In a Crooked and Perverse Nation
America is a mess in 2020. It is crooked and perverse like Philippi was when Paul wrote them. What should a Christian do? Paul gave us clear marching orders from the Lord Jesus Christ. They are found in Philippians 2:1-18. Rejoice in truth!
- Paul appealed to the Philippians to be sons of God in a wicked situation (Phil 2:14-16).
- America in many ways in 2020 is a crooked and perverse nation to most any observer.
- There is no need to share statistics or stories illustrating the crookedness and perversity.
- God Himself has rewired and blinded America’s character to fulfill Romans chapter 1.
- Three P’s – pandemic, protests, and politics – consume the thoughts and time of many.
- What does God want Christian Americans to do in 2020? Paul gave inspired direction.
- God wants us to be perfect Christians that promote the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- The situation in Philippi as a Roman colony and Jewish opposition was worse than ours.
- How do national corruption, the gospel of Jesus, and Christians fit? Here is the answer.
- The kingdom of heaven and its character is not altered under the reign and rule of Jesus.
- Let us follow our Lord’s instructions to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
- Let us be strangers and pilgrims in holy character and conduct (I Pet 2:11-12; 3:13-17).
- Let us be the dear and obedient sons of God (II Cor 6:17-18; Eph 5:1-2; I Pet 1:13-16).
- All Christians, but especially those in the same church or outpost, are a band of brothers.
- We stick together for maximum benefit to each other and an undivided front to others.
EXHORTATION to Humble Unity (1-4)
- Paul appealed to the benefits of a child of God to motivate this church to humble unity.
- There is great consolation in Christ, comfort of love, fellowship of the Spirit, and bowels and mercies, which Paul had kindly identified in various ways in the first chapter.
- Based on the great riches of our position in Jesus, Christians should follow Paul’s rules.
- Paul’s joy was their brotherly love, peace, and unity over any doctrine or evangelism.
- He wanted them all minding the same things, loving each other, being fully agreed.
- Such unity is achieved by eliminating all pride and vanity to prefer others more highly.
- Selfishness of only or usually caring about your little life is to be flushed for others.
- Our simple idea of JOY – Jesus, Others, and only then You – is apostolic in origin.
- If spiritual benefits in Christ do not motivate you, he next presented His great example.
- If the example of Jesus’ own humility does not motivate you, maybe His authority will.
HUMILIATION as Humble Example (5-8)
- Jesus Christ had a mindset in His life on earth that should be the pattern for our thinking.
- Paul already charged the church to be likeminded – they should all think like Jesus.
- Paul did not care what mind they were born with or had allowed – renew your mind!
- Paul did not care much for their individual freedom or liberty – sacrifice it for others!
- Jesus is a great example of godliness, but He is also much more than merely an example.
- Liberal theologians deny His blood atonement to make Him example and/or martyr.
- But there was a very real legal transaction by His death and resurrection for the elect.
- His incarnation and His crucifixion were His choices of incredible humility and service.
- The Word of God, Who was unbegotten and underived Jehovah, joined human flesh.
- His earthly life as a man, far below God and angels, was a servant without reputation.
- But that was not all; He did much more by submitting to the cruelty of crucifixion.
- He let a trial to proceed falsely accusing Him, and He died naked between thieves.
- What have you done for others? How do you show His example by sacrificial service?
- We must flush desire for reputation and condescend to church brothers of low estate.
- Do you care enough for others to give up even liberties for their profit and pleasure?
- Are you eager to be a doorkeeper in the house of God for others without any glory?
- Christians should all be equal in the church without any distinctions or divisions.
- Each member should be totally willing to never be acknowledged or commended.
- See the transition here from Jesus’ humiliation to His glorification at God’s right hand.
- The first reason to be loving, peaceful, serving Christians are salvation benefits (1).
- The second reason to prefer others before ourselves is Christ’s humble example (5).
- The third reason to motivate us to humbly esteem others is His exalted lordship (11).
- Three motivating factors are clearly stated and connected for godly trembling (12).
EXALTATION as Proper Reward (9-11)
- Because Jesus humbled Himself greatly to humanity and crucifixion, God honored Him.
- We rejoice in His resurrection, His ascension, His glorification, and His coronation.
- God gave Him more than just letters and syllables of “Jesus,” which He already had.
- Jesus is His personal name, but the titular names He has are Son of God and Lord.
- Do not take Paul’s words here too far, for Jehovah is a greater name (I Cor 15:28).
- Do not overstate the bare name of Jesus, for another name is included (Heb 1:4-5).
- God promoted the Man Christ Jesus over all created beings of any kind in the universe.
- The Father is glorified when the Son He loves and delights in is finally worshipped.
- The Father is glorified when all enemies of the Son are crushed beneath His feet.
- This continued example of Jesus, even by His exaltation, fits the promises of scripture.
- Our humility and service of others will be rewarded by God (I Pet 5:5-6; James 4:10).
- Humble and sacrificial service mark great kingdom men (Matt 20:25-28; 23:8-12).
- Paul’s lesson continued as he left Jesus’ role as example to return to Christian character.
- The lesson in kingdom character began the chapter with peace, unity, and preference.
- The lesson in kingdom character continues by condemning complaints and disputes.
- See the transition here from Jesus’ humiliation to His glorification at God’s right hand.
- The first reason to be loving, peaceful, serving Christians are salvation benefits (1).
- The second reason to prefer others before ourselves is Christ’s humble example (5).
- The third reason to motivate us to humbly esteem others is His exalted lordship (11).
- Three motivating factors are clearly stated and connected for godly trembling (12).
