There Is One Mediator
Though Moses was a mediator for Israel at Mt. Sinai, and though the RCC claims Mary is a mediatrix for our salvation, there is only one mediator - the Man Christ Jesus. This sermon studies several different angles about mediators with the goal to glorify Jesus Christ as the only One that counts.
“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.”
I Timothy 2:5
- This text summarizes our religion plainly, concisely, boldly, dogmatically, and well.
- There is a We are not the evolutionary results of an ancient big bang, energetic plasma floating in the ocean, or discontented monkeys wanting to become human.
- There is one International religious reconciliation notwithstanding. Baal, Brahma, the Great Spirit, Diana, Rama, Jupiter, Vishnu, and Dagon are no gods.
- There is a great gulf between God and man. Man = Love = God is fantasy. Godhood as man’s next stop in his evolutionary development is a fantastic hallucination.
- There is a sin problem between God and men. Man is not a wonderful thing, nor even a neutral thing, no matter how high he climbs, in the universe.
- There is required an intermediary to save man. Man cannot save himself.
- A man – a flesh being related to Adam – is the required intermediary.
- Jesus Christ is the one mediator – not John Paul II or Mahatma Ghandi or Mohammed or Mary or an angel or any saint of your choosing.
I. The DEFINITION of Mediator.
- One who intervenes between two parties, esp. for the purpose of effecting reconciliation; one who brings about (a peace, a treaty) or settles (a dispute) by mediation.
- We also use arbitrator, go-between, umpire, referee, intercessor, arbiter, intermediary, broker, middleman, negotiator, moderator, and conciliator among other terms.
- Spouses use counselors for mediating marital disagreements; corporations use industry experts for mediating company disputes; nations use ambassadors for mediating national conflicts; athletes use chosen arbitrators to mediate salary disputes; and our court system uses public defenders and lawyers to mediate in legal proceedings.
- Moses was a mediator between God and Israel (Ex 20:18-21; Deut 5:5 cp Gal 3:19).
- Job wished for a daysman (or mediator) to take his case before God (Job 9:32-35).
II. The NEED for the Mediator.
- We will stand in the Court of Heaven before the Judge of the Universe (Hebrews 9:27; Ecclesiastes 12:14; II Corinthians 5:10-11; Revelation 4:1 – 5:14; 20:11-15).
- The legal situation and condition of man requires an intermediary to approach God.
- Adam and Eve brought condemnation upon all men (Romans 5:12-14).
- All men have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).
- All men are handicapped with a sin nature that cannot please God (Rom 8:7-8).
- We are legally condemned sinners with an incorrigible nature and many sins.
- God shall open the books and judge righteously in a Court without any escape.
- The nature of God is such that sinful man does not have a chance at mercy by himself.
- God is absolutely holy and cannot overlook or approve sin (Habakkuk 1:13).
- He cannot by any means acquit or clear the wicked (Nahum 1:2-6; Ex 34:7).
- There is no hiding of sin or motives with this Judge (Psalm 139:4; Prov 15:3).
- God is infinitely higher than man, so there is no hope of satisfaction (Is 55:8-9)
- All men can be bought or influenced, but this Judge is clean (Matt 7:21-23).
- There is no lack of witnesses for the Prosecution. The Devil and his angels are loud, vicious, aggressive, and constant accusing witnesses (Job 1:9-10; 2:4-5; Rev 12:10).
- The precedents of this Judge and Court are well known and consistent: the Flood, Sodom, Pharaoh and Egypt, Korah, Uzzah, Ananias, and Jerusalem are just a few.
- The law is simply stated: the soul that sinneth, it shall die (Ezekiel 18:4; Romans 6:23).
III. The QUALIFICATIONS of the Mediator.
- He must have the credentials and integrity satisfactory to the Judge and Court.
- He must relate to both parties. Will the Judge regard Him? Does He know our situation?
- He must satisfy both parties. Can He make restitution? Can He offer us freedom?
- He must remain at His post to handle any future appeals or complications or violations.
- There are no jury games in this Court – the mediator must satisfy the Judge.
IV. The IMPOSTERS of the Mediator.
- She was a sinner, needed a Saviour, died, and was turned down by Christ.
- They are sinners themselves, die, and are identified as antichrists in Scripture.
- They are sinners themselves, die, and need their own mediator for salvation.
- They are sinners themselves, die, need a mediator, and their will is excluded.
- They are sinners themselves, die, need a mediator, and were not given for life.
- They are sinners themselves, die, and would be beaten by Jesus Christ.
- One sin violates all (James 2:10). No man has any good (Psalm 14:2-3). Motive is crucial (Prov 21:4; Isaiah 64:6; I Corinthians 13:3; Romans 14:23; Heb 11:6). And He doesn’t care what you have done in His name (Matthew 7:21-23).
- He cannot acquit or clear, and He shouldn’t given our relationship and offence.
V. The PROMISE of the Mediator.
- God promised eternal life before the world began (Titus 1:2).
- God promised a Seed to bruise Satan’s head in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:15).
- God promised a Gatherer Named Shiloh (Genesis 49:10).
- God promised a Prophet Like Moses (Deuteronomy 18:15-19).
- God promised a virgin-born Son to be called Immanuel – God with us (Isaiah 7:14).
- God promised a Son as a Counsellor and the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6-7).
VI. The PERSON of the Mediator.
- The Son of Mary and the Son of God (Luke 1:26-35).
- The Horn of Salvation and Redeemer of Israel (Luke 1:68-75).
- The Word of God our Great High Priest (Hebrews 4:12-16).
- The Lion of the Tribe of Judah and Root of David (Revelation 5:5).
- God testified of Him Highly (Matthew 3:17).
VII. The WORK of the Mediator.
- He died a substitute for us receiving the full judgment of God (Gal 3:13; I Peter 2:24).
- He offered His blood and death to God for us (Hebrews 9:11-15).
- This is a finished fact (John 19:30).
VIII. The RESULTS of the Mediator.
- He has reconciled us by His death and continues with His life (Romans 5:6-11).
- His representation for us was more than enough (Romans 5:19-21 cp Isaiah 40:2).
- The Verdict of Heaven guarantees all blessings and no charges (Romans 8:32-34).
- Not merely acquittal, but rather justification and adoption and glorification (Rom 8:29-31; Galatians 4:4-7; Ephesians 1:4-7).
- Our names were written in the Book of Life of the Lamb from eternity (Rev 13:8; 17:8).
- And He promised that He would not lose one of them (John 6:38-39; 17:2; Heb 2:13).
- And He sent Satan our enemy to the Lake of Fire instead (John 12:31; Rev 12:9; 20:10).
IX. The COMPENSATION of the Mediator.
- It is a free gift by the grace of God to reveal His great kindness (Rom 5:16; 6:23; 11:6).
- The Lord paid for His services with exalted glory and honor and position (Phil 2:9-11).
- He shall receive the praises of Heaven forever and ever (Revelation 5:11-14
X. The GLORY of the Mediator.
- There is no other name under heaven whereby we must be saved (Acts 4:12).
- He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. No man is saved without Him (John 14:6).
- He is the Dividing Event of all Human History (BC vs AD).
- If any love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha (I Cor 16:22).
XI. The REQUIREMENTS of the Mediator.
- Paul reasoned that he owed his life to his Mediator (II Corinthians 5:14). This is simple!
- The good news of the gospel preacher: Be ye reconciled to God (II Cor 5:18-21).
- Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be persuaded of your salvation (II Timothy 1:12).
- Make your calling and election sure, before you get to Court (II Peter 1:10-11).