The Great Mystery of Godliness
“And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.”
I Timothy 3:16
Preparatory Reading: Psalm 22; Psalm 45; Psalm 110; Luke 1; Luke 2; Acts 13; Philippians 3; Hebrews 1; Heb 2; Rev 5.
- There is nothing more important for you to learn than the knowledge of Jesus Christ (I Cor 2:2; Gal 6:14).
- The preaching of the gospel is to bring the good news and glad tidings of Jesus Christ (Acts 8:35; II Pet 3:18).
- God has testified of His Son Jesus Christ, and we are to believe the witness God has given (I John 5:5-13).
- The Holy Spirit, regardless of what you feel, exalts Jesus Christ (Jn 14:26; 15:26-27; 16:13-14; Eph 3:14-19).
- Our entire faith, religion, and worship are wrapped up in Jesus of Nazareth, our coming Saviour and King.
- There is no fuller, single sentence summary of the mystery of our faith than that given in this glorious text.
- It would be a very gratifying pleasure if I could show some of you to make this your favorite doctrinal verse.
- I speak to those who love the Lord Jesus Christ, for all others have no part or lot with us in His salvation.
- This sermon, though dealing mainly with just one verse of Scripture, is the essence of our faith and religion.
- Keep in mind the six very short phrases intend everything associated with them, thus all the gospel facts.
- If you are too tired or bored to pay attention to this message, you shall give an account for your profanity.
- If you allow petty little problems of life, and that is all of them, to affect you, where is your love of Christ?
- There is no other knowledge to learn that can compare with the benefit to heart and mind of knowing Christ.
- This is God’s beloved and only begotten Son, and He will not allow any competitors (Matthew 3:17; 17:5).
- Do you grasp that the Person of this mystery stands and asks you entrance for fellowship (Revelation 3:20)?
- If you were to seek to know this Christ better, it passes knowledge and is the fullness of God (Eph 3:14-19).
- The riches of the gospel excel and exceed all the riches of any other kind of the world (Rom 11:12; Col 1:27).
- Paul exhorted Timothy to godliness in the church, the pillar and ground of the truth (I Tim 3:14-15).
- The book of I Timothy, a Pastoral Epistle, contains sundry instructions for Timothy as a true bishop.
- Paul solemnified Timothy’s conduct in the church by calling it God’s house and preserver of truth.
- The church is the congregation of the living God, before Him all should fear (Heb 10:31; 12:28-29).
- This metaphor, “pillar and ground,” tells the church’s supporting and defending role toward truth.
- The church must know the truth, love the truth, spread the truth, and defend the truth in its holy role.
- Paul next prophesied a departure from apostolic faith and truth by doctrines of devils (I Tim 4:1-3), which we understand to be Roman Catholic heresies by the two examples provided by Paul.
- Paul later prophesied to Timothy of perilous times due to Christian compromise (II Tim 3:6-9; 4:3-4), which is visible in the early years of the 21st century in all the mega-church pulpits and activities.
- Paul summarized the glorious truth given to the church in the one spectacular sentence that follows.
- The revelation of this fantastic mystery by God through His holy scriptures should move every saint.
- You cannot and must not take for granted what has been committed to the church in the way of truth.
- Ministers must carefully convey it to other preachers, for the church’s sake (II Tim 2:2; Eph 4:8-14).
- Fathers must convey truth to their children and children’s children (Deut 6:4-9; Joel 1:1-3; Eph 6:4).
- It is our duty to remember sacred truth, teach it to others, and defend it from all attacks (Jude 1:3-4).
- There is no arguing that the gospel given to the saints of Jesus Christ is a great religious mystery.
- There is no doubt or contest about this matter – the gospel is sublime and supernatural revelation.
- Paul earlier wrote a faithful saying worthy of all acceptation about Jesus and salvation (I Tim 1:15).
- Paul elsewhere argued that a proposition of his was without contradiction – very obvious (Heb 7:7).
- Let me ask you, Why and how can anything in your life compete with this revelation? It is supreme!
- If you allow any other pursuit to compete or crowd out this knowledge and joy, you controvert it!
- No man can be allowed to demean or neglect these glorious facts by word or by deed in the church.
- This is not a slight matter; if you slight it in your mind or response, you face horrible vengeance.
- Whether a man believes them or not, there is nothing slight about the claims of Christianity. Glory!
- Bible Christianity is either the most astounding of shams by far or the most amazing of revelations.
