Wild Grapes
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“What could have been done more to my vineyard, that I have not done in it? wherefore, when I looked that it should bring forth grapes, brought it forth wild grapes?”
Isaiah 5:4
Preliminary Reading: Deuteronomy 32; Psalm 74; 78; 106; Isaiah 1; 5; 63; Jeremiah 2; Ezekiel 16; Malachi 1.
- We exist to fear and love the Lord our God in word and deed. What kind of grapes are you to Him?
- The blessings of God, which are many of all kinds in our lives, bring obligations and consequences.
- From a positive perspective, we should rejoice and be exceeding glad for all God has done for us.
- From a negative perspective, we should fear and make changes, if we are not returning our very best.
- The sermons today are simple: using God’s pleading with Israel as our lesson and example, we must examine ourselves to measure our affection, attention, fidelity, separation, and service back to God.
- Less than your best in obedience and worship to God is wholly unacceptable and will bring judgment.
- The sermons relate closely to what was taught a few weeks ago about the Holy Spirit (I Cor 6:19-20).
The Context (Isaiah 1-7)
- Isaiah used the rest of chapter 5 to tell Judah’s many sins and coming captivity by enemies.
- He used chapter 1 to call them Sodom, to condemn their hypocrisy, and to warn of judgment.
- He used chapter 2 to foretell a time of gospel prosperity and to warn of divine judgment.
- He used chapter 3 to describe His judgment against men and the character of their women.
- He used chapter 4 to describe mercy after judgment upon the few that would escape.
- He used chapter 6 to describe Isaiah’s ordination and the hopelessness of his message.
- Following chapters further describe the coming judgment if Israel and Judah do not repent.
The Text (Isaiah 5:1-7)
- God inspired Isaiah to witness against Israel and Judah by a song that justified God (5:1).
- God, Isaiah’s beloved, had a vineyard in a fruitful place, Israel and Judah in Canaan (5:1).
- This is not the first inspired song in the Bible with such words and lesson. See Deut 32.
- God made every possible provision for Israel by protection, provision, and prosperity (5:2).
- Consider the metaphors and Israel’s blessings naturally, nationally, and spiritually (5:2).
- Count wells, vineyards, victories, houses, walled cities, laws, scripture, prophets, etc., etc.
- But when harvest arrived for the Lord to receive some fruits, He found wild grapes (5:2).
- The prophet addressed Judah in the second person as the ambassador of God Himself (5:3).
- The issue at stake is the righteousness of God or the nation. God alone is righteous (5:3).
- God provided all that could be desired, but yet Judah brought forth wild grapes to Him (5:4).
- Since I did all that could be done, I am righteous, and they are wicked for their fruits (5:4).
- If you reason rightly, there was nothing God could have added to produce faithfulness (5:4).
- The consequence of this inequity will be resolved by God punishing their wickedness (5:5).
- The harsh, severe, and certain judgment described here is against His own children (5:5).
- In graphic, prophetic, and severe detail, God will do evil to Judah as He had done good (5:6).
- The explanation of the song indicates that Israel and Judah were the vineyard and vine (5:7).
- Rather than literal grapes, the fruit that God sought was judgment and righteousness (5:7).
- This passage is not mere diatribe against ungrateful Philistines or Hittites, but His own Israel.
The Lesson
- God’s choice to show kindness to Judah should have brought thankfulness and righteousness.
- When an investment is made, a return is expected. God invested; what did Israel return?
- When a man is favored, appreciation and loyalty is expected, how much more to God?
- When countless blessings are given to the unworthy, how should he treat his benefactor?
- God could not have done more for Israel, but they treated Him as trouble and an enemy.
- Even infidels have a natural law of requiting parents, which our God requires (I Tim 5:4,8), so what law guides our thoughts, speech, and conduct to rightly requite our Father in heaven?
- The lesson had been clearly stated with strong metaphors of children, oxen, and asses (1:2-4).
- We can easily grasp the grief that wild children cause parents (Prov 10:1; 17:25; 19:13).
- We are more offended by wild conduct by adopted children, for despising their benefit.
- Even animals can detect their owners and barns and show recognition and appreciation.
- Moses gave another song to Israel much earlier along the same lines (Deut 32:5-6,10-15,32).
