Dogmatic Simplicity (1)
Dogma = Doctrine, and Dogmatic = intense conviction about truth that will not tolerate differences. Though man chose lies in Eden, God revealed truth in the Bible. He expects us to hold it loyally and never compromise with anyone for any variation. Absolute truth is real and to be vigorously defended.
- We recently reviewed what makes churches great, which included doctrinal dogmatism. What is that?
- We then had eight young men preach eight doctrines we hold dear against popular errors, more or less.
- We also had two slide sermons about abominations of RCC, which John named (Rev 17:1-6), though most do not know that a good minister will do exactly that – preach against the RCC (I Tim 4:1-6).
- Then we were reminded that Paul feared Corinth leaving the simplicity of the gospel (II Cor 11:1-4).
- Let us learn a couple words – dogmatic and simplicity – one is in the Bible and the other by concept.
What Is Doctrinal Dogmatism?
- Dogma = That which is held as an opinion; a belief, principle, tenet; esp. a tenet or doctrine authoritatively laid down by a particular church, sect, or school of thought. The body of opinion formulated or authoritatively stated; systematized belief; tenets or principles collectively; doctrinal system.
- Dogmatics (noun) = Doctrine = Systematic Theology.
- Dogmatic (adjective) = Of persons, their writings, etc.: Asserting or imposing dogmas or opinions, in an authoritative, imperious, or arrogant manner.
- Dogmatism (noun) = Positive assertion of dogma or opinion; dogmatizing; positiveness in the assertion of opinion.
- It is absolute confidence the Bible is true and settles any controversy and our use of the Bible is correct until proven otherwise … God said it, and that settles it! (John 6:68-69).
- It claims to be right with the basis the Bible and the praise all God. It will name error and those that hold it. It will not allow compromise with error. It screams against error.
- It is not timid about truth. It rejects all feelings, opinions, or thoughts – for God’s word.
- It is Psalm 119:128 and Job 32:1-32; David and Elihu are the goals; do you know them?
- Truth is an incredible blessing and gift, since we chose a lie in Eden, and man believes the most inane and insane things today in all fields. Defend the truth by dogmatism!
- It is buying the truth and never selling it for any price (Proverbs 23:23; 18:1; 4:13).
Does Absolute Truth Exist?
- Let us define absolute truth. We mean complete and full truth in the highest degree with all essential characteristics of truth without any deficiency or any possibility of error.
- Jehovah is God of perpetual truth without possibility of error or ignorance (Deut 32:4; Exodus 34:6; Psalm 100:5; 146:6; Isaiah 25:1; Jeremiah 10:10; John 1:14,17; 14:6).
- God has revealed absolute truth in the Bible (Ps 12:6; 119:151-152; John 8:40; 17:17).
- But only those whom God grants repentance will ever know the truth (II Tim 2:25-26).
- Absolute truth includes absolute principles of wisdom that must be applied discerningly and proportionately to situations creating what we call gray areas, like Christian liberty.
Should Christians Be Dogmatic?
- Yes, the Bible says so often (Ps 14:1-3; 119:128; Isaiah 8:20; Matt 22:29-31; Rom 1:20-22; 16:17-18; Gal 1:6-9; I Tim 6:3-5,20-21; Titus 2:15; Jude 1:3; Rev 2:9; 3:9; etc.).
- Reject contrary opinions of any man or all men, no matter their esteem (Job 32:1-32; Psalm 119:98-100; Matt 12:3,5,7; 15:12-14; Acts 17:22-23; I Cor 14:38; Titus 1:9-14).
- God promised to blind men to be fools, for He is the Author of Confusion like at Babel (Is 29:9-16; Amos 8:11-12; I Cor 1:19-20; 3:18-20; II Thess 2:9-13; here). Believe it!
- Names they call us are precious praise and proof of truth (Matt 5:10-12; Luke 6:26; 7:33-35; 16:15; John 7:14-17; Acts 17:32; 24:14; 26:24-25). Take comfort!
- Never forget their favorite idiotic ideas to keep you confident – evolution, global warming, capital punishment no deterrent, subject and mode of baptism, tongues, etc.
- Enjoy mocking them as God’s prophets and apostles did (I Kings 18:27; Luke 7:31-35; I Cor 15:35-38; I Tim 1:4; 4:7; II Tim 2:16,23; 4:4). It is your privilege (Isaiah 54:17)!
- When Jesus preached He did with authority and resulting shame (Matt 7:28-29; 22:46).
- How did the abominations of Roman Catholicism get started? Not dogmatic enough!
- How do the perilous times rush on destroying churches today? Not dogmatic enough!
- Ministers must be absolutely stubborn and ferocious for truth (Titus 1:9; I Tim 3:13).
What If We Are Wrong?