- When David wrote Psalm 45, the song of loves about our Lord, he called it a good matter (Ps 45:1).
- All six facts about Jesus Christ are great: not one should be neglected; each should be amplified.
- There is no greater text, truth, mystery, or faith than the facts summarized by this wonderful verse.
- These facts about the man Jesus of Nazareth is life changing information believed by His elect.
- Paul exhorted the young minister Timothy to his kingdom duties by exalting the gospel message.
- The old, old story we should want to tell to both old and new alike is summarized by these words.
- Paul warned Corinth, though they had the most spiritual gifts, about not loving Christ (I Cor 16:22).
- How great are these six things to you? Are you deceived or distracted? You need to see them great.
- The gospel is the good news of God and His salvation of the elect in Christ, which cannot be known apart from a revelation from heaven; therefore it is a mystery, though well understood by the saints.
- The word mystery does not require things are secret, confusing, unintelligible, or unspeakable to all.
- Note in the preceding verses, Paul described deacons as holding the mystery of the faith (I Tim 3:9).
- Jesus used parables to reveal kingdom mysteries to some and conceal them from others (Matt 13:11).
- The most important events and facts in the universe are only known to God’s children (I Cor 2:6-10).
- Neither God’s natural creation nor human reason can ever uncover and explore these sublime facts.
- Jesus declared that His identity as the Son of God was by pure revelation (Matt 11:25-27; 16:13-17).
- Some cloud and confuse the gospel of Christ, but this summary is obviously simple (II Cor 11:3).
- Most religions have their greater and lesser mysteries for the initiated members to hold as precious.
- Some call the Nicene Creed or heresy of transubstantiation the mystery of their faith. Ridiculous!
- In spite of the gospel called a mystery here, there is not a breath or hint about sacramentalism at all.
- The facts are not all in order, as the ascension of Christ into glory is put last, rather appropriately.
- For more about the “mystery” of the gospel …
- Author of Confusion …
- Godliness here is the doctrine according to godliness, the apostolic gospel revealing Christ (I Ti 6:3).
- It is a term describing the religion of the true God (II Tim 3:5). Here is the mystery of our religion!
- Men claim what they think is truth, but God’s truth is the truth which is after godliness (Titus 1:1).
- We may classify some things as practical godliness – things we do, but this is theological godliness.
- We may preach doctrine in its place, but these facts about Jesus Christ are truly the gospel of Christ.
- We may preach prophecy in its place, but these historical facts of Jesus are truly the gospel of Christ.
- We want to keep the wisdom of Proverbs in its proper place, somewhere below knowing the Christ.
- We want to keep the “Witness of 70 A.D.” in its proper place, somewhere below knowing the Christ.
- The Person, glory, knowledge, works, purpose, and nature of God are all parts of divine revelation.
- We arrive as an ass, depraved and deceived, and leave the same (Job 11:12; Jer 17:9; Eccl 3:19-21).
- Not even angels have flesh, since He made them to be spirits (Ps 104:4; Heb 1:7; 2:16; Luke 24:39).
- But Jehovah God, revealed first to Moses, came into this world as a Man to redeem His elect people.
- The invisible, incomprehensible, and infinite God was made flesh to bodily, physically die for us.
- He was not a phantom or spirit, for He said, “A spirit hath not flesh and bones, as you see me have.”
- The Almighty Creator God took on the flesh of mere human creatures well below His own angels.
- The infinite God of heaven became intimately connected to an infant of poverty in the earth. Great!
- He that the heaven of heavens cannot contain limited Himself to a child of a poor couple in a stable.
- Manifest. Clearly revealed to the eye, mind, or judgment; open to view or comprehension; obvious.
- The Word became flesh to declare God, and the Word of life was manifested (Jn 1:14,18; I Jn 1:2).
- Jesus is the brightness of His glory and the express image of God far above the angels (Heb 1:1-4).
- Men and devils have sought for 2000 years to compromise or deny the full deity of Jesus Christ.
- We believe the King James Bible; we reject all other versions in English as being inferior or frauds.
- Therefore, we reject Christ-haters who corrupt this clause by changing “God” to Who, He, or Which.
- There is nothing vague here; the great mystery of godliness is the incarnation of full Deity as a man.
- Jesus being manifest in the flesh has little meaning, for without flesh there is no Jesus of Nazareth.
- Jesus was not truly manifest in the flesh; God manifest in the flesh was Jesus; know the difference.
