Are You Saved?
Judgment Day is fast approaching, when you will be judged and sent to hell or allowed into heaven. Any other fear of man like Covid-19 is nothing in comparison. Do you have Bible evidence to be sure of heaven? It is crucially important!
- This is the most important question for your life. No other matter at all even comes close to this need.
- Jesus told His apostles their greatest blessing and gift was their names written in heaven (Luke 10:20).
- Do not think of this topic or sermon as doctrine, concept, theory – it is a personal warning from God.
- We studied Romans 1 over the last three weeks, which graphically described God’s wrath on sinners.
- The human family is divided in two parts by God’s election of vessels of wrath and vessels of mercy.
- The Bible was written by God the loving Father for the benefit and comfort of us His adopted children.
- No one needs to be in doubt about eternal life, if they trust His glorious manual for assurance of faith.
- But every Christian should examine themselves often to prove they are not reprobates (II Cor 13:5).
- If I were to say you are saved to heaven by inviting Jesus into your heart, I would be a heretic and liar.
- Revelation 3:20 has absolutely nothing to do with getting saved or eternal life at all, but is rather Jesus’ offer to the proud and carnal church of Laodicea for more intimate fellowship than they then had.
- If I were to say you are saved to heaven merely by believing, I would be ignoring the believers in hell.
- If I were to say you are saved to heaven by being baptized, I would be ignoring many baptized in hell.
- Any verse relating faith to salvation must be understood in light of the rest of the Bible (II Pet 1:20).
- Let us limit ourselves to five different witnesses and warnings – John, Peter, James, Paul, and Jesus.
- For a detailed and thorough Bible study of the Assurance of Eternal Life from many angles, go here.
- For a detailed and thorough Bible study of the Warnings about Hell and the real danger of it, go here.
- For a detailed and thorough Bible study of Salvation by Works in the right sense and true way, go here.
- For a detailed and thorough Bible refutation of the heresy Once Saved, Always Saved mantra, go here.
- Our goal is not to have answers for others who fret about election and want to know if they are elect
- Enemies mock election by saying it removes any personal motive for righteous living, but it is their decisional salvation with a date of an emotional moment penned in their diaries that mocks holy living.
- Our goal is to remember the terrible day coming and to make our salvation sure by the Bible evidence.
- Judgment Day approaches when God will judge all men and you by His holy standards.
- The universe will be destroyed; all will be judged; most will go to eternal torment.
- Men do all in their power to ignore this threat and get distracted with irrelevant junk.
- They are obsessed about Covid-19, protests, and the election, while ignoring hellfire.
- Or they are obsessed with sports, entertainment, hobbies, pleasure, eating, vacations.
- Or they are obsessed with marriage, family, grandchildren, a beautiful house, etc.
- Honest Christians will admit that worldly activities dull thoughts of this future event.
- There is no greater future event, and nothing else in your life matters in comparison.
- Noah preached and warned for 120 years, but no one cared to avoid the coming rain.
- Persons with names in the Book of Life will be taken into heaven and avoid judgment.
- The Book of Life is the list of beneficiaries of the everlasting covenant of the Lamb.
- The elect’s names were written there before the foundation of the world (Rev 17:8).
- For more about the Book of Life and God’s election of the beneficiaries then go here.
- God chose His people in Christ and set His grace and purpose on them in eternity.
- Names not in the Book of Life will hear their sins listed and eternal torment announced.
- It will sound like this: I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity (Matt 7:23).
- It will sound like this: Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are called, but few are chosen (Matt 22:13-14).
- It will sound like this: Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels (Matt 25:41).
- The contrast is this bad: As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear (Matt 13:40-43).
- The contrast is this bad: So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth (Matt 13:49-50).
- The contrast is this bad: And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal (Matt 25:46).
- The warning sounds like this: Fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell (Matt 10:28).
- If you are not saved, Almighty God will totally reject you for terrible eternal torment.
- The devouring worm does not die there; the fire is never quenched (Mark 9:43-48).
- Hell combines the blackness of darkness with fiery burning with drowning in one.
- Your companions forever will be the devil and his angels whom you enjoyed in life.
