Examine Yourselves



  1. We will observe the LORD’s Supper tonight, are you ready to do it worthily? The risks are high.
  2. We cannot move off our current course until all have fully repented and turned unto the LORD.
  3. Your participation today in God’s worship without full obedience is the wicked sin of hypocrisy.

The Command

  1. The LORD’s Supper requires a preparatory examination (I Cor 11:27-28).
  2. This same church received another command to examine (II Cor 13:5).
  3. We are to look diligently to avoid failing God’s grace (Heb 12:14-16).
  4. We have a window of time to use God’s grace (Rev 2:21; Proverbs 29:1).

The Example

  1. David, the man after God’s own heart, examined himself (Ps 139:23-24).
  2. This duty of His saints was taught under the O.T. (Lam 3:40; Hag 1:5,7).
  3. There is a simple Godly process which we should follow (I Samuel 7:3).
  4. Consider faultless Daniel’s prayer of confessing sin (Daniel 9:20-23).

The Standard

  1. Would you pay for an examination, if the doctor just took a brief glance?
  2. Anything short of first love is unacceptable to our LORD (Rev 2:4-5).
  3. Lukewarm affection, service, and diligence are nauseating (Rev 3:15-16).
  4. He does not allow serving two masters with a double eye (Matthew 6:24).
  5. Our sick society and constant compromise must be rejected (II Tim 3:1-9).
  6. Pure religion before God is to be unspotted (James 1:27; II Peter 3:14).
  7. True revivals bear immediate visible fruit (Luke 19:1-9; Acts 19:17-20).
  8. Hearing (Jas 1:21-25), believing (Jas 2:19), and saying (I John 2:4) flunk.

The Consequences

  1. Corinth had many weak, sick, and dead members (I Corinthians 11:29-30).
  2. Consider the affect Achan had on the church of Israel (Joshua 7:6-15).
  3. Sin cuts off God’s blessings directly (Isaiah 59; Psalm 66:18; Zech 7:13).
  4. We grieve the Spirit (Eph 4:30), Who is our personal Presence of Christ.
  5. We quench the Spirit (I The 5:19), Who is our personal Presence of Christ.
  6. When Jesus comes, will he find faith on earth (Luk 18:8 cp II Tim 3:1-9)?
  7. Man cannot imagine the blessings for proper examination (I Cor 2:9-10).

The Application

  1. It is more a matter of time, priority, and conviction than of knowledge.
  2. How important is it to you? How much time do you spend examining?
  3. Have you even thought about doing it? When did you last do it?
  4. Less than full honesty here is self-deceit and forgets an omniscient God.
  5. The lack of fruit in a life is a bad thing (II Pet 1:9; John 15:2; II Cor 5:17).
  6. Are you enjoying first love of Christ (Rev 2:4)? Or are you cold and dull?
  7. Are you a hot, cold, or lukewarm Christian (Rev 3:15-16)? Shall He spue?
  8. Are your conversations spiritually minded most of the time (Rom 8:5-9)?
  9. How much time, effort, priority, and importance are on spiritual duties?
  10. See the time, effort, and priority in physical transformation (I Co 9:24-27).
  11. Are you very sorrowful for all sins you commit? Or are some “little sins”?
  12. Do you have areas of life over which you are defensive and protective?
  13. Did you pray this week for God to search and know you (Ps 139:23-24)?
  14. Do you hate evil? Does all evil really get your spirit angry? (Prov 8:13).
  15. Do you have any bitterness, grudge, offence, envy, or anger with others?
  16. Can you imagine that anyone might have an outstanding grudge with you?
  17. Might a spouse or parent have scars of ancient wounds you could erase?
  18. Is there a brother you should reconcile before communion (Matt 5:21-26)?
  19. Revival and preparation for Jesus Christ requires family unity (Mal 4:5-6).
  20. Is your marriage perfect? In your spouse’s eyes? In God’s? (I Pet 3:7).
  21. Were you content with your husband/wife completely all week?
  22. Did you watch any evil on television this past week (Ps 101:3; Rom 1:32).
  23. Did you guard all your thoughts? Did you justify any? Did you confess?
  24. Did you use your job simply as a means to support your pursuit of God?
  25. Did you show brotherly kindness to other members in any way last week?
  26. Did you read your Bible with the intent of knowing and finding God?
  27. Did you pray this week and ask for the Holy Spirit or a spiritual revival?
  28. Did you commit adultery with your mind? Murder with your heart or lips?
  29. Did you get angry and sin? Did you let the sun go down on your wrath?
  30. We need John the Baptists and Elijahs with a “take no prisoners” attitude.
  31. How holy? How content? How godly? How spiritually minded?
  32. What habits do you still have in your life that the LORD would cut out?


  1. Examine, repent, confess, convert, make restitution, and replace for a holy and godly life.
  2. The LORD asks us to consider the results after examining and repairing our lives (Hag 2:15-19).
  3. The LORD will give us Ai (Joshua 8) and kill for us the fatted calf (Luke 15:21-24).