- The Son of God was not manifest in flesh; God manifest in flesh was the Son; know the difference.
- We totally deny the eternal sonship of Jesus as a blasphemous begotten god imagined by Origen.
- But God manifest in the flesh is indeed meaningful, for it describes the glorious incarnation of God.
- An eternally generated son was not manifest in the flesh; Jehovah God was manifest in the flesh.
- There is no begotten god as the NASV and NWT in John 1:18; there is a begotten Son named Jesus.
- Here is Bible doctrine: God the Word was made flesh in the person of Jesus (Jn 1:1-3,14,18; Ro 1:3).
- God’s power combined two natures in one man, by a virgin; He was the Son of God (Luke 1:30-35).
- Of course, even elementary believers know about the virgin birth, but it is indeed a profound fact.
- The Lord Jesus Christ – the Godman – had the fullness of the Godhead in a flesh body (Col 2:9).
- The full mystery is the true God, Jehovah, was the Father of the Son, and He was the Son (Col 2:2).
- Jesus Christ is God blessed forever, Immanuel, the Mighty God (Rom 9:5; Is 7:14; 9:6; Matt 1:23).
- Such a stupendous truth, God as a man, cannot be found in nature or the reasoning of sane men.
- Insane men have reasoned all sort of perverse things about gods and lords, but not this blessed truth.
- He partook of literal and true flesh and blood, for He partook of our very own nature (Heb 2:14-17).
- We do confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, contrary to first century heretics (I John 4:1-6).
- Jesus our Advocate gloriously mediates between God and men (I Tim 2:5; Heb 2:17-18; 4:12-16).
- It is at the cross we must see God upholding humanity while God forsakes the Man for our salvation.
- The perfect Substitute for our corrupt estate is the crowning jewel of this aspect of Christ’s gospel.
- He chose to redeem flesh, so we rightly assume we shall be most exalted of His creatures in heaven.
- God in the flesh was conceived in a virgin, was born in a stable, laid in a manger, circumcised the eighth day, held in the temple, debated with doctors of the law at twelve, obeyed his parents, baptized in Jordan, tempted by the devil, read the scriptures at Nazareth, healed the sick, preached the gospel, cleansed the temple, rebuked devils, slept during storms and silenced storms, wept at a cemetery before raising the dead, put on trial for his life, mocked, scourged by Romans, crucified, buried, rose from the dead after three days, ascended into heaven, sat down as Prince of all kings!
- For more about the sonship of Jesus Christ …
- For more about the birth of Jesus Christ …
- For Jesus as Seed of the woman …
- For the childbirth of Jesus as the means of redemption …
- For genealogies of Jesus Christ …
- The sense of justification here is proving one’s identity and character (Luke 7:29; Rom 3:4; Is 5:23).
- Every religion must be measured by the certainty and validity of its claims, including the gospel.
- The Holy Spirit of God so moved in and through Jesus Christ as to prove His identity as God’s Son.
- It was the Holy Ghost that came upon Mary and wrought the glorious conception in her (Luke 1:35).
- The Holy Spirit moved Simeon and Anna to declare about His Person and Character (Luke 2:25-38).
- He appeared as a dove at His baptism, proving His exceptional Person (Matt 3:16-17; John 1:32-34).
- The Holy Spirit led Him into the wilderness for successful resistance of the devil (Matthew 4:1-11).
- He was anointed with the Holy Ghost above all others (Ps 45:7; Is 42:1; John 3:34; Hebrews 1:9).
- Elisha may have had twice the spirit of Elijah, but Jesus Christ had more than both squared. Glory!
- The Holy Spirit gave Him revelation in knowing God (Isaiah 11:1-4; 50:4; 61:1-3; Luke 4:16-22).
- The Spirit gave Him power for signs and wonders (Matt 12:28; John 14:11; Acts 2:22; 4:27; 10:38).
- The Holy Spirit raised Jesus Christ from the dead, declaring Him to be God’s Son with power, as He had promised (Romans 1:4; 8:11; I Peter 3:18; Acts 13:30-35; Hebrews 2:9; 9:14; Matt 12:38-40).
- The Spirit, from Pentecost forward, has testified of Jesus Christ (John 15:26; Acts 2:33-36; 18:5).
- The gift of the Spirit that Jesus had promised confirmed Him and His word with many at Pentecost.
- The apostles did mighty signs and wonders by the Spirit to vindicate Jesus (Heb 2:1-4; Rom 15:19).
