each soul must choose truth or lies, in the perpetual, violent war of wicked against righteous, lovers of lies against lovers of truth.
2/5/2025 PM3 Blood Moons Slides
John Hagee and other false teachers prey on gullible Christians by predictions of political change from minor lunar events. In a few minutes you can be saved from ignorance and lies by trusting the Bible, which tells how we are to understand its prophecies. Hear four arguments. Enjoy.
12/1/2024 AMFree Gift of Eternal Life (3)
After a brief review of the first two sermons, this sermon looks at the offers associated with salvation, with Jesus offering Himself to God, not to man, as the greatest offer. It then looks at aspects of acceptance, with emphasis on God accepting Jesus Christ and then accepting us in Him for eternal life.
11/24/2024 PMFree Gift of Eternal Life (2)
Man has corrupted the gift of eternal life and made it an offer requiring acceptance. But no sinner dead in sins can or will accept such an offer. And it makes man his own savior and steals the glory from God. The only offer is Jesus offered Himself to God, and God accepted Him and the elect in Him.
11/24/2024 AMFree Gift of Eternal Life (1)
God gives eternal life as a free gift; it is not an offer to men, as most of the Christian world presents it. No one gets to heaven by faith, baptism, or any good works. Heaven is a result of three gifts in Jn 17:2. Imputation, God's legal accounting by first Adam and then by Jesus, show it is strictly a free gift.
4/3/2024 PMRomans 9 Slides
Romans 9:6-24 to review God's electing grace to save men and His dominion to damn rebels. Paul used family examples of Isaac and Jacob. He used scripture about His mercy and Pharaoh. He asked and answered questions. He exalted the Potter over the clay. He summarized it perfectly.
2/18/2024 AMDogmatic Simplicity (2)
Absolute truth exists, no matter denials. God wrote absolute truth in the Bible. We do not fear being wrong - we pray for further light to gladly acccept redirection. We hate error; we name names. We keep truth simple like the Bible does. Intelligence and education are handicaps to truth, not helpers to it.
2/11/2024 AMDogmatic Simplicity (1)
Dogma = Doctrine, and Dogmatic = intense conviction about truth that will not tolerate differences. Though man chose lies in Eden, God revealed truth in the Bible. He expects us to hold it loyally and never compromise with anyone for any variation. Absolute truth is real and to be vigorously defended.
2/7/2024 PMRevelation 17:1-6 Slides
Jesus showed John a picture of the RCC as a vulgar whore riding the Roman Empire to power. This study is of their abominable rite of infant baptism in all the ridiculous, traditional details they added to scripture.
1/29/2024 PMDecisional Regeneration
The popular way to get people saved today is to require they make a decision for Jesus. Is this Biblical? Here is a short study to approve or disprove whether sinners are born again by their own choice. Here is a review of several Bible points about the ability, timing, and order of regeneration.
1/29/2024 AMCessationism – Tongues Have Ceased
Have the miraculous sign gifts ceased or do they continue today? Will you defend the operations and character of the Holy Spirit? Cessationism is simple Bible truth, and clearly defended by this short study. Hold fast to these five scriptural points against the modern day Charismatic movement.
1/28/2024 PMDispensationalism – Jewish Fables
Prophetic futurism - most prophecies are future - is often Dispensational - meaning Israel and the Jews are the most important people and events. The apostles denied any such distinction; the gospel conversion of Gentiles built God's kingdom; and all land promises to Abraham have been fulfilled.
1/28/2024 AMSonship of Jesus Christ
Eternal Sonship is a popular heresy from the Nicene creed that denies the full Deity of Jesus Christ and creates unbiblical divisions in the Trinity. Incarnate Sonship exalts Jesus as the perfect man and as Jehovah God in His two natures. This review summarizes the Bible evidence for Incarnate Sonship.
1/21/2024 PMPreterism is Hopeless Heresy
A brief review of Preterism, a blasphemous doctrine. This view steals glory from God and hope from saints by placing fulfillment of all prophecies in 70 A.D. However, the gospel expressly denies this by several points, and there is much hope for believers in Christ's return and the resurrection.