- He taught earlier that God’s love and choice should provoke obedience (Deut 7:7-11).
- He taught earlier that the consequences for unthankfulness were great (Deut 28:47-48).
- Jeremiah repeated the lesson under a similar metaphor of a vine and plant (Jeremiah 2:21).
- Ezekiel repeated the lesson under a metaphor of a daughter saved at birth (Ezekiel 16:1-15).
- This and related chapters are some of the most graphic and sexual sections of the Bible.
- The easiest way to get a man’s attention is to compare his conduct to a wife’s adultery.
- Malachi repeated the lesson by the example of Jacob and Esau, Israel and Edom (Mal 1:1-5).
- The lesson here is strict and powerful, God made a great difference between two twins.
- The language here is powerful, for borders dividing people reveal God’s discrimination.
- Malachi repeated the lesson under metaphors of a son, servant, and a governor (Mal 1:6-14).
- The prophet’s words, “In that ye say,” identify what Israel’s actions were in fact stating.
- We instinctively act respectfully and honorably to governors, but we fail to do so to God.
- God is sovereign. God created us. God adopted us. God dwells within us. We are debtors.
- God has a right to good grapes. He has a right to a return, yield, or harvest from planting.
- God rightly punishes for bad grapes. He is God, and He rightly chastens or damns for sin.
- God will repay, so you should repay very carefully and according to His terms (Deut 7:9-10; II Kgs 9:26; Ps 10:14; Is 59:18; Jer 51:56; Rom 12:19; Heb 10:30-31).
- God does not owe you anything; all you have is a gracious gift (Job 41:11; Ro 11:35-36).
Some Excuses
- Blaming their fathers with the sour grape proverb … when the just shall live (Ezek 18:1-4).
- Justifying rebellion by virtue of their safety as God’s people … when it was a lie (Jer 7:8-10).
- Justifying procrastination to get serious later, yet putting their things first (Haggai 1:1-5).
- Excusing themselves without hope of recovery to their habits, desires, and plans (Jer 2:25).
- Defending themselves as comfortable and well situated in their carnal lifestyle (Jer 2:31).
- Justifying themselves as not all that horrible and not deserving of judgment (Jeremiah 2:35).
- Excusing lukewarm and lackadaisical religion as clear of real profanity (Mal 1:6-8,12-14).
- Justifying their sins of omission by thinking only of sins of commission (Malachi 3:7-12).
Some Examples
- Saul did not repay the Lord with obedience for making him Israel’s king (I Sam 15:17-19).
- David did not always repay the LORD for the benefit of his promotion (II Samuel 12:7-9).
- Asa did not repay the Lord with faith for the benefit of a great victory (II Chron 16:7-13).
- Hezekiah did not repay the LORD for the benefit of 15 added years (II Chron 32:24-26).
- Paul was constrained, pressed into zealous action, by the love of Christ (II Cor 5:13-15).
The Application
- Make the application as personal as you can to your life, to your family, to your church, etc.
- It is your duty, a basic duty of a Christian, to examine yourself (Ps 139:23-24; I Cor 11:28).
- Beware, for the New Testament is so much more glorious, and consequently more severe, than the Old Testament (II Cor 3:6-11; Heb 2:1-4; 6:4-6; 10:26-31; 12:25-29).
- Are our blessings, the Israel of God of the New Testament, inferior to or superior to theirs?
- Consider God’s blessings on you, your family, church, nation … count them one by one!
- Do not count anything you are or anything you have as an accomplishment (I Cor 4:7).
- Each of you with some degree of honesty can confess that you are the most blessed of all!
- If Israel was held liable for the abundance of all things, what about us (Deut 28:47-48)!
- Israel had the O.T. scriptures (Ps 147:19-20; Rom 3:2). But we have the New Testament!
- Israel had animal sacrifices perpetually, but we have Christ’s own blood (Heb 9:12-14).
- Consider what we have in Jesus Christ … how much! … and how free! (Rom 8:28-39).
- The goodness of God, which He has shown abundantly, should bring repentance (Rom 2:4).
- The goodness of God should bring thanksgiving (Luke 17:11-19)? But where are the nine?
- Our Saviour taught that those who are given much should respond with much (Luke 12:48).