- The Spirit still justifies Him by Bible preaching along with baptism and communion (I John 5:6-8).
- Jesus died, which is the curse of sin, but He rose again, which declared Him to be righteous from sin.
- Jesus died, in spite of claims as God’s Son, but He rose again, which declared Him to be that Son!
- Jesus died, under a charge of blasphemy, but He rose again declaring to all that He was innocent!
- Ever proper baptism is a testimony of Jesus as the resurrected Son of God (Acts 8:37; I Peter 3:21).
- Changed lives in the name of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit continue to justify God’s Son.
- For more about the witness of Spirit, water, and blood …
- For more about tongues to vindicate the gospel …
- For more about the apostolic gifts for the gospel …
- Angels see many things (they are called watchers), so we look for more; this is angelic involvement.
- Angels declared His conception and birth to both Joseph and Mary (Matt 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38).
- Angels announced His birth in a glorious display to shepherds abiding in the field (Luke 2:8-20).
- Angels worshipped Him at His birth, which we know from doctrine outside the gospels (Heb 1:6).
- Their new human Lord was laid in a manger, but they worshipped the soon-to-be-crowned Captain!
- Angels comforted Him at His temptation by the fallen angel, the devil (Matthew 4:11; Mark 1:13).
- Angels comforted Him just before His death, in the Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:39-46).
- Twelve legions of angels – about 72,000 – would have come in vengeance at His call (Matt 26:53)!
- Angels assisted in circumstances around His resurrection with great power and told of His resurrection to those looking for His body (Matt 28:1-7; Mark 16:1-5; Luke 24:1-10; John 20:11-13).
- Jesus told of great angel activity – ascending and descending upon Him (John 1:51; Genesis 28:12).
- Angels were present to see His ascension; they explained He would return like He left (Acts 1:9-11).
- Angels were present to see His ascension into heaven, many over 100,000,000 of them (Re 5:11-14)!
- Let your soul understand and appreciate the prophet’s words from Psalm 24 about the King of glory!
- Angels fought against the devil and his angels and cast them out of heaven for Jesus (Rev 12:7-11).
- Even the devil knew that Jesus had attendant angels to protect Him (Luke 4:9-12; Psalm 91:11-12).
- As we follow our Lord’s life in the gospels, how many events did His angels play a role in? Glory!
- God’s eternal purpose in Jesus Christ toward the church displays Him to the angels (Eph 3:8-12).
- The angels desire to look into the things concerning our salvation (I Pet 1:12), which ought to provoke men to consider it more highly than they do, since angels far excel them by intelligence.
- Fallen angels saw and worshipped (Matt 8:28-32; Mark 1:23-26; 5:1-15; Luke 4:33-37; 8:26-36).
- Fallen angels confessed they knew Jesus and Paul, but not gypsies using His name (Acts 19:13-20).
- The glory of Jesus of Nazareth is enhanced by the attendance given to Him by these heavenly beings. If He was worthy of their attention, how much more of ours, for whom He gave His life?!
- Men may despise the Son of God and think Him nothing, but angels adore and serve Him carefully!
- His birth, temptations, death, resurrection, and ascension demand heaven’s attention – what of ours!
- The angels never saw the Son of God until His incarnation – neither His invisible Deity nor His visible Humanity – for God did not have a Son until the incarnation. But they glorified Him after!
- What angels have attended philosophers, scientists, titans of business, or any other men called great?
- All angels, principalities, powers, thrones, might, and dominion are now under Him (Eph 1:20-23)!
- The things in heaven bow their knees to our Jesus – the angels (Phil 2:10; I Pet 3:22; Rev 5:11-14).
- Jehovah is called LORD of hosts 235 times in the O.T., but Jesus is now the Lord of hosts with all things under His feet (Heb 2:8; I Cor 15:27-28; Eph 1:21; 4:10; Heb 1:4-6; Col 2:10; Matt 28:18).
- We see the elect angels celebrating with the saints in the church above (Heb 12:22-24; Rev 5:11-14).
- The angels of God are so such watchers of redemption that they rejoice at conversions (Luke 15:10).
- They are assigned to serve and protect the least of Christ’s sheep (Ps 34:7; Heb 1:14; Matt 18:1-10).
- They are to be recognized in our faithfulness to marching orders from Jesus (I Tim 5:21; I Cor 4:9).
