Sermons: God

Our God’s name is Jehovah, I AM THAT I AM (Ex 3:14; 6:3; Ps 83:18). We are not Jehovah’s Witnesses, the brainwashed followers of Charles Taze Russell and Judge Rutherford. It is a shame so many Christians do not know the name of their God and His Son Jesus, whose exalted name means Jehovah is salvation (Matt 1:21). It is a shame they think God is His name, when it is rather one of His titles.

But do you truly know the God of the Bible? Even if you know His name is Jehovah? Do you know He created all things for Himself, even the wicked for the day of evil (Pr 16:4)? Do you know He blinds men with strong delusion every day like He did at Babel (II Thess 2:9-13)? Do you know He elected and predestinated some men to be His sons, and He sent His Son to die for them (Rom 8:28-33)?

Recent Sermons: God

6/23/2024 PM
Jeremiah Chapter 21

King Zedekiah sent men to ask Jeremiah to pray against Nebuchadnezzar, but God's word back to him was severe judgment. Turning to the common people, the prophet made life or death very easy. Zedekiah should clean up his life for God's help, since Judah could not resist the Chaldean army.

6/23/2024 AM
Jeremiah Chapter 20

Due to his pottery prophecy in the temple, a priest and governor smote Jeremiah and put him in jail. The next day the prophet cursed Pashur by a name change and prophecy of his terror and death. Jeremiah regretted his ministry due to great opposition, asked to see vengeance, and cursed his birth and life.

6/16/2024 AM
Two Mountains (5)

Hebrews 12:28-29 sums up the response we should have for God's gift of the promised kingdom of Jesus Christ. We should leverage the grace of the N.T. covenant by service with needed reverence and godly fear, for God came with fire in 70 A.D. against Israel and will come again to melt the universe.

6/9/2024 PM
Two Mountains (4)

Hebrews 12:25-27 warns of judgment for rejecting or neglecting the gospel of Jesus - Mt. Sion. If those who disobeyed Sinai's temporary law were punished, how much worse will they be punished who disobey the final form of God's worship? See that ye refuse not Him that speaketh from heaven!

6/9/2024 AM
Two Mountains (3)

Hebrews 12:18-24 review with emphasis on blessings of Mt. Sion of the new covenant. The benefits of Jesus' kingdom are glorious, powerful, triumphant. Have you chosen Sion by baptism and joining one of His local churches? We know the future - we win - with Jesus the firstborn our Lord and Savior.

2/18/2024 PM
Choices Two (2)

God's choices are all perfect for your good - if you respond properly. He deserves your greatest praise, thanksgiving, and trust. He managed the choices of others pertaining to you. Thank others for good choices; forgive them their poor choices. Your choices will bring reward or punishment. Learn wisdom.

2/11/2024 PM
Choices Two (1)

What you are today is the result of infinite choices made by God, others, and you. Can you trust the God of choices and learn to make choices that please Him? He uses our choices in many ways, and you can rejoice in what He done with others' choices and your own choices. Trust Him. Praise Him.

All Sermons: God

Proverbs about God

Proverbs 16:4

Here are the answers to four of life’s greatest questions: What is the origin of things? Why do they exist? Who is the true God? And why does evil exist?

Proverbs 6:16

Yes, God is love. But that’s not all that God is. This list identifies seven things God hates. See also 6:17, 6:18, and 6:19.

Proverbs 21:30

If you doubt God is sovereign, you will not after reading and musing on this proverb. He alone is God, and no other being in heaven or earth can resist or question Him. He does His own will in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth. 

Short Documents

What Is God?

Nature itself provides ample evidence of a Supreme Being (Ps 19:1-6Rom 1:19-20). Those who deny the existence of God are fools (Ps 14:1), choosing to believe an explosion of nothing generated life, planets, and elements. If God is only half what the word implies, this topic deserves your greatest attention.

There Is Only One God

The God of the Bible is Jehovah. He revealed Himself more fully to Moses as I AM THAT I AM. No other god has a name like that! He is eternally and infinitely independent of all other beings and creatures. He alone is the supreme Being.

God Is a Trinity

The one God of the Bible exists in three Persons. The Bible declares “there are three … and these three are one”. 

Delighting in God

What do you get excited about? The world glories in education, athletics, or economics, all of which are frustrating and meaningless. God has something much better.

God as Father and Faithful Friend

The God of heaven has a special relationship with those He loves. He is a perfect father and friend. All things on Earth are nothing in comparison.


Is the Trinity a Catholic invention?




The Dominion Of God

Why is there evil? Who is in charge? Why are only some saved? Some call it the sovereignty of God. It is His absolute rule of the universe. You were made for His pleasure, and He is the Potter, and you are the clay. Worship Him!

Is God The Author Of Confusion?

The Tower of Babel was never finished. The Bible has resulted in countless religions and denominations. Jesus spoke in riddles. There seem to be contradictions in the Bible. Humble yourself and beg for light only He can give!

The Fear Of The Lord

The wisest man ever concluded that the most important thing in life for you is to fear God. Do you know what these words mean? The greatest blessings are reserved for those that fear the LORD, and it is a great blessing itself!

A Name Above Every Name

Our God, the Bible God, the Creator of the universe, is named Jehovah. God is not a name. Allah and Jehovah are totally different. Learn simple basics about the Hebrew tetragrammaton. Rejoice in the meaning of Jehovah – I AM THAT I AM – the only living, true, and independent God.

Knowing God

The greatest subject of all is God Himself. Your greatest blessings will be found in learning more about God and delighting in the things you learn. This may be the most complete list of God’s attributes. A study of God is inexhaustible, and it can bring joy at every turn. Learn and love Him.


The Holy Spirit in Ephesians

The Holy Spirit is more than part of the Trinity, the source of power in regeneration, and behind the gifts of Pentecost. He has many ministries and levels of blessings. The Ephesians were elect in Christ and regenerated, but this church established by Paul needed much more as he explained.

The Angels of God

The Bible mentions angels about 800 times and many events involving men. The LORD Jehovah is God of hosts, for He directs the armies of heaven for His people. Though not to be worshipped, understanding them promotes the glory of God and Jesus Christ and brings practical benefits.

Famous Last Words

God laughs last and best. Satan and men arrogantly speak against their Creator, and the Bible records His swift and terrible judgments against them. Enjoy these sermons glorifying God by examples from history and mostly from scripture showing the wrath of God against evil speakers.

A Lying Spirit from God

Most Christians cannot believe God sends lies when men reject offered truth, but the Bible is very plain about it. In fact, there are scores of examples. One of the best is when Micaiah the prophet saw God send an angel to cause 400 prophets of Baal to lie to Ahab. Learn and love our great God.