1/17/2024 AMMusical Instruments in the Church Revisited Slides
Bible proof against musical instruments in New Testament worship revisited.
12/20/2023 PMThe Great Whore and Christmas Slides
In Revelation John saw a false church as a great whore with harlot church daughters and full of abominations of false doctrine and practice. This church by its home city ruled over the earth in John's time - Rome. The features can only be the RCC, and we despise her filthy mass on December 25.
10/18/2023 PMSheep Clothing of False Prophets Slides
Jesus warned in His Sermon on the Mount that false prophets (teachers) were wolves that would deceive hearers by appearing in sheep clothing. Here are many examples of the sheep clothing used by false teachers today. Exercise your senses and teach your children to identify these creeping heretics.
9/20/2023 PMSimple Truth Test Slides
If ever fearful many great men disagree with the rare truth we hold, think about baptism for a minute to realize most are foolish heretics. This study also corrects the errors of the Great Commission, street preaching, and deputation to raise money.
9/7/2022 PMThe Breath of His Lips Slides
The prophecies of Jesus the Messiah told He would have great wisdom and speech. The N.T. record shows His ability to slay the wicked with His wisdom and words. This glorious aspect of God's Son is wickedly thought too harsh and severe by most. Our Lord could also comfort and encourage any.
5/8/2022 PMThe Son of GOD
The true identity of Jesus as Son of God is crucial to truth, fellowship, and joy. But Satan and men have attacked His Sonship by corrupting it with philosophy and foolish lies. See all three phases or views of the Son of God and worship thy God.
3/27/2022 PMGospel Means (4) Slides
Do we get eternal life by believing the gospel ... or by God's sovereign grace and power without it? The key distinction is to see God's work to elect, justify, regenerate, and glorify us and then to see our work to believe and obey the gospel.
3/27/2022 AMGospel Means (3) Slides
Do we get eternal life by believing the gospel ... or by God's sovereign grace and power without it? The key distinction is to see God's work to elect, justify, regenerate, and glorify us and then to see our work to believe and obey the gospel.
3/20/2022 PMGospel Means (2) Slides
Do we get eternal life by believing the gospel ... or by God's sovereign grace and power without it? The key distinction is to see God's work to elect, justify, regenerate, and glorify us and then to see our work to believe and obey the gospel.
3/20/2022 AMGospel Means (1) Slides
Do we get eternal life by believing the gospel ... or by God's sovereign grace and power without it? The key distinction is to see God's work to elect, justify, regenerate, and glorify us and then to see our work to believe and obey the gospel.
2/20/2022 PMProtecting the Church of God
Rebaptism and reordination to keep Baptist authority and lineage from Jesus and the apostles. The Legion of false churches proves the necessity for Bible rules to reject false baptisms, ordinations, men, and churches. Only a few will care.
3/21/2021 PMWar for Truth
There has always been violent opposition between the wicked and the righteous, Satan and God. The devil and world seek to rid earth of God's truth, so we must learn, defend, and promote it, especially in church and families.
12/2/2020 AMIsms Creeping Into The Church (3) Slides
Satan's lies are old, but he is smart enough to market them creatively. Ancient heresies with euphemistic names and definitions corrupt evangelical churches today, and the danger is great enough for this simple warning to know the errors.
11/18/2020 PMIsms Creeping Into Churches (2) Slides
Satan's lies are old, but he is smart enough to market them creatively. Ancient heresies with euphemistic names and definitions corrupt evangelical churches today, and the danger is great enough for this simple warning to know the errors.
10/21/2020 PMIsms Creeping Into Churches (1) Slides
Satan's lies are old, but he is smart enough to market them creatively. Ancient heresies with euphemistic names and definitions corrupt evangelical churches today, and the danger is great enough for this simple warning to know the errors.
10/11/2020 PMJesus the Son of God (2) Slides
Slides to show Jesus fulfilled Psalm 2 by resurrection and coronation, as Paul taught in Hebrews 1 and 5 and Acts 13. Eternal sonship and a deferred kingdom are both refuted by many scriptures combined for the truth of Jesus Christ's Lordship.