- Angels will soon come with Jesus to wreck vengeance on unbelievers (II Thess 1:7-10; Jude 1:14).
- Angels worship God in heaven beside the redeemed Gentiles as they praise the Lamb (Rev 7:9-12).
- The holy angels will participate as observers in the great Day of Judgment (Revelation 3:5; 14:9-11).
- For more about the angels of God in general … Angels of God.
- More about angels and Jesus … Jesus and the Angels.
- For the coronation of Jesus … Coronation of Jesus.
- When God separated the nations, He set the bounds by the nation of Israel (Ex 19:5-6; De 7:6; 32:8).
- Of all the families or nations of the earth, God chose to deal exclusively with Israel (Amos 3:2).
- God gave His word to Israel only, leaving the Gentiles slobbering in their ignorance (Ps 147:19-20).
- Gentiles showed their gross spiritual ignorance by worshipping anything (Is 44:9-20; Rom 1:19-23).
- How or why would the most spiritual doctrine be preached to the least spiritual men on the planet?
- Why preaching as means of conversion (I Cor 1:17-21)? Islam is devoted to the scimitar and bombs!
- Why no ambassadors of Baal, Zeus, Jupiter, Allah, Krishna, Buddha? How did preaching originate?
- Jesus and His apostles while He was here limited their preaching to Israel (Matthew 10:6; 15:21-26).
- Though Jesus knew He would bring other sheep to gospel faith not of the Jewish fold (John 10:16).
- Caiaphas prophesied Jesus Christ’s ministry included Gentiles outside the Jewish nation (Jn 11:52).
- This incredible preaching change had been prophesied in the prophets (Gen 49:10; Ps 22:27; 72:17-19; Is 2:1-5; 11:10; 49:5-12; 54:1-3; 60:1-3; Amos 9:11-12; Micah 4:1-2; Zech 2:10-13; 8:18-23).
- The message of Jesus was carried by apostolic preachers from Israel to Gentiles, which Jews would never have done on their own, and what Gentiles would have believed the Jews’ change in religion!
- Peter would not preach to Cornelius until the Lord had made it obviously clear to him (Ac 10:9-20).
- He then made a profound announcement upon meeting Cornelius and his family (Acts 10:34-35).
- And God confirmed His judgment by giving the Holy Spirit to encourage Peter (Acts 10:44-48).
- And Peter had to answer for it when Jerusalem heard he had gone in to Gentiles (Acts 11:1-18).
- The greatest bigot and most ferocious enemy, Saul of Tarsus, was spiritual father to the Gentiles!
- Paul was given the special commission of preaching it to the Gentiles (Acts 9:15; Romans 11:13).
- Paul began by preaching to the Jews, but he switched to the Gentiles (Acts 9:20-22; 13:46-48).
- The Jews rejected the gospel news, but the Gentiles received it with great gladness (Acts 13:46-48).
- The Gentiles rejoiced at this great change, and Paul explained it on His return (Acts 13:48; 14:27).
- A large council was held at Jerusalem to deal with what these Gentiles needed to do (Acts 15:1-41).
- Paul gave a long explanation of this great mystery in Christ to the Ephesians, which ought to be considered in detail to grasp the inclusion of this item in the great articles of faith (Eph 2:10 – 3:13).
- It was so contrary to the minds of Jews that Paul hoped it would cause them jealousy (Rom 11:14).
- If you are a Gentile, rejoice with Jews the Jewish minister Jesus extended His gospel (Rom 15:8-12).
- This is sometimes viewed in the New Testament as THE mystery, for the Jews were ignorant of it.
- It had been prophesied before (Is 42:6; Luke 2:32), and Paul spoke of it as well (Gal 2:8; Col 1:27).
- If Jesus had not given the order to Paul (Ac 22:21), you would be burning incense to Buddha today.
- Jesus clearly prophesied the gospel of the kingdom would be preached in all the world for a witness before the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD (Matt 24:14,34-35; Mark 13:10,30-31). And it was!
- For more about the Great Commission …
- For more about why we preach the gospel …
- For more about Romans 11 and the gospel to Gentiles …
- How could the unbelievable message of a few fishermen find martyr believers throughout the world?
- Nations typically do not change their gods, as religion is part of national/cultural tradition (Jer 2:11).
- Yet Christianity has gone into the world, and there are Christians today in every nation on earth.
- Without immigration of Buddhists, there would not be any Buddhists in the Western Hemisphere.
