Recent Sermons
3/19/2025 PMIsrael in Egypt Slides
Are you confident of your KJV Bible as you should be? You can also review some Bible history Paul used for doctrine and have some fun with Bible chronology. All this in a short study about how long Israel lived in Egypt to expose modern Bible versions contradicting themselves and Bible history.
3/19/2025 PMTruth Rules of Jesus Slides
How do you hear preaching? Jesus warned you better be careful, for God will bless the obedient with more truth, and He will take away whatever the slothful think they have. Truth is not a right; it is a privilege. And if you take truth lightly, it will be taken from you. Here are some serious warnings.
3/19/2025 PMHow Long Were the Children of Israel in Egypt?
Are you confident of your KJV Bible as you should be? You can also review some Bible history Paul used for doctrine and have some fun with Bible chronology. All this in a short study about how long Israel lived in Egypt to expose modern Bible versions contradicting themselves and Bible history.
3/16/2025 PMPath of Truth #2
Intro #2 (Prov 21:16): Our God of truth left a path of truth for man, but he chose Satan’s lies to corrupt the race, unless changed by grace and corrected by teachers. Each soul must choose truth or lies, in the perpetual, violent war of wicked against righteous, lovers of lies against lovers of truth.
3/16/2025 AMPath of Truth #1
Intro #1 (Prov 21:16): Our God of truth left a path of truth for man, but he chose Satan’s lies to corrupt the race, unless changed by grace and corrected by teachers. Each soul must choose truth or lies, in the perpetual, violent war of wicked against righteous, lovers of lies against lovers of truth.
3/9/2025 AMLengthen Your Tranquility
Daniel 4 and Nebuchadnezzar - a quiet, peaceful, prosperous life is a great blessing. Such a life requires righteous living and showing mercy . Daniel warned the king his tranquility would end unless he changed his lifestyle. He did not; God turned him into an animal; he repented to recover tranquility.
3/5/2025 PMJoseph (repeated from 2017) Slides
The inspired history of one of the greatest characters in the Bible as recorded in Genesis chapters 37-50,
3/2/2025 AMPsalm 22: Christ Crucified
This Messianic Psalm is the Psalm of the Cross, for it graphically details the various sufferings of our Lord during His crucifixion more than any other place in the Bible. By God's design, it is presented in the first person of Jesus Christ Himself describing what He felt and thought before His death.
2/23/2025 AMFacets of Our Salvation (12)
The focus has been facets of the legal phase of salvation, which are related to His death at Calvary and resurrection, when Jesus paid the debt for our sins to God. Here we look at facets, words or phrases, adding to appreciation for the final phase of all the blessings God has in store for His children.
2/19/2025 PMMessianic Psalms Slides
David prophesied 1000 years in advance about Jesus Christ. He left us about 15 Psalms that help us know and love Jesus more. These Psalms are a way to stir up your love for Him. A pastor's highest goal and God's severest measure of a church is love of His Son. Pick a favorite and savor it.
2/16/2025 PMPsalm 45: A Song of Loves
David foretold the marriage of King Jesus to the church. This psalm is special. First, He described the King, the Man Christ Jesus in glorious and majestic and friendly terms. Then we see the marriage proposal. Then a further description of the bride. This psalm should provoke your love of Jesus Christ.
2/16/2025 AMFacets of Our Salvation (11)
The focus has been facets of the legal phase of salvation, which are related to His death at Calvary and resurrection, when Jesus paid the debt for our sins to God. Here we look at facets, words or phrases, adding to appreciation for the practical phase of our continual conversion to believe and obey.
2/9/2025 PMIsaiah 53: Servant to Son
The sufferings and death of Jesus, planned by God for His Servant, were to redeem His elect children from their sins. The 15 verses fabulously describe what Jesus did by taking our sins, for which God highly rewarded Him. Though a fast-paced sermon, the outline contains much more detail for study.
2/9/2025 AMFacets of Our Salvation (10)
The focus has been facets of the legal phase of salvation, which are related to His death at Calvary and resurrection, when Jesus paid the debt for our sins to God. Here we look at facets, words or phrases, adding to our appreciation for the vital phase of the needed personal change of our own nature.
2/5/2025 PM3 Blood Moons Slides
John Hagee and other false teachers prey on gullible Christians by predictions of political change from minor lunar events. In a few minutes you can be saved from ignorance and lies by trusting the Bible, which tells how we are to understand its prophecies. Hear four arguments. Enjoy.
2/5/2025 PMLife and Reign of King Asa Slides
King Asa, the fourth from David, began his reign well with a powerful revival. God then gave him victory over the largest army in the Bible, and he then furthered his revival even more. But he then failed two tests at the end of his life, which is a warning to us to finish our lives better.