- What if the Bible is half true? The torment coming is very great. Ask the rich man!
- If you are not saved, but have a perfect life here, it will all disappear in a nanosecond.
- The overuse and abuse of faith only – or believing – by the Arminians must be corrected.
- We deny and reject sola fide, or faith only, as an invention of Reformation heretics.
- We totally reject decisional salvation or decisional regeneration invented by heretics.
- The Bible must be understood in its entirety without using sound bites (II Peter 1:20).
- Before you get to this wonderful verse in I John 5, there are many more in its context.
- Read the verse carefully, John wrote, These things have I written. Read those things!
- Consider the verses you should read before you get to the chosen top text for assurance.
- Keep God’s commandments … is clear earlier evidence of salvation (I John 2:3-6).
- Brotherly love in light of gospel … is another evidence of salvation (I John 2:9-11).
- Love of God to hate world and obey … is earlier proof of salvation (I John 2:15-17).
- Righteousness like God’s own … is another evidence of salvation (I John 2:28-29).
- No sinning, but love and righteousness … is clear proof of salvation (I John 3:6-12).
- Brotherly love as God defines it … is clear evidence of eternal life (I John 3:14-16).
- Brotherly love in deed and truth … is clear proof of knowing God (I John 3:17-19).
- Faith, brotherly love, obedience … are three repeated proofs of life (I John 3:23-24).
- Brotherly love like God loves … is powerful evidence of eternal life (I John 4:7-13).
- Confession of Jesus and love … are evidences of union with God (I John 4:14-15).
- Brotherly love with love of God … is stated again as proof of life (I John 4:20-21).
- Faith, love, keeping commandments …is clear proof of eternal life (I John 5:1-3).
- Here are the unique proofs John wrote to us to know we have eternal life: (1) keep God’s commandments, (2) love the brethren, (3) hate the world, (4) live righteously, (5) stop casual sinning, (6) believe on Christ, and (7) openly confess Him.
- This is the clearest and simplest place to study to examine and prove your own election.
- For most that hear of election, one of their first questions is to know if they are elect.
- Peter began his epistles with election (I Pet 1:2); he knew faith was a gift (II Pet 1:1).
- He will list eight things (faith plus seven) and guarantee eternal life for doing them.
- Faith without these things added to it is worthless and vain, as James will next testify.
- False assurance has been given to very many by a childhood decision or an act of faith.
- Children as young as three are assured of eternal life and OSAS by Arminian parents.
- Peter exalted faith as something we obtain from God, but Peter did not stop there.
- Faith is the first step, but very much more is needed; many with faith are unsaved.
- Many believers are in hell (Matt 7:21-23; John 2:23-25; 6:70; 7:40-43; 8:30-45; etc.).
- Faith is incredibly faulty by itself over time, but even more so as a mere decision.
- Peter called for all diligence to prove you are saved by adding other fruit to your faith.
- Virtue … the noble strength and moral purity to do good and to do right at all times.
- Knowledge … understanding and approving the excellent things of His will to do.
- Temperance … Self-discipline to rule body passions and reject fleshly lusts to obey.
- Patience … cheerful endurance of negative events to faithfully serve Christ anyway.
- Godliness … religious sobriety to conform to God’s will against worldly seduction.
- Brotherly kindness … affectionate efforts to honor and serve brethren over yourself.
- Charity … loving, merciful forgiveness of others’ offences and help when they need.
- If these eight things are in you, and all eight abundantly, then you are a fruitful Christian.
- You should be very diligent about these eight things – they prove election w/o fear.
- You will get an abundant entrance to heaven, for the eight things prove eternal life.
- Here are unique proofs Peter wrote to prove our eternal life: (1) virtue, (2) knowledge, (3) temperance, (4) patience, (5) godliness, and (6) charity. John covered two of them.
- James did not write against Jewish legalism like Paul did but against Luther’s sola fide.
- Sola fide by its words is contrary to the scripture and ludicrous for any saving power.
- If there is a chapter directly against Arminian decisional salvation, it is right here.