- The wicked do not think about God in the vanity of their minds (Ps 10:4; 14:1-4; 58:5; Is 44:9-20).
- Moses tried the gospel on Pharaoh, and you can see the natural tendency of an Egyptian dead in sins.
- The idolatrous, pagan nations of the heathen were like India today, but the gospel went with success.
- The gates of hell were not able to resist the gospel (Matt 16:18), for the devil was bound (Rev 20:3).
- Why is worldwide belief in the gospel included in this glorious list? Because of the improbability of the message, the wickedness of the hearers, the lack of precedent, and the very great success of it.
- Men by nature have no regard for God, let alone a spiritual message about Jesus Christ (John 3:3; 8:43,47; 10:26; Rom 3:9-19; 8:7-8; I Cor 1:21-24; 2:14; II Thess 3:1-2; II Tim 2:24-26).
- The power to get one person to believe the gospel is the same power necessary to raise Jesus from the dead (Eph 1:19-20; 2:1-3; Acts 16:14; John 1:13; 3:8; 5:24; I Pet 1:21; II Cor 3:3; 4:1-7; Tit 3:5).
- No human means can even increase the probability of faith (Luke 16:27-31; I Cor 2:1-5; Is 26:10).
- Jesus had sent His apostles into all the world based on His own glorious power (Matthew 28:18-20).
- Jesus purposed to rebuild David’s kingdom with converted Gentiles (Acts 15:13-18; Amos 9:11-12).
- Even enemies of the truth declared that the apostles had turned the world upside down (Acts 17:6).
- There is evidence the mystery was carried by Pudens and Claudia to Britain from Paul (II Tim 4:21).
- The eunuch went on his way rejoicing, having heard about Jesus and baptism in Him (Acts 8:26-40).
- What caused men and women to live in catacombs and suffer death cheerfully for an unseen religious leader who had been convicted of capital crimes and put to death by the government?
- How could uneducated fishermen turn the world upside down with a message too good to be true?
- Why did men committed for millennia to darkness and depravity obey a holy message of self-denial?
- Those who put emphasis on getting the gospel to the world miss the glory of it already getting there!
- We are told that the apostles, and their assistants, took the gospel to every creature in all the world (Mark 16:19-20; Acts 17:6; 21:28; 24:5; Rom 1:8; 10:18; 16:19; 16:26; Col 1:5-6; 1:23; Tit 2:11).
- We should feel great kinship with believers throughout the world, as we hold these things precious.
- Consider the places mentioned: Jerusalem (Acts 1:12; 2:5,14; 4:15; 5:28); Judea (Acts 2:14; 11:1,29; 26:20); Samaria (Acts 8:5,14,25; 9:31; 15:3); Ethiopia (Acts 8:27); Corinth (Acts 18:1-5); around Corinth (Rom 15:20-23); beyond Corinth (II Cor 10:14-16); Phrygia (Acts 16:6; 18:23); Galatia (Acts 16:6; 18:23); Asia (Acts 19:10,26); Greece (Acts 20:1-2); Crete (Tit 1:5); Rome (Acts 23:11); Italy (Heb 13:24); Spain (Rom 15:24); Illyricum (Rom 15:19); Babylon (I Pet 5:13); and many more represented at Pentecost (Acts 2:9-11).
- To assist worldwide preaching, they traveled by angels (Acts 8:39-40) and with tongues (2:1-11).
- The multitude in heaven includes those from every nation, kindred, people, and tongue (Rev 17:9).
- True belief of the gospel includes life-changing works (Acts 19:19; I Cor 12:2; I Thess 1:9-10).
- Here we must also include the powerful miracles to confirm their word (Mark 16:19; Hebrews 2:4).
- What was in the gospel for the natural man? A life of self-denial? Persecution? Far-fetched ideas?
- Paul even reported that members of Caesar’s household had been converted (Phil 4:22). Hallelujah!
- The confidence of salvation comes via the gospel, and that required preachers (Romans 10:12-18).
- Where are you hearing/reading this? God sent the gospel to you and gave you hearing ears by grace!
- For more of a fulfilled Great Commission …
- For more of Cornelius …
- Jesus rose bodily, physically, and visibly from earth to heaven and the right hand of Almighty God.
- This is far beyond bare resurrection, for His glorified body travelled through space to God’s throne!
- A Moabite was resurrected by Elisha’s bones (II Kgs 13:21); Lazarus was resurrected to die again.