- Then God will show us our error, if we keep praying for Him to reveal more truth to us.
- We know we likely hold some error, but we do not worry about it until it is revealed.
- Thus, even David prayed for God to reveal secret sins he did not know about (Ps 19:12).
- his effeminate and fearful timidity has no value until an error is realized, otherwise we would never believe anything fully, teach it persuasively, or defend it against opponents.
- Our confidence is not in our abilities or effort, but rather in revealed truth from heaven.
- To fear the unknown, unproven, and unlikely is an absurd and debilitating way to live.
- God does not give the spirit of fear but rather power, love, and sound mind (II Tim 1:7).
- Because an innocent man might be killed in a nation practicing capital punishment does not require or suggest the nation should stop practicing capital punishment; imperfect authority, which is all authority on earth, is far better than no authority.
Should We Name Names?
- Of course! Why not? The Bible has many examples. Without names, warnings are weak.
- How can a faithful minister instruct to mark and avoid without names (Rom 16:17-18).
- Paul warned Timothy about Hymenaeus in each epistle (II Timothy 1:20; II Tim 2:17).
- Paul warn Timothy about at least one Alexander twice (II Timothy 1:20; II Tim 4:14).
- John warned Gaius about Diotrephes and love of preeminence over apostles (III Jn 1:9).
- Paul named Peter to churches far from Peter and the event and forever (Gal 2:11-14).
- Paul even exhorted two members by name in the church at Philippi (Philippians 4:2).
- Ministerial imposters like Joel Osteen sell their picture books and must bear the shame.
Is Not Hate Wrong? This Degree of Passion?
- No, all hate is not wrong! Only effeminate confusion and woke perversion would ever suggest such an idea, and they clearly hate and despise straight, white, Christian males!
- God hates, so why should we His children not hate (Proverbs 6:16-19; Psalm 5:5; 11:5).
- How can you love something and not hates its opposite? See David (Ps 97:10; 119:113).
- Most Christians ignore the hate of Israel’s sweet psalmist (Psalm 119:128; 139:21-22).
What Is Simplicity In Christ?
- Simplicity = The state or quality of being simple in form, structure, etc.; absence of compositeness, complexity, or intricacy. Freedom from artifice, deceit, or duplicity; sincerity, straightforwardness; also, absence of affectation or artificiality; plainness, artlessness, naturalness. So it is basic and plain truth without manipulative complexity.
- It is standing on basic facts of the gospel and rejecting any inventions (II Cor 11:1-4).
- Apostles honestly and sincerely preached truth without human wisdom (II Cor 1:12).
- You were never to read between the lines looking for hidden meanings (II Cor 1:13).
- It is … God said it; that settles it (Gen 39:9) … Jesus said it; that settles it (I Tim 6:3-5).
- It knows that man’s philosophy has nothing to add to revealed truth (Colossians 2:6-9).
- Truth is not complicated; man’s ideas are complicated by his mind’s confusion; God has blinded and confused men since Babel; the more they think, the dumber they get.
- For example: baptism and circumcision and covenant salvation are not related at all.
- For example: eternal sonship must rely on sophisticated fantasies outside revealed truth.
- Truth is plain to him that understands, so we preach it plainly (Prov 8:9; II Cor 3:12), simplifying it for all hearers to understand the reading (Nehemiah 8:8), for we want to make truth elementary, manifest, and obvious, not hidden or mysterious (Col 1:26; 4:4).
- We are simple to follow Jesus and the apostles with their one-word arguments … here.
What About Smart, Educated Opponents?
- God has promised to keep the truth from them and reveal it to babes (Matt 11:25-27).
- Elihu knew more than the four wisest men on earth, and he did not apologize for it.
- We appear and sound very simple by doctrinal dogmatism, like the apostles (Acts 4:13).
- They appear and sound smart by presentation, like belly worshippers (Rom 16:17-18).
Can We Agree to Disagree with Heretics?
- No, except in matters of liberty. Revealed truth instantly becomes your responsibility.
- Necessary relationships with heretics is one thing, but not a good choice (I Cor 5:9-11).
- What do you have in common with a heretic? Pizza toppings? DNA? Same high school?
- Truth is not a take-it-or-leave-it option. If you neglect or slight it, God can easily blind.
- Truth is not limited to broad fundamentals in order to maintain agreement with heretics.
What About Those Departing?
- God promised heretics, so we should appreciate them to reveal good men (I Cor 11:19).
- Many are called but few are chosen, so those never saved will usually leave (I Jn 2:19).
- Departures are an opportunity to see and feel the sword and prove love (Matt 10:34-37).
- Truth is an incredible blessing and gift, but men love lies by nature, so expect heretics.
- The important issue is not who will leave the truth but rather who will hold to the