Proper Design for
Scriptural Baptism
Baptism must only be administered for the purpose of answering God with a good conscience and making figurative identification with Jesus Christ. Baptism has no part whatsoever in the literal washing away of sins or regeneration of the human soul.
Baptism is the “answer of a good conscience” toward God (I Peter 3:21). It is not the means of obtaining a good conscience nor the request for one, but rather the means of expression of a conscience made good by the blood of Jesus Christ (Hebrews 9:14). Let the words of God preserved in our 1611 translation condemn the profane corruptions of the modern versions.
Baptism does not put away the filth of the flesh, for it is only a figurative salvation by symbolizing our Lord’s resurrection (I Peter 3:21). Filth of the flesh does not describe the dirt of the body. If it describes the dirt of the body here, then it does also in II Corinthians 7:1; which would lead such men to teach bathtub sanctification. Let the words of God preserved in our 1611 translation condemn the profane corruptions of the modern versions.
Baptism was only administered to believers in the New Testament (Acts 2:38; 8:37). Since faith is the fruit of the Spirit and dependent upon prior regeneration and righteousness (Gal 5:22-23; John 1:12-13; 3:3; John 5:24-29; II Peter 1:1; I John 5:1), baptism occurs far too late in the gospel order to have anything to do with regeneration.
The water of John 3:5 has no more to do with baptism than the water of I Timothy 5:10 has to do with it. Water is a symbol of the Spirit (John 7:38-39) in the Holy Ghost washing of regeneration (Titus 3:5; Ephesians 5:26).
Any association of baptism with regeneration is a profane rejection of salvation by grace, despite against the Holy Ghost, and a damnable heresy that has given millions false hope. Baptism is precisely identification with the glorified Lord Jesus Christ based on repentance and faith, so that any other intent since Pentecost renders it null and void (Acts 19:1-7).
The only washings we need to put away sins are the legal washing of Christ’s blood (Revelation 1:5) and the vital washing of Holy Ghost regeneration (Titus 3:5).
Baptismal regeneration is condemned by John 1:13, which rules out both the will of the flesh and the will of man in being born again. Unless Catholic and Protestant priests, parents, and godparents have no wills, this text condemns their superstitious sacrament. Regeneration is God’s creative and divine work apart from human means (John 1:8; Tit 3:5).
The corruption of baptism’s design, resulting in the heresy of baptismal regeneration, is responsible for more heresies (i.e. infant baptism, sprinkling, denial of original sin, and baptism for the dead) than any other single corruption. It is an abominable perversion.
Other Requirements
Proper Administrator
The Scriptures require that the man who baptizes be an ordained teacher in the church. This point is easily confirmed by reviewing the record of the early church in the book of Acts. It was only the apostles or other ordained teachers who baptized in the New Testament.
Proper Subject
The Scriptures teach that an individual to be baptized must first repent and believe the gospel. This requires the subject to be of sufficient age to comprehend the essential elements of the gospel and agree with them. The Scriptures know nothing of baptizing infants. The subject of baptism must have an active conscience in order to give answer.
Proper Doctrine
The essential elements of the gospel that must be believed prior to baptism center around the Lord Jesus Christ and His role as the Son of God and the only Saviour from sin. It is the Person of Jesus Christ that is the basis of true doctrine.
Proper Mode
Baptism is an immersion of the subject completely under water. This is done to represent (show a likeness or figure of) the burial and resurrection of Christ, which put away our sins. As everyone knows, a thing is neither buried nor planted with only a sprinkling. Baptism must provide a figure of the resurrection of Christ, which is only done by immersion.