Church Covenant and Solemn Assembly
Both subjects presented from the Bible for the church
Church Covenant and Solemn Assembly
Review of “Things That Are Wanting.”
- I have already been told it was not as hard as one thought it would be.
- It was a very simple sermon – it is not one of the Lord’s mysteries.
- The issue at stake is your religion – the acid test of faith and love for God.
- The true worship of God is willingness to submit and obey truth that costs.
- Rejecting God’s minister rejects the LORD (Num 16:11; 17:5; I Sam 8:7).
- Every man should lead his family to righteousness (Jos 24:15; Gen 18:19).
- Conscience nor faith are involved – the Lord has spoken – will you obey?
- Saints do not debate, strive, or stubbornly rebell – such are heinous sins.
- It will be easier to repent now and follow Christ without the public shame.
Are Covenants Scriptural?
- Covenants are wise spiritually and carnally (He 6:16) – the new covenant.
- My first call by this church was a written petition signed by all members.
- The agreement between church and pastor is left to the judgment of either.
- You enter marriage covenants and membership was basically by covenant.
- Among several examples we shall only consider three.
- There are many references to vows and swearing in Scripture.
- Nehemiah had Judah swear regarding pagan wives (Neh 13:25).
- Asa fostered a great revival with his covenant (II Chron 15:12-15).
- Josiah fostered a great revival with his covenant (II Chr 34:29-33).
- Note covenants and revivals – serious intentions obtain serious blessings.
- Covenants are serious and to be entered very soberly (Ecclesiastes 5:1-7).
A Solemn Assembly
- Joel called for a solemn assembly in his day (Joel 2:15-18).
- Solemn assemblies occurred in the O.T. (Lev 23:36; Nu 29:35; Deut 16:8).
- The main thing we see is to keep the day free from carnal obligations.
- Is the N.T. different? Should we worship solemnly? Try Heb 12:28-29.
- Consider a few other examples of men preparing to worship seriously.
- Jacob put away idols, washed, and changed clothes (Gen 35:1-3).
- Moses prepared washing clothes and avoiding sex (Ex 19:10-15).
- Note times of sexual abstinence for fasting and prayer (I Co 7:5).
- The Jews counted from 6:00pm to 6:00pm (evening to morning).
- What can we do for our first solemn assembly?
- Take a day this next week to fast and pray for the coming service.
- Stop all carnal family activities at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday evening.
- Soberly pray, read, and sing before going to early bed @ 9:00 p.m.
- Rise early, prepare early, and have family prayer before leaving home.
- Arrive early, avoid carnal talk, take your seats by 9:45 for meditation.