God Discriminates
The Examples
- It is heresy that all men are created equal, except in very limited senses; all men are unequal!
- The idea of giving equal awards or rewards regardless of ability or performance is confusing.
- Communism and socialism are based on this perversion of God-ordained differences in men.
- God created two lights, but they were not equal. One was the greater light, one the lesser.
- God created the horse, which is magnificent; but He also created the ostrich, which is stupid!
- Saul was very tall and handsome; Zacchaeus was very short. What height should you be?
- God chose to know and bless only Israel among the nations of earth (Deut 7:7; Amos 3:3).
- When Israel was in Egypt, God drew a line in the sand between Goshen and the Egyptians.
The Lessons
HUMILITY (I Corinthians 4:7)
- Arrogance or pride totally misses the fact that anything you have or are is God’s gift or test.
- Time and chance happens to all men and affects their lives more than abilities (Eccl 9:11).
- Hezekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, and Belshazzar had problems (II Chron 32:25; Dan 4:31; 5:23).
SUBMISSION (Isaiah 45:9)
- You have no right or reason to argue against God or your parents for what you are or have.
- The comparison of Potter and clay is used more than once (Is 29:16; Jer 18:6; Rom 9:20-21).
- Should the man born blind … merely for God’s glory … resent his blindness (John 9:1-3)?
- Each of you was converted at different points in life; thank God for any conversion at all!
CONTENTMENT (Job 1:20-22)
- Can you worship God, regardless of what you do or do not have in life? This is true religion.
- It is certain we brought nothing into this life, and we will take nothing with us (I Tim 6:6-7).
- If you have the promised presence of Jesus Christ, what else could you need (Hebrews 13:5)?
- Events can happen outside your control, but even incest is within God’s control (Matt 1:3)!
ENVY (Matthew 20:15)
- Anger and wrath are terrible things, but envy is far worse than both of them (Pr 27:4; 14:30).
- Should Eliab and the rest of David’s brothers resent the fact that God chose David?
- Why resent God’s choice of lepers and widows like Nazareth? How about favored John?
- Rather than fret that others have it better than you, do your best and rejoice at their blessings!
FAITHFULNESS (I Corinthians 15:10)
- It was Paul’s diligence with the grace given him that made him the greatest of the apostles.
- God is not asking you to change what you were given or have, but rather to use it well.
- What did David do with the fact that God “liked me”? He gathered with all His might!
- The greatest discrimination is the gift of salvation, which none deserve (Rom 9:20-24; II Thess 2:13).
- There is a way to live life in total peace regardless of circumstances; I have just shown you part of it.