Sins to Hate from N.T. (1)
Reading the N.T. epistles helps us see what the apostles feared in the early churches. If the apostolic churches had temptations to sin that justified warnings in their inspired writings, then we should pay those sins special attention, for our risk must be greater due to the greater power they had.
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:
and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Matthew 28:19-20
Furthermore then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus,
that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more.
For ye know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus.
I Thessalonians 4:1-2
Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
II Thessalonians 2:15
Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly,
and not after the tradition which he received of us.
II Thessalonians 3:6
Theme: N.T. Christians should want to know and hate all the sins the apostles warned churches about.
Preparatory Reading: Romans 1; I Corinthians 6; Jude.
Related Links:
Forgotten Sins (sermons and outline; 2002) … here.
- We recently studied Bible features of local churches, great churches, great members … here, here, here.
- With many positive features and goals identified and defined, now it is time for N.T. sin warnings.
- These are sins that a reading of the New Testament reveals as concerns the apostles of our Lord had.
- We know, the two top texts above prove it, that the apostles’ concerns were straight from Jesus Christ.
- Rather than a detailed analysis and application of each, the goal is to remind in general and be simple.
- We will limit ourselves to N.T. epistles, though Solomon in Proverbs and the O.T. details many sins.
- God hates these things; they defile and ruin local churches; the apostles of Jesus condemned them all.
- We must hate them as we press up to higher ground and get closer to the Celestial City as His pilgrims.
- Let us hate sin and seek to match perfect saints (Gen 17:1; Luke 1:5-6; Phil 2:14-16; Titus 2:11-15).
- Why not be perfect? Why not commit to not sin again while you live? Rather than fight it, embrace it.
- We want to hate what God hates and love what He loves, for that very simply defines true godliness.
Pride … an excessive opinion of oneself to despise others, resist authority, or greedily lusts.
- Is one of the principal components of worldly living contrary to God (I John 2:15-17).
- God hates pride – the devil’s sin (I Tim 3:6) – so He resists proud Christians (I Pet 5:5).
- Jesus Christ gave the perfect example of humility and service we can copy (Phil 2:1-8).
- Make others more important than you; it is Jesus’ religion (Matt 20:26; Rom 12:10,16).
- For much more about pride, which has been taught in detail before … here, here, here.
Sex Sins … misuse the gift of sexual pleasure God gave His children by breaking its rules.
- Sanctification includes avoiding fornication and not defrauding others (I Thess 4:1-8).
- God created sex, knows it best, and gave rules to maximize it (Heb 13:4; I Cor 7:1-5).
- Jesus died for your body; you should honor Him with it (I Cor 6:12-20; Eph 5:3-12).
- Sodomy is a sin to be excluded from churches (Rom 1:18-32; I Cor 6:9-11; I Tim 1:10).
- Sexual sins like adultery and sodomy have been preached against … here, here, here.
Respect of Persons … making a difference in treatment of persons by earthly measures.
- The religion of Jesus does not allow differences in treatment by such things (Jas 2:1-9).
- In Christ Jesus there are no differences, so remember this equality (Gal 3:28; I Pet 3:7).
- Each member God put in a church has its role, even extra attention (I Cor 12:12-27).
- The local churches of Jesus are a personal equalizer, putting members on equal footing.
- Previous preaching revolves around brotherly love and fairness … here, here, here, here.
Filthiness, Foolish Talking, Jesting … common sins of speech that are easy to commit.
- Three inconvenient speech sins replaced with gracious thanksgiving (Eph 5:3-5; 4:29).
- Speech should be the best we can make it … gracious, flavorful, appropriate (Col 4:6).
- A great measure of men is speech; see your defects in God’s mirror (Jas 1:26; 3:2-12).
- If you want to love life and see good days, then guard your speech wisely (I Peter 3:10).
- Much has been preached about speech, here are some varied reminders … here, here, here.
Meddling Busybodies … think, ask, or poke around in others lives without godly purpose.
- The only people that do this never have good families, marriages, or souls themselves.
- Paul and Peter warned about busybodies (I Timothy 5:11-15; I Pet 4:15; II Thess 3:11).
- Christian liberty used only for peace (Rom 14:1,19). Be wise retirees, unemployed, etc.
- Let every man have his own household and rules until he obviously commits a clear sin.
- Sermons about Christian liberty and being peacemakers are some that help … here, here.
Perfunctory Marriages … lack in the romantic passion God intended and you promised.
- Less than the best for this great gift will hinder God even hearing prayers (I Peter 3:7).
- All romance and sex first desired and to eliminate fornication is ordered (I Cor 7:1-5).
- Wives and husbands have respective duties to keep marriages humming (Col 3:18-19).
- Women are taught to love and obey their husbands for home (Titus 2:3-5; I Tim 5:14).
- Much about passionate marriages hase been taught; here is a sample … here, here, here.
Covetousness … is discontented, unthankful desire for what you do not have or others may.
- Coveting, craving something you do not have, made the Ten (Ex 20:17; Rom 13:8-10).
- The N.T. twice calls covetousness idolatry for its evil belly worship (Eph 5:5; Col 3:5).
- With God’s presence, contentment should be easy to learn (Heb 13:5-6; I Jn 2:15-17).
- Great gain, by the truth, is to live godly and simply with contentment (I Tim 6:6-10).
- The preaching on this subject is part of expositional outlines including the verses above.
Witchcraft … involved with witches, sorcery, fortune telling, future prognostication, etc.
- This is an excludable sin in a long list of works of the flesh (Gal 5:19-21; Rev 21:8).
- God hates witchcraft and any appeal to the supernatural (Deut 18:9-14; Acts 19:17-20).
- Think … Ouija boards, Harry Potter, Bewitched!, I Dream of Jeannie, Dungeons & Dragons, Pokemon, Merlin, horoscope, superstition, luck, magic, Zodiac signs, etc., etc.
- Is it possible for a witch or sorcerer or false prophet to do miracles? Yes (Deut 13:1-5).
- This sermon outline includes a very long list of popular things to re-evaluate … here.
Lazy Worker … a slothful sluggard that Solomon condemned and the N.T. also condemns.
- Work should be done diligently to glorify God (I Cor 10:31-33; Colossians 3:17,22-25).
- Employees are specifically ordered to obey their employers (I Tim 6:1-2; Titus 2:9-10).
- This is part of sanctification along with sexual fidelity (I Thess 4:11-12; Romans 12:11).
- Paul ordered lazy persons to be starved and put out of the church (II Thess 3:6-15; 2:15).
- Much more about a Christian work ethic, taught in detail before … here, here, here, here.