10/11/2020 AMJesus the Son of God (1) Slides
Slides to show Jesus fulfilled Psalm 2 by resurrection and coronation, as Paul taught in Hebrews 1 and 5 and Acts 13. Eternal sonship and a deferred kingdom are both refuted by many scriptures combined for the truth of Jesus Christ's Lordship.
4/14/2019 AMThe Only Right Worldview
The perfect worldview starts with existence of God and giving us truth in the Bible. We know God exists and gave us detailed truth in the Bible to govern our lives . Our worldview affects our thoughts, words, actions, or interaction with the total world. A worldview includes the Day of Judgment, the decay of man, nature, and wisdom. It should include history, economics, society, angels, and nature. The combination of varied axioms creates parameters to guide all aspects of life. A complete worldview provides a full world perspective but also has individual duties.
2/6/2019 PMSeven Sacraments of Rome (3)
The RCC is a works-based religion, teaching seven church duties to make it to heaven. They are called sacraments – outward signs conveying inward grace. The Bible teaches no such thing, but it is valuable to see how and where Rome makes her errors for her heresy. The remnant church of Jesus must also examine itself to avoid any influence from Rome.
2/3/2019 PMSeven Sacraments of Rome – 2 Slides
The RCC is a works-based religion, teaching seven church duties to make it to heaven. They are called sacraments – outward signs conveying inward grace. The Bible teaches no such thing, but it is valuable to see how and where Rome makes her errors for her heresy. The remnant church of Jesus must also examine itself to avoid any influence from Rome.
2/3/2019 AMSeven Sacraments of Rome – 1 Slides
The RCC is a works-based religion, teaching seven church duties to make it to heaven. They are called sacraments – outward signs conveying inward grace. The Bible teaches no such thing, but it is valuable to see how and where Rome makes her errors for her heresy. The remnant church of Jesus must also examine itself to avoid any influence from Rome.
5/2/2018 PMSecond Coming Facts Slides
Jesus is coming again and you should fully understand this very transcendent event.
6/7/2017 PMCalvinism, Arminianism, and the Truth – Slides Slides
PowerPoint slides for a simple review of the great controversy about salvation. John Calvin and James Arminius have two plans of salvation named after them. Do you know them both, and how the truth is different from both?
4/20/2016 PMSonship Simplified and Settled Slides
Controversy about the sonship of Jesus Christ is a war of worlds and words.
1/20/2016 PM75 Bible References on Drinking Slides
A pamphlet by a teetotaling Baptist preacher trying to condemn alcohol.
10/21/2015 PMAnother Jesus Slides
Satan corrupts believers and churches from true faith by a false Christ.
2/18/2015 PMWhen Was Paul Saved? Slides
His salvation, often repeated in the N.T., should be a prime example for us.
7/2/2014 AMNephilim Heresy – Details
Did angels have wild sex with women? Birthing a sci-fi mongrel race of superhuman persons? Is this what Genesis 6:1-2 teaches? Or is there another lesson far more important? Paul warned that men would turn from sound doctrine and truth to fables, and this is a great example of it. What nonsense! If you want to know and defend the truth in these perilous times of the last days, here is an opportunity for you to do so.
4/2/2014 PMNephilim Heresy – Slides Slides
Did angels have wild sex with women? Birthing a sci-fi mongrel race of superhuman persons? Is this what Genesis 6:1-2 teaches? Or is there another lesson far more important? Paul warned that men would turn from sound doctrine and truth to fables, and this is a great example of it. What nonsense! If you want to know and defend the truth in these perilous times of the last days, here is an opportunity for you to do so.
3/19/2014 PMAttacking the Bible Slides
We are Bible Christians. Our church and private lives are dictated by its inspired words. Popular preachers with growing churches are replacing the Bible with all sorts of gimmicks and substitutes. We are in the perilous times of the last days, and you must be vigilant and faithful.