- Consider that not only the truth, but also conviction and love for truth, is from the Lord.
- The implications are severe for us who have received so much goodness from His hands.
- We are adopted children of God with an eternal inheritance; we should live like it (Eph 5:1).
- The blessed God of heaven adopted us out of great love – we should serve Him like it!
- The analogy of an adopted child despising a generous adoptive parent should provoke us.
- What are wild grapes? Rebellion, disobedience, discontentment, fruitlessness, boredom, worldliness, being lukewarm, lack of first love, formal service, heartless service, etc., etc.
- If you do not train your children in the fear of the Lord, you are wild grapes (Eph 6:4).
- If you deal treacherously with your converted wife, you are wild grapes (Mal 2:10-16).
- If you despise the message or messenger of God, you are wild grapes (I Thess 5:20).
- If you have lost your first love or are lukewarm, you are wild grapes (Rev 2:4 3:16).
- If you sleep or daydream in church, you are wild grapes (Heb 2:1; Neh 8:12; Acts 17:11).
- If you even think about fornication, you are wild grapes (I Thess 4:3-8; I Cor 6:19-20).
- If you are not thankful for every thing, you are wild grapes (I Thess 5:18; Deut 28:47-48).
- What are sweet grapes? Delight, love, joy, peace, praise, unity, righteousness, sacrifice, separation, service, thanksgiving, worship, and zeal.
- The Lord loves those who glory in Him more than worldly objects (Jer 9:23-24; Ps 37:4).
- The Lord loves those who forgive and love others (Eph 4:29-31; I Cor 12:31; 13:13).
- The Lord loves those who despise the world and will not touch it (II Cor 6:14-18).
- The Lord loves those who love wisdom and pursue it in scripture (Pr 8:17; Acts 17:11).
- The Lord loves those who keep His commandments (John 14:21-24; 15:10; I John 5:3).
- The Lord loves those who do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly (Micah 6:6-8).
- The Lord loves those who are joyful about serving Him (Ps 100:2; I Pet 1:8; I Thess 1:6).
- Which music do you choose? Sweet or wild? Music that glorifies God or not (Col 3:16-17).
- Which entertainment do you choose? Sweet or wild? With God and saints, or His enemies?
- Which friends do you choose? Sweet or wild? There are two sins with worldly friends – you reject friendships with the dear children of God … for destructive friendship of adulterers.
- You must hate and reject any bitter thing that would make you wild grapes (Heb 12:14-17).
- The gospel teaches salvation for a cause – a pure people zealous of good works (Tit 2:11-14).
- Paul reasons from blessings in Christ to action, which is reasonable (Rom 12:1-2; Phil 2:1).
- Brethren, it is our reasonable service to sacrifice our lives, for we are debtors (Rom 8:10-12).
- Ministers may feel this way, when they see little progress (I Cor 4:14-16; II Cor 12:14-15).
- God took the kingdom from the Jews for their treatment of it (Matthew 21:33-46; 22:1-7), and we are taught to fear by the apostle lest such a judgment come on us (Rom 11:18-22).
- He will purge His vineyard, though it may not occur in the timing we expect (Luke 13:6-9).
- In what ways are you wild? Examine yourselves. Where should you repent and reform? Do it now!
- Your life can get worse … much worse. Turn to the Lord and bring forth good grapes this very day.
- God hates the pleasure-loving brand of Christianity (James 4:4 cp II Timothy 3:4). Beware! Repent!
- There has been such blessings, and more is offered, if we will but … II Cor 7:1 cp II Cor 6:14-18!
- A new crop of grapes for God’s glory and pleasure is easy (Isaiah 63:7-19; Jer 31:18-20; Hos 14:1-7).
- [Beside the point, but worth consideration: though God was a perfect parent in every respect, most of His children were wild, in spite of His efforts. Take comfort, ye faithful parents of wild children.]
For Further Study:
- Sermon Outline: Where Are the Nine?
- Sermon Outline: Spiritual Adultery.
- Sermon Outline: Vain Religion.
- Sermon Outline: The Sons of God.
- Sermon Outline: An Angel with an Inkhorn.
- Sermon Outline: Cut It Down!
- Sermon: What Doth God Require?