- Resurrection showed victory over sin and death; ascension escape from earth to heaven’s glory!
- It had been prophesied of Him, and He looked forward to it (Ps 68:18; Dan 7:13-14; Luke 9:51).
- He has gone before us, and we will certainly follow. He is the firstfruits, but we will also be fruit!
- We will be raised from the dead, but we will also ascend into the clouds to God (I Thess 4:13-18).
- The throne room of glory is depicted wonderfully for us by John’s inspired vision (Rev 4:1 – 5:14).
- Apostles on earth saw Him leave (Acts 1:9-11); John in vision saw Him arrive in heaven from earth!
- This event makes Apollo moon missions and NASA space shuttles to be mere toys in comparison, yet the world knows nothing about the historical event, cannot explain it, and cannot imagine it.
- Angels and devils, all principalities and powers, are now subject unto Him as the Ruler over all.
- He is no longer humble, meek, weak, modest; He is jealous, confident, powerful, and challenging!
- We shall also be received up into glory at His glorious appearing, whether we have died or not!
- The New Testament refers to this event repeatedly, for our dear Saviour is now a Dread Sovereign.
- What event compares in glory and splendor to the ascent of Jesus into heaven after our redemption!
- What is He doing in glory? Making intercession for us as our Guarantor (Romans 8:34; Heb 7:25).
- All things were put under His feet, and He was crowned with glory and honor (Ps 8:4-8; Heb 2:6-9).
- These six events are not in chronological order, as there is no need for them to be. It is the crowning event, though it was preached to the Gentiles and part of what was believed on in the world!
- The angels at His ascension declared He would return in like manner (Acts 1:9-11)! Rejoice, reader!
- Consider the multitude of references to His ascension and position at God’s right hand: Ps 8:4-8; 68:18; Is 14:13-14; 52:13; Dan 7:13-14; Mark 16:19; Luke 9:51; 24:26; 24:50-53; John 6:62; 7:39; 13:3; 16:28; 17:5; 20:17; Acts 1:1-3; 1:9-11; 2:33-34; 3:21; 7:55-56; Rom 8:34; I Cor 15:27; Eph 1:20-23; 4:8-10; I Thess 4:16-17; Heb 1:3-4; 2:5-9; 4:14; 6:19-20; 7:26; 8:1; 9:11-15; 9:24; 10:12-13; 12:2-3; I Pet 3:21-22; Rev 3:21; 4:1 – 5:14; 12:5-10.
- For more about Christ’s ascension into heaven …
- For the coronation of Jesus …
- For more about Jesus as lawyer ….
- Do you understand that these history-changing, world-altering, other-world events are unknown to most men?
- There is no controversy about the importance of these things! Are your heart and mind enthralled with them?
- There is no controversy about the importance of these things! Is your life consistent with their importance?
- Sinner, if the gospel is as great as Paul summarized it here, what keeps you from embracing and obeying it?
- Distraction from the glory of the gospel in your life is a flesh-world-devil effort to controvert these events.
- We now approach the Lord’s Table with the fullest appreciation for the incredible message of the gospel.
- Do you know where to insert the betrayal, crucifixion, death, and burial in this summary statement of Christ?
- It is not enough to know these things: it is our blessed privilege to love these things and the Person of them.
- It is not enough to know these things: it is our blessed privilege to teach and defend them and live by them.
- Do you grasp that the Person of this mystery stands and asks you entrance for fellowship (Revelation 3:20)?
- If you were to seek to know this Christ better, it passes knowledge and is the fullness of God (Eph 3:14-19).
- The riches of the gospel excel and exceed all the riches of any other kind of the world (Rom 11:12; Col 1:27).
For further study: [working]
- PowerPoint Presentation: Godliness
- Charles Spurgeon’s sermon on I Timothy 3:16 …
- Sermon Outline: Mysteries of the gospel
- Sermon Outline: Prophets of God
- Sermon Outline: Ascended up on high
- Sermon Outline: Jesus is Jehovah
- Sermon Outline: Sonship of Christ
- Sermon Outline: Why preach the gospel
- Sermon Outline: Spiritual Champions
- Sermon Outline: Glory of the cross
- Sermon Outline: He Is Altogether Lovely
- Sermon Outline: A Name Above Every Name
- Sermon Outlines: Directory of sermons regarding Jesus Christ
- Sermon Outline: Lovest Thou Me?
- Sermon Outline: We Would See Jesus