Knowing the Will of God




“Lord, What wilt thou have me to do?” Acts 9:6

God’s Will for Your Life or for Specific Situations
Is Not a Mystery to Create Painful Perplexity


  1. Two weeks ago I preached to you concerning the absolute authority of “Every Single Word of God.”
  2. Last week ago I preached to you the great anger of our Holy God against “Compromise.”


  1. Many want to know God’s will for their lives and for life’s specific situations, yet in their noble desire to always please God they are not sure how to determine His will.
  2. Our goal should be to grow in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52), yet it appears difficult to many to know when they are in the favor of God.
  3. Many think that true success can only be had by finding God’s exact and specific will for your life i.e. major in college, which college, spouse, church, job, house, car, etc.; and this phobia creates painful perplexity that should not exist.
  4. When something positive happens, pagans say, “He must be living right.” And therefore lay claim to circumstances as the evidence of God or Fate’s approval.
  5. Others will say, “I just have a peace in my heart about it,” submitting to feelings.
  6. The beautiful weather of this past week is deceitful, for it does not tell the whole truth.
    1. It does declare that God is good, but it does not tell His individual approval.
    2. Even in our sunny city, there were men, women, and children dying.
    3. Even in our sunny city, men, women, and children were going to hell.
    4. Even in our sunny city, God was very angry at the wicked each day (Ps 7:11).
    5. He sends His sun, rain, and fruitful seasons upon all men (Matt 5:45; Ac 14:17).


  1. God has called us to do His will with the same noble mind our Lord had (I Peter 4:1-3).
  2. Even suffering is good, if it is done for the will of God (I Peter 2:19; 3:16-17; 4:19).
  3. The world will pass away, but those who do the will of God abide forever (I John 2:17).
  4. Since we know the Lord’s will, we shall be beaten with many stripes (Luke 12:47-48).


  1. You cannot tell God’s will by circumstances (Ecclesiastes 9:1-3; 7:15; Ps 73:3,12).
  2. If you need or use “a fleece” like Gideon, you are playing with matches and gasoline.
    1. The “fleece” you may set your eyes upon may not be from the Lord at all.
    2. Gideon was not a giant man of faith for using “fleeces” to know God’s will.
    3. If you allow the “fleece” mentality, you are open to deceiving circumstances.
  3. Consider positive circumstances that do not prove God’s favor upon a person.
    1. Nabal was a rich man, but he was an evil fool whom God killed (I Sam 25:2-3).
    2. Nebuchadnezzar was the head of gold – greatly blessed, but judged (Dan 4:27).
    3. A rich man fared sumptuously every day, but he went straight to hell (Lu 16:19).
    4. Romans Catholics are the largest “Christian denomination,” but clearly pagan.
    5. Mormons are one of the fastest growing denominations, but clearly pagan.
  4. Consider negative circumstances that do not prove God’s rejection of a person.
    1. Joseph was righteous and beloved, but consider his difficult life (Gen 37:28).
    2. God approved of Job very highly, but tried him with evil events (Job 1:12; 2:6).
    3. Lazarus was laid for dogs to find him, but he went to heaven (Luke 16:20-21).
    4. Aren’t you glad that Paul did not measure God’s will by his circumstances?
  5. Favorable circumstances ought to lead us to repentance (Rom 2:4), not complacency.
  6. Sometimes God is silent circumstantially, and men are deceived by it (Ps 50:21-23).
  7. Unfavorable circumstances ought to lead us to examination (Ecclesiastes 7:14).
  8. We should respond and address all circumstances with thanksgiving (I Thess 5:18).


  1. Are feelings and comfort with a choice very helpful in knowing the will of God?
  2. I know the will of God by my feelings, for “I just know I had a peace about it.”
  3. Looking for “peace” in a decision is submitting to your deceitful heart (Jer 17:9).
  4. Remember that Paul truly thought he ought to do many things against Jesus (Acts 26:9).
  5. If comfort is the key, then what will we do with the slothful when the alarm goes off?


