Do you preach to the lost?

Yes, we preach the gospel to all who will give us a hearing throughout the world, though we never force ourselves on anyone, and we will not disturb the peace with street preaching or interrupt pagans in their activities by verbally condemning them. We believe all men should repent and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ, but we know only the regenerate elect that God calls will do so. Our website is visited by over 100,000 persons in over 220 countries every month, and we use every bit of Biblical wisdom we have to share the truth of God with as many as God will show us. We believe Paul’s evangelistic method is the only and best way (Acts 17:2-3,17; II Tim 2:10).

See Also

For much more details: Why Preach the Gospel.
Bible evidence the Great Commission was fulfilled: Great Commission.
Bible reasoning against the invention of invitations: Why No Invitation? 
Why preach good works: Salvation by Works.