12/18/2013 PMAbraham’s Land Slides
It is a terrible shame C.I. Scofield and dupes have corrupted the word of God regarding Abraham and the land promised to him and his seed. If you love Jesus Christ and want to go to heaven when you die, then consider this Bible study and rejoice in the truth of God.
10/16/2013 PMAre Ghosts Real? Slides
Ghost = spirit. The fear, especially in children, of this word is unjustified. Ghost = spirit. Every person has a ghost/spirit that goes to God at death. The angels are spirits, or ghosts, both good and bad. God Himself is the Holy Ghost, and we want Him speaking to our ghosts.
10/2/2013 AMBible Babel Slides
I Samuel 13:1 is too hard for modern versions to even get close.
8/7/2013 PMFreemasonry Slides
The religion of masonry condemned by simple proofs from the Bible.
2/3/2013 AMQuestions for Arminians
An honest study of salvation must start with the ability and desire of man before God's grace in his life. The Bible is plain in both testaments of man's death in sins, rebel hatred of God, and utter depravity before salvation, contrary to Arminian wishes. Man has no free will toward God he is depraved. Did Jesus die for (1) all the sins of all men, (2) some of the sins of all men, or (3) all the sins of some men? The Bible is plain with its answer, but many today are confused about the intent and application of His redemptive sacrifice. Here is a victorious Saviour!
9/19/2010 AMSalvation By Works
Bible evidence of eternal life is much more than a decision
7/25/2004 PMWhat About The Seventh Day?
Seventh-Day Adventists require worship on Saturday. They teach that God’s true saints have kept the seventh day for worshipping God since the days of Adam. They exalt this issue so highly that they claim Sunday worship is the mark of the beast from Revelation.
7/25/2004 AMSalvation by Works
Decisionalism and easy-believism refuted by call to good works.
7/11/2004 AMIs Election Fair?
Election is more than fair; it is grace; and Romans 9 justifies it!
6/20/2004 AMThey Promise Them Liberty
False teachers and seeker sensitive churches exposed by Peter.
5/23/2004 AMProblems with Religious Conservatives
Newell Eastland condemns Pharisaism of most conservatives.
2/15/2004 AMLie Of Unconditional Love
Expose the heresy of unconditional love and exalt Jesus Christ.
12/21/2003 AMSpiritual Adultery
Carnal Christianity compared to a lewd and profane adulteress.
12/14/2003 AMGod’s Will or Free Will?
Is God's or man's will sovereign? Does man have free will?
3/30/2003 PMMusical Instruments
Bible proof against musical instruments in N.T. worship
3/16/2003 AMThe Sonship of Jesus Christ
Denial of eternal sonship and defense of incarnate sonship.
11/24/2002 AMIs God the Author of Confusion?
God justly blinds and confuses men, even by the scriptures themselves, when they do not approach Him rightly.
12/30/2001 AMWhat If Election Is True?
Brief consideration of every aspect of applying election
10/14/2001 PMQuenched the Violence of Fire
“Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.” Hebrews 11:34
4/22/1990 AMFootwashing (2 sermons)
These sermons were preached to convert the church out of the practice of footwashing, which it had followed for 10 years. This sermon provides the Bible proof that no New Testament church ever practiced footwashing as an ordinance of public worship.
4/8/1990 AMBaptism and Church Membership (4 sermons)
These sermons were preached to convert the church out of the belief that baptism causes church membership, which it had held for 10 years. This sermon shows from the Bible the nature of church membership, which by itself precludes baptism having any role.
11/16/1986 PMWhy We Are Not Primitive Baptists
Comparison of Primitive Baptist beliefs to the Bible and ours.
10/13/1985 PMAntichrist
The Antichrist has been here a long time now, but few Christians know the truth.
12/9/1984 PMDisappointments of Evangelism
Efforts to share Bible truth and wisdom will often face obstacles and resistance. Do not be discouraged. Jesus Himself had very few followers after His years of perfect ministry. Do your reasonable best and trust God for the rest, as He must grant repentance for any to escape the devil and believe.