  1. God communicated His will in the Holy Scriptures for our lives and situations.
  2. The revealed things are for us to do, and the others are for God to do (Deut 29:29).
  3. If you are a woman, is the will of God difficult to know (Ep 5:22,33; I Pet 3:1-6)?
  4. If you are a man, is the will of God difficult to know (Col 3:19; Eph 6:4; Prov 5:19)?
  5. If you are a child, is the will of God difficult to know (Eph 6:1-3; I Timothy 5:4)?
  6. The will of God is to serve your employer well (Ephesians 6:6).
  7. Abstaining from fornication is the will of God (I Thess 4:3).
  8. Giving thanks in everything is the will of God (I Thess 5:18).
  9. Submitting to civil government is the will of God (I Peter 2:15).
  10. Those who do God’s will are the brothers and sisters of Christ (Mark 3:35), for they are the ones who keep His commandments (Luke 8:19-21; 11:27-28).
  11. We transform ourselves to God’s Word and prove His holy will (Romans 12:2).
  12. Our problem is not knowing God’s will, but rather not wanting to do it!
  13. If God’s word does not address a matter at all, then He doesn’t really care what you do.
  14. For the biggest issue is not the initial decision, but what you will do after the decision.


  1. Parents, pastors, husbands, masters, friends, and others are given by God to help.
    1. Yet their counsel must be always measured and tried by the Word of God.
    2. They may be useful for helping you find God’s will in the Word of God.
    3. They cannot express opinion on any subject but matters of liberty.
  2. God’s will includes finding safety in a multitude of counsellors (Pr 11:14; 15:22; 24:6).


  1. Understanding the Lord’s will includes examining all related angles (Eph 5:15-17).
  2. Consider all the warnings about avoiding potential danger (Proverbs 22:3).


  1. The conscience is the candle of the Lord – we use it to avoid offending God (Pr 20:27).
  2. Paul exercised to have a conscience always void of offence toward God (Acts 24:16).
  3. And he exhorted Timothy to use his conscience ministerially (I Tim 1:5,19, 3:9).
  4. But your conscience must be taught by the Spirit and Word to be of much value.


  1. If we keep His will – His commandments – we will learn more and more (John 7:17).
  2. The path of the just is like a flashlight – it shines more and more to perfection (Pr 4:18).
  3. The blessing of God follows the obedience, it does not precede it (Jas 1:25; Ps 19:11).
  4. When you praying for certain matters, the Spirit can pray the will of God (Rom 8:27).
  5. Elihu did teach that God instructs men in the night (Job 33).
  6. Paul taught in my favorite passage that God will point out any problems (Phil 3:15).


  1. God has given us hearts and intelligence to choose – we trust Him for details (Pr 16:9).
    1. Ruth’s heart chose to glean, but the Lord sent her to the field of Boaz (Ruth 2:3).
    2. Jonathan was restless, so he attacked the Philistines with two (I Sam 14:6-15).
  2. If we have two equal choices, then we trust the Lord to open and close doors for us.
    1. Paul tried north and south, before the Lord led him to go west (Acts 16:6-12).
    2. Do you have a desire or plan? Try it by Scripture, submit it to God, and go!
  3. The godly approach to life is to make your plans by the word of God and wisdom, and then trust Him completely for the outcome with thanksgiving regardless (James 4:15).
    1. Men of faith will attempt great things for God and expect great things from Him.
    2. When surrounded, Joab divided his men and trusted the Lord (II Samuel 10:12).
    3. Oliver Cromwell said, “Put your trust in the Lord, and keep your powder dry!”
  4. We live carefree by following His Word and turning the rest over to Him (Phil 4:6-7).
    1. We should pray to stand complete and perfect in all God’s will (Col 1:9; 4:12).
    2. We pray for God’s will to allow our plans to be realized (Rom 1:10; 15:30-32).


  1. May God save us from confusion, fear, and perplexity to understanding the will of the Lord and living confidently and carelessly in holy lives.