- If you want to know or prove you are saved, then you must go beyond the devils.
- James mocked the concept of faith by itself like mocking a person needing real help.
- Can faith save a man? Is faith the evidence of eternal life? It is not evidence or proof!
- What a blast at today’s easy-believism, decisional salvation, and carnal believers!
- It is the same as saying to a naked and starving man, be warmed and filled. Insanity!
- Faith must have works for it to have any evidence or value beyond merely devils’ faith.
- Abraham was not justified by faith only; he also tried to kill his son Isaac for God.
- Rahab trusted God, but she is Jesus’ grandmother and in Hebrews 11 by brave deceit.
- What is a body without a spirit? A corpse! So bury it now. So is faith without works.
- If you wonder what works James means, you may start with speech in chapter three.
- Here are unique proofs James wrote to us to know we have eternal life – works – which he illustrated by Abraham’s willingness to kill his son and Rahab risking her life.
- This is the second clearest and simplest place to study to examine and prove election.
- Paul knew the Thessalonian church members were elected to heaven by their actions.
- He knew others also had their names in the book of life – easy by works (Phil 4:3).
- Paul knew he was saved, not by Damascus Road event, but by works (II Tim 4:6-8).
- Paul made no mention of going forward at a crusade, an invitation, or a vain decision.
- Paul combined the evidence of the other apostles, because the proof is not complicated.
- Work of faith … is faith that works, doing things, sacrificing things, and paying out.
- He knew women that worked with him, giving effort, time, and money, were saved.
- Labor of love … is love that does far more think or talk, but gives, pays, and serves.
- Think of the virtuous woman and also the widow Dorcas (Pr 31:20; Acts 9:36-39).
- Paul creatively put three of the four words together in a phrase of evidence (Gal 5:6).
- Patience of hope … cheerful endures any negative events by a clear view of heaven.
- Most Christians suffer little persecution, but it can confirm salvation (Phil 1:28-29).
- Here are unique proofs Paul wrote to know we have eternal life: (1) labor of love, (2) patience, and (3) hope; these are real love and a spiritual perspective covering trouble.
- Now we come to the Judge of all, for God has committed all judgment to His Son Jesus.
- Most Christians’ concept of Jesus in looks and in character totally contradicts the Bible.
- They know Jesus purged the temple, but they cannot visualize His sweat and strain.
- They can only quote, Judge not, that ye be not judged. But Jesus is the Judge of all.
- The context of our Lord Christ while preaching on a mountain is important for force.
- The strait gate and narrow way to eternal life or wide to death is here (Mat 7:13-14).
- False prophets measured by their fruit that proves character is here (Matt 7:15-20).
- The clear logical conclusion of this section is total life destruction (Matt 7:24-27).
- Jesus is much more objective judging men than the sentimental, gay Jesus of the world.
- Jesus is not moved by those calling Him, Lord, Lord, without obedience (Luke 6:46).
- He does not care about any with great ministerial achievements, as Judas surely had.
- Jesus must and will reject any person practicing sin in their lives (Ps 5:5). Beware!
- Jesus’ unique proof for eternal life – doing the will of God and keeping His sayings.
- What should you do? Believe and obey … trust and obey … hate your faults and sins. Examine yourself.
- What should you do? Lay this list of apostolic words before God and beg Him for strength to comply.
- What should you do? Pick one you do not do well, go do it right now, and confess any future failures.
- By God’s providential timing, add vexation for prevalent sinfulness (Ps 119:136,139; II Peter 2:7-9).
- There are 18 different and unique fruits, evidences, or marks that prove eternal life in the points above.
- Therefore, there are in total 19 ways for you to measure your life and make election to heaven sure.
- Lay hold of eternal life by FLEEING the world’s seducing things … FOLLOWING righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and meekness … FIGHTING for faith beyond words (I Tim 6:11-12).
- Jesus saved some from the wrath to come … Hallelujah! … are you fully His by faith and obedience?
- He will never cast out those that truly come … John 6:37 … they will never be lost in time or eternity.
- Jude ends his short epistle with a great promise … but for growing, spiritual Christians (Jude 1:20-21).