Recent Sermons

7/14/2024 AM
Glory of Christ in Romans 8

The breadth, depth, density of this chapter is exceptional. The inspired apostle became a holy orator for God. It has many promises to increase assurance and faith. Its great emphasis from beginning to end is the union of the elect with Christ, proven by minding and walking after the things of the Spirit.

6/23/2024 PM
Jeremiah Chapter 21

King Zedekiah sent men to ask Jeremiah to pray against Nebuchadnezzar, but God's word back to him was severe judgment. Turning to the common people, the prophet made life or death very easy. Zedekiah should clean up his life for God's help, since Judah could not resist the Chaldean army.

6/23/2024 AM
Jeremiah Chapter 20

Due to his pottery prophecy in the temple, a priest and governor smote Jeremiah and put him in jail. The next day the prophet cursed Pashur by a name change and prophecy of his terror and death. Jeremiah regretted his ministry due to great opposition, asked to see vengeance, and cursed his birth and life.

6/16/2024 AM
Two Mountains (5)

Hebrews 12:28-29 sums up the response we should have for God's gift of the promised kingdom of Jesus Christ. We should leverage the grace of the N.T. covenant by service with needed reverence and godly fear, for God came with fire in 70 A.D. against Israel and will come again to melt the universe.

6/9/2024 PM
Two Mountains (4)

Hebrews 12:25-27 warns of judgment for rejecting or neglecting the gospel of Jesus - Mt. Sion. If those who disobeyed Sinai's temporary law were punished, how much worse will they be punished who disobey the final form of God's worship? See that ye refuse not Him that speaketh from heaven!

6/9/2024 AM
Two Mountains (3)

Hebrews 12:18-24 review with emphasis on blessings of Mt. Sion of the new covenant. The benefits of Jesus' kingdom are glorious, powerful, triumphant. Have you chosen Sion by baptism and joining one of His local churches? We know the future - we win - with Jesus the firstborn our Lord and Savior.

6/5/2024 PM
The Day of the Lord Slides

Jesus promised to return for us, and it will be one incredible event of resurrecting the dead, judging the wicked, and destroying this universe with fire. The world tries to get rid of this event like they do the Flood. The value of knowing this event is to live carefully to be ready to meet our Judge.

6/2/2024 PM
Two Mountains (2)

Hebrews 12:22-24 lists features of the new covenant in Christ that puts Moses' former covenant in the shade. Hebrew believers could know they had the better religion even before God destroyed the old worship by Roman armies in 70 A.D. Shout for joy at what N.T. Christians truly have in Christ!

6/2/2024 AM
Two Mountains (1)

Hebrews 12:18-21 describes the terrible old covenant God gave Moses and Israel at Mt. Sinai. In his effort to keep these believing and baptized Hebrews from returning to temple worship, Paul made the old covenant form of worship as bad as it was. He then reminded them of the superiority of the new.

5/19/2024 PM
Jeremiah Chapter 19

Jeremiah took some very old citizens and priests to Tophet, the place of Baal worship outside Jeremiah. God promised to destroy this place they had corrupted for their idol. He broke the bottle to show what God would do to Jerusalem, and declared that all the punishments promised would come to pass.

5/19/2024 AM
Jeremiah Chapter 18

God sent Jeremiah to a potter's house for a view of sovereignty, which was the rule He had over Judah. He described if-then rules with nations, but they profanely mocked Him. Other religions do not act like this, so God would severely judge. They conspired against Jeremiah who prayed against them.

5/12/2024 PM
Jeremiah Chapter 17

Judah's obsession for idols was engraved on their hearts and affected their children. He stressed the need of heart trust in God, and he wrote that the heart is our worst enemy. Scorners mocked his preaching of God's warnings, so he prayed for judgment. He finished with a test case of the Sabbath.

5/12/2024 AM
Jeremiah Chapter 16

Starting by three object lessons, God gave a graphic picture of the coming war to get the attention of Judah. Jeremiah explained they were worse than their fathers, so God would judge them worse than the time in Egypt. He prophesied of future conversion of Gentiles, mocking idolatry, but the Jews did not.

5/5/2024 PM
Obedient and Perfect Priest

Jesus Christ was made flesh in order to die for us, which involved great suffering that He begged to avoid, but He submitted obediently to His Father's will and thus was made an even more perfect priest for us, in that He can perfectly relate to our suffering and provided us an example we can follow.

5/5/2024 AM
Elect to Obedience and Blood

A great summary of the divine plan and work of salvation is I Peter 1:2. Election is the first cause of all that follows, with Jesus Christ's obedience and death the object of God's choice and the Spirit's setting apart of the elect to the effects of His death. These 24 words humble man and glorify God.

5/1/2024 PM
Jehoiachin Slides

This king reigned 3 months before taken captive to Babylon. He never made it back to Jerusalem, but after 37 years in prison, a new king in Babylon treated him kindly. Why? Because he was the king that kept the Davidic line going for Jesus our Lord (Matt 1:11-12; Jechonias = Jehoiachin).