PREPARATION by God’s Power (12-13)
- Paul’s wherefore as an intermediate conclusion used our Lord’s example and authority.
- Philippi was a great church, but he exhorted them to obey Jesus with fear and trembling.
- Luke introduced Bible readers to Lydia and the jailor in the book of Acts chapter 16.
- God has saved us by grace, but we are to assure ourselves and prove it by obedience.
- The details of the obedience Paul already gave (1-4) and will give yet again (14-16).
- Fear of God by believers is compatible with trust in God; note Paul (II Cor 5:9-11).
- If Jesus is Lord the way Paul described Him, we should obey with fear and trembling.
- They had within them the divine knowledge and ability to do God’s pleasure perfectly.
- God’s internal work is first and primarily regeneration – creating a new man in us.
- But the present tense worketh operation of God matches subsequent Spirit ministries.
- This new man has the ability and the purpose of choosing and obeying God perfectly.
- The verb form to will and to do are infinitive verbs for ability and purpose of both.
- We are not fatalists; we deny Calvinist robots. We were created for our good works.
- For much more about the Spirit’s ministries subsequent to regeneration see it here.
- With God giving us the power to do His pleasure and three reasons to do so, we should!
OCCUPATION of God’s Sons (14-16)
- God’s good pleasure is perfect conduct / reputation as God’s sons in a perverse nation.
- We are to occupy earth as good soldiers of Jesus Christ until He comes (Luke 19:13).
- This is a great opportunity and privilege to glorify God, oppose evil, promote truth.
- Like in Noah’s day, the sons of God and daughters of men should be very different.
- We cannot allow pressure, trends, popularity, or persecution to corrupt or pervert us.
- If we must be persecuted, we want it for our faith and good conduct (I Pet 3:13-17).
- We are called to sanctification (holy living); we are called to be sons of God (vocation).
- All aspects of life, especially in the church, should not have murmurings or disputings.
- Murmurings can be complaining against God, but also bitterness, envy, grudges, etc.
- Disputings are open, public arguments, contentions, debates, strife, wrangling, etc.
- God has settled most things in the Bible, and personal liberties are not to be disputed.
- Context before (1-4) and after (15-16) indicate peace, unity, and preference as goals.
- We must be blameless and harmless, gentle and meek, with each other and the world.
- If Christians are to be known to the world for their love, there is no place for fighting.
- If we are to live peaceably with all men as much as lieth in us, these two sins are out.
- If we agree peaceably with all men, we will be blameless and harmless without rebuke.
- Let us despise and hate all disruptive thoughts or conduct so to make peace with all.
- Let us be gracious persons that could never hurt anyone, unless absolutely necessary.
- We are sons of God, and we should act like God’s sons, even to our worst enemies.
- Let us live in such a good, gentle way that no criticism can rightly be laid against us.
- Our best contention against their wickedness is obedient lives (Prov 28:4; I Pet 3:16).
- More Bible material as to how our lives may glorify God and adorn the truth here.
- Expository commentary for the Proverb directly above about contending is here.
- Our lives should be drastically different from those around us like light is not darkness.
- God knows the pagans around us are crooked and perverse; He wants us different.
- The pagans around us, no matter the depravity or popularity, must not influence us.
- Rather than they corrupt us by their lives, let us be light of truth and wisdom to them.
- By the nature of the wicked, they follow each other by following Satan their leader.
- We want to be different from them by all measures, but especially in love and peace.
- Jesus said all men in the world would know we are truly His by love to each other.
- Our lives to the good pleasure of God will hold forth the gospel of Jesus Christ to others.
- The word of life here is the gospel of Christ, which we first hold forth by our lives.
- We can then testify of God’s grace, truth, and wisdom, but only if our lives are right.
- We want to be lights; we must be lights; we cannot be hidden lights (Matt 5:14-16).
- We get to glorify God this way. We encourage His children He convicts internally.
- Though tempted to promote other things, our calling is to hold out the greatest news.
- Any other information or so-called truth is earthly and benefits no one meaningfully.
- There is no other cause, news, truth, or wisdom that even comes close to Jesus Christ.
- God’s good pleasure is perfect conduct / reputation as God’s sons in a perverse nation.
- We are to occupy earth as good soldiers of Jesus Christ until He comes (Luke 19:13).
- This is a great opportunity and privilege to glorify God, oppose evil, promote truth.
- Like in Noah’s day, the sons of God and daughters of men should be very different.
- We cannot allow pressure, trends, popularity, or persecution to corrupt or pervert us.
- If we must be persecuted, we want it for our faith and good conduct (I Pet 3:13-17).
- More about the Lord’s parable of the pounds and order to occupy until His return here.
CELEBRATION of Obedient Christians (16-18)
- Paul desired to rejoice in the Day of Judgment by Christ’s approval of the Philippians.
- After all Paul’s sacrificial work (think Philippi’s jail), he did not want it all to be wasted.
- When Christians waste God’s practical grace, their ministers are ashamed of them.
- The only reasons they are in the ministry are for God’s glory and the profit of men.
- But grace can be squandered, and those sinners will be ashamed on Judgment Day.
- Paul exhorted both Corinth and Hebrews about this danger (II Cor 6:1; Heb 12:15).
- Paul could say confidently of this excellent church that he would indeed rejoice of them.
- He called them to rejoice with him for their sacrificial obedience and service by grace.
- God’s saving grace, Jesus’ great example, and the change in our lives should cause joy.
- Let us rejoice together at His grace in our lives and our desire to live for Him forever.
- Let us gladly provoke each other to good works to be